GOVERNMENT OF UTTARAKHAND TENDER No.: GMVN- ENGINEERING VIP GUEST HOUSE AT HARIDWAR DATED- 21st APRIL 2015 TENDER DOCUMENT for CONSTRUCTION OF V.I.P. GUEST HOUSE AT HARIDWAR (DISTT. HARIDWAR) UTTARAKHAND BID DOCUMENT GARHWAL MANDAL VIKAS NIGAM LTD Office: 74/1, RAJPUR ROAD, DEHRADUN – 248001 (UTTARAKHAND) Tele: 0135-2742171, Fax: 0135-2748479, email: [email protected] Signature of the Bidder with Seal Footer Page 1 of 39. INDEX S.NO SECTION A B C D E F CONTENTS I II III IV V VI INVITATION FOR TENDERS INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERER/ BIDDER CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHECK LIST PROFORMA 1 Bidder Details 2 Format towards Performance Bank Guarantee 3 Letter of Submission of Tender ********* Signature of the Bidder with Seal Footer Page 2 of 39. SECTION – I INVITATION FOR TENDERS Footer Page 3 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal SECTION – I INVITATION FOR TENDERS (E- Procurement) 1.0 Tenders are invited by General Manager (C), Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited (GMVNL), 74/1 Rajpur Road, Dehradun (Uttrakhand), from eligible bidders by themselves or through their authorised agents, supply, delivery, and commissioning for CONSTRUCTION OF V.I.P. GUEST HOUSE AT HARIDWAR (DISTT. HARIDWAR) UTTARAKHAND as per the detailed specifications. The tender particulars are given under: Sl. No. 1 Brief Item description & Qty Reqd. Completion Period Construction of Pre Engineered Building LGSFS system including foundation, plinth, civil work, internal & external sanitary & water supply and electrification, polishing, painting, furnishing, fire fighting arrangement, 2Nos SS body, machine room less Lift (8 person each, Auto door center opening), Jacuzzi, Tube well system, D.G.Set, Boundary wall, Land scapping, rain water harvesting pits/ tank, external sewerage, water & electrical connection complete as per design, drawings and specification attached on Turn Key Basis. 6 Months EMD/ Bid Security (Rs). 32.78 Lakhs Cost of Tender Doc. (Rs.) Rs7500.00 + Rs. 1013.00 as taxes; Total Cost Rs. 8513.00 (Rupees Eight thousands five hundred & thirteen only) 2.0 Interested bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bid documents at the office of The General Manager (C) at the address given below: The General Manager (C), Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited, 74/1 Rajpur Road, Dehradun (Uttrakhand) (Tel. No: + 91-135-2742171, Fax No: + 91-135-2748479) 2.0 a) The submission of bid and down loading of bid is through e tendering system of Govt of Uttarakhand. For submission of tender the bidder is required to have digital signature certificate (DSC) from the authorized Authorities. The bidder may visit the site for detailed procedure of e tendering system regarding submission of tender, EMD and cost of tender. The helpline contact no is 18002662277. The help desk 24x7 number is 18002337315 Tender publishing through E- tender Pre Bid Meeting Start Date of Tender Submission Last Date and Time for receipt of Bids through E-procurement Date and Time of Opening Bid Date of Technical Evluation Footer Page 4 of 39. 21.04.2015 27.04.2015 28.04.2015, 1700 hrs 05.05.2015, 1500 hrs 05.05.2015, 1530 hrs 05.05.2015, 1600 hrs Signature of the Bidder with Seal 3.0 Tender Fee a) Rs 8513/- (Rupees Eight thousand five hundred thirteen only- non refundable ) b) Tender Fee will only be accepted through Invoiced based banking for which the firm who wish to purchase the tender document will apply to the General Manager (c) on email id gmvnengg@ or by written application clearly mentioning the name of the firm, address, contact person, contact nos. cell no. /telephone no. and Email. The department issues an E invoice through Email, in which payment procedure will be mentioned. The firms are required to apply for tender form through Invoice based banking of GMVN Ltd. By making payment through wire transfer/ payment gateway. ‘c) Reference to tender fee payment transaction id should be mentioned on the technical Bid while applying. d) Tender will be rejected if tender fees is not be paid according to the procedure of above mentioned in part 3.0 b 4.0 The last date of submission of bid is 15.00 hours on 05.05.2015.The relevant document must be submitted in the above office on or before deadline accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid Security, cost of tender etc. as indicated in the Bid document. 5.0 Bids will be opened in presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 15.30 hours on 05.05.2015 at the office mentioned above. In case of unscheduled holiday on the closing/opening day of the tender, the next working day will be treated as scheduled prescribed day for closing and opening of the tender, the time notified remaining the same. 6.0 Bids submitted by the bidders who do not meet the qualification requirements as required or whose bids are not valid and open for acceptance for a period mentioned in the bid document from the date of opening of tender, will be rejected. 7.0 The submission of tender document by bidder will not automatically mean that the bidder is qualified for the Award of contract. The bidders will be required to fulfill the qualification criteria given in the tender document before being considered eligible for award of contract. No condition/ Deviation which is either additional or in modifications the tender conditions shall be included in the bid submitted by the bidder. If the bid contains any such conditions or deviations from the tender conditions, the bid shall be rejected. 8.0 In case of any discrepancies, the provisions of this Invitation for Tenders shall take precedence over all the bidding documents. 9.0 The tender document is not transferable. 10.0 Bidders are required to submit the tender through Two Bid system. The relevant documents shall be received along with the tender at Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited, 74/1 Rajpur Road, Dehradun (Uttrakhand). 11.0 The Name of the work and the bidders address shall be super scribed on the sealed envelopes. 12.0 Purchase preference shall be considered as per prevailing Government rules. 13.0 Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited does not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any offer or to give reasons for their decision. Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited also reserves the right to reject or accept without assigning any reason. Footer Page 5 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal 14.0 The period of completion of work in all respects is 6 months from the date of execution of contract. 15.0 The bidder shall submit the experience certificate of one similar work of minimum value of Rs. 30.00 crore of multi storied i.e. three or more storied Pre Engineered Building/ Prefab building for central / state government / PSU / private in the last 5 years. The bidder should have experience of more than 3 years in the field of Pre Engineered Building/ Prefab building. 16.0 17.0 The bidder should have had an average annual financial turnover(gross) of Rs. 25.00 Crore during the last 5 years, ending 31st march 2015. This should be duly certified by a chartered Accountant. 18.0 The bidder should have successfully completed atleast 3 similar works in Pre Engineered Building/ Prefab building in the past 5 years. General Manager (C), Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited. ******** Footer Page 6 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal SECTION – II INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERER Footer Page 7 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal SECTION – II INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERER A. INTRODUCTION 1.0 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 General Manager (C), Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited (GMVNL), 74/1 Rajpur Road, Dehradun (Uttrakhand), (hereinafter referred as Client), invites sealed tenders/bids from domestic or international companies for manufacture, supply, delivery, erection, and commissioning of project as per the specification enclosed at Section –IV of the bid document. 