Term 2 Week 3 Foundation Phase Year 1 - Fire Ant Incursion Ashwina Lingana - Teacher On Friday, Year 1 students had a very special guest; Aka the Fire Ant Tracker dog. Aka helped us to understand more about fire ants. She has been trained to track fire ants. Aka displayed her unique skills such as untying some student’s shoelaces! We learnt that fire ants secretly came to Australia from South America on cargo ships. They live underground in nests where they protect their queen. Did you know that the queen can lay up to 1000 eggs per day? Wow! Fire ants use tunnels to go in and out of the nest and can become very angry if you disturb them. When they feel threatened they can give you a nasty, fiery sting. Ouch! That's why they are called Fire Ants. Year 2 – Music Kaye - Marie Bently Students have enjoyed their music lessons this week. They have been learning all about what music means, and how pitch, rhythm and beat are heard in songs. It's exciting to listen to different types of music and hear the similarities and differences in the tunes. Students get excited when they are playing listening games that focus on these elements. They mention it every time we hear a song. NAPLAN in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 Susan Hindle & Roshea Buksh: Heads of Day School On Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take part in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy, or “NAPLAN", as it is commonly known. Skills that will be tested include: Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation), Reading and Numeracy. Testing is paced over several days and includes set rest times to help students work to their personal best. Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 9 Tuesday 12 May Language conventions 40 minutes Writing 40 minutes Language conventions 40 minutes Writing 40 minutes Language conventions 45 minutes Writing 40 minutes Language conventions 45 minutes Writing 40 minutes Wednesday 13 May Thursday 14 May Reading 45 minutes Numeracy 45 minutes Reading 50 minutes Numeracy 50 minutes Reading 65 minutes Numeracy with calculator 40 minutes Numeracy non calculator 40 minutes Reading 65 minutes Numeracy with calculator 40 minutes Numeracy non calculator 40 minutes These tests are completed here at school and are considered just another part of the curriculum. It is important for you and your child to know that NAPLAN is not a pass/fail test. It simply looks at what level students are achieving in literacy and numeracy against National Standards and compared with student peers throughout Australia. NAPLAN cannot be studied for and students are not expected to do so. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to let them know that it is just a routine part of their school program, and to encourage them to do the best they can on the day. Please ensure your child has a hearty breakfast to prepare them for the days testing. Later in the year parents will have access to an individual student NAPLAN report that you can use to monitor how your child is progressing. More information, including sample tests, is available at www.naplan.edu.au If you have any concerns about the NAPLAN processes, please contact your child’s teacher. Intermediate Phase CSSAQ – Cross Country Andrew Hourigan – Primary Sports Coordinator On Monday, May 4, students from Years 3 – 6 attended the CSSAQ Cross Country at Limestone Park. Teachers were very proud of the sportsmanship and effort of all the students as they represented our College in the competition. Congratulations to all of the students who qualified for this event. Year 4 - Swimming Jessica Buckby - Teacher It was with great anticipation, that the Year 4 students boarded the buses for their week of swimming. The students thoroughly enjoyed their lessons. There was some hesitation at times but with encouragement from the instructors and teachers, students gained confidence in their abilities and became better swimmers. All students gave their best and have developed new skills during the swimming lessons. Intermediate Craft Club News Margaret van Essen - Teacher The craft club started off with lots of excitement in the air. The student’s first craft project was to decorate funky glasses. They had to decorate them with different materials, like sequins, coloured paper and glitter. Their next craft project was to design and decorate a jumping jack with coloured concertina arms and legs. The list of projects grows as we continue each week. The students are thoroughly enjoying the activities. Administration of Medications Wera Smith – Business Services Manager Groves Christian College is committed to supporting students’ health and wellbeing. We would appreciate parents/carers providing