newsletter april 2015

The Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (GGS or the Centre) is an interfaculty
interdisciplinary research centre of the Humanities and Social Sciences at KU Leuven. It
carries out and supports interdisciplinary research on topics related to globalisation, global
governance processes and multilateralism, and has been recognized as a KU Leuven
Centre of Excellence. This newsletter informs you about GGS activities, publications and
Table of Contents
Upcoming Events
GGS Working Papers
Publications by GGS Members
InBev Baillet-Latour EU-China Chair
Leuven India Focus
FP7 Project FRAME
1. Highlights
Spring Lecture Series: 'Parliaments in European and Global
Since Fall 2014, the Centre has been the coordinator of the Jean Monnet Network
‘Interparliamentary Cooperation in the EU's External Action – Parliamentary Scrutiny and
Diplomacy in the EU and Beyond’ (PACO). In the context of PACO – co-funded by the
European Commission and including partners at Maastricht University, the University of
Oslo, the University of Warwick, Ghent University, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and
Sabanci University – the Centre organizes the ‘Spring Lecture Series on Parliaments in
European and Global Governance’. The lecture series explores recent developments which
have affected the functions of parliaments and looks into the challenges faced by
parliaments in European and global governance. At the same time, it focuses on future
opportunities for parliamentary cooperation in the context of an increasingly
interdependent world. Thus far, lecturers have included Klaus Welle (Secretary General of
the European Parliament), Prof. Dr. Baroness Julie Smith (House of Lords, Cambridge
University), Prof. Dr. Ben Crum (Free University of Amsterdam), Dr. Alexandre Stutzmann
(Foreign Affairs Committee, European Parliament), Prof. Dr. Nicola Lupo (LUISS, School of
Government, Rome) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wagner (Free University of Amsterdam).
From left to right: Mr. Klaus Welle, Prof. Dr. Baroness Julie Smith and Dr. Alexandre Stutzmann
New Publication: China, the European Union and the
Developing World
China, the European Union and the Developing World (eds. Jan Wouters, Jean-Christophe
Defraigne and Matthieu Burnay), the latest volume in the Leuven Global Governance Book
Series (Edward Elgar Publishers), provides a comparative analysis of Chinese and EU
influence across five different regions of the developing world: Asia-Pacific; South and
Central Asia; the Middle East and North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa; and Latin America.
While there is a broad consensus that China’s importance throughout the developing world
is increasing, this book offers a comprehensive and comparative account of the relative
increase of Chinese presence in the various different regions. It highlights its impact on
the relationship between the EU and the developing world regions and shows how the rise
of China affects the relations between these regions and Europe. More info on the book
can be found here.
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Colloquium 'The EU as a Global
Actor' (8 May 2015)
Establishing the EU as a more visible, more effective and stronger global actor was one the
key objectives of the Treaty of Lisbon, which has now been in force for more than five
years. This has led the EU to take initiatives in many different areas of international law
and relations. The area of EU external action has increasingly been the subject of research
in law and political science. On Friday 8 May, the Centre will host an interdisciplinary
doctoral colloquium that aims to encompass different topics in this wide area of research.
Doctoral researchers in law and political science will present their research in a conference
style format. Practitioners from the European institutions and senior academic scholars will
act as discussants on the panels. The event is aimed to provide researchers with the
opportunity to present their work among colleagues from different disciplines who are
working on issues related to the EU’s role as a global actor. The full programme and list of
participants can be found on the colloquium’s website.
International Workshop 'Global Constitutionalism from
European and East Asian Perspectives' (11-12 February 2015)
On 11 and 12 February the international workshop ‘Global Constitutionalism from
European and East Asian Perspectives’ was held in Leuven. The workshop was coorganized by the Waseda University, KU Leuven’s Department of Japanese studies, and
the Centre. It brought together more than 30 experts from all over the world. On the first
evening of the workshop, a public panel debate was held on “global constitutionalism from
a European and East-Asian perspective”. Speakers were Prof. Dr. Bin Li (Beijing Normal
University), Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (New York University/WZB Berlin), Dr. Christine
Schwöbel-Patel (University of Liverpool), Prof. Dr. Takao Suami (Waseda University) and
Prof. Dr. Geir Ulfstein (University of Oslo). The debate was moderated by Prof. Dr. Jan
New Networks for Prosperity Report
Together with UNIDO, the Centre published a fourth ‘Networks for
Prosperity’ Report, ‘Advancing Sustainability through Partnerships’, in
March 2015. The new report sheds light on the role that networks,
platforms and partnerships play in achieving inclusive and sustainable
development. Part I, by Dr. Axel Marx and Mr. Jadir Soares, introduces
an updated version of the Connectedness Index and discusses how
the degree to which countries are networked at various levels has
evolved over the years. Part II explores the extent to which building
robust networks and partnerships among relevant stakeholders
contributes to achieving global sustainable development, and how
international organizations could play a catalytic role in shaping and strengthening global
governance mechanisms that propel progress toward shared sustainability objectives.
