3/22/2015 Data formats (and projections) … the fuel for GIS Early days (pre-UNBC) 1990 or 1994 ? Not much data, no standard formats Many different GIS software packages BC TRIM Data captured: 1980-89 Prepared : 1990- 95 (complete 1995) The Spatial Archive and Interchange Format (SAIF, pronounced safe) was defined in the early 1990s as a self-describing, extensible format designed to support interoperability and storage of geospatial data – also known as known as MOEP binary, and became a precursor to GML .saf = zipped file version Not a standard format (except in BC government) UNBC purchased ‘trim2dxf.exe’ – convert TRIM SAIF to (AutoCad) DXF Import DXF into Arc/Info 1 3/22/2015 Other GIS / mapping formats Many more can be converted with FME (Feature Manipulation Engine - 1996) from (Vancouver based 1993) http://www.safe.com We applied for the domain in 1993, when the Internet was just starting to take off. It is "safe" to say that we would not be able to get this name today! ArcGIS Data Interoperability FME workbench extension (ESRI) GIS file formats Shapefiles (ESRI) Arcview (1994 -> ) .shp .shx .dbf Spatial data Index link file Attribute data e.g. rivers.shp e.g. rivers.shx e.g. rivers.dbf Also: .prj Projection file (when projected and defined) .sbn and .sbx .. optimise spatial queries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapefile Note: you need all these files for one GIS layer Shapefiles became standard with ArcGIS (2000) 2 3/22/2015 Coverage (ESRI) - Arc/Info (1981) Layer name folder Info folder e.g. roads (spatial) : 6-20 files (attributes): many files Proprietary format – data is not usable by other programs Coverage (ESRI) - Arc/Info (1981) Layer name folder e.g. fc93j10 (spatial) : 6-20 files (line/polygon) 3 3/22/2015 Info contents (feature attribute tables) ESRI GIS vector formats Export / Interchange format: .e00 (increments to .e01 then .e02) All arc (spatial) and info files for one theme – zipped into one file Export coverage -> e00 Import e00 -> coverage ( … and convert or export to shapefile) Some operations in arcmap require one of Shapefile v Coverage - It can’t be done with the other 4 3/22/2015 Raster formats: ASCII GRID ASCII formats are easy to import / transfer, but bulky in size Binary GRIDs Binary format A binary ESRI grid is stored in several files contained in at least two directories: the name directory and an info directory http://support.esri.com/index.cfm?fa=knowledgebase.techarticles.artic leShow&d=30616 Default format for raster in ESRI: some operations require GRD (?) Not easy to transfer ! (export to a very bulky e00) 5 3/22/2015 Files created when you generate a DEM, default (.grd = GRID) Better to use alternatives: Files associated with a TIF raster file e.g. DEM From contours: topo to raster ASCII to raster 6 3/22/2015 Assembling data lab (#2): DEM import ASCII - Creates integer values DEM Topo to Raster (from contours) - Creates decimal values Many raster operations can’t be used on non-integer values e.g. histograms More raster formats read by ArcGIS .PIX (PCI Geomatica) .IMG (ERDAS Image) .GEOTIFF (no .tfw needed) .JPG plus .wld or .jpgw (georeferencing) This jpg cat has no .wld/jpgw file 7 3/22/2015 Projections and ellipsoids Data layers can be displayed ‘on the fly’ They must be the same projection for analysis Two ways to change projection for a layer: 1. Use Project tool and know the projection parameters 2. Data -> export data (using data frame projection) Note: ensure data layer projection / first layer loaded is in the desired projection BC: UTM zones How do we deal with multiple UTM zones: Eastings coordinates switch from ~700,000 at the east edge of one zone to ~300,000 at the west edge of the next (= same place) 8 3/22/2015 BC Albers projection Central meridian: 126 W First Standard Parallel: 50N Second Standard Parallel: 58:30N Latitude of projection origin 45N False northing 0 False easting 1000000 (1million m) Summary: BC mapping coordinates BC geomatics industry ‘recognises’: 1. Geographic – latitude / longitude – data storage 2. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM): zones 7-11 - local / regional 3. BC Albers - provincial data View all 3 on imap BC: http://maps.gov.bc.ca/ess/sv/imapbc 9 3/22/2015 Modeling the Earth: ellipsoids and projections ellipsoids for data also have to match • Geoid - surface at mean sea level and is used for measuring heights represented on maps’ • Ellipsoid (Spheroid) – Measure location (latitude and longitude) of points of interest. Many different ellipsoids have been defined for the world. 10
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