the school with any relevant health information that is required to support the student at school. This information is also collected at enrolment but needs to be updated regularly, or if a new health condition develops. Information about medically diagnosed conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy and other health conditions that may require College staff to provide support to students, including administering medication and performing health procedures, should be provided to the College. This also includes paracetamol. Additionally, any health need that may impact on College activities such as sports, outings (including camps) should also be discussed with the College. Information should be provided in writing, and any specific health plans (only to be completed and signed by the medical practitioner) should be included. Please contact the College to discuss any specific requirements. Please inform the College Administration staff of any changes to contact details or the contact details of the people nominated as emergency contacts. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. All information is kept confidential and only disclosed to the relevant staff required to supporting your child. For any enquiries, please contact the College Office on telephone 3380 5800. Thank you for working together to overcome the extreme weather conditions Allan Weir – Head of College A big thank you to everyone for working together on Friday afternoon last week to ensure everyone was able to leave school safely. A special thank you to our staff members who worked tirelessly in the soaking conditions to help everyone on the afternoon. Middle Phase Year 8 Camp Marilyn Holden – Year 8 Coordinator Have you returned your forms? Just a reminder to check…. All forms are signed and handed to Student Support Any medication is labelled with a chemist label including students name Make sure all personal items are named and you have the required items for specific activities e.g. Old shoes for canoeing NOTE: Students need to pack warm clothing, bedding as it does get very cold. Students will be participating in evening activities. A day in the life of a Year 9 Student Hannah Weir – Year 9 Student I get to school and sit in the Dome with Mr Hindle and the other students. Then I put away my books and get what I need from my locker and wait for my friends. We socialise and chit chat. We get to our class and then walk in and have 10 minutes of Devotions. There is a focus question on the board and then we start lessons. What I find engaging in my classes: 1. Classroom discussions in English. These are important because you get to hear from one another and if you aren’t sure about the question you begin to understand through the discussion. 2. Putting yourself into a situation of what you are learning. For example in History, placing yourself under child labour and thinking about how it would make you feel. This really helped me understand the topic more. 3. Having a love for learning because everything is interesting and you can formulate your ideas on life. 4. Being around different sorts of people which you interact with and this prepares you for the real world. It does not become a fixed way of life, or a particular group of people. When you meet new people you can strike up conversations and build friendships. 5. I like singing and being involved in Choir, and the Extension Music group because these give me a chance to expand my horizons and to use my gifts for the glory of God. I love that you get a lot of respect from students and staff at Groves and I enjoy the guided freedom we receive from the teachers. We know that the teachers care about helping ensure we do our best not only academically but holistically as well. We are not always under observation. Groves is a place where you can be yourself. Chaplaincy Ellen Watters – Chaplain Chaplaincy has started off with great joy this term. Jeff and I are constantly blessed with being involved and journeying with the students in their lives. In our Christian Life classes this term we’ve been having a lot of fun in running our classes as a youth group. We’ve been filling our time with singing and praising God, intense group games and discussions of topics that the students are interested in. It’s great to see the students really get involved and take initiative in their classrooms. After our 3 great College chapels at the end of last term, we have introduced our new focus for Term Two – the book of Acts. We are looking forward to looking into the lives of the disciples and what it means for us now being disciples of Jesus 2000 years later. We are thankful for the joy that we have in serving the students in our school