Furthermore, this section of the present report illustrates the potential of several
sustainability networks and partnerships including UNIDO’s Green Industry Platform (GIP),
with contributions from Dr. Ayşem Mert, Prof. Dr. Kenneth Abbott, Dr. Heinz Leuenberger
and Dr. Axel Marx. Part III contains policy recommendations and the reference list. The
full report is available here on our website.
International Conference 'Member State Responsibility and
International Organizations: Recent Developments' (3-4
December 2014)
On 3 and 4 December 2014, the Centre successfully organized an international conference
on 'Member State Responsibility and International Organizations: Recent Developments',
which gathered prominent legal scholars and practitioners in the field of international
institutional law. Following an introduction by Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters, the first panel, which
included Prof. Dr. Niels Blokker, Pr. Dr. Jean d'Aspremont and Dr. Catherine Brölmann, and
was chaired by Prof. Dr. Cedric Ryngaert, discussed conceptual questions regarding the
relationship between member States and international organizations. The second panel,
chaired by Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters, moved on to debate questions of attribution of conduct
to member States, providing particular insights in the field of military operations and
international financial institutions. The panellists were Ms. Ana Sofia Barros, Dr. Aurel Sari
and Mr. Roberto Rando. On the second day, the third panel addressed questions related to
the establishment of member State responsibility in other institutional contexts such as
that of the EU and the UN Security Council. This panel was chaired by Dr. Catherine
Brölmann and composed of Dr. Esa Paasivirta, Dr. Antonios Tzanakopoulos and Prof. Dr.
André Nollkaemper. The latter speaker bridged this panel with the final one, chaired by
Prof. Dr. Niels Blokker, where Prof. Dr. Paolo Palchetti, Dr. Francesco Messineo and Mr.
Pierre Schmitt presented practical problems linked to the implementation of member State
responsibility. The conference was finalized with Prof. Dr. Cedric Ryngaert's concluding
From left to right: Ana Sofia Freitas de Barros, Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters, Prof. Dr. Cedric Ryngaert, Pierre
Schmitt, Prof. Dr. Niels Blokker, Prof. Dr. Paolo Palchetti and Dr. Francesco Messineo
Horizon 2020 Project: 'Financial and Institutional Reforms for
Entrepreneurial Society'
From June onwards, the Centre will be involved in the Horizon 2020- project ‘Financial and
Institutional Reform for the Entrepreneurial Society’ (FIRES). The project was initiated by
Dr. Mark Sanders (University of Utrecht), who formed an interdisciplinary team with
academics from the Faculties of Law, Economics and Governance; Humanities; and
Geosciences of nine countries. The Centre is one of the main partners in the project and
will investigate the legal feasibility of the reform agenda this project will propose. The
team of researchers will investigate how institutional reform in the financial markets and
the labour market can ignite change in the entrepreneurial European landscape. The
official kick-off meeting of the project will be in September in Berlin.
Community of Practice on Human Rights and Development
In December, the Community of Practice on Human Rights and Development (CoP) under
the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development of the World Bank officially launched
its website: The website is meant to be a
platform for the exchange of new initiatives, publications, events, or other relevant
developments in human rights and development. Interested individuals can register to
become a member of the CoP here.
Next to this, the CoP has sent out its first newsletter in March and is organizing a couple of
events in April. You can access the newsletter here. On 9 April there is a lunch seminar on
human rights due diligence in Washington DC and on 10 April the CoP is hosting a panel
'Human Rights and Sustainable Development in the Context of Fragile States (Human
Rights IG)' at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law.
New publication: Improving Delivery in Development (World
Bank Legal Review)
One major publication which is linked to the CoP on Human Rights and Development is the
sixth volume of The World Bank Legal Review: ‘Improving Delivery in Development: The
Role of Voice, Social Contract and Accountability’. The volume was edited by Prof. Dr. Jan
Wouters (Director of the Centre), Alberto Ninio (Deputy General Counsel of the Regulatory
Affairs and Operations of Vale S.A.), Teresa Doherty (Judge of the Special Court of Sierra
Leone) and Hassane Cissé (Director of the Governance and Inclusive Institutions,
Governance Global Practice at the World Bank Group). In this volume, delivery challenges
are examined through the lens of three concepts that are critical to better development
outcomes: voice, social contract, and accountability. The volume highlights the nature of
this interlocking trio, revealing that their consistent integration into both the design and
the implementation of development efforts is indispensable if successful outcomes are to
result. Three chapters were written by FRAME partners: (1) ‘Human Rights and Service
Delivery: A Review of Current Policies, Practices, and Challenges’ by Axel Marx, Siobhán
McInerney-Lankford, Jan Wouters, and David D’Hollander (the Centre); (2) ‘The Inspection
Panel of the World Bank: An Effective Extrajudicial Complaint Mechanism?’ by Karin Lukas
(Ludwig Boltzmann Association – Institute of Human Rights) and (3) ‘The Right to
Development: Translating Indigenous Voice(s) into Development Theory and Practice’ by
Felipe Gómez Isa (Institute of Human Rights of the University of Deusto). The volume is
also available for download at The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository.