1.2 All information in the offer must be in English. Offer in a language other than English must be accompanied by its authenticated translation in English. Failure to comply with this may render the offer liable to be rejected. In the event of any discrepancy between the offer in a language other than English and its English translation, the English translation will prevail. 2.0 COST OF BIDDING The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his bid, and Client will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 3.0 SITE VISIT The Bidder must visit and examine the Site of works and its surroundings before bidding under intimation and approval from the office and obtain/ascertain for himself on his own responsibility and cost, all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract execution. B. THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS 4.0 CONTENT OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 4.1 The Scope of work, bidding procedures and contract terms are stipulated in the Bid form and Price Schedules, Bidding Documents and shall include along with its enclosed Annexure:i) Invitation for Tenders ii) Instructions to Tenderer iii) Conditions of Contract iv) Technical Specifications & drawings V) Proforma & annexure. 4.2 The bidder should examine all instructions, terms and specifications in the Bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the Bidding Documents or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents in every respect will be at the Bidder's risk and may result in rejection of his bid. Footer Page 8 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal C. PREPARATION OF BIDS 5.0 DOCUMENTS FOR SUBMISSION Following documents needs to be submitted along with the Bid: i) Original Tender document duly signed on each page by the Authorized representative of the firm as token of acceptance of the terms and conditions therein. ii) Bid security / Earnest Money Deposit. iii) Proforma 1: Bidder Details iv) Proforma 2: Format Towards Performance Bank Guarantee v) Proforma 3: Letter of Submission of Tender vi) Bid Form and Price Schedule as per Section V. vii) All formats and statements duly filled in. 6.0 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) / BID SECURITY 6.1 The Bidder shall provide Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security for the amount indicated in Section-I: Invitation for Tenders in the form of F.D.R. / C.D.R. / N.S.C. in favour of General Manager (Construction), G.M.V.N. Ltd., Dehradun from a Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank in India. 6.2 If the Bidder withdraws / amends his bid for any reason during its validity, the bid security shall be forfeited. Failure to submit bid security would lead to rejection of offer. 6.3 No interest will be payable by the Client on the Bid Security/ EMD submitted by the Bidder. 6.4 The EMD of unsuccessful Bidder shall be returned by the Client within one month of award of contract. 6.5 The Earnest Money/Bid Security shall remain deposited with the Client for the period of 90 days from the date of opening of Tenders. If the validity of the offer is extended, the Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security duly extended shall also be furnished, failing which the offer after the expiry of the aforesaid period shall not be considered by the Client. 6.6 Any tender not accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security in one of the approved forms is liable to be summarily rejected. 7..00 CURRENCY Prices shall be quoted in the Indian currency. 8..00 8.1 8.2 PRICES Prices quoted shall be CIP (VIP GUEST HOUSE AT HARIDWAR IN UTTARAKHAND, INDIA) including all handling, loading & unloading, sea & inland transportation, Custom Clearances, transit insurance, foundation, installation, and commissioning. Prices shall be inclusive of temporary permit, freight, insurance and all such costs. Prices shall remain firm and no escalation shall be permissible. All statutory taxes and duties, any other charges as applicable, shall be included in the offered price. Footer Page 9 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal 9..00 VALIDITY OF OFFER The offer shall be kept valid for acceptance for a minimum period of Ninety (90) Calendar days from the date set for opening of tenders. D. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 10.0 BID SUBMISSION Through Two Bid System at the GMVN Office, 74/1 Rajpur Road, Dehradun . DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS 11.1 Bids must be submitted on prescribed date and time of bid submission indicated in the Section-I: Invitation for Tenders. 11.1 Any bid received after the deadline for submission of bids, will not be entertained. 11.2 Bids submitted through E-mail or facsimile will be summarily rejected. Footer Page 10 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal 12 OPENING OF BIDS BY CLIENT 12.1 12.1 The tenders will be opened by the tender committee in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, at the place, date and time specified in the Section-I: Invitation for Tenders. The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall sign, evidencing their attendance. The envelope containing the two seprate envelops, one envelop for Technical Bid, and second envelop for Financial bid. E. EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF BIDS 13 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 13..1 The Client will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete in all respects, having any computational errors, documents have been properly signed, and bids are generally in order. 13..2 The Client may waive any minor informality, non-conformity, or irregularity in a bid which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any bidder. 13..3 Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Client will determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the bidding documents. The Client’s determination of bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. 13..4 If a bid is not substantially responsive it will be rejected by the Client and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by corrections of non-conformity. 13..5 Price bid of only those bidders who have qualified in the technical bid, shall be quoted. 14 CORRECTION OF ERRORS IN PRICE BID 14.1 PRICE BID will be checked and corrected for any arithmetical errors in computation and summation as follows: Where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will govern; Where there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total amount derived from the multiplication of the unit price and the quantity, the unit price as quoted will govern. If a bidder does not accept the correction of errors as outlined above, his tender will be rejected. 15 EVALUATION OF THE OFFERS 15.1 The tenders received will be evaluated to ascertain the best and lowest acceptable tender in the interest of the Client, as specified in the specifications and tender documents. 15..2 The COMMERCIAL EVALUATION will take into consideration the following: Footer Page 11 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal i) ii) Ex-works cost of basic equipment plus ED, VAT/ST, Freight Insurance, Service tax etc. Cost of installation and commissioning plus applicable taxes 16 ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER AND SIGNING OF CONTRACT 16.1 16..2 16..3 The Client may accept a tender for a part or whole of the quantity offered, reject any tender without assigning any reason and may not accept the lowest tender or any tender. Acceptance of tender will be communicated by Fax and Postal Letter for formal acceptance of tender. In case where acceptance is indicated by Fax or Postal Letter, the formal acceptance of tender will be forwarded to the Contractor as soon as possible, but the Fax or Postal Letter should be deemed to conclude the contract. Within Seven (07) days of receipt of Acceptance advice, the successful bidder shall sign the contract as per and return it to the Client. 