Goshen Farmers’ Market Vendor Guide 22001155 G OS FAARRM SH MAARRKKEETT HE ME EN ER NF RS GO S’’ M GOSHEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 845 294-7741 845 294-7446(fax) 223 Main St. Goshen NY 10924 www.goshennychamber.com [email protected] 16 2015 Season Sponsored by the Goshen Chamber of Commerce To our Vendors, W Weellccoom mee ttoo tthhee 22001155 S Seeaassoonn ooff tthhee G meerrss’’ M Maarrkkeett!! Goosshheenn FFaarrm We are excited about our new 2015 Market season! This guide is a reference for you regarding the policies of the Goshen Farmer’s Market. Our policies reflect the mission of our market and provide a framework to ensure its smooth operation. Our primary concern is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for our vendors and customers. There are VERY important changes regarding the Market this season so it is very important that you read and understand the contents of this booklet. New items have been highlighted. Our doors to you are always open and we pledge to treat each vendor respectfully and fairly. RULES ENFORCEMENT/GRIEVANCE Terri Smallin Executive Director Diana Lupinski 1. The Market Manager is responsible for enforcing all regulations and of resolving complaints between vendors. 2. In the event of conflicts or refusal to comply with any specific directions or regulation, complaints must be directed, in writing to the GFMAC for review. The decision of the FMAC is binding. 3. Failure to comply with the decision of the GFMAC will result in termination from the Goshen Farmer’s Market. 4. In the event a vendor has a grievance against another vendor, all efforts will be made to ensure confidentiality of both parties and to resolve the matter amicably and swiftly. 5. In the event a customer has a grievance against a vendor, all efforts will be made to ensure confidentiality of all parties and to resolve the matter amicably and swiftly. Market Manager 2 15 VENDOR CONDUCT 1. Producers are responsible for the behavior of their employees and volunteers. 2. Producers and their agents, employees and volunteers are expected to be courteous and honest in their business dealings at all times. 3. Public consumption of alcohol is prohibited by Village Law. 4. Dogs, except service dogs, are not permitted at any time. 5. Vendors must remove all unsold goods, tents, chairs and other possessions from their booth and clean up before leaving the market. 6. Disputes between vendors/harassment of individuals of any kind are not permitted and will not be tolerated. If a complaint is not settled at the Market between the vendors, or the vendors and the market manager, it must be submitted in writing to the GFMAC, whose decision will be final. Failure to comply with said decision shall subject the individual(s) involved to sanctions including exclusion from future participation in the market. 7. Concerns/complaints regarding rules, codes, laws, or personnel relating to the Farmer’s Market in any manner must be directed to the Market Manager and pursued following the stated grievance process on page 15 of this booklet. Failure to do so may result in termination from the Market. 14 O N ON OUURR M MISSSSIO The mission of the Goshen Farmer’s Market is to promote local and regional agriculture and ensure a supply of fresh local produce for our community. W WHHAATT Y YOOUU C CAANN E EXXPPEECCTT FFRROOM M TTH HE E G GOOSSHHEENN FFAARRM MAARRKKEETT:: ME ER RS S’’ M 1. All vendors will be treated with professionalism, respect, and courtesy. 2. There will be equal application of all rules & regulations towards each vendor, without favoritism. 3. Fees will not be increased during the season under any circumstance. 4. In the event of personal emergencies, crop failures and circumstances beyond the control of the vendor, all efforts will be made to assist the vendor in continuing at the market without penalty. 5. All disputes will be moderated fairly and equitably. 6. All efforts will be made to provide the Vendors with a clean, supportive and safe selling environment. 7. You will have the support of Farmer’s Market personnel and the members of the Goshen Farmer’s Market Advisory Committee (GFMAC) if needed. 3 D S NS ON DEEFFINNITTIO Crafts Non-food items made by vendors, if allowed, may be subject to special procedures for selection and approval. Farm/Producer Visit Process where the market manager visits the vendor’s farm/or work site to determine whether product sold at the market is “farm-raised” and/or vendor has control of means of production as stated. Goshen Farmers’ Market Advisory Committee/GFMAC Committee designated by the Goshen Chamber of Commerce to oversee the Market. GFMAC is the ultimate decision making body of the Goshen Farmers’ Market. Hold Harmless/Indemnification Waiver signed by vendor to financially protect market organizers from liability arising at the market. S SIGGNNAAGGEE AANNDD DDISSPPLLAAYYSS 1. All signage, displays and personal property must remain within the confines of the vendor booth space. 2. Signs/banners/displays should be maintained in good repair. 3. Any signs/promotional materials not pertaining to the Farmer’s Market or vendors’ product must be approved by the Market Manager before time of display. 