New Publications Flemish Policy Research Centre
The Centre’s Policy Research Centre on ‘Foreign Affairs, International Entrepreneurship
and Development Cooperation’ for the Flemish Government has published many reports
over the last few months. Under the research track ‘international and European law’ three
reports were published: International Informal Law-making. A Comparative Case Analysis
Across Policy Areas (by Nils Vanstappen, Wout Van Doren, Axel Marx and Jan Wouters);
International Informal Law-making and Multi-Level Governance Intermediaries: the Case of
National Contact Points under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and
Dispute Settlement (by Axel Marx, Jan Wouters and Wout Van Doren); and The Scope of
Services Chapters and Regulatory Autonomy Constraints from Unconditional Obligations in
Selected EU RTAs (by Bregt Natens). The report Flanders and Catalonia’s Capacity to Exert
Control over EU Preferential Trade Negotiations (by Margaux Kersschot, Dirk De Bièvre and
Bart Kerremans) was published for the research track ‘international and European policy’.
Two reports were written under the research track ‘international entrepreneurship’: Het
potentieel van de Belgische dienstenexport: een sectorale en bilaterale studie (by Joris
Tielens and Jan Van Hove) and Dissecting the Trade Effects of Europe’s Economic
Integration Agreements (Sophie Soete and Jan Van Hove). Under the research track
‘development cooperation’ there was the report Private Sector In Development
Cooperation. Mapping International Debates, Donor Policies, And Flemish Development
Cooperation (by Sarah Vaes and Huib Huyse). All research reports of the Policy Research
Centre can be consulted here.
2. Upcoming Events
9 April: Panel Debate: Human Rights Due Diligence and Development, Washington
10 April: Panel 'Human Rights and Sustainable Development in the Context of
Fragile States (Human Rights IG)' at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American
Society of International Law.
10 April: Presentation of a Paper by Dr. Kolja Raube and Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters at
the conference 'Resilience or Resignation? National Parliaments and the EU',
14 April: Lecture by Dr. Manas Ghosh, Bengali Cinema in the Digital Era, Leuven.
27-28 April: International Conference: EU and Emerging Powers 2015: Cooperation
and Competition in Knowledge and Technology , Brussels.
29 April: Roundtable on Child Labour, Brussels.
30 April: Lecture Series 'Sovereignty Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow?': Lecture
by Prof. Dr. Stephen Tierney, Joining from the Inside? Sub-state Nations, the
European Union and the Challenge of Sovereignty Referendums, Leuven.
5 May: Spring Lecture Series on 'Parliaments in European and Global Governance':
Lecture by Mr. Andreas Bummel, The Case for a United Nations Parliamentary
Assembly, Leuven.
6 May: Intervention by Dylan Geraets, 'The WTO-Plus Controversy: Taking Stock of
‘More-Stringent’ Commitments in Protocols of Accession', at the 15th Annual WTO
Conference of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London.
7 May: Intervention by Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters at the roundtable 'Legal Innovations
and Drafting Options in 21st Century Free Trade Agreements: Promoting
Regulatory Coherence', at the 15th Annual WTO Conference of the British Institute
of International and Comparative Law, London.
8 May: Doctoral Colloquium 'The EU as a Global Actor', Leuven.
11 May: International Conference: Africa, China and Europe: Challenges and
opportunities generated by China’s rise in Africa and its effects on AfricanEuropean relations, Brussels. (- More information to follow)
11 May: Spring Lecture Series on 'Parliaments in European and Global
Governance': Lecture by Prof. Steven Wheatley, Can Global Parliaments Strengthen
the Democratic Legitimacy of International Law?, Leuven.
11 May: Book Launch: China, the European Union and the Developing World. A
Triangular Relationship, Brussels. (- More information to follow)
11 May: Lecture by Dr. Marianus Joseph Kujur s.j., Tribals and Christians in
Present-Day India with special reference to the Tribals of ChotaNagpur, Leuven.
12 May: Lecture by Mr. Michel Praet, Space Policy, ESA and the EU, Leuven.
12 May: Spring Lecture Series on 'Parliaments in European and Global
Governance': Lecture by Mr. Anders B. Johnsson: Parliaments in Global
Governance: Lessons learnt at the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Leuven.
21 May: Lecture Series 'Sovereignty Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow?': Lecture by
Prof. Dr. Pavlos Eleftheriadis, The Deliberative Constitution. Sovereignty and its
Alternatives, Leuven.
22 May: Spring Lecture Series on 'Parliaments in European and Global
Governance': Lecture by Prof. Dr. Amie Kreppel: Is the EU looking more and more
like a state? Parliamentary democracy in the EU after Lisbon, Leuven.
27 May: Book Presentation by Prof. Michael Madison, Governing Knowledge
Commons, Leuven.
14-24 July: Summer School 'Parliamentary Democracy in Europe', Rome.
