ACT Greens Field Organiser and Office Assistant The Field Organiser is a key role within the ACT Greens, ensuring effective communication with the general public, party members, party supporters and Assembly. In addition, it provides opportunities to build networks and support across the Greens locally and nationally. The role encompasses a range of administrative and organising duties. It offers a degree of autonomy to initiate, develop and implement individual projects within the ACT Greens. You would be working with our Party Organiser as a team and reporting to the ACT Greens Convenor. The duties below indicate some of the key roles that need to fulfilled by the Organiser which include administrative duties which would ordinarily be fulfilled by an Office Manager. We are open to discussions about how duties are split between the two organisers and flexible with working days and hours. This is a part time position at $55,400 pa prorata + 9.5% super. Please email the ACT Greens Convenor, Sophie Trevitt, [email protected], before June 8. Include a cover letter of at most 2 pages responding to the responsibilities, and your CV. You will be notified by June 15 whether you will be invited to have an interview. Responsibilities Organising Develop and maintain neighbourhood teams in key areas Maintain regular communication with neighbourhood team organisers to facilitate with planning, answer questions, respond to concerns, investigate unmet needs etc. Attend key meetings when necessary to help overcome obstacles or inertia or respond to queries Provide training or additional support to teams on a needs basis Attend events with teams where necessary as support (e.g. doorknocking, flyering etc.) Develop and conduct trainings for members and supporters as required including: Identifying areas of need Sourcing trainers to provide the training to members and supporters Recruiting and promoting training to members and supporters Providing followup to ensure training is implemented by those who receive it Support membership secretary in growing and maintaining membership by Identifying supporters who could become members if approached Identifying new members who require induction and/or contact to become active Identifying members who are at risk of lapsing, have lapsed or need reengagement Identifying opportunities to recruit new members (e.g. Oweeks) Implement and manage campaigns as required (including by not limited to supporting election campaigns in other states, running singleissue campaigns and our ACT election campaigns etc.) Identifying and producing / acquiring materials and resources Recruiting and supporting volunteers to implement the campaign Liaising with relevant MPs or state offices as required Identifying training or growth opportunities for volunteers through the campaign and facilitating their engagement (e.g. going to Victoria to campaign on the ground) Administration Office Maintain office hours of 10am 4pm, Mon Thurs with some flexibility due to meetings and events occurring after hours and on weekends Keep the office clean and tidy Maintain stock of campaign materials (flyers, leaflets etc. from other Greens offices), merchandise (badges, Tshirts etc.) and office stationery Maintain electronic systems including the call centre, computers, hardware and software. Correspondence and Communication Respond to constituent and member/supporter queries, requests and concerns Write and distribute Members Bulletin and Supporters Bulletin fortnightly unless otherwise directed by the party or ACT Greens Convenor Process and distribute merchandise that is ordered via the Greens shop Process and respond to questions or concerns regarding membership renewals, expiries and new members Online Maintain NationBuilder database of volunteers, members and supporters Facilitate mass communication with supporters and members via NationBuilder (emails and call lists) Maintain ACT Greens Website and any affiliated websites Record activities and engagement of supporters and members on NationBuilder Donations and payments Set up payments for processing by the Bookkeeper Forward details of donations/payments received via NationBuilder to the Bookkeeper Events and Meetings Book venues and organise event logistics as required Prepare General Meeting and Coord agendas and materials for distribution Book venue for General Meeting or Coord as required
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