GMAS SWIMMING CLUB Agenda General Meeting 22nd April, 2015 6.30pm Equinox Cafe 0.0 PRESENT Phil Nicol, Jacqui Warner, Kate Griffiths, Ruth Antonio, Judy Norris, Brooke Kemp, Steve , Jenny Sandor, Julianna Johnston, Carolyn Jordan, Selena Butler. 1.0 APOLOGIES Ruth Miles, Kim Blake 2.0 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Accepted: Julianna Johnston 3.0 Seconded: Phil Nicol GENERAL BUSINESS 3.1 Bank Signatories Motion “Remove Kim Blake, outgoing president as a signatory from the GMAS Swimming Club (Inc) bank account and add Kate Griffiths, incoming president as a signatory to the account” All other existing signatories will remain the same. ALL PRESENT APPROVED THE BANK SIGNATORIES MOTION. Moved: Carolyn Jordan Seconded: Steve Robinson 3.2 Funding for Brooke to attend Silver Licence/2015 Coaches Conference Brooke has requested the following funding as she was successful in obtaining WSRCS Scholarship to attend ASCTA Conference in QLD. I have looked into flight's and found a Qantas flight $699 return $1,680 for accommodation at the Sofitel . This is where the conference is held and all coaches stay . $100 airport transfers and booking costs $500 for food expenses Total $2,979.00 - $1,000 Total $1,979 ALL PRESENT APPROVED THE FUNDING OF $1979 TO BROOKE AND THE EXPECTATION THAT SHE WILL BE REQUIRED TO REIMBURSE MONIES ON A PRO RATA BASIS SHOULD SHE LEAVE THE CLUB WITHIN TWELVE MONTHS. 3.3 Lane Hire ACTION : KATE GRIFFITHS WILL ORGANIZE A MEETING WITH DARYL AT GLC TO DISCUSS LANE HIRE FEES. 4.0 3.4 Target meets for 2015 Short Course Season Reece and CJ have advised that they are targeting in June the following meets : 2015 South Lake Dolphins SC Carnival, Saturday 13th June 2015 Western Sprints SC Extravaganza, Saturday 20th June 2015 Lazers SC Blast, Saturday 27th June 2015 Breakers SC Big Splash, Sunday 28th June Brooke will email her target meets to Kate Griffiths. Brooke is going to run her short course season a little different and will only target a few meets. She will focus on training in 10 week blocks. Jacqui also advised that the short course almanac was now available and she would send an email out to all members. ACTION: JACQUI TO EMAIL MEMBERS REGARDING SHORT COURSE ALMANAC. BROOKE TO PROVIDE HER TARGET SWIM MEETS FOR SHORT COURSE. 3.5 Stopwatches ALL PRESENT APPROVED FOR THE PURCHASE OF STOP WATCHES. 3.6 Coaching course 16th May Reece will attend this course and GMAS Swimming Club will reimburse his cost after twelve months if he is still with the club. ACTION: REECE HAS BEEN SENT ALL DOCUMENTATION AND ASKED TO COMPLETE IT. 3.7 Reece – Visa Reece is required to do rural work for a three month period in order to extend his visa for a further twelve months. ACTION: KATE WILL MEET WITH REECE TO SEE WHAT HIS PLANS ARE AND HOW WE CAN ASSIST HIM WITH THIS. 3.8 Spin class ACTION : BROOKE KEMP TO PROVIDE HER PROPOSAL FOR SPIN CLASSES TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE 6TH MAY, 2015 3.9 Where are we going? – committee thoughts ACTION : THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING. OTHER BUSINESS 4.1 ACTION : RUTH ANTONIO AND SELENA BUTLER WILL PRESENT NEW BATHER OPTIONS AND COSTINGS TO COMMITTEE AT NEXT MEETING. THEY WILL ALSO CONFIRM THAT OUR MEMBERS CAN PURCHASE ALL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS DIRECT FROM WORK CLOBBER (EXCLUDING BATHERS) 4.2 ACTION: JUDY DRIVER TO FOLLOW UP COMMUNITY BIDS EMAIL OF 1/4/2015. 4.3 5.0 ACTION : DISCUSSIONS REGARDING INCREASING CLUB NUMBERS HAS BEEN DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING. MEETING CLOSED NEXT MEETING 6.30PM 6TH MAY, 2015 VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED
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