17-30 August: Seventh Euro-Asia Summer School: EU-East Asia Bilateral and
Multilateral Cooperation in Global Governance, Seoul and Leuven.
21-22 September: FRAME Panel: ‘Universal Human Rights and the European
Union’, Annual AHRI Conference, Belgrade. (- More information to follow)
3. GGS Working Papers
Working Paper No. 156: Charting the Legal Landscape of EU External Relations
Post-Lisbon, by T. Ramopulos and J. Wouters.
Working Paper No. 155: The EU GSP: A Preference for Human Rights and Good
Governance? The Case of Myanmar, by L. Beke and N. Hachez.
Working Paper No. 154: NHRIs and the State: New and Independent Actors in the
Multi-Layered Human Rights System?, by K. Meuwissen.
Working Paper No. 153: Space Debris Remediation, its Regulation and the Role of
Europe, by J. Wouters, P. De Man and R. Hansen.
Working Paper No. 152: Internet and Jurisdiction after Google Spain: the ExtraTerritorial Reach of the EU’s “Right to be Forgotten", by B. Van Alsenoy and M.
Working Paper No. 151: Diplomacy, Secrecy and the Law, by S. Duquet and J.
Working Paper No. 150: A Giant Step Backwards? Opinion 2/13 on the EU's
accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, by J. Odermatt.
Working Paper No. 149: Towards an EU Industrial Policy for the Space Sector, by
R. Hansen and J. Wouters.
Working Paper No. 148: An Inductive Approach to the Air-Space Boundary
Question, by R. Hansen.
Working Paper No. 147: The Scope of Services Chapters and Regulatory Autonomy
Constraints from Unconditional Obligations in Selected EU RTAs, by B. Natens.
Working Paper No. 146: Legal Duties of Diplomats Today: The Continuing
Relevance of the Vienna Convention, by S. Duquet and J. Wouters.
Working Paper No. 145: Leader or laggard? Political determinants of the EU’s
compliance with WTO dispute settlement rulings, by A. Yildirim and D. De Bièvre.
Click here for an overview of Working Papers, Policy Briefs and Global Governance
4. Publications by GGS Members
Wouters, J., Defraigne, J-C. and Burnay, M. (eds.), China, the
European Union and the Developing World. A Triangular
Relationship, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wouters, J., Ninio, A., Doherty, T. and Cisse, H. (eds.), The
World Bank Legal Review, Volume 6: 'Improving Delivery in
Development: The Role of Voice, Social Contract, and
Articles and Book Chapters
Beghin, J., Maertens, M. and Swinnen, J. (forthcoming), ‘Non-Tariff Measures and
Standards in Trade and Global Value Chains’, in: Annual Review of Resource
Christiaens, K. and Goddeeris, I. (2015), 'Beyond Western European idealism: a
comparative perspective on the transnational scope of Belgian solidarity
movements with Nicaragua, Poland, and South Africa in the 1980s. Journal of
Contemporary History. Online since February 2015.
De Baere, G. and Wouters, J. (eds.) (2015, forthcoming), The Contribution of
International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law, Edward Elgar
De Bom, E. (2014), ‘Een lingua franca als voorwaarde voor mondiale
rechtvaardigheid? Over Philippe Van Parijs en taalkundige rechtvaardigheid’, in:
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 76 (3), 555-577.
De Bom, E. (2014), ‘Politieke theorie en de Europese Unie: Het braakliggend
terrein van het normatief programma’, in: Res Publica: Tijdschrift voor
Politologie, 56 (4), 481-510.
Deconinck, K. and Swinnen, J. (forthcoming), ‘The Economics of Planting Rights in
Wine Production’, in: European Review of Agricultural Economics.
Deconinck, K. and Swinnen, J. (2015), ‘Peer Effects and the Rise of Beer in Russia’,
in: Food Policy, 51: 83–96.
Deconinck, K., Poelmans, E. and Swinnen, J., (forthcoming), ‘How Beer Created
Belgium (and the Netherlands): The Contribution of Beer Taxes to War Finance
during the Dutch Revolt’, in: Business History.
Duquet and J. Wouters, ‘Of Diplomacy, Secrecy, and the Law’, forthcoming in C.
Bjola and S. Murray (eds.), Secret Diplomacy in the Age of Global Disclosures
Goddeeris, I. (2015), ‘Postcolonial Belgium: the Memory of the Congo’, in:
Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 17 (1), 1-18.
Hamid, L. (forthcoming, 2016), ‘Commentary on several decisions in the matter of
El Sayed’, in: A. Klip and S. Freeland (eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of
International Criminal Tribunals, Volume 49.
Knops, L. and Swinnen, J. (2014), The First CAP Reform under the Ordinary
Legislative Procedure: A Political Economy Perspective, Brussels, European
Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Policies.
Marx, A., Hendrickx, F., Rayp, G. and Wouters, J. (eds.) (2016), Enforcing Global
Labor Rights, forthcoming in International Labour Review.
