creating connective tissue through strategic communications

Friday, April 24 8:30 – 9:45 AM
Keeping invested stakeholders at the table, engaged and informed is central to successful movements. Yet this
aspect of advancing a shared agenda is often given the least amount of time, attention and financial resources
relative to other, often more urgent, priorities. Daily practice of strategic communications within coalitions builds
visibility, staying power and the relationships that are the “connective tissue” needed to keep constituencies
focused and engaged.
The Patterson Foundation will offer ways funders can use strategic communications to create and reinforce the
connective tissue among key constituencies including board, staff, volunteers, donors and media while
strengthening the fabric of their GLR campaigns. The workshop will cover practical tools and techniques to
maximize existing communication channels and open new ones. Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation will share
how it has used strategic communications to broaden awareness and build political will in Arkansas for its ARGLR agenda.
Funders committed to keeping their coalitions and key constituencies engaged and informed while advancing
their local campaigns.
Lead Discussants
Debra Jacobs, President and CEO, The Patterson Foundation
Roxanne Joffe, Communications Strategist, The Patterson Foundation
Andrew Ford, Senior Associate for Education & Community Change, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
Session Outcomes
A deeper understanding of strategic communications — beyond tools and tactics — and the role it
plays in our shared work
Practical ideas to take home and try with local coalitions
An increased awareness of and commitment to a funder’s roles in creating connective tissue
Discussion Format
Debra Jacobs, CEO of The Patterson Foundation will open the workshop with an overview of the foundation’s
unique approach to partnering and building “connective tissue” — sharing what it is, how to create it and which
key constituencies need to be informed and engaged to sustain it. Patterson’s Roxanne Joffe will then illustrate
the core elements of a funder’s role in movement building and how to use communication channels and tools
more consistently and effectively to strengthen coalition efforts. Winthrop Rockefeller’s Andrew Ford will
conclude the presentation. He will illustrate how WRF’s communication strategy is creating public awareness,
building political will and amplifying core campaign messages with strong media partners such as PBS.
Through discussions with presenters and table talks, participants will begin to assess their coalition’s
communications strategies, identify investment opportunities and share ideas for creating connective tissue
within their own coalitions. Takeaways include an integrated framework for strategic communications, an
understanding how funders can create connective tissue and practical “try it” techniques.
APR 2015