17..0 EFFECT AND VALIDITY OF OFFER 17..1 The submission of any offer connected with these specifications and documents shall constitute an agreement that the Bidder shall have no cause of action or claim, against the Client for rejection of his offer. The Client shall always be at liberty to reject or accept any offer or offers at his sole discretion and any such action will not be called into question and the Bidder shall have no claim in that regard against the Client. Offers shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened and until such time the official intimation of award is made by the Client to the Bidder. While the offers are under consideration, Bidders and/or their representatives or other interested parties are advised to refrain from contacting the Client by any means. If necessary, the Client will obtain clarifications on the offers by requesting for such information from any or all the Bidders, either in writing or through personal contact, as may be considered necessary. Bidders will not be permitted to change the substance of their offers after the offers have been opened. 17..2 18..0 GENERAL The Bidders must ensure that the conditions laid down for submission of offers detailed in the preceding para, are completely and correctly fulfilled. Tenders, which are not complete in all respects as stipulated above, may be summarily rejected. 19..0 CHECK LIST A check list has been included in Section – V of the bid document. This has been designed to help the Tenderers in submitting their offer in completeness. An incomplete offer is liable to be rejected. The Tenderers must fill this Check List and submit along with their offer in their own interest. ********* Footer Page 12 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal SECTION – III CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Footer Page 13 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal SECTION III CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 DEFINITIONS 1.1 ‘Client’ means Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited, acting through the General Manager (C) and shall include their legal representatives, successors and permitted assignees. ‘Contractor/Supplier’ shall mean the Bidder/ Tenderer whose bid has been accepted by the Client for the supply , erecting and commissioning of stores/ Plant & Equipment (PE) and award of work is placed and shall include his legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns unless excluded by the terms of the contract. ‘Contract’ means Contract entered into between the Client & the Contractor/Supplier through Letter of Award, together with the contract documents referred to therein, they shall include Letter of Award, Bid Invitation, Instructions to Tenderers, Conditions of Contract, Technical Specification, and the other conditions specified in the Advance Acceptance & Letter of Intent (LOI) and a formal agreement, if executed. The ‘Site’ shall mean the land and/or other places on, into or through which work is to be executed under the contract or any adjacent land, path or street which may be allotted or used for the purpose of carrying out contract. 1.2 1.3 1.4 . 2.0 DELIVERY 2.1 The Pre Engineered Building LGSFS system shall be commissioned at Haridwar, District Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India within the delivery period mentioned in Invitation for Tenders; Section –I and Technical Specification; Section – IV, 3.0 PAYMENT TERMS Payment for the project work shall be made as per the following schedule. 3..1 3..2 3..3 3..4 3..5 3..6 4.0 30% of the total cost on turn key basis as advance against bank guarantee. On Erection of G/F & F/F - 15% of the total cost. On Erection of S/F & T/F - 15% of the total cost On Supply and Erection of Furniture, Lift, DG Set, Land scapping, External Water, sewrage and electrical connection, tube well & other miscellenous work- 30% of the total cost. On satisfactory construction, commissioning and handing over of the project- 10% of the total cost. The payments in Indian Rupees shall be made by Cheque/ Electronic Clearance System (ECS) on a Bank in India. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) Quantities given in the schedule'B' may be deleated or varied widely without untitling the contractor for any compansation in this respect. 2) All works shall be carried out strictly as per detailed drawings, design and specification . Footer Page 14 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal 3) Successful bidder shall be provide the detailed structural design and drawing duly veted by IIT- Roorkee. 4) Delivery schedule/ Bar chart/ PERT chart shall be enclosed in the tender document. 5) Tax shall be deducted from gross amount of the bill as per Government of Uttarakhand norms. 6) Security shall be deducted as per GPW form 9 7) Successful bidder shall be completed the all works strictly upto 30th November 2015 because this work belongs to Aardh kumbh Mela 2016. 8) Performance security: The performance security shall be provided by the successful bidder to the client not later than the date specified in the letter of acceptance and shall be issuen for an amount of 5%(five percent) of the contract price , in the form acceptable to the client from scheduled bank or nationalized banks . The performance security shall be valid until the date of issuance of completion certificate. 5.0 INSURANCE The equipment covered under the contract upto final handover shall be fully insured against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery for an amount equal to 110 percent (%) of total supply price of the equipment from “warehouse to warehouse” on “All Risks” basis including War Risks and Strike. Similarly contractor shall ensure adequate insurance cover for all his manpower deployed/engaged for carrying out work under the contract for a sufficient amount and client shall in no way be responsible for any acts, injury, accident or loss of life of the contractor’s manpower. 6.0 PACKING & MARKING 6.1 6.1.1 PACKING Contractor shall pack at his own cost the material sufficiently and properly for transit by rail/road/air/sea as provided in the contract so as to ensure their being free from loss or damage on arrival at their destination. He shall decide the packing for the equipment by taking into account the fact that the equipment will have to undergo arduous transportation before reaching the destination and will have to be stored and handled in tropical climatic conditions (including monsoons) before being put to actual use. It is, therefore, imperative that packing for every item is decided by taking into consideration, inter-alia, the above vital factors, so as to eliminate damage/deterioration of items in transit/transshipment/handling or during storage. Each package shall contain a packing note specifying the name & address of the Contractor, the number and date of the Contract, mark as indicated in Contract and the description of the stores and the quantity contained therein. The packing advices should bring out the weight, dimensions and size of each bundle/ package. Where it is not possible to give weight of the bundles/packages, the Contractor must indicate the volume of the bundles/packages, the details of contents of each bundle/package, number of bundles/packages and total weight of the items supplied. 