24th April 2015 - Glapton Primary School

Glapton Lane
NG11 8EA
Tel: 0115 9152936
Friday 24th April 2015
Dear Parent and Carer,
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday. We have a very busy and exciting
summer term ahead of us.
Lots of children have come back to school looking very smart in their uniform. Can we just remind you
that children should be in a white t-shirt, grey trousers, skirt or pinafore and black shoes. As the
weather is getting warmer the boys may choose to wear grey school shorts and the girls, a red
checked summer dress. P.E kits are also an important part of the uniform. These should be a plain
white t-shirt and a pair of plain black shorts. The children can wear plimsolls or trainers. You should be
receiving a class newsletter which will tell you the days that your child has P.E; however this is subject
to change so it is best that children bring their P.E kits in every day.
The children at our school behave very well. However, sometimes children forget our school rules and
need to be reminded. We have a warning system which is used to remind children how to behave. If
your child receives a warning the following sanctions are in place:
1. A reminder from an adult about appropriate behaviour in school.
2. Exclusion from children nearby. For example, putting a child on a different table to work.
3. Withdrawal of privilege. For example, missing a part/ whole of playtime or a series of playtimes.
4. Exclusion from class for a limited period. For example, a child may be sent to work with another
member of staff.
5. The use of Behaviour Check sheets to monitor behaviour. Behaviour Check sheets should always be
sent home for parents.
On rare occasions, if a child’s behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable they may have a Behaviour
Check sheet before they receive 5 warnings. The children all understand the Behaviour Policy and it is
used consistently across all classes.
Miss Hawthorne has replaced Miss Davis in Juniper class. She has settled in well this week and is
enjoying working with the children. Miss Miller has returned to Chestnut class to support Mrs Fielder.
The children are very excited to have her back! We have two student teachers joining us for the
summer term. Miss O’Donoghue will be working alongside Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Lever in Beech class
Glapton Lane
NG11 8EA
Tel: 0115 9152936
and Miss Shacklady will be working in Birch class with Miss Annakin and Mr Ransford. I am sure you
will join us in welcoming the new members of our team.
Tests and assessments
The summer term is a term of statutory tests and assessments. These are the tests that all children
take nationally and the results of these are shared with parents, the Local Authority and the
Department of Education.
The key year groups for assessments are Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6. The Year 6 children will
sit their SATs tests in reading, maths and SPaG in the week beginning 11th May. The Year 2 children will
be assessed in reading, writing and maths at the end of May and start of June. The Year 1 children will
undertake a Phonics Screening the week beginning 15th June and the F2 children will be assessed on
the Early Years Foundation Stage profile during June.
All results will be shared with you in your child’s summer term report. If you have any questions about
these assessments then please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Diary Dates
4th May - Bank holiday, school closed
5th May –New school dinner menu starts
11th May- KS2 SATs week
3rd June- Glapton’s Got Talent
15th June and 16th June- Year 3 and 4 Wet and Wild visits to Colwick Park
29th and 30th June- Art Gallery
9th and 10th July- KS2 Showtime performances
13th and 14th July- Year 2 Wollaton park camping trip
15th July- Awards evening
16th July- KS2 Sports Day
17th July- KS1 Sports Day and Summer Term reports to parents
20th July- Year 6 Leavers ceremony
21st July- Last day of the term
22nd July- School closed for INSET Day
Yours truly,
Mrs Bancroft
Ms Ellis
Acting Head of School
Head Teacher