4. Each vendor shall display a sign which states the vendor’s name 5. Vendors must have their prices clearly displayed at all times. Market Manager Person designated to run the market on a day-to-day basis. Producer-Only Market Selling only items raised or manufactured by the vendor who sells them. Proof of Insurance A form a vendor obtains from an insurance carrier indicating the type of insurance coverage and listing the market and others as covered parties. Product List List of the products the vendor plans to sell which may be used to allocate spaces and limit vendors from adding unapproved products. Vendor A farmer/other person designated by the FMAC as having the right to participate in the market. 4 13 V VEEHHICCLLEESS 1. Vendors may not bring vehicles onto the grass or sidewalks at any time for any reason. 2. Vendors will park their vehicles at the discretion of the Market Manager & as assigned in special cases of large vehicles. If permission has been obtained from The Berkshire Bank, the parking lot behind the drive-thru may be used, facing the stone wall next to the dumpster. This will be enforced after unloading period. Vendors and their employees are expected to comply with all applicable vehicle and traffic laws. 3. Vendors may not under any circumstance park or unload in the parking lot or driveway of the First Presbyterian Church without express and written permission from the church and the Market Manager. 4. No vehicle of any sort may block a road at any time. No produce, product, or empty containers may be stored in or on any public highway, roadway, thoroughfare, or sidewalk. 5. No vendor may, remove or move barricades belonging to any entity including the Village of Goshen. 6. When loading/unloading, please turn off your vehicles.. Q RV OR S FFO NS ON S RS OR QUUAALLIFFICCAATTIO VEENNDDO Admission to the Market is at the discretion of the GFMAC and based on the following criteria: 1. The Market is limited to bona fide farmers/growers/ producers in New York State & surrounding areas (NJ, PA, CT) or their agents. Producers must be in full control of production of all products. An agent is someone employed by the grower or their representative. 2. Producer’s history of compliance with federal, state, local and Market rules & regulations. 3. Farmers may be asked to obtain a letter from the County Extension Agent certifying their status as a grower. 4. Farmers and all vendors are expected to cooperate in any unannounced inspection by the Market Manager, or GFMAC member. 5. Non-farm bakeries are permitted at the sole discretion of the GFMAC and must be home bakeries or small family owned commercial bakeries within 50 miles of Goshen. All goods must be of their own making and cannot be subcontracted or assigned. Proof of production is required. Resale product and duplication of bakery products is prohibited. Bakery must be inspected by NYS AG & Markets or DOH as applicable. 6. Previous non-compliance with any regulation of the Goshen Farmer’s Market will not be considered as defense for continued non-compliance. 12 5 W D// WHHAATT M MAAYY BBEE S SO OLLD Q OFF G S DS OD GO OO QUUAALLITTYY O 1. The farmer may only sell produce grown (or goods made) on his/her own farm. Up to 30% at any one Market, may be from a neighboring farm(s) providing the source of these goods is identified to the Market Manager & is not the equivalent of a product that another grower who grew (or made) is selling at Market. (Any producer who rents or is involved in a partnership or other contractual agreement must advise the GFMAC of such arrangement.) 2. The GFMAC selects prepared foods and baked goods that are original, of high quality and do not excessively duplicate foods already sold at Market. To benefit consumers, no food vendor will have the exclusive right to sell any category of food product. 3. In addition to freshly (except storage items) picked vegetables, herbs, fruits, plants, and flowers (any unprocessed plant products), the following may be sold, as long as home produced in accordance with regulations set forth by NYS Department of Agriculture: honey eggs maple syrup cheese grape juice apple juice apple cider jams jellies meats/fish plain flavored butters Oils soaps Continued on next page... 6 6. Permits to operate are issued for each day of the Market and will be void if the market is closed that day. 7. Absences and late arrivals must be called into the Market Manager or the Chamber office. More than 2 absences without notification may result in loss of booth assignment and prepaid booth fees. Excessive (4+) absences with notification will be handled at the discretion of the GFMAC. 8. Vendors are responsible to bring their own tents, tables, chairs and trash receptacles. Vendors are responsible for cleanup in their booth area and must take their trash off premises for disposal at the end of the day as Village pickup does not occur over the weekend. 9. All scales must be registered, sealed & battery operated. 