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 MARKING The following particulars should be stenciled materials/packages or as mentioned in the contract : Footer Page 15 of 39. with indelible paint on all the Signature of the Bidder with Seal (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Contract No. Item Description Abbreviated /Client marks. Box/Package No Gross/Net weight in Kgs Dimensions (L x W x H) in Cms 7.0 TRANSPORTATION Where the Contractor is required under the Contract to transport the material to a specified place of destination defined as the Project Site, transport to such place of destination in the Client’s country, including insurance and storage, as shall be specified in the Contract, shall be arranged by the Contractor, and the related cost shall be included in the Contract price. 8..0 INDEMNITIES The supplier shall indemnify and keep the Client indemnified against all actions, proceedings claims, damages, costs and expenses arising from the incorporation in or use of work of any such articles, processes or supplies made under this agreement. Supplier shall at all times indemnify the Client against all claims which may be made in respect of Stores for infringement or any right protected by patent, registration of design or trade mark and shall take all risk accidents or damages which may cause a failure or the supply of the whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by the supplier for the fulfillment of the contracts provided always that in the event of any claim in respect of alleged break of letter patent, registered design or trade marks being made against the Client the Client shall notify the supplier of the same and the Supplier should at his own expenses settle and dispute or conduct any litigation that arise there from and the Client will stand absolved of all responsibilities in that connections. 9.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 9.1 If the bidder fails to install and re commission the system or complete the work given under this contract within the agreed completion schedules mentioned herein or any extension thereof authorized by the Client and/or fails to fulfill their obligations under this contract, the Bidder shall be liable to pay liquidated damages and not by way of penalty, a sum equal to 0.5% (half percent) of the contract value per week of delay subject to maximum of security deposit of the contract value as per GPW form 9. The compensation shall be payable by the Bidder without prejudice to the rights and remedies available to the Client in respect of any fault/ default by the Bidder. 9.2 Due to exigency of work bidder has to complete the work within the completion period. However necessary time extension, if any, will be given under Force Majeure 10.0 TERMINATION 10.1 10.1.1 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT: Client may, without prejudice for breach of contract, 10 days after written notice of default sent to Supplier, terminate this contract in whole or in part/s; i) If he fails to deliver full or part consignment with in the time period specified in the contract or any extension thereof granted by Client ii) If he fails to perform, any other obligations under the contract; or iii) If he, in either of the above circumstances, does not rectify his failure within a period as specified by Client after receipt of the default notice from Client. Footer Page 16 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal In the event Client terminates the contract in whole or in part/s, pursuant to above, Client may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, equipment/ plant similar to those undelivered, and Supplier shall be liable to Client for any excess costs for such similar equipment/plant. 11..00 JURISDICTION The contract shall in all respects construe and operative in conformity with Indian Law and subject to the Jurisdiction of Courts at Dehradun in India. 12..00 FORCE MAJEURE Force Majeure shall mean unforeseeable cause/s beyond the control without the fault or negligence, including but not restricted to acts of God or caused by war, civil commotion, riots, mobilization, flood, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes and obstructions of navigation at port of exit or entry or acts of Governments. 13..00 REMOVAL OF REJECTED STORES 13..1 On rejection of any stores submitted for inspection at a place other than the premises of the Contractor, such stores shall be removed by the Contractor at his own cost subject as herein after stipulated, within 15 days of the date of intimation of such rejection. 13..2 All rejected stores shall in any event and circumstances remain and always be at the risk of the Contractor immediately on such rejection. If such stores are not removed by the Contractor within the period aforementioned, the Inspector/Inspecting Agency may remove the rejected stores and either return the same to the Contractor at his risk and cost by such mode of transport as the Client or Inspector may decide, or dispose of such stores at the Contractor’s risk and on his account and retain such portion of the proceeds, if any, from such disposal as may be necessary to recover any expense incurred in connection with such disposals (or any price refundable as a consequence of such rejection). The Client shall, in addition, be entitled to recover from the Contractor handling and storage charges on the rejected stores after the expiry of the time-limit. 14..00 QUANTITY VARIATION The Client reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity offered by the successful Bidders at the rates & other terms and conditions offered by them. The Bidders are bound to accept the increase or decrease in the quantity under this clause at the time of placement of contract or during the currency of the contract. While operating this clause the quantity shall be rounded off to the nearest whole number. ********* Footer Page 17 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal SECTION – IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Footer Page 18 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal SPECIFICATION FOR PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING FOR PROPOSED V.I.P. GUEST HOUSE DISTT.HARIDWAR. 1. EARTH WORK Earth work in excavation by mechanical means, (Hydraulic Excavator)/ or manual means in foundation trenches or drain depending upon the soil, including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5m including disposal of surplus excavated earth of Column foundation & trenches etc. with in a lead up to 50mtr. 2. FILLING OF EARTH Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in tranches, plinth and sides of column foundation etc in layers by ramming and watering. Lead upto 50mtr and lift up to 1.5 mtr. 3. CONCRETING WORK Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including the cost of centering and shuttering all work up to plinth level 1:4:8 ( 1 cement 4 coarse sand, and 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size below all the column foundation/trenches as base concrete all work as per attached drawing and design Of foundation . 4. REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE WORK Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of specified grade including the cost of centering and shuttering all work upto plinth level in 1:1:5:3(1 cement 1.5 sand and 3 graded stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size). for foundation works of RCC columns , Plinth beam etc up to plinth level as per attached drawing & design of foundation . 5. BRICK WORK Ist class brick work in CM 1:6 ( 1 Cenant :6 Sand ) mortar using first class brick with class designation 105 in foundation and plinth will be provided as per the specification and attached drawings & design as per direction of Engineer-in -charge. 6. TOR STEEL WORKS Tor steel works for RCC work including straightening cutting bending placing in position and binding all complete. Mild steel and medium tensile steel bar thermo mechanically treated bars ( FE-500D) confirming To IS code 1786-2008, as per attached drawing & design shown in column foundation. 7. PLINTH PROTECTION Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size over 75mm thick base concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement , 4 coarse sand and 8 grades stone aggregate) nominal size well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand including finishing the top smooth. 