Marx, A., Wouters, J., Beke, L. and Rayp, G. (eds.) (2015, forthcoming), Global
Governance of Labour Rights, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Marx, A., McInerney-Lankford, S., Wouters, J. and D’Hollander D. (2015), ‘Human
Rights and Service Delivery: A Review of Current Policies, Practices and
Challenges’, in: World Bank Legal Review, 6, 39-58.
Marx, A., Hachez, N., Meuwissen, K., Schmitt, P., Jaraczewski, J., Lewis, T., Raube,
K., Roszak, J. Starl, K, Morondo Taramundi, D., Tuovinen, A-K and A. Weatherburn
(forthcoming) ‘Localizing Fundamental Rights in the European Union. What is the
Role of Local and Regional Authorities and How to Strengthen It?’, in, International
Journal of Human Rights Practice.
Marx, A. (2015), ‘Legitimacy, Institutional Design and Dispute Settlement. The
Case of Eco-certification systems’, in: Bexell, M. (ed.) Global Governance,
Legitimacy and Legitimation, London: Routledge
Marx, A. (2015), ‘Global Sustainability Networks’, in: J.F. Cardona, K. Kitaoka, I.P.
García (eds.), Networks for Prosperity. Advancing Sustainability Through
Partnerships, Vienna: UNIDO and Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies,
Marx, A. and Soares, J. (2015), ‘Connectedness Index 2014’, in: J.F. Cardona, K.
Kitaoka, I.P. García (eds.), Networks for Prosperity. Advancing Sustainability
Through Partnerships, Vienna: UNIDO and Leuven Centre for Global Governance
Studies, 13-49.
Marx, A., Wouters, J., Beke, L. and Rayp G. (2015), ‘Protecting Labour Rights in a
Globalizing World: An Introduction’, forthcoming in A. Marx, J. Wouters, L. Beke
and G. Rayp (eds.), Global Governance of Labour Rights, Cheltenham, Edward
Elgar Publishing.
Marx, A., Natens, B., Geraets, D. and Wouters, J. (2015), ‘Non-Traditional Global
Governance: The Case of Governing Through Trade’, forthcoming in J. Wouters, A.
Marx, D. Geraets and B. Natens (eds.), Global Governance Through Trade: EU
Policies and Approaches, Elgar Publishing.
McCluskey, J., Swinnen, J. and Vandemoortele, T. (2015), ‘You Get What You
Want: A Note on the Economics of Bad News’, in: Information Economics and
Policy, 30: 1–5.
Monica, J., Van Calster, G., and Patsa, A. (2014), 'A nanotechnology legal
framework', in Hull and Bowman (eds.), Nanotechnology Environmental Health and
Safety- Risks, Regulation and Management, Burlington, William Andrew /Elsevier,
Lesage, D., Debaere, P. and Wouters, J. (eds.) (2015, forthcoming), ‘The GX
Contribution to the Multilateral System’, in: Studia Diplomatica.
Rayp, G., Marx, A. and Wouters, J. (2015), ‘Conclusion: Which Way to
Enforcement?’, forthcoming in A. Marx, J. Wouters, L. Beke and G. Rayp (eds.),
Global Governance of Labour Rights, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ruys, T. and Verlinden, N. (2014), ‘Digest of State Practice 1 January - 30 June
2014’, in: JUFIL, 1 (2), 323-373.
Ryngaert, C., Barros, A.S., Wessel, R.A. and Wouters, J. (eds.) (2015,
forthcoming), ‘Member State Responsibility and International Organizations:
Recent Developments’, in: International Organizations Law Review.
Schmitt, P. (2015, forthcoming), ‘Manderlier v Organisation des Nations Unies and
Etat Belge (Ministre des Affaires Etrangères), Tribunal Civil de Bruxelles, 11 May
1966’, Case-Note, in: I. Dekker, C. Ryngaert, R.A. Wessel and J. Wouters (eds.),
Case Law on International Organizations: Text and Commentary, Oxford University
Schmitt, P. (2015, forthcoming), ‘Western European Union v Siedler, and others,
Belgian Court of Cassation, 21 December 2009’, Case-Note, in: I. Dekker, C.
Ryngaert, R.A. Wessel and J. Wouters (eds.), Case Law on International
Organizations: Text and Commentary, Oxford University Press.
Swinnen, J. (forthcoming), ‘Changing Coalitions in Value Chains and the Political
Economy of Agricultural and Food Policy’, in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy.
Swinnen, J. (forthcoming), ‘The Common Agricultural Policy’, in: Badinger, H. and
Nitsch, V. (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of European Integration, Routledge
Swinnen, J., Deconinck, K., Vandemoortele, T. and Vandeplas, A. (eds.)
(forthcoming), Quality Standards, Value Chains and International Development,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Swinnen, J., Knops, L. and Van Herck, K. (2014), ‘Food Price Volatility and EU
Policies’, in: P. Pinstrup-Anderson (ed.), Food Price Policy in an Era of Market
Instability: A Political Economy Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 457–478.
Swinnen, J., Maertens, M. and Colen L. (forthcoming), ‘The Role of Food Standards
in Trade and Development’, in Hammoudi, A., C. Grazia, Y. Surry and J. B.