and are very much looking forward to the rest of this term. Senior Phase Year 10 Digital Design and Technology Ben Ram – Teacher Year 10 DDT has become a partnership between the designer and engineer. Students have chosen their introduction to Information Technology Studies or Technology Studies. Those doing the Information Technology Studies are completing the Robotic Challenges of the Green City and the Space Mission in partnership with students involved in Technology Studies. Those participating in Technology Studies are researching and creating their own designs that relate to these challenges in a “Real-life” way. The Green City and Space Mission contains many challenges that the students can choose from – one from each is mandatory and they must pick one other as a minimum towards a C standard. Students are required to complete the same set of challenges as partners and must negotiate with each other in the choices that are given. Year 10 Recreational Studies: Lifesaving and Swimming Louis van Amstel Our students travelled to Gould Adams Aquatic Centre on Tuesday, May 5, to increase their awareness of pool safety, basic lifesaving and swimming techniques, in the context of a swimming pool. They have two more sessions left and by the end of the unit they will have learnt: Some important safety skills in the pools The basic technique for freestyle and backstroke swimming Some basic lifesaving techniques which can be used in emergency situations Skills in how to react to a certain situation around the pool to maintain my safety and the safety of others The students are looking forward to finishing this unit of work and having these skills on hand in case of an emergency situation that they may come across. Upcoming in Foundation Phase Term 2 Week 4 Date Prep Year 1 Monday 11/5 PM Benchmarking English Railway Museum Excursion Year 2 Year 3 Tuesday 12/5 NAPLAN Wednesday 13/5 NAPLAN Mayes Cottage + Kingston Butter Factory Excursion Thursday 14/5 NAPLAN Friday 15/5 Term 2 Week 5 Date Monday 18/5 Tuesday 19/5 Prep Year 1 Year 2 Oral Assessment English LEM Assessment English Wednesday 20/5 Thursday 21/5 Friday 22/5 Art Assessment Grandparents Day Celebration Prep – Year 3 Year 3 Upcoming in Intermediate Phase Term 2 Week 4 Date Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Assembly NAPLAN Assembly Monday 11/5/15 Tuesday 12/5/15 Wednesday 13/5/15 NAPLAN Thursday 14/5/15 NAPLAN Friday 15/5/15 Sports Sports Sports Term 2 Week 5 Date Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Monday 18/5/15 Tuesday 19/5/15 Assembly Assembly Assembly Pentecost Chapel Sports Pentecost Chapel Sports Pentecost Chapel Sports Wednesday 20/5/15 Thursday 21/5/15 Friday 22/5/15 Upcoming in Middle Phase Term 2 Week 4 Date Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Monday 11/5 NAPLAN Tuesday 12/5 NAPLAN Wednesday 13/5 NAPLAN Thursday 14/5 NAPLAN NAPLAN NAPLAN Graphics Sketching Portfolio Friday 15/5 English Reading Log Social Studies Industrial Revolution Final Term 2 Week 5 Date Year 7 Monday 18/5 Science Angles make a difference experiment Tuesday 19/5 Met East Cross Country Carnival Visual Art Alphabet Black and White Wednesday 20/5 Woodwork Name plaque Digital Technology Quiz Year 8 Year 9 Digital Visual Basic Programming Woodwork Design Met East Cross Country Carnival Science Rockin’ Minerals Exam Year 8 Camp Thursday 21/5 Year 8 Camp Friday 22/5 Year 8 Camp Met East Cross Country Carnival Dramatic Monologue Food Technology Folio Visual Art Folio Unit 1 Science Assignment Part 2 Upcoming in Senior Phase Term 2 Week 4 Date Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Monday 11/5 Tuesday 12/5 Recreation Studies (Swimming Assessment, Gould Adams Park Aquatic Centre) [Periods 1-3] Wednesday 13/5 Thursday 14/5 Maths B (Assignment) Friday 15/5 English Comm. Letter of Response Term 2 Week 5 Date Year 10 Year 11 Monday 18/5 Home Economics (Practical Exam) PreVoc Maths Assessment 3 11 Math A Assignment Due Early Childhood Studies Toy design and Oral Hospitality Practical Assessment Visual Art (Body of Work 1 ) Tuesday 19/5 MET East Cross Country Recreation Studies (Swimming Assessment, Gould Adams Park Aquatic Centre Periods 1 – 3) MET East Cross Country Hospitality Practical Assessment MET East Cross Country PreVoc Maths Assessment #3 Wednesday 20/5 English Communication (Mock Police Interview) Hospitality (Practical & Theory) Thursday 21/5 Friday 22/5 Year 12 English Communication Email response due Religion & Ethics (Exam) P.E. Orienteering Assessment/Excursion Daisy Hill Forest Creative Arts: Music Knowledge Assignment P.E. Orienteering Assessment/Excursion Daisy Hill Forest Creative Arts: Music Knowledge Assignment
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