8. PLINTH BEAM (STEEL FLOORING BEAMS) Providing steel flooring beams for the plinth which will be fitted on the concrete foundations and entire building structure will be fitted on the steel flooring beams as shown in the drawings. 9. WATER PROOFING OF THE PLINTH Galvanized deck sheets will be fitted on top or below the flooring beams as per the space available at the site, these deck sheets will protect the bottom of the plinth from moisture, water, insects etc. 10. CEMENT FIBER BOARDS FOR FLOORING Cement fiber boards of 20mm thickness fitted on the plinth flooring beams with self drilling screws of 5mmx50mm ground floor and first floor beams. 11. STEEL STRUCTURE FRAMING WORK All the wall framings shall be made by LGFS (Light gauge framing system) as per specifications below: Galvanized steel coil thickness 1.20mm BMT +0.04mm coating Z275, Grade G450-G550mpa (high tensile steel) Profiles for Galvanized light gauge steel framing, profile size 90x37x11x1.20mm \. All joints of the profiles studs and purlins will be joint by flat head rivets. All load bearing studs will be double joint together to form as I beam, all connecting angles, plates, bracings etc will be in Galvanized steel made out of Footer Page 19 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal 1.5/3/4mm sheets depending upon the fittings.. All bolts and screws will be either in stainless steel or galvanized. Minimum bolt size shall be 12mm and the for the self drilling screws 6mm. 12. MAIN OUTER WALLS FRAME STRUCTURE INCLUDING INTERNAL WALLS. All the Internal and External wall will be cold-formed high tensile galvanized steel Profiles manufactured on cnc fully automatic machines. The size of the C profiles is 90x37x11 with 1mm thickness made out if galvanized steel coils in Z275 zinc coating mass on both the sides with 350 mpa yield strength. All the studs and the purlins will be pre punched with holes of 40mm for the concealed pipes of electricity and water. All the walls of the building will be manufactured in the factory and supplied and assembled at the site. Purlins web will be cut for the studs to be fitted through the cut with the stainless steel screws, all screws holes will be dimpled for flush fitting of the screws. Corner brazing section 90x37x11mm will be fitted on the wall corners as per the drawing. 13. FLOORING BEAMS (FIRST FLOOR BEAMS) The height of the flooring beams will be 300mm (12”) and the length as per the room dimensions, the flooring beams shall be fitted horizontally in opposite directions to take the wind pressure load of the building. The profile section for the flooring beams shall be 90x37x11mm thickness 1mm. 14. ROOF TRUSSES AND FALSE CEILING The false ceiling will be made in LGFS profiles of 90x37x11mm thickness 1mm, the false ceiling with be covering the entire building including the rooms, toilets, corridors, verandas etc with a projection of 600mm on all the sides. Roof truss will be designed and manufactured in profile size of 90x37x11mm thickness 1.20mm, the roof truss design is like the walls stud and purlins joined together to form a wall profile, the roof truss will be fitted in slope shape as per the slope shown in the drawings. The Walls of the structure will be fitted to the foundation/plinth with the anchor bolts. 15. WATER PROOFING OF EXTERNAL WALLS The entire exterior walls will be covered with water proof membrane nailed to the fiber boards for protection against moisture. 16. WALL FINISH As per approved elevation of the building for interior and exterior wall filling the walls will be filled with Foam Concrete of 'Density 900-1200 kg/m³ (56-75 lbs/ft³) Made with Sand, Cement & Foam. As per approved elevation of the building, External Cladding with HPL / ACP & Texture finish as per approved design and pattern. The complete wall cladding will be installed with the cladding clamps fitted with 20mm screws over outer surface., after the wall cladding is installed the screws or the clamps are not visible. Internal walls will be painted with Deluxe Multi surface paint system & Texture finish over plaster finished surface with ready plaster mix and fitted with Glass fiber mesh. 17. TILES WORKS A. All the rooms/corridor/kitchen will have vitrified floor tiles in 100x100cm sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption’s less than 0.08% and onforming to IS:15622 of approved make kajaria/somani / Jhonson or equilvent as approved by Engineer-in- Charge in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc. complete. B. All the toilets will have Ist quality polished marble / granite wall tiles up to 7ft height. (In toilet and up to 2’-0”hight abowe counter in kitchen )(thickness to be specified by the manufacture) as approved by Engineer-in-Charge. In skirting, steps and dados over 12mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry@ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. C. All the toilets will be Ist quality ceramic anti skid joint free floor tiles 400x400mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of Ist quality conforming to IS: 15622 of approved make kajaria/somani / Jhonson or equilvent as approved by Engineer-in-Charge , Footer Page 20 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc. complete. 18. CEILING FINISH The ceiling of all the rooms, toilets, corridor and verandah will be finished with 12mm thick Gypsum boards on over GI Frame work. All joints shall be sealed and finished with fiber mesh and joint filling compound in combination with HPL / Teak wood battons with coves as per design. 19. ROOF TOP GALVALUM SHEETS Roof top will have PUF Insulated Sandwitch Panel ( 30mm thk) with G.I. sheet roofing for top roof (precoated galvanised iron profile sheets (size, shape and pitch of corrugation as approved by Engineer-in-charge) 0.50 mm (+ 0.05 %) total coated thickness with zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS: 277, in 240 mpa steel grade, 5-7 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15-18 microns. Sheet should have protective guard film of 25 microns minimum to avoid scratches during transportation and should be supplied in single length upto 12 metre or as desired by Engineer- in-charge. 20. DOORS AND WINDOWS A. The main entrance door of toughen glass with patch fitting of Dorma / equivalent and all rooms and toilets door frame will be made of Sal / teak wood wrought framed and fixed in position moisture level of 10-12% painted or polished. B. P/F I.S.I marked 32mm thick both side teak ply flush door shutters. C. All window frames and shutters will be UPVC frames fenesta make or equivalent with 5mm thick glass pans & necessary arrangement of fixing of grill and mosquito proof jail shutter. 