(Welcome) to First Baptist Church

(Welcome) to First Baptist Church
Whatever your need, whatever your reason, welcome to First Baptist
Church of Guntersville. We know that He has a purpose for bringing you on
this special day, to this special place. We hope you feel a genuine
(welcome) as you share with us in this worship experience. As a church
family, we have a clear vision of what God wants this fellowship to do: “to
know Christ and to make Him known.” True worship is our spiritual priority and loving people is our spiritual privilege.
Contemporary Worship – 8:15 a.m.
I Am
Because He Lives (Amen)
Welcome & Fellowship
Made Me Glad
Message – Joel Samuels
Invitation – You Are My Strength
» Please complete the guest information card, located in the front of
your pew, and place it in the offering plate when it is passed during the
offering time. We will respect the personal nature of the information that
you share.
April 19, 2015
» CDs are available of this morning’s message. You may obtain a copy
by contacting the Church Office.
» If you have made a personal commitment to God regarding your
relationship with Him and/or this church, we encourage you to come
forward during the invitation following the message to share this decision with our church family.
» Our offering time is an extension of our worship. As our guest, you
are welcome to worship with an offering, but please do not feel obligated.
» Should you need help, please see one of our ushers. They’re ready
to help you or get whatever help you may need.
» Wednesday evening activities begin with Youth Worship at 6:00 p.m.
and Bible Study/ prayer service for adults at 6:30. A variety of activities
are provided for children & students as well.
By Baptism: For one who has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and desires to obey
Christ by being baptized by immersion.
Traditional Worship – 10:30 a.m.
Prelude – Ann Sisco
Hymn of Praise – A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (#151)
Congregational Praise – God Is So Good (#193)
Congregational Praise – Amazing Grace ( My Chains Are Gone)
Offertory Hymn – Send the Light (#437)
Offertory – Karen Fancher
Choral Message – Fit for a King – Sanctuary Choir
Soloist: Tim Hays
Message – Joel Samuels
Hymn of Invitation – I Surrender All (#596)
Song of Celebration – Send the Light (#437)
Postlude – Ann Sisco
By Letter: For one who is saved, has been baptized by immersion after being saved and is
a member in good standing of another Baptist church.
April 19
By Statement: For one who has been saved and baptized by immersion after being saved,
but is not a member of another Baptist church.
Come forward during the invitation at the end of the worship service and tell the pastor that
you want to become a member of FBCG, and we will take care of the rest.
Tony Cornelius
Tom Maddox
Ronnie Opolka
Jeff Wolford
Billy Ray Cowen
Adam Bunch
Larry Paul Pack
Tommy Mason
Mac McCord
Wayne Todd
Albert Smith
April 26
Tim Bice
Brad Bruce
Joe Boyd Vinyard
Neil Christopher
Bill Collins
Ron Dutton
David McPeters
Spurgeon Parrish
David Pollock
Pete Richeson
Tom Parsley
Torrey Whitaker
“Then spoke Jesus again to them, saying, I am
the light of the world: he that follows me shall
not walk in darkness, but shall have the light
of life.”
-John 8:12
Terrace Lake Bible Study
April 20 – Tim Hays
April 27 – Duck Williams
May 4 – Ken Miller
Mature Adults
April 21st - 5:00pm: Spaghetti and salad meal, FBC Pickers for
entertainment. You reservation needs to be made today. Ladies
please bring your favorite desserts.
If you are interested in a Celebrators Conference October 26th29th in Pigeon Forge, please see Judy Butler or Charles TODAY.
The Sanctuary flowers today were placed in loving memory of
Wade Hyatt by Ed Crabtree.
Join us for Secret Church on Friday, April 24, 2015,
beginning at 6:00 pm. The topic David Platt will be
teaching on for this year's gathering is "Christ, Culture,
and a Call to Action". FBC has 10 copies of his book
available for $14 if you would like to read it beforehand.
The youth will be going to MFuge in Williamsburg KY
July 13th-17th. There is a signup sheet at The Lodge.
High School Seniors or college students interested in applying for the
2015 FBC Memorial Scholarship may pick up an application in the
church office or youth lodge. Applicants must be planning to or must
currently be enrolled in a ministry directed academic program to be
eligible for the scholarship award. Applications must be returned to the
church office by April 26, 2015.
A Note of Sympathy
The Church Family of FBC Guntersville extends deepest sympathy to the
family and friends of Kortney Johnson, Kelly Thrower, and Russell Carr at
the passing of their father, William (Bill) Carr. May God bless you during
this time.
Married or planning to be married down the road??
Join us for Kirk Cameron’s Marriage Event at Whitesburg
Baptist Church in Huntsville. Check out the website at
Tickets are $20 and go on sale April 26th. Contact Heather
Jones at [email protected] for more info.
It’s time to nominate Deacons & Committee on Committees Members.
Each church member may nominate TWO individuals to serve as
Deacon. These nominations should be turned into the church office no
later than May 15th. Each church member may also nominate
Committee on Committees members and submit to the church office
by June 15th.
this week @ fbc
week of April 19, 2015
Contemporary Worship
Sunday School
Traditional Worship
Evening Worship
Children’s Choir– Levite Genes
Rehearsal Monday April 20th after school until 5:00pm
Rehearsal Sunday April 26th at 4:00pm
We will sing in both morning services on April 26th (be in Sanctuary
at 8:00am) and then present “Levite Genes” at 6:30pm that night.
Youth Choir
We will have Lunch & Rehearsal after the 10:30am service on April
19th and 26th.
Our Youth Choir Tour is Sunday, May 3rd.
Welcome New Members:
Kerry & Suzanne Qualls by Statement
Kamryn Keller by Baptism
Deacon: Don Watson
We will have a Special Called Business Meeting on Wednesday night,
April 22nd at 6:30 to discuss policy changes and additions to our
Constitution concerning the issue of same sex marriage.
We will also have a discussion from the House and Grounds
Committee concerning the Willis (Brick) home next door.
Family Night Supper
Library Opens
Youth Worship
Children’s Activities
Prayer Service Adults
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
Praise Team Rehearsal
The staff is ready to help you in any way possible.
If you would like prayer, an answer to a question,
8:15 am or personal ministry, please give one of these
9:15 am caring Christian leaders a call. They’re ready to
10:30 am make a difference in your life!
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Bring your family to supper
with us on Wednesdays!
Supper Begins at 5:00 pm!
1 Adult
2 Adults
1 Adult/1 Child
1 Adult/2 Children
1 Adult/3 Children
2 Adults/1 Child
2 Adults/2 Children
Family Cap
$ 5.00
$ 7.50
Baked Potatoes
Deacon Lock-Up Schedule
April 2015
Kevin Hawk, Blake Campbell
Richard Moebes
May 2015
Lynn Holifield, Tony Cornelius,
Wayne Wilcher
Joel Samuels, Pastor
Charles Watkins, Associate Pastor
Johnny Beard, Minister of Education
Melanie Baker,
Director of Children’s Ministries
Ken Patterson, Minister of Music
Barbara Young, Secretary
Catherine Narrell, Secretary
Our people came –
ext 102
ext 107
ext 110
ext 104
ext 108
ext 101
ext 100
FBC SS Total
Our people gave –
Building Fund &
Challenge to grow
Challenge to Grow
Loan Balance Citizens –$
Monthly Need
CTG Last Mth Rec –Mar –$
CTG MTD (4/13/15)
Mike Thompson
Mike Thigpen
Dale Edwards
Mike Reaves
1000 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976 / 256.582.5141 / www.gvillefbc.org