6 May 2015 From the Assistant Principal A Mothers' Day Prayer Vision Statement St Simon Peter Catholic Primary School community will provide challenges for the growth of the whole person. Within a framework of Catholic values, we will strive to live in harmony with each other and our environment living our motto “Love One Another.” Loving God, You wrap your arms around your people and show everlasting love in the same way a mother loves her children. We are grateful for the love you have taught us through the mothers in our lives: our own mother who brought us into this world, the mothers of friends who have welcomed us into their homes and families, our grandmothers who took time for us, and the mothers who have helped us even though we were not their children. Bless all the mothers. May they know the fullness of love they have shared and be blessed every day of their lives. Amen Mother’s Day It is fitting that we celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May, as this is a month that the church has dedicated to Mary, the Mother of us all. It doesn’t matter how old we are, how young we are, we all need our Mums. So, cherish your Mums and make sure they have an extra special day on Sunday. To celebrate and honour our Mums, this Thursday we have our Mother’s Day breakfast and Mass. The response to this has again been phenomenal, with an overwhelming number of RSVP’s to the breakfast. For safety reasons children will only be able to carry cold drinks. Breakfast commences in the hall at 7.30am, followed by Mass at 9.00am. We especially welcome our Pre Primary students who will join us for Mass for the first time. We look forward to seeing you there. NAPLAN On Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May, students in Years 3 & 5will take part in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy, or NAPLAN, as it is commonly known. Skills that will be tested include reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation and numeracy. These tests are done here at school and are considered just another part of the curriculum. Class teachers have been preparing students for these tests. We ask that students get plenty of sleep (10-11 hours a night) during this week. It is important for you and your child to know that NAPLAN is not a pass/fail test. It simply looks at what level students are achieving in literacy and numeracy against National Standards and compared with student peers throughout Australia. NAPLAN cannot be studied for and students are not expected to do so. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to let them know that it is just a routine part of their school program and to urge them to do the best they can on the day. All students in Years 3 & 5 are expected to participate in NAPLAN testing. Parents are asked to not keep children at home during NAPLAN week for no particular reason, other than they are sick which requires a medical certificate. Later in the year we will send parents an individual student NAPLAN report that you can use to view and monitor how your child is progressing. More information is available on the NAPLAN website www.naplan.edu.au School Photos School photos will take place on Wednesday May 20 and Thursday May 21. Please see the allocation of classes for each day below. If you would like a family photo taken, family photo envelopes are available in student services. Family photos will be taken at lunch time on the Wednesday and completed on Thursday at recess. Wednesday May 20 KH, KR, Pre Primaries, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, 5LT, 5SF, House Leaders, Sport Captains, Library Monitors, Music and Dance captains. Kind Regards Clodagh Manifold Assistant Principal Thursday May 21 KS, Year 1, 5GF, Year 6, Graduation photo. Reminders Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday 7 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 12 – 14 May 7.30am Mother’s Day Breakfast 9.00am Mother’s Day Mass QCS Survey Closes 1-4pm Enrolment for Reconciliation & First Holy Communion NAPLAN From the School Nurse: Check your child’s fingernails! Could parents please make sure that their children’s fingernails are kept short? Recently we have had a few incidents of children sustaining deep scratches due to accidental injury from long fingernails. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Does your child have Asthma? Management of your child’s asthma: Tell the school that your child has asthma and provide an Asthma Action Plan completed by a health professional and reviewed at least annually. Provide a preventer (Ventolin/Asmol-blue) inhaler and spacer to be kept in sick bay, not school bags, for ease of access and safe storage. Contact the School Nurse when your child has been unwell with asthma symptoms to aid management in school. It is vitally important for the health and safety of your child that we have an up-to-date Asthma Action Plan, please do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure as to the date of your child’s last plan or require any further information. Kind regards Nicki Schunmann (RN) School Nurse Ph: 9301 6848 Email: [email protected] Winter Sport Year Five and Six In preparation for the Interschool Lightning Carnival to be held on Friday 5 June, this term the Year 5 and 6 students compete against each other in winter sport sessions on Monday 11 May, 18 May and 25 May. These sessions run from 9.00am-10.00am and include Football, Boys’ Soccer, Girls’ Soccer, Flag Belt