21. TOILET FITTINTS AND ACCESSORIES Toilet will be completed with all the fittings and accessories as shown in the given list. A. P/F of Wall hung China ware E.W.C. seat with concealed cistern of approved make Cera/Paryware/ johnson or equilvent B. P/F of China ware counter basin with Korean counter top of approved make Cera / Paryware / johnson or equilvent C. P/F of Shower panel with 9”x9” shower with hot & cold mixer of Jaquar Kubix-F range or equivalent make. D. P/F of Hand faucets C.P with hand shower of of Jaquar Kubix-F range or equivalent make. E. P/F of C.P Angle cock (2 Nos.) for geysor point of of Jaquar Kubix-F range or equivalent make. F. P/F of C.P Toilet paper holder of of Jaquar Kubix-F range or equivalent make. G. P/f of C.P Towel rail of Jaquar Kubix-F range or equivalent make. H. P/F of C.P Soap dish of Jaquar Kubix-F range or equivalent make. I. P/F of C.P Peg rail of Jaquar Kubix-F range or equivalent make. J. P/F of bevelled edge looking mirror 90x60 cm size of approved quilty. K. P/F of C.P.V.C pipe 15mm/20mm size concealed as per requirement L. P/F of uPVC pipe supreme/ Kisan / Diphast make 90mm& 110mm size as per IS: 12818 specification for severage system as per requirement. M. P/F of PVC pipe supreme/ Kisan / Diphast make 110mm dia 6kgf for rain water in including MS clamp and properly fixied N. Construction of man hole chambers and sewer line for severage system - connect to the main sewer line O. Touhghen Glass partitionWith patch fittings of dorma /Equivalent make for bathing area. P. Common toilet Shall have Prelaminated water proof particle board 22. ELECTRIAL FITTINGS Wiring point for fancy light fitting, holder for concealed mirror optic LED fittings & down lighters in false ceiling , LED Strips light with 1.5 sqmm copper conductor cable in PVC conduit With earth wire Footer Page 21 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal complete with modular boxes, switches circuit wiring for light & power load as per load requirement in 6sqmm to 16 sqmm and AC wiring as per load requirement. Accessories make as below: A. Door bell anchor/cora. B. Led lights havell’s/Philips C. Switches modular, havell’s/MDS/L&T D. Power socket modular havell’s/ MDS/L&T complete wiring with 2.5/4 sqmm copper conductor cable. E. Intercom socket havell’s/MDS/L&T complete wiring with Telephone 2 pair cable and complete Intercom socket should be connected with suitable capacity of EPABX system. F. Entire building wiring should be earthed with require Nos. G.I plate 600x600x6mm earthing complete. G. Entire building light & power wiring should be through suitable capacity of MCB distribution board with suitable capacity of MCB , Isolator, L&T/ Scimons- planned in suitable size panel with necessary indicators, busbar and change over switches. H. Geyser recold /Havell;s /Bajaj. I. Ceiling Fan – Havells/ Bajaj J. The light & Power Wiring of the entire building should be seprate from Switch board, power point to MCB Distribution board K. Each light and power point should be connected with earth wire/ cable L. Water tight fitting of havell’s/ Philips make should be used in building out side surface . M. T.V. point wiring with 1.5sqmm should be used in Rooms. N. Air conditioning with VRV system of 100 Tonne capacity make carrier, daikan, Mitsubisi. LIFT Supply, installation, testing & commisioning of Machine room less passenger Lift of 8 passenger capacity, 4-stops (G.F+3), variable voltage variable frequency controlled, with car size of 1375 mm x 1440 mm x 2135mm with Inside SS finish and wooden flooring With speed not less than 0.7 mtr/sec AIR CONDITIONNING WORK VRV air-conditioning system (equipments) Comprising Outdoor unit and indoor of approved brand , Remote Controller corded/cordless remote controller suitable for Indoor units and suitable to work on single phase 230 volt (+)(-) 10% 50 Hz AC supply. And Interconnecting refrigerant pipe work with (19mm/13 mm thick) closed cell elastomeric nitrile rubber tubular insulation between each set of indoor & outdoor units as per specifications, all piping inside the room shall be properly supported Drain Piping rigid PVC piping complete with fittings, supports as per specifications and duly insulated with 6 mm thick closed cell nitrile rubber insulation. And Control & Transmission Wiring wiring of 2 corex1.25 sq mm (or suitable size) copper wire in suitable PVC conduits between indoor & outdoor units Footer Page 22 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal FURNISHING WORKS: Before the installation of below items, will be approved by competent authority. S. No. Description of Item 1 Providing and placing of double bed of size 1800 mm x 1800 mm x 350 mm of approved make: made of wood, with 20mm board. Sides of 150mm in solid wood, head rest made of wood and laminates. 40 Nos 2 Providing and placing of Bunk bed of size 900 mm x 1800 mm of approved make: made of wood, with 20mm board. Sides of 150mm in solid wood, head rest made of wood and pressed laminates.All the exposed edges shall be edge banded with 0.8 mm thick PVC edge banding. 100 Nos 3 Providing and placing of bed side table of approved make: The overall size of the bed side table shall be 450 mm (D) x 440 mm (W) x 510 mm (H). Body and drawer panels of bed side table shall be made of 18 mm thick Pre-laminated Particle Board. All the exposed edges shall be edge banded with 0.8 mm thick PVC edge banding. Side panels shall be made of 18 mm thick Pre-laminated Particle board with HDF foil wrapped decorative trim fixed on to it. The high quality hardware shall be used like roller slides, hinges, minifix, dowels etc. shall be of make Hettich or equivalent. 18mm thick Prelaminated Particle Board shall be in Walnut shade. 80 Nos. 4 Providing and placing of Mattress for single bed of size 1800 mm x 900mm x100 mm of approved design and shade of approved make complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 100 Nos. 5 Providing and placing of Springwel Mattress for double bed of size 1800 mm x 1800mm x200 mm of approved design and shade of approved make complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 40 Nos. 6 Providing and placing of Easy Chair of approved make having seat size 490 mm (W) x 440 mm (D) and back size 490 mm (W) x 470 mm (H). The seat and back shall be made up of 12 mm thick hot pressed plywood upholstered with fabric and moulded Polyurethane foam with PVC lipping all around. The back foam shall be designed with 40 Nos 7 Providing and placing of coffee table 600mm x 600mm x 450mm framing and legs in solid wood, top in pressed laminate 40 Nos 8 Providing and placing Wardrobe 1200 x 2100mm made of ISI mark Plyboards of 20mm, pressed laminates with shelves and clothes hanging rod, with bold and handles complete. 40 Nos 9 Providing and placing of Luggage rack, 1200 x 600 x 450mm, made of 20mm plyboard and pressed laminates 40 Nos 10 Providing and placing of LED TV of 40" (Sony make ) in all the rooms and the reception lobby area, with all accessories etc 45 Nos 11 Set up box H.D. with dish for the TV with connections 50 Lot 12 Providing and fixing of 2nd class teak wood framed mirror 450 mm x 30 mm x 1800 mm size made up of 4 mm thick mirror of approved quality and make within the frame of 65 mm x 30 mm thick 2nd class teak wood sections all round having carved ornam ental moulding and approved 4 mm thick Commercial Plywood on back of mirror including drawers unit all necessary approved quality incidentals like hardware, adhesive, fasteners, to be installes in the rooms 40 Nos. 13 Providing and placing of Rectangular Pillow of size 650 mm x 400 mm (with fiber wool filling) of approved design and shade of approved make complete, as directed. 130 Nos. 14 Providing and placing of White bed sheet with pillow covers (both of cotton linen) for double bed of approved design and shade of approved make complete, as directed. 260 Nos. 15 Providing and placing of Bed cover (thick cotton linen) for double bed of approved design and shade of approved make complete,10 nos extra taken 120 Nos. Providing and placing of Woollen Blanket for double bed of approved design and shade of approved make complete, as directed. Extra qty taken than the no of beds Providing and placing of high quality 3 Seater Sofa of approved make: The sofa shall have solid rubberwood frame and MDF boards as per applicability. The foam shall be of 30-density with 1” Recron at seat and back threaded with Nylon. It shall have 9 No's S-springs with 3 Nylon belts of 2”. the legs shall be of 50 mm dia. with M6 nut. The sofa shall have seating area length of 720 mm, seating area width 450 mm, Seating Area Height from ground 430 mm, arm length 480 mm, arm height 550 mm, back width 350 mm, back height from arm 200 mm, arm width 230 mm, leg height 50 mm. The overall size of the sofa shall be 1770 mm (L) x 800 mm (W) x 750 mm (H). The 120 Nos. 60 Nos 60 Nos 16 17 18 Qty Unit Providing and placing of high quality 2 Seater Sofa of approved make: The sofa shall have solid rubberwood frame and MDF boards as per applicability. The foam shall be of 30-density with 1” Recron at seat and back threaded with Nylon. It shall