Traversac (eds.), Food Safety, Market Organization, Trade and Development,
Swinnen, J., Van Herck, K. and Vranken, L. (forthcoming), ‘The Diversity of Land
Markets and Regulations in Europe, and (Some of) Its Causes’, in: Journal of
Development Studies.
Van Calster, G. (2015, forthcoming), ‘L’EEX nouveau (ofte: Brussel Ibis) est
arrivée. De hervorming van de moeder van het Europees Internationaal
Privaatrecht, in: Rechtskundig Weekblad [The Brussels I-Bis Regulation].
Van Calster, G. (2015), ‘ÖFAB: de niet steeds heldere verhouding tussen de EEX en
de Insolventieverordening’, in: Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht / Revue de
Droit Commercial Belge, 72-74; [The relation between the Insolvency Regulation
and the Brussels I-Regulation].
Van Calster, G. (2015, forthcoming), ‘Internet en rechterlijke bevoegdheid onder
het Brussel I- regime’, in: Computerrecht: Tijdschrift voor Informatica,
Telecommunicatie en Recht [Internet and jurisdiction under the Brussels I regime].
Van Calster, G. (2015), ‘Exclusieve bevoegdheidsgronden en forumbedingen in
Brussel I bis', in Allermeersch, B., en Kruger, T. (eds.), Handboek Europees
Burgerlijk Procesrecht, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 3-21.
Van Calster, G. (2015), ‘Waste management and climate change in the EU’, in G.
Van Calster, W. Vandenberghe and L. Reins (eds.), Research Handbook on Climate
Mitigation Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 361-372.
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), ‘Zhuanxing zhong de Riben fa he xingxun (1868-1880)’ 转
型中的日本法和刑讯 (1868—1880) (Japanese Law and Torture in Transition (18681880)), trans. Guan Xiaojing 关笑晶, in Faguo Hanxuecongshu bianji weiyuanhui 《
法国汉学》丛书编辑委员会, (ed.), Zui yu fa: Zhong Ou fazhi shi yanjiu de
duihua 罪与罚:中欧法制史研究的对话 (Crimes et châtiments: Le droit et l'État
dans l'historiographie récente en Chine et en Europe), (Faguo Hanxue 法国汉
学 16), Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 302-311.
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014). ‘Japanese Studies and Japanese Law Research in the Low
Countries’, The Fift Symposium Kobe University Brussels Office, Forefront Studies
on Japanese Culture and Society, October 14, 2014.
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), ‘Postwar Judicial Reforms and the Discourse on the Trial
by Jury: opportunity missed?’, Guest-lecture at Leiden University (Japanese
Studies), May 8, 2014.
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), ‘Exporting the Rule of Law in East Asia: Japan’s
Experiences from the 1990s to Present’, in: Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Internationaal
Recht / Revue Belge de Droit International, 13 (2), 364-381.
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), ‘Japanese Law and Torture in Transition (1868-1880)’,
Presentation at the International Symposium at Heidelberg University, October 7,
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), Japanese Studies in Belgium in the 21st Century: Framing
the Impact of Popular Culture. EU aidentiti no kochiku to sono seijiteki igi (The
Formation of EU identity and its political significance). EU aidentiti no kochiku to
sono seijiteki igi (The Formation of EU identity and its political significance), 23
December 2013 (pp. 55-58). Kobe, Japan: Intercultural Research Center, Kobe
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), Japanese Studies in Belgium in the 21st Century: Framing
the Impact of Popular Culture. Japanese Media Culture: between Globalization and
the Galapagos Syndrome: Vol. 4 (4). Japanese Media Culture: between
Globalization and the Galapagos Syndrome. Leuven University, 5 November 2013
(pp. 1-8). Osaka, Japan: Kansai University (kokusaibu).
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), ‘Le juré face au juge: une analyse socio-juridique de
l’introduction du système de jury populaire au Japon’, Presentation at the
Conference of the French Association of Japanese Studies (SFEJ), Paris, December
12, 2014
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), ‘Le système du jury au Japon à l'ère Meiji et la France’,
in: Jaluzot B. (ed.), Droit japonais, droit français. Quel dialogue?, Lyon: Schulthess
Éditions Romandes, 21-36.
Vanoverbeke, D. (2014), ‘The Politics of Judicial Reforms and the Lay Judge
System in Contemporary Japan: on becoming a good citizen?’, Guest-lecture at
Leeds University (Japanese Studies), May 6, 2014.
Vanoverbeke, D. (2015). ‘The Dynamics of the EU-Japan Relationship and
Perspective’, Presentation at the International Workshop, Hitotsubashi University,
Tokyo, January 12, 2015.
Vanoverbeke, D. (2015). Juries in the Japanese Legal System: The Continuing
Struggle for Citizen Participation and Democracy. Law in Asia series, London:
Vanoverbeke, D., Maesschalck, J. and Nelken, D. (eds.), Parmentier, S., (eds.)