Rugby and Netball. We need parent helpers from any year level in our school for these sessions to umpire the games on the abovementioned Monday mornings. You don’t need to be AFL standard or have refereed Perth Glory, you just need to have a basic knowledge of the game and be keen to blow a whistle. If you can help please email Mr Thompson at [email protected] and of course your time will contribute to the Give Ten project at our school. Assistance Required If anyone goes to High Flyers in Wanneroo on any afternoon during the week and is able to give a lift to one of our Year 4 students, could you please contact Mrs Tanja Northmore on 0448 519 870. Thank you. Naturescape Playground – Help Required We are currently in the planning process for the exciting redevelopment of our junior playground area. We are looking at developing a natural, ecofriendly playground area linking the two existing play spaces on the oval. Our aim is to develop a space that allows the children to be creative and encourage physical and social development. We would love to hear from parents who have particular skills or industry contacts for materials etc that would be of assistance with this project. As part of our ongoing commitment to community engagement, we would, in the first instance, like to engage with tradesmen and contacts within our school community. If you feel you can contribute please contact the school office on 9301 6888 or email [email protected] Canteen The Canteen will be having a “Sausage Sizzle” meal deal on Tuesday 19 May. An order form will be sent home this week via the note bag. Please ensure that you return your order form by Friday 15 May, as no late orders can be accepted. A big thank you to all of our Canteen Volunteers, who have spent time helping in the Canteen, your help this year has been greatly appreciated. We are looking for volunteers who can spare some time to help out in the Canteen. Any help would be welcomed and remember you are able to record your time for the “Give 10”. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MERIT AWARD WINNERS from the Junior Assembly held today: PPBR PPH PPV 1I 1L 1R 2H 2S 2SM 3B 3K 3L Kimberley Bloomer, Ronan Sheppard, Olivia Hamilton, Sam Scutella Lila Dowling, Kayla Graindorge, Tom Lenaghan, Joshua Roberts Jude Jewbin, Bobbie Mather, Lia Popovsky, Angus Riley Chloe Commins, Alivia Wilkie, Kiefer MacNiel, Oceana Sherriff Verona Gergis, Xavier Viegas, Nina Peterson, William Hocking Jayden Acres, Toby Green, Jasmine McAllister, Gemma Nunn Eamon Craig, Regina Desi, Sean Nolan, Oliver Clore Matthew Bloomer, Emmersyn Riches, Patrick Ross, Venice Zoric Alice Bollen, Madison Norris, Nathan Gillmor, Ross McEwan Jack Georgiu, Charlie Cant, Lachlan Acres Tayla Norris, Monet Marcoux, Abbey Burgess, Tristan Dudek Alvaro Blackall, Isabella Hill, Lukas Tadman, Kiara Calnon CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF THE EASTER EGG HUNT COLOURING-IN COMPETITION: Teddy Stewart (KB), Jacob Williams (KB), Asher Campbell (KR), Amelie McLeay (1L), James Watt (2SM), Heidi Thompson (2SM), Isabelle Jones (2S), Liam Moriarty (2S), Calum Craig (3B) and Connor Mahon (5GF). Over the last 5 years St Simon Peter staff have taken part in the Joondalup/Wanneroo Relay For Life. Last year we raised an amazing $11,500.00. You can follow our progress at www.fundraising.cancer.org.au scroll down (that’s us in the clown costumes!), under view top teams, click on view all teams, our team name is St Simon Peter. BLINGO – LOOK FABULOUS WHILE YOU BINGO! Only 3 weeks to go! We still have tickets available for our big fundraiser for this year. This is not bingo as you know it! Get a table together. There will be raffles, games, auctions, prizes, lots of laughter and fun. SATURDAY MAY 23rd 2015 DOORS OPEN: 6.30pm for 7.00pm start CURRAMBINE COMMUNITY HALL Tickets: $20—ENTRY AND 2 GAMES OF BINGO For tickets email [email protected] [email protected] or www.trybooking.com/130009 4 Easy Ways to Build Your Child’s Self- Esteem with Your Words 1. Empower your child by seeing her best self. Research shows that kids’ beliefs determine their behaviour. When you observe something positive about your child, tell her what you see. “You’re working hard on that…. Hey, I saw you got frustrated with your brother, but you were able to stop yourself from yelling….Wow, you read that whole book yourself!….I’ve noticed that you’re remembering to brush your teeth now without being reminded most of the time.” Notice that these are specific observations about what your child is actually doing, rather than global pronouncements like “You’re smart” which aren’t provable, and which kids may argue with in their own minds. 2. Empower your child by problem-solving instead of labelling. If you’re offering your child guidance about something, stick to what’s happening right now and empower your child to solve it. “You always forget to …” makes him the problem, and programs him to keep forgetting. “How do you think you can help yourself remember tomorrow?” helps him move from being the problem to becoming the problem solver. Just focus on how he can remember this time, and he’ll start to see that he’s a kid who can support himself to remember, more and more often. Comment especially on any progress in the “right direction,” even if it isn’t perfect. We all need encouragement to keep plugging away towards a goal. 3. Empower your child by helping her keep “failure” in perspective: Kids are creating beliefs about the world from every experience. When things don’t work out as they hoped, they often draw global conclusions and “I got all these words wrong” becomes “I’m just no good at spelling….I’m not a good student.” Help your child reframe to see that any given setback is temporary and she has some control over whether things will work out next time: “You’re really disappointed that you didn’t know these words….What could we do next week so that you know the words before the spelling test?” Give your child as much support as necessary to be successful — which is very different than doing it for them. Seeing that their actions have a big impact on their success helps kids try harder next time, instead of giving up on themselves. 