Ref. Code : (For office use) TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences 21, Brundavan Colony, Narasingi, Hyderabad - 500 075, INDIA. Telephone: 040-2419 5034 E-Mail : [email protected] Fax: 040-2419 5041 Web : Application for Summer Admissions – Ph.D and Integrated Ph.D (GS 2015) 1. a) Full Name (Ms/Mr) : b) Date of Birth : c) 2. Nationality: Whether disabled : YES ____________________________________ d d m m y y y y __________________________________ NO IF YES, please tick the appropriate category : Blindness & Low Vision Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy 3. Address for correspondence Photograph : Hearing Impairment Others (Please specify) ______________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City _____________ 4. State _______________ Pin ________________ Phone no. : Landline: ____________________ Mobile: ____________________ E-mail address : _______________________________________________________ I would like to apply for the following programme: Ph.D. Physics I-Ph.D. Physics NB: Please select only those programmes for which you fulfill the eligibility Criteria. TCIS GS-2015 Summer Admissions - Application for Ph.D. and I-Ph.D. Programme Page 1 of 4 5. Educational Details: (Please provide all possible details.) Ph.D.: M.Sc. in Physics / M.E. / M.Tech./M.S in (Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical & Metallurgical and Materials ) or equivalent. I-Ph.D.: B.Sc. in Physics / B.E. / B.Tech. in (Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical & Metallurgical and Materials) or equivalent. In addition the candidate must have qualified in any of the following examinations: The written test of TIFR (2014 or 2015), GATE (Minimum score of 420 in 2014-2015)/ JEST / CSIR UGC NET (JRF eligible). Candidates with M.Tech. / M.E. / M.S. (Engg.) can submit their earlier scores of GATE / equivalent. Degree/ Exam University/ Board Year Class %marks or grade Science/Engineering Subjects Std.X / SSC or equivalent Std.XII / HSC or equivalent B.Sc. / B.Sc.(Engg.)/ B.E. / B.Tech. M.Sc.(I) / M.E. (I) / M.Tech. (I) M.Sc. (II) / M.E. (II) / M.Tech. (II) OTHER In case of my selection for admission to the TCIS Graduate School, I hereby undertake to provide the above degree / passing certificate at the time of joining TCIS in August 2015 Candidates must have qualified (as specified below) in any of the following examinations in order to apply: Physics: The written test of TIFR (2014 or 2015), GATE (Minimum score of 420 in 2014-2015) / JEST / CSIR UGC NET (JRF eligible). Please indicate below the examination(s) through which you qualify, and provide your score/percentile/rank: TCIS GS-2015 Summer Admissions - Application for Ph.D. and I-Ph.D. Programme Page 2 of 4 a) CSIR UGC NET qualified ? Score : ______________ Yes No Subject: _____________ b) GATE qualified ? (mention subject) Yes Score : ______________ No Subject: _____________ c) JEST qualified ? Yes No Rank: ______________ d) Have you previously appeared for the written test (for the TIFR Ph.D. programme)? Yes I was interviewed No I was not interviewed My exam Roll Number was 6. I appeared in (month/year) / I was called for the interview but could not attend ________________________ In case you have obtained your final degree in 2015 or earlier, state what you have been doing since then: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Have you ever participated in the VSRP programme in TIFR? Yes 8. No Publications (if any) I participated in (month/year) : / ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 9. Research experience (if any) : ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 10. Names, addresses and email ids of two Referees who may be required to fill up the referee reports in case you are shortlisted for interview. (They should be your teachers or persons with whom you have interacted academically). 1) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 2) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ TCIS GS-2015 Summer Admissions - Application for Ph.D. and I-Ph.D. Programme Page 3 of 4 _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 11. Any additional academic information about yourself that has not been covered above: (These may include awards, scholarships or any special academic achievements. You may enclose copies of any scientific article, paper or report on an original project, that you may have written.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. How did you come to know about TCIS GS-2015 Summer Admissions: Poster displayed in your college Through friend/teacher Internet Other means (please specify) _____________________ No documents are to be sent with this application except for two colour photographs (one stuck on the first page of this form and the other stapled to this application). Date: ___________________ Signature: _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The completed application form should be sent by e-mail /post / speed post / courier superscribed “ GS 2015 Summer Interviews (Subject)” to: Academic Co-ordinator Tata Institute of Fundamental Research TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences 21, Brundavan Colony, Narasingi, Hyderabad - 500 075, INDIA. Ph: +91 40 2419 5034 [email protected] TCIS GS-2015 Summer Admissions - Application for Ph.D. and I-Ph.D. Programme Page 4 of 4
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