10. Closure of the Market is at the discretion of the Market Manager and the GFMAC. In the event the Market is closed due to inclement weather or an unforeseen incident, the Market Manager will advise all vendors at what time the Market will be closing. The Market Manager will advise the Village of Goshen that the Market has closed early, thereby terminating use permits for that day. If any vendor remains on the premises, they do so at their own risk as they will be operating without a permit. The Goshen Farmer’s Market will not accept responsibility for any liabilities after the market has closed. Any vendor who chooses to remain and operate on site against the direction of the Market Manager, may be terminated from the Market. 11 TTIM N E,, P WN ME SEETT UUPP //TTAAKKEE D DO OW PLLAACCEE AANNDD S 1. The 2015 Market will operate on Fridays, May 29October 30, 2015, from 10:00am–5:00pm. Vendors, other than rotating artisans, are expected to participate each week excepting start dates and personal emergencies. Due to the conflict with vendor setup for the Great American Weekend, the market scheduled for 7/3/15 will be canceled. 2. The Market will take place at the Village Square (Church Park) at the intersection of Main St. & South Church St. Goshen NY. 3. All necessary paperwork must be received, notarized as necessary, and accepted by the Market Manager and Village Clerk before a vendor may occupy a space and/or open. 4. Spaces are assigned by the GFMAC. Spaces may be changed at the discretion of the Market Manager as deemed necessary without input from any vendor. No vendor may “sublet” any stall at any time for any purpose. 5. All vendors are to arrive by 9:30am for set up. Vehicles are to be removed from the loading zones prior to 10am Market opening. Any vendor who arrives late without calling ahead may be denied admission to the Market for that day. No vendor is to leave early unless with prior approval of the Market Manager. Continu1e0d on next page….. 4. All crop plans and/or product lists are pre-approved by the GFMAC at the time of application. New items not included in an original application may be applied for in writing at least two weeks prior to introduction at the Market and may only be sold with approval of the GFMAC. 5. The needs of the market change from season to season, therefore, each vendor and their product is re-evaluated each year. The market does not offer or guarantee any vendor, whether new or a previous vendor, a presence at the market or that the same products will be permitted each season. Permission to bring product one year or for a number of years does not guarantee or imply permission for this season. 6. All goods must be of fresh and good quality. The Market Manager may direct inferior quality goods be removed from display at the Market. 7. Any vendor selling product as organic must submit and display proper certification. Organic produce grown at farms owned by persons other than the vendor will not be allowed. 8. Artisan crafts will be allowed at the discretion of the GFMAC. 9. All products must be clearly marked and priced weekly. Continued on next page…. 7 Continued from previous page 10.The Market does not offer exclusive rights to any one Vendor to sell any one product. Market customers benefit from having a choice. The GFMAC may deny entry of duplicate products if the number of Vendors offering the same/similar products is excessive or that current market demand is being met. Such determination being within the discretion of the GFMAC. 11. Resale of any product purchased by the vendor is NOT permitted without express permission of the GFMAC and only under the most limited of circumstances. Any vendor who sells product not of his/her own making while claiming that it is will be permanently expelled from the Market. 12.Decisions regarding products which cannot be sold will be sent to the Vendor certified mail, return receipt requested. 13.All decisions by the GFMAC regarding what may be sold is final. B BOOOOTTHH S SIZZEE // S SPPAACCINNGG P PRRICCINNGG P PEERRM MITT 1. The Market Manager has the right to determine optimal Market layout positions and assignments. 2. Booths are measured in 100’ square foot (eg: 10’x10’ square booth) spaces. All display, signage etc are to be kept within the booth boundaries. The weekly fee is: 10x10 sf booth space = $35 20x10 sf booth space = $70 30x10 sf booth space = $105 40x10 sf booth space = $140 3. A vendor may opt to pay multiple weeks: half the season (12 weeks) with a 5% discount or the full season with a 10% discount. Discounts do not apply to the initial $100 application fee. 4. Prepayment does not prevent termination from the market. suspension or 5. If you attend a market and leave early due to the weather and the market has not closed, you will be responsible for the cost of your booth space. There are no refunds should there be a market cancellation due to weather or unknown factor. 6. No vendor shall be allowed to occupy any booth space if they are not current with booth fees. 7. Withholding of payment may result in termination. 8. The Market Manager will be your contact for all financial matters and shall keep records regarding payment, prepayment and other matters. 8 9
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