have 9 No's S-springs with 3 Nylon belts of 2”. the legs shall be of 50 mm dia. with M6 nut. The sofa shall have seating area length of 720 mm, seating area width 450 mm, Seating Area Height from ground 430 mm, arm length 480 mm, arm height 550 mm, back width 350 mm, back height from arm 200 mm, arm width 230 mm, leg height 50 mm. The overall size of the sofa shall be 1770 mm (L) x 800 mm (W) x 750 mm (H). The Footer Page 23 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal 19 Providing and laying of Writing table size 1200 x 600 x 450mm, frame and legs in solid wood, top in pressed laminate on 20mm plyboard with decorative molding all around 20 40 Nos Providing and laying of Coffee table size 600 x 600 x 450mm, frame and legs in solid wood, top in pressed laminate on 20mm plyboard with decorative molding all around 5 Nos 21 Providing and placing of office table with side cabinet for the managers room. Size 1500 x 900 x 750mm, side cabinet 800 x 450 x 650mm 2 Nos 22 Managers chair revolving 1 Nos 125 Nos 1 No 1 No 80 Nos. 400 Rm 23 24 25 Visitors chair - having seat size 490W x 440D back size 490W x 470H. The seat and back shall be made up of 12mm thick hot pressed plywood upholstered with fabric and moulded Polyurethane foam with PVC lipping all around. The back foam shall be designed with contoured lumbar support for extra Comfort. The polyurethane foam must be inhouse moulded with 45 +/-2 kg/m3 density and 20 +/- 2 hardness on Hampden machine at 25% compression. The one-piece armrests shall be made of black integral skin polyurethane with 50-70 Shore ‘A’ Hardness and reinforced with M.S. insert. The armrests shall be scratch and weather resistant. Reception desk 3000 x 600 x 1100mm Reception cabinet 3000x 30 x 2100mm with shelves, made of plyboard and pressed laminate 26 Providing and fixing Curtain (washable polyester cloth) of required colour and shade, with back lining, and having curtain width of 1.10 m to 1.20 m including stitching having 150 mm fold on the top side and 150 mm fold at bottom with four plates in finished width of 50 cm to 60 cm including providing with necessary tape etc. wherever required, with all the material of approved quality, complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge: Ready length of Curtain - 2.25 meter 27 Providing and fixing main curtain rod of 30 mm outer dia. and aluminium powder coated with necessary brackets and screws, edge finials, and curtain rings etc. of approved shade and make, complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. RESTAURANT FURNITURE 1 Restaurant dining table 1200 x 750 x 750 mm 30 Nos 2 Dining chairs made of solid wood and seat and back upholstered 120 Nos 3 Utensils/crockery cabinet for the restaurant 3000 x 600 x 750mm 5 No 4 Providing and placing of Jute Aasan (jute mat) of 1.80 m x 0.90 m for Yoga purpose, as directed. 60 Nos. 5 Store cabinets, made of plyboard and pressed laminates with doors. 4 Sqm 6 Crockrey for 100 person in dinning hall complete in all respect. 1 nos Security system (CCTV) complete in all respect 1 1 nos Fire fighting system complete in all respect Projector & public address system for conference hall complete in all respect 1 no 2 Nos 1 No 212 4 40 Rmtr Nos Nos 7 8 9 no PASSANGER LIFT 1 1 SS body, machine room less Lift (8 person each, Auto door center opening) as per approved make complete in all respect. D.G. SET Supply of Totally enclosed type (Silent operation with canopy), static type Diesel Engine driven, Generator Set of capacity 400 KVA (320 KW)-4 wire, 50 Hz, 415 volts complete including Engine, alternator mounted on common base plate of rigid fabricated mild steel base frame all as recommended by manufacturer, and all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The Silencer canopy shall be as per the Central Pollution Control Board norms. The Silencer canopy shall be manufactured by the manufacturer of the engine itself. The make and model of Generator Set to be installed with engine details, alternator specifications and specification of Silencer canopy as recommended by the manufacturer. MISCELLENOUS 1 Provision of boundary wall and gate 2 Provision of Rain water harvesting pit / tank 3 Provision of Jacuzzi in toilet complete in all respect. Footer Page 24 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal NOTE: 1- The proposed PEB/ LGSFS building will be warranted for 50 years life span with 3 years free maintenance. 2- The proposed PEB/ LGSFS building is designed for seismic/ earthquake loads, seismic Zone for Uttrakhand has been taken as Zone “V”. 3- Scope of work shall be on turn key basis complete in all respect. 4- Live loads on floor shall be considered 750kg/Sqm. 5- The proposed LGSFS building will be deisgned on CNC equivalent plant & machinary. Software, Scottsdale, Framecad or 6- The Design code AS/ NZS 4600:2005 (Steel Structure buildings LGSFS) GP steel specifications: GP sheets in coil 0.95mm 450 to 550mpa Z 250 galvanized coating. %C % Mn %S %P % Si % Cr % Ni % Al 0.035 0.13 0.007 0.015 0.025 0.008 0.003 0.048 Size of the section: 90x37x11mm Stud place on Ground Floor 300 to 400mm back to back Stud placing on first & above floor 610mm back to back Flooring beam for All floor 300 to 400mm Horizontal studs equally divided every 900mm Window/ doors top lintels to be plated with 1mm GP sheet with rivets at 150mm All joints with 5x10mm steel rivets and self drilling screws 5 x 25-38-50mm 7- Successful bidder shall be provide the detailed structural design and drawing duly veted by IITRoorkee. Footer Page 25 of 39. Signature of the Bidder with Seal SECTION-V CHECK LIST Note: The check list shall be duly filled in and submitted with the offer. S No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Document Yes No Have you purchased the original Tender/Bid Documents Have you submitted an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Have you submitted valid latest VAT/Sales Tax Certificate, Copy of PAN. All the pages of Tender Documents have been signed by the authorized person under seal of the firm Have you quoted in the prescribed proforma Have you quoted the entire bid price in Indian Rupees Have you indicated detailed delivery schedule Have you kept your offer valid for 90 days Have you enclosed experience certificate . Signature and Seal of the Tenderer ******** Signature of Bidder with seal Footer Page 26 of 39. SECTION – VI PROFORMA Signature of Bidder with seal Footer Page 27 of 39. PROFORMA – 1 BIDDER DETAILS Tender No........................................... Due date of opening.............................. (i) Name of the firm (ii) Address of firm with Telephone No(s), Fax No(s) (iii) Name and address of the Banker. (iv) A copy of PAN / TAN Signature (Name/Designation) ******* Signature of Bidder with seal Footer Page 28 of 39. PROFORMA- 2 (sheet 1/2) (Refer Clause 8.0 of Conditions of Contract) FORMAT TOWARDS PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE Bank Guarantee No____________________ Date_________________ To, __________________________________________________(Name of Client) Against contract vide Letter of Acceptance No__________________ dated__________ covering supply of _______________________ (hereinafter called the said ‘contract’) entered into between General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd, 74/1, Rajpur Road, Dehradun (Uttrakhand) and ___________________ (hereinafter called the ‘Contractor’), this is to certify that at the request of the Contractor we, ___________________ Bank Ltd., are holding in trust in favour of the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd an amount of Rs ________________( write the sum here in figures as well as words) to indemnify and keep indemnified the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd against any loss or damage that may be caused or likely to be caused to or suffered by the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd by reason of any breach by the contractor of any of the