(2014). The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Emperical Studies in Culture, Society
and Policy Making, Glos & Massachusetts: Edward Elgar.
Vanoverbeke, D., Maesschalck, J., Parmentier, S.and Nelken, D. (2014). The
Changing Role of Law in Japan: Emperical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy
Making: an introduction. In: , The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Emperical
Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making, Chapt. 1. Glos & Massachusetts:
Edward Elgar, 1-11.
Vanoverbeke, D. and Reiterer, M. (2014). ASEAN's Regional Approach to Human
Rights: The Limits of the European Model?. In: Benedek W., Benoit-Rohmer F.,
Karl W., Ketteman C. M., Nowak M. (Eds.), bookseries: European Yearbook on
Human Rights, vol: 14, European Yearbook on Human Rights. Vienna: Intersentia,
Vanoverbeke, D. and Suami, T. (2014). Reforms of the judiciary in Japan at the
start of the twenty-first century: initial assessment of an ongoing process. In: , The
Changing Role of Law in Japan: Emperical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy
Making, Chapt. 5. Glos & Massachusetts: Edward Elgar, 66-78.
Wouters, J., De Man, P. and Hansen, R. (2015), ‘Space Debris Remediation, Its
Regulation and the Role of Europe’, forthcoming in European Journal of Law
Reform, Special Issue on Space Law.
Wouters, J. and Hansen, R. (eds.) (2015, forthcoming), The Governance of
Emerging Space Activities: Legal and Policy Perspectives, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wouters, J. and Burnay, M. (2013), ‘Introduction: The International Rule of Law:
European and Asian Perspectives’, in: Revue Belge de Droit International 2013, 46,
Wouters, J., Burnay, M. and Raube, K. (eds.) (2015, forthcoming), ‘The Rule of law
as a Strategic Priority in the European Union’s External Action’, in: Asia Europe
Wouters, J., Ninio, A., Doherty, T. and Cisse, H. (eds.) (2015), ‘Improving Delivery
in Development: The Role of Voice, Social Contract, and Accountability’, in: The
World Bank Legal Review, 6, xxxi + 563 p.
Wouters, J. and Odermatt, J. (2015, forthcoming), ‘Certain Expenses of the United
Nations, Advisory Opinion of 20 July 1962’, Case-Note, in: I. Dekker, C. Ryngaert,
R.A. Wessel and J. Wouters (eds.), Case Law on International Organizations: Text
and Commentary, Oxford University Press.
Wouters, J., Chané, A.-L., and Odermatt, J. (2015), ‘The European Union: A
Shadowy Global Actor? The UN System as an Example’, forthcoming in E. Fahey
(ed.), The Actors of Post National Rule-Making and their Legitimacy: Perspectives
on Contemporary EU and International Law, Routledge, 2015.
Wouters, J., Marx, A., Geraets, D. and Natens, B. (eds.) (2015, forthcoming),
Global Governance Through Trade: EU Policies and Approaches, Cheltenham,
Edwar Elgar Publishing.
Wouters, J., Marx, A., Geraets, D., and Natens, B. (2015), ‘Conclusion: Possibilities
and Limitations of Governing Through Trade’, forthcoming in J. Wouters, A. Marx,
D. Geraets and B. Natens (eds.), Global Governance Through Trade: EU Policies
and Approaches, Elgar Publishing.
Wouters, J. (2015), ‘Government by Negotiation’, forthcoming in S. Cassese (ed.),
Global Administrative Law. A Research Handbook, Elgar Publishing.
Wouters, J. and Hamid, L. (2015), ‘Custom and Informal International Lawmaking’,
forthcoming in C.A. Bradley (ed.), Custom’s Future: International Law in a
Changing World.
5. InBev Baillet-Latour EU-China Chair
The Centre is co-organizing the Second Edition of the EU-Emerging Powers
conference on ‘Cooperation and Competition in Knowledge and Technology’ on
27-28 April at the European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels. Confirmed
Speakers include: Pascal Lamy (Notre Europe - Institut Jacques Delors), H.E Yang Yanyi
(Ambassador, Head of Mission of People's Republic of China to the European Union), Prof.
Françoise Lemoine (CEPII, Paris) and Prof. Alfredo Valladao (Sciences Po, Paris). More
information can be found on the conference's website.
6. Leuven India Focus
From 9 to 11 January 2015, the World Congress on International Law took place in New
Delhi. The congress was organized by the Indian Society of International Law (ISIL). Prof.
Dr. Jan Wouters was one of the speakers in the Open Forum of International Jurists. This
panel was chaired by Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf (ICJ, The Hague) and Prof. Dr. C. Raj
Kumar (Vice Chancellor O.P. Jindal Global University). Other panelists were Prof. Dr. Ved
P. Nanda (John Evans University), Prof. Dr. Upendra Baxi (Delhi University), Amb. Hussein
A. Hassouna (International Law Commission), Lise Grande (UNDP) and Dr. P.S. Rao
(Attorney-General Office, State of Qatar).
