G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK [2015-15=6] CLASS – VI ENGLISH Elevate your leaning Experience! Express yourself! Explore the World! Dear students Your holiday homework this year is a fun mix of all the aspects of the language. It has been designed to ensure that you enjoy and learn at the same time. 1. Read any story book and create ‘Sandwich Book Report’ using the given instructions and templates: Sandwich Book Report Assembling Directions Materials Needed: • • • First Draft Final Draft Templates Evaluation Rubric • • • Pencil or Pen Colour Pencils / Markers Scissors and stapler 1. Using your edited First Draft, complete the writing sections in your sandwich templates. 2. Draw and color a picture from the book on the title bread slice. 3. Draw and color a picture about your favorite part of the book on the “My Favorite Part” bread slice. 4. Color each layer of your sandwich book report. a. top bread layer: light brown b. tomato: red c. onion: light yellow, light purple, or leave white d. lettuce: green e. cheese: yellow or orange SHHW [2015-16]-VI Page 1 f. meat: brown g. bottom bread layer: light brown 5. Cut out all the layers of your sandwich book report along the solid black lines. 6. Staple the layers of your sandwich book report together along the top. Staple them in the order that is listed in Step 4 above. First Draft: Title:___________________________________ Author:__________________________ Genre: _____________ Setting: The setting is when and where the story takes place. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Characters: The main character is who the story is about. The minor characters are the other people who are in the story. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Problem: What is the problem, complication, or challenge that the main character must solve or overcome? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Story Climax: SHHW [2015-16]-VI Page 2 The climax is the point of greatest interest or suspense in the story. It is the turning point in the story where the action reaches its peak. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Solution and Conclusion: Describe how the main character solves the problem, complication, or challenge and how the story ends. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ My Favorite Part: Describe your favorite part of this book. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ You can use any of the following titles or create your own : 1. My Sandwich Book Report 2. Read the Layers of My Book Report 3. Snack on a Book Today! 4. I am Hungry to Read Books! 5. Take a Bite Into Literature! 6. My Book Report is Yummy! 7. Bite Into a Book Today! 8. I have an Appetite For Reading SHHW [2015-16]-VI Page 3 2. Create the given project as per your roll no: Roll nos Topic Project 1 -5 Board game / wheel game etc 6-10 ‘Grammar game’ topic of your own choice. Preposition 11-15 Story Board 16-20 21-25 Any one Part of Speech Synonyms and Antonyms ( 15 Each) Model – Preposition tree / bag/house etc. Create your own story board using any story. Put lots of pictures. Don’t forget to give title & moral. Power Point Presentation Flash Cards Note: The homework must be original. Neat, creative and beautiful presentation would be highly appreciated. 3. Prepare a moral based story for FA 2 ‘Story Telling Activity’. • Story must be memorised completely. • Actions are to be avoided. • Must include effective introduction and moral. • The duration of the story will be 5-10 minutes each. • The criteria for judgement will be : * Delivery and Style * Memory * Expression and Evocation * Intonation and Diction. 4. Practice your grammar skills throughout the holidays. Use the following websites: •http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/english/ •http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/alle_grammar.htm • Do the given Question Bank. FRENCH Make a Folder and decorate 1) Paste pictures related to France and describe them (in general). 2) Solve the questions of Chapter 2 « À la cafeteria » of Work Book. Q. No. 1 – 7 & Q. No. 11 – 13 3) Write French Text of chapter 3 « Mon pays la France » in your notebook. SHHW [2015-16]-VI Page 4 ACTIVITY Make a French and Indian flag together on chart paper. OR Draw a map of France mentioning different famous things. (like Page 6 in the book). 