terms and conditions of the said contract and/or the performance thereof. We agree that the decision of the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd, whether any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the said contract and/or in the performance thereof has been committed by the contractor and the amount of loss or damage that has been caused or suffered by General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd shall be final and binding on us and the amount of the said loss or damage shall be paid by us forth with on demand and without demur to the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd. We_____________________ Bank., further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for satisfactory performance and fulfillment in all respects of the said contract by the contractor i.e. till______________(the date upto 12 months after the date of commissioning of the equipment or 18 months from the date of supply whichever is later) hereinafter called the ‘said date’ and that if any claim accrues or arises against us, ___________________Bank., by virtue of this guarantee before the said date, the same shall be enforceable against us, _________________ Bank., notwithstanding the fact that the same is enforced within six months after the said date. Payment under this letter of guarantee shall be made promptly upon our receipt of notice to that effect from the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd. Signature of Bidder with seal Footer Page 29 of 39. PROFORMA- 2 (sheet2/2) It is fully understood that this guarantee is effective from the date of the said contract and that we, _______________ Bank., undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without the consent in writing of the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd. We, ___________________Bank, further agree that the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend time of performance by the contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd (against the said Contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said contract and we, ____________ Bank Ltd., shall not be released from our liability under this guarantee by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor or for any forbearance and or omission on the part of the General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd or any indulgence by General Manager (C) for Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltdto the said Contractor or by any other matter or thing what-so-ever, which, under the law relating to sureties, would, but for this provision have the effect of so releasing us from our liability under this guarantee. We___________________ Bank., further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the said Contractor. Date__________________ Signature_____________________ Place__________________ Name_______________________ (Designation) Witness _______________________ _______________________ (Bank’s Common Seal) ******* Signature of Bidder with seal Footer Page 30 of 39. PROFORMA - 3 (sheet 1 of 3) LETTER OF SUBMISSION OF TENDER (To be typed by Contractor on his letter head) From : To : Name of the work: -------------------------------------------------Ref : Tender No.----------------------------------------------------- Dear Sirs, 1 Having examined the Drawings, Conditions of Contract, Specifications, incorporated in the tender document for the execution of the above named works, and having visited and examined the site of the said works, I/We the undersigned, offer to execute, complete and maintain the whole of the said works in conformity with the said drawings, conditions of contract, specifications, Bill of Quantities etc. for the sum as indicated in the Bill of Quantities or such other sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the said conditions. 2 Should this tender be accepted I/we undertake to commence the work within 07 (Seven) days of issue of the Letter of Acceptance for the work and further undertake to complete and deliver the whole of the works comprised in the contract latest by ------------- in all respects.. 3 I/We agree to abide by this tender for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the bid/or such extended period as may be mutually agreed as prescribed in the Instruction to Bidders and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. Signature of Bidder with seal Footer Page 31 of 39. PROFORMA - 3 (sheet 2 of 3) 4. A sum of Rs......………. towards earnest money in the form of.....……….. in terms of clause 9.0 of the Instructions to bidders, is enclosed herewith. 5. Unless and until an agreement is prepared and executed, this tender together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding Contract between us. 6. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive. 7. We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on our behalf will engage in bribery. We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely “Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988”. Commissions and gratuities paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Proposal and Contract execution, if we are awarded the Contract, are listed below2: Name and Address of Agent/s Amount Purpose of Commission/ Gratuity We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive. 8. Name of the partners of the firm authorised to sign -------------------------------------------------------------------------------or Name of person having power of attorney to sign the contract (Certified true copy of the Power of Attorney should be attached) 8. Correspondence address of Contractor:(The bidder should write his address and other details below at which the correspondence shall be made regarding this tender. In case of any change in the address provided below contractor has to inform GMVNL immediately). a) Correspondence Address : _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Signature of Bidder with seal Footer Page 32 of 39. PROFORMA - 3 (sheet 3 of 3) b) Telephone No (alongwith STD Code) : __________________________ c) Fax: __________________________ d) Name of Contact Person : __________________________ All the correspondence shall be made by Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd at the above provided address/phone/Fax numbers only. Yours faithfully, SIGNATURE(S) OF THE BIDDER(S) Permanent address.............. Local address .............. Note: The Bidder is to fill up the blanks in the above form before signing and submitting the tender. ********* Signature of Bidder with seal Footer Page 33 of 39. Footer Page 34 of 39. Footer Page 35 of 39. Footer Page 36 of 39. Footer Page 37 of 39. Footer Page 38 of 39. Tender Inviting Authority : GARHWAL MANDAL VIKAS NIGAM LTD, 74/1 RAJPUR ROAD, DEHRADUN NAME OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION OF PRE ENGINEERED BUILDING OF VIP GUEST HOUSE AT HARIDWAR ( FOR AARDH KUMBH 2016) Contract No. BIDDER NAME SCHEDULE OF WORKS (This Boq template must not be modified / replaced by the bidder and same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allow to enter the bidders name and values only) S.No. NAME OF ITEM No or Qty UNIT RATE IN FIGURES TO BE ENTERED BY THE BIDDER Figure Construction of Pre Engineered Building LGSFS system including foundation, plinth, civil work, internal & external -sanitary & water supply and electrification, polishing, painting, furnishing, fire fighting arrangement, 2Nos SS body, machine room less Lift (8 person each, Auto door center opening), Tube well system, D.G.Set, Boundary wall, Land scapping, rain water harvesting pits/ tank, external sewerage, water & electrical connection complete as per design, drawings and specification attached on Turn Key Basis. 1 Lower Ground Floor 1126.35 Sqm 2 Upper Ground Floor + Porch 1192.35 Sqm 3 First Floor 1126.35 Sqm 4 Second Floor 1126.35 Sqm Footer Page 39 of 39. Words AMOUNT
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