Upcoming events
14 April: Lecture by Dr. Manas Ghosh, Bengali Cinema in the Digital Era,
11 May: Lecture by Dr. Marianus Joseph Kujur s.j., Tribals and Christians in
Present-Day India with special reference to the Tribals of ChotaNagpur, Leuven.
7. FP7 Project FRAME
Launch of YouTube channel
FRAME recently launched its own YouTube channel where lectures, speeches and
interviews in the context of human rights and the EU will be presented.
Interview with Prof. Heiner Bielefeldt, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of
Religion or Belief:
Upcoming MOOC
FRAME will produce a massive open online course (‘MOOC’) on EU and Human Rights
which will give an overview of the complex topic using FRAME research. The MOOC will
consist of 6 sessions including video lectures given by FRAME researchers, interviews with
The MOOC will be ready and live in autumn 2015. Stay tuned and find updates on it on the
project’s website.
New FRAME reports and policy briefs
Policy Brief with recommendations for the new EU Action Plan on Human Rights
and Democracy:
Report: Baseline Study on Human Rights Indicators in the Context of the European
Report on mapping, analysing and implementing foreign policy instruments for
human rights promotion:
Critical analysis of the EU’s conceptualisation and operationalisation of the
concepts of human rights, democracy and rule of law:
FRAME blog
Don’t miss out on some interesting posts related to EU and human rights on the FRAME
‘Holding Up Half the Sky’: Why Women Deserve a Spot at the Heart of EU
(External) Action by Laura Beke, Research Fellow at the Leuven Centre for Global
Governance, KU Leuven (until December 2014)
International Human Rights Day 2014 – An EU vision for human rights and
development by Jan Wouters, Professor of International Law at KU Leuven,
Director of the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, and Coordinator of
the FRAME project
Trade and Human Rights: What’s under the TTIP of the Iceberg? by Nicolas
Hachez, Research Fellow at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, and
Manager of the FRAME project
Europe must finally reveal its role in the CIA-torture program by Manfred Nowak,
Professor of International Law and Human Rights, University of Vienna, Head,
Research Centre Human Rights, University of Vienna, Director, Ludwig Boltzmann
Institute of Human Rights and Former United Nations Special Rapporteur on
The Sustainable Development Goals – a boost for human rights protection? by
David D’Hollander, Independent researcher and former research fellow at the
Centre for Global Governance Studies (University of Leuven)
CJEU Rules: Draft Agreement on EU Accession to ECHR Incompatible with EU Law
by Antoine Buyse, Professor at Utrecht University; Director of Netherlands Institute
of Human Rights (SIM)
EU and Women’s Rights – Equality in progress by Jenny Goldschmidt, Emeritus
Professor in Human Rights Law, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM)
Particularism Strikes Back: National Identity versus Human Rights in the Hungarian
Fundamental Law, by Balázs Majtényi, Associate professor at ELTE and senior
research fellow at the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of
To stay up-to-date on FRAME sign up for the FRAME newsletter, follow us on
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and check out the project’s website.
8. Members
From 12 January until 25 March Ana Sofia Barros was a Visiting Scholar at the
Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge where she was carrying
out a research project on 'Attribution of conduct to member States of international
organisations' as part of her doctoral research. In February Sofia led a roundtable
discussion at the Centre on ‘The Transfer of the Exercise of Sovereign Powers to
Prof. Dr. Katja Biedenkopf joined the Centre as a Senior Member in February 2015. Prof.
Dr. Biedenkopf is assistant professor at the KU Leuven’s Faculty of Social Sciences.
Previously, she was a senior associate research fellow at the Institute for European Studies
(VUB) and assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam. The focus of her academic
research is on global governance and the external effects of EU environmental policy, in
particular chemicals, electronic waste and climate policy. From June 2007 to January 2009,
she worked on the European Commission-funded research project “Assessing the potential
of various instruments for sustainable consumption practices and greening of the market”
Prof. Dr. Raf Geenens joined the Centre as a Senior Member in February 2015. Prof. Dr.
Geenens is assistant professor and researcher at KU Leuven’s Institute of Philosophy,
where he teaches courses on philosophy, ethics, philosophy of law and the history of
natural law. He is associate editor of the Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy. He has
held visiting positions at the Centre Raymond Aron at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris and at Columbia University, New York.
Brecht Lein joined the Centre in January 2015, as a research fellow and PhD candidate
on the FP7 research project ‘Fostering Human Rights Among European Policies’ (FRAME).
He holds Masters degrees in Contemporary History and European Studies from the KU
Leuven. Prior to joining the Centre, Brecht was a Policy Officer at the European Centre for
Development Policy Management (ECDPM) in Maastricht, where he worked on EU
Development Cooperation and External Action, Food and Nutrition Security and EU-ACP
and EU-Africa relations. He has undertaken fieldwork in the EAC and SADC regions and
lectures on EU development cooperation at the Infocycle Programme of the Belgian
Development Agency (BTC). Brecht’s research interests include the political economy of
governance, democratisation and reform processes, as well as the management of
development cooperation and Human Rights promotion.