1) 2) MATHS INSTRUCTIONS : Do your work neatly. Use pencil in Mental maths book. Mention the chapter number , chapter name and question number carefully. Do project work according to your Roll number. Summative assessment has given at the end of the chapter. Project work will be consider as FA – 2 activity. • Do all Examples of ch –1 (Integers), ch – 3 ( Rational numbers ), Ch –8 ( Pairs of angles and parallel lines ), ch -9 ( Triangle and its properties ) in a separate Register • • • • • • • • Do Summative assessment of ch - 1,3,8 and 9 in the same register. Do Page no. 5 to 9,56 to 62 and 32 to 43 in Mental Maths book. PROJECT WORK : Make a Model based on types of Triangle ( Roll no 1 to 5 ) Make a Model based on types of Angles ( Roll no 6 to 10 ) Make a Model to show types of Lines ( Roll no 11 to 15 ) Make a chart to show the properties of Rational numbers ( Roll no 16 TO 20 ) Make a Model to show the different types of Polygon ( Roll no 21 to 25 ) SOCIAL SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE Roll No. -1-6 1. Chart:- make a chart on "democracy in the ancient period" important instructions:- a) Focus should be on a. How the rulers ruled in a democratic manner ? b. Which dynasties and countries were ruled in a democratic manner in ancient period ? c. Who were the important rulers ? d. What was the basic concept of democracy during the ancient period ? e) Put a lot of pictures and maps (if required) f) The chart should be neat and presentable. g) The font size should be 16-20(both handwritten and printed form) 2. Revise the unit test syllabus of social studies thoroughly for revision tests after the holidays. ROLL NUMBER 7 -15 – SHHW [2015-16]-VI Page 5 Make a chart on - Continents and Oceans . • ALSO MENTION THEIR NAMES IN DECREASING ORDER. ROLL NUMBER 15 -23 – Make a chart on - States and capitals of India with Union Territories . • WRITE THE NAMES OF SMALLEST & LARGEST STATES Note – Each child has to make a chart on any one festivals of India.(YOU CAN TAKE FESTIVAL OF YOUR CHOICE). SCIENCE The following projects are compulsory for all the students • • Make a scrapbook about the information of the various processes involved in converting fibre to fabric using pictures and small samples Make a journal about sorting materials into groups . The following projects are to be made according to the Roll no’s on decorative display boards using coloured print outs / cut outs / pictures relevant to the topics . Roll no 1 to 5 - Contribution of Science in health and medicine . Roll no 6 to 10- Ways to stay healthy and fit Roll no 11 to 15 –Harmful effects of added colours in different food items / ill effects of drinking too much cold drinks Roll no 16 to 21- Contribution of Science in the field of education HINDI inado-Sa – yah kaya- svacCta pUva-k A4 SaIT pr ikyaa jaae . 1– naOitk iSaxaa pr AaQaairt ek svaricat khanaI ilaKao tqaa khanaI sao saMbaMiQat ica~ BaI lagaaAao . 2–vyaakrNa ivaYaya pr AaQaairt ¸jaOsao –saM&a ¸ sava-naama ¸ivaSaoYaNa¸ ik`yaa¸pyaa-yavaacaI ¸ivalaaoma Sabd¸mauhavaro Aaid maoM sao iksaI ek ivaYaya pr maa^Dla rcanaa%mak ZMga sao kaya- tOyaar kIijae. 3– vaad –ivavaad hotu BaaYaNa tOyaar kroM ivaYaya –AaQauinak jaIvana maoM naOitk maUlyaaoM ka GaTta mah%%va (BaartIya saMskRit ka ]%qaana yaa ptna) . pxa – 1–12 ivapxa – 13–24 SHHW [2015-16]-VI Page 6 SANSKRIT Pairyaaojanaa kayakxaa –CzI A ko ivaVaiqayaaoM ko ilae. ivaVaiqa-yaao 1 saMskRt maoM vyaMjana ko paÐcaaoM vagaao-M ko Sau$ ko caar vaNaao-M pr AaQaairt dao–dao naama ica~ saiht saMskRt maoM ilaKoM va vaa^la hOMigaga ko $p maoM manapsaMd Aakar va $p dokr banaaeÐ. 2 kao[- 5 naIit Slaaok Aqa- saiht yaad kroM va e3 SaIT pr ilaKoM. kxaa –CzI ba ko ivaVaiqayaaoM ko ilae. ivaVaiqa-yaao 1 5 pSau ¸5 pxaI¸ 5fUla ¸ 5 saibjayaaoM va kao[ 5 GarolaU ]pyaaogaI vastuAaoM ko naamaaoM kao qa`IDI caaT- pr ica~saiht icapkaeÐ. yah samast kaya- iknhIM tIna caaT- pr banaaeÐ . ek caaT- pr 5 pSau va 5 pxaI ¸dUsaro caaTpr 5 fUla va 5 saibjayaaÐ ¸ va tIsaro caaT- pr kao[- paÐca yaa [sasao AiQak GarolaU ]pyaaogaI vastuAaoM ko naama ica~saiht icapkaeÐ. 2 kao[- 5 naIit Slaaok Aqa- saiht yaad kroM va e3 SaIT pr ilaKoM. COMPUTERS Roll No 1-11 : (a) Make a poster on “Cyber Safety” in MS Word and take a printout. attractive and convey some message to the community. Poster should be (b) Make a Powerpoint presentation on “My Role Model”. Presentation should be colourful and attractive and mail it to [email protected] Roll No 12-21 : (a) Make a poster on “Internet Ethics” in MS Word and take a printout. Poster should be attractive and convey some message to community. (b) Make a Powerpoint presentation on “My Favourite IPL Team”. Presentation should be colourful and attractive and mail it to [email protected] SHHW [2015-16]-VI Page 7 ART GLITTER BUG • .Cut A square of foil as wide as your hand span and roll it into a Sausage. Press one and flat and glue sequins in for eyes. • ·Wind a pipe cleaner along the length of the body from just below the eyes. Leave any extra as you will need it later. • ·For the wings, cut a pipe cleaner in half. Twist one half around the body. Twist on the other half too, and then bend the ends out. • ·To print the wings, place a leaf with the veins facing up, on Some newspaper. Lightly brush over the leaf with silver or gold paint. • ·Lay the wings painted side down. Put the bug on the top, Upside down. Bend the pipe cleaners so that they lie on The wings . • ·Tape the pipe cleaners on to the bugs Wings. You Can Then Spread open the wings by bending the pipe cleaners. • ·Cut a strip of foil. Tape one end to the blunt end of a Kabab Stick. Wind The Foil Along The Stick, Then Tape The End. • ·Place the blunt end of the stick along the extra length of pipe cleaner wind the pipe cleaner tightly around the stick. SHHW [2015-16]-VI Page 8
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