6 DAAD Summer School & GIS Conference

state of those resources. To make use of these data
up-to-date knowledge and technical skills related to
GIS technologies are necessary.
6th DAAD Summer School & GIS
GIS for Sustainable development and Integration
Location: VNU University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam
Summer School (06 - 08.10.2015)
Conference (09.10.2015)
Duration: 4 days
The Summer School & Conference is co-funded by
DAAD and VNU University of Science (VNU-HUS)
Prof. Nguyen Van Noi, VNU-HUS
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Bill, Rostock University
Organizing Committee
Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Noi- Chairman
Prof.Dr. Ralf Bill – Co-Chairman
Prof.Dr. Nguyen Tien Giang
Prof.Dr. Pham Quang Tuan
Prof.Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hai
Prof.Dr. Vu Van Manh
Prof.Dr. Do Minh Duc
Dr.Görres Grenzdörffer
Dr. Bui Quang Thanh
To cope with the outstanding socio-economic and
environmental issues of the future such as climate,
energy, transportation and demographics, geoinformation, i.e. information with a spatial reference,
are essential. Geo-information plays a major role in
many aspects of everyday life of citizens.
The capability of GIS has been extended to include
modelling and visualisation of terrain features in order
that decision makers will be able not only to see the
current state of the resources that they managed but
also see the impacts of their decisions and the future
Goal of the Summer School & Conference
The summer school and conference shall introduce
recent developments in GIS for sustainable
development and integration, both in theory and
practice. The summer school shall provide a
foundation for further studies and implementation
activities in sustainable development, exchange
knowledge, and enhance cooperation in education and
scientific research between German and Vietnamese
Themes of the Summer School & Conference
Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Introduction,
Technology, Analysis methods, recent developments
- Spatial databases: Focus on spatial organization
and structuring of geo-information, hands on
- UAVs, 3D
- Spatial Data Infrastructures, Standardisation and
Servicens (ISO and OGC)
- GIS and Internet technologies, Web-GIS
- GIS applications: resources management, disaster
management, regional planning, public health,
environment and climate change.
- Education, traning and research on GIS
Lecturers of the Summer School &
Target groups
Master students, PhD candidates, government officials
with a scientific background in Urban and Regional
Planning and Development, Environmental Sciences &
Management, Environmental Monitoring, Architecture
& Planning, Geography, Computer Science and others.
Applicants for the Summer School should have
Bachelor or Master degree in a relevant subject area
(e.g. Urban and Regional Planning, Environmental
Sciences & Management, Environmental Engineering,
Computer Science, Water management, Geography,
Applicants studying in a Masters programme or doing a
PhD thesis or working for government agencies are
preferred. Any applicant must be able to understand
and speak English fluently (TOEFL, IELTS, other
English Certificates).
An application giving details of qualifications and
language experience shall be made using the form
provided soon on our webpage.
Registration should be done online via:
Full applications should be sent to:
[email protected]
Time schedule
Summer School applications: deadline is 30.08.2015.
Successful applicants will be informed by 15.09.2015.
Contact information in Vietnam
Lecturers are experienced experts who come from the
Rostock University (FRG). Selected presentations from
Vietnamese colleagues will link the themes with
regional research issues and applications.
Prof.Dr.-Ing. Vu Van Manh
VNU University of Science
334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi,
Tel./Fax: +84-35583305/2872
Email: [email protected]
Structure of the Summer School &
Contact information in Germany
The Summer School includes lectures, exercises and
examinations. Successful participants will receive the
certificate of attendance equivalent to 3 ECTS.
The Summer School closes with a GIS Conference
and closing ceremony on 09 October 2015. The
programme of the Conference is published separately.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Bill
Rostock University
Chair of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
D-18059 Rostock
Tel./Fax. ++49-381-4983200/3202
Email: [email protected]
6th DAAD International Summer School &
GIS for Sustainable Development and Integration
06th – 09th October 2015
VNU University of Science.
334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
Tuesday (06.10.2015):
Room 418 T1 Building, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan,
 Opening Ceremony
8:00: Welcome addresses given by:
- Prof. Nguyen Van Noi, Rector of VNU-HUS
- Prof. Ralf Bill, Rostock University
- Ms. Anke Stahl, Head of DAAD Hanoi
8:20: Introduction to the program
8:30: Short introduction of the invited participants
8:45: Icebreaker event
09:00: Lectures
Geo-Information Systems (GIS) - An Introduction
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Bill
Type of Lecture
Introduction, motivation
Basic definitions, spatial
45 min
references, data types and
IMAP - going through the Lecture
45 min
processing chain
Spatial data source in
Interactive, team
30 min
Spatial data modeling and analysis
Spatial data modeling
30 min
Spatial data analysis
30 min
Data modeling and
Norms and specifications
30 min
ISO and OGC – norms
and specifications
Recent developments of GIS
60 min
Recent GIS
60 min
Wenesday (07.10.2015)
Remote Sensing from satellite and airborne imagery
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Görres Grenzdörffer
Type of Lecture Duration
Satellite Remote Sensing
Introduction and remote
45 min
sensing technology basics
Where can I obtain (free)
satellite data
30 min
Analysis of Satellite data
30 min
Applications of satellite
remote sensing
30 min
Airborne Remote Sensing
30 min
Digital airborne cameras
30 min
Visual image interpretation /
stereo images
Mono-/stereo- and multiimage measurement and
computation (2D- to 3Dcoordinates)
30 min
30 min
Applications of airborne
remote sensing
30 min
30 min
Thursday (08.10.2015)
Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Görres Grenzdörffer
Type of Lecture Duration
Introduction / Technology / Lecture
45 min
Aerial UAS survey planning interactive
45 min
UAS - a modern tool for
45 min
Georeferencing of UASImages
Standard products of UASphotogrammetry
Applications of UASphotogrammetry
45 min
45 min
45 min
Friday (09.10.2015)
Scientific Conference (09.10.2015) on “GIS for
Sustainable development and Intergration”
08:00: Registration
08:30: Opening
08:30: Welcome addresses
- Prof. Nguyen Van Noi, Rector of VNU-HUS
- Prof. Ralf Bill, Rostock University
- Ms. Anke Stahl, Head of DAAD Hanoi
- Prof. Phung Xuan Nha, President of VNU
09:20: Photo & Coffee break
09:45: Categorise Parallel Sessions
Session A: GIS technology
Session B: GIS, remote sensing in environmental
studies and natural resource management
Session C: GIS, Remote Sensing in regional planning
Session D: GIS & RS in Natural Hazard study
Session E: Advanced approaches of GIS and RS
Keynote speakers:
- Prof. Ralf Bill (Uni Rostock)
- Prof. Nguyen Xuan Hai (VNU-HUS)
- Prof. Pham Quang Tuan (VNU-HUS)
- Prof. Nguyen Hong Phuong (VAST)
- Prof. Vu Van Manh (VNU-HUS)
10:00: Morning Parallel Sessions
12:00: Lunch break
13:00: Afternoon Parallel Sessions
15:00: Panel discussion
16:00: Award Certificate & Closing Ceremony for
Summer School & Conference
16:05: Prof. Nguyen Van Noi
16:15: Prof. Ralf Bill
16:20: Ms. Anke Stahl
16:25: Award certificates
16:40: Speech of a participant
16:45: Last words of the organizers and coordinators
16:50: Group photo
17:00: Farewell party