4. Empower your child by letting him overhear you saying something positive about him to someone else. When you try to convince your child directly, he may resist what you’re saying. After all, he sees evidence to the contrary. But when he overhears you saying it to someone else, he begins to believe it might be true. “She was so helpful today…..I think he’s finding that focusing on his homework helps him enjoy school more….He and his sister are learning how to work things out….I just so enjoy being with her….More and more often, she does her chores without me even reminding her…..I am so blessed that I get to be his mother!” Your child believes everything you say and acts on it. What an opportunity! Taken from Dr Laura Markham’s website:www.ahaparenting.com (lots of great suggestions to build into your everyday family life). Have a great week! Laura Pope (School Social Worker) Mara Bergemann and Cameron Booth attended the PreLaunch of LifeLink. Both students are involved in the Social Justice Committee. They had the opportunity to meet Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Bishop Sproxton. They have written a few words about the trip. “Last week we went to the LifeLink Day and the Archbishop was there. He spoke about the charities we could raise money for. Students were able to ask him questions about LifeLink and himself.” Junior Assembly – 6 May 2015 The Golden Broom Award – 6 May 2015 Congratulations to PPBR Congratulations Congratulations to Monica Costa (5SF) who has been selected as a member of the Western Australian Women’s Gymnastics State Team for 2015. Monica will be attending the 2015 Australian Women’s Gymnastics Championships in Melbourne in May. Good Luck Monica and congratulations for being chosen. This is an honour to be selected to represent WA at this prestigious event. Monica also competed at the 2015 State Championships this weekend achieving 1st place on Floor and 3rd place on Beam. Well Done Monica! We love the Entertainment™ Memberships because they contain over 2,000 offers for up to 50% off and 2-for-1 at Perth’s best restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotels, resorts, shopping and more that you can use whenever you like until 1 June 2016! For only $65, you will have access to over $20,000 worth of value. You really only need to use yours twice for it to have paid for itself. Get one for you and your Mum this Mother’s day! PLUS you’ll be helping St Simon Peter Catholic Primary School as 20% of each one we sell contributes to our School. Available as the printed Entertainment™ Book that comes with a Gold Card and vouchers, or the Entertainment™ Digital Membership that puts all the offers onto your smartphone! Choose which one is right for you and your Mum>>. Here are just a few of the thousands of offers in the Entertainment™ Membership: St Simon Peter Catholic Primary School Michelle Martin 0403770115 [email protected] ENROLMENT FOR CANDIDAES FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND FIRST RECONCILIATION will take place this Saturday 9th May in the Parish Centre 1.00pm – 4.00pm. Please bring all relevant documents and levy. Any queries contact Fran [email protected] CONFIRMATION WORKSHOPS AND MASS OF ELECTION will be held on the weekend of the 16th & 17th May and 23rd and 24th May. We welcome all our Confirmation Candidates and their parents to our Parish Confirmation Workshops and to Mass for the Rite of Election. At all Masses we call by name and acknowledge these Candidates, and bestow a special blessing on their Sponsors after the homily. Please check your returned preference sheets for your allocated Workshop and please arrive promptly. Thank you. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING AND SOCIAL NIGHT - FRIDAY 15th MAY 2015 The next training and social evening will be on Friday 15th May. The training session will commence at 7.30pm (i.e. immediately after the 7.00pm Mass), followed by some fun and social time in the Parish Centre. We will aim to be finished by 9.00pm. Any aspiring Altar Servers who are receiving their First Holy Communion later this year are also invited to join us for the evening. Snacks and cool drinks will be provided. So, for catering purposes, kindly confirm whether you will be available to attend by Tuesday 12th May. The Parish phone number is 9300 4885. ALOHA WINTER— SATURDAY 30th MAY Come join us for a lovely spit roast and music by the “Northern Nukes” a ukulele group. Aloha Winter is to be held at the Simon Carson Hall on Saturday 30th May from 7.30pm. The cost is $25.00 per person. Proceeds from this evening will help fundraise for the construction of our Grotto. Tickets on sale after all weekend Masses.
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