Good Morning Gold Wingers May is Motorcycle Awareness Month and we should be setting up displays and performing Membership Drives with Show and Shines. Help the public to see that we are back on the roads. Make sure you get your Chapter involved and make it a Chapter Party day, lots of food and gifts. Check out your Honda Dealers and see if they would like to have an open house and your Chapter will be the host. Let May be a beautiful month and ride safe. This picture is not how to ride and be safe. OCP Seminar On April 18th we had 14 Idaho District members attend the OCP Seminar in Boise. Mike Briggs gave the class and another superb job he did. There were a lot of questions that were answered. Everyone came away with a better perspective of the operations of GWRRA. Chapter Directors, would you please thank everyone in your chapter that attended. STORY OF THE AGES, IDAHO DISTRICT RALLY Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were on the trail talking about the upcoming Idaho District Convention when all of a sudden one said, as you can see the time is coming upon us quickly for the Idaho District Convention in Kamiah, ID on July 2, 3, 4, 2015. There are so many mountain roads to ride on and even a ghost town to travel to. “Clark, are there really ghosts at Elk City? Yes, just some old timers like us sitting around watching time pass by. Clark, here is a little something I have been working on. If you would get your registration in before June 1, 2015, look at the savings you would get. There would be a savings of $5.00 per person on registration, Free Dinner Friday night, $3.00 per person on the BBQ Country Style Spare Ribs Dinner for Saturday night and to get the pre-registration 50/50 tickets.” “WOW”, Sacagawea said, “that is a big saving.” For a couple that pre-registers by June 1, 2015 would save at least $36.00 Soooo, come and join us and see what we can do. The Idaho District Staff and Chapter Directors have worked very hard on this Convention. It has been fun for all of us in Idaho. Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea would like to invite you to come to their part of the country and see what we have seen.” Clark, did you know that Chief Joseph passed thru here?” IDAHO DISTRICT STAFF MEETING On Thursday May 7, 2015 at 7:00 PM PT/8:00 PM MT we had our monthly staff meeting. We mostly talked about the District Convention that is coming up on July 2, 3, 4, 2015. We went over the Chapter duties and verified everything we need to still do. Chris Morton will acknowledge all of the Master Rider’s, and Laurie Stemmene will acknowledge the Chapter Couple of the Year. Looks like everyone is doing well with their Slide Show presentation and Tim Mitchell asked not to bring presentation from Apple application. Everyone is working hard on their Gold wing Motorcycles, decorating and painting. Chapters, bring the Door Prizes to the District Convention. Sounds like the door prizes are coming in. With each Chapter bringing at least 12 items, there will be a total of 60 plus prizes. The Mayor of Kamiah will come to opening ceremony and greet us. Ted Bearce is getting the plates for the 2 trophies that will be given out for the Camp Site Judging. Tim Mitchell will be getting the plates for the trophies that will be given out for the Bike Show. Each Chapter was sent a District Convention T-Shirt to show off and hope to help them get more people to the District Convention. For the Chapter Directors that did not make the meeting and have any questions call 208-660-7836. CHAPTER NEWSLETTER ROUNDUP Chapter B: Bob the Rider Educator has an article on Motorcycle crashes. Very good article and must read. The Chapter Directors are still in Oregon helping their son that had a Motorcycle accident a couple months ago. Keep them in your prayers. Looks like the Chapter is getting some great rides for all of us to enjoy at the District Convention. Chapter H: Chapter H is Celebrating their 14th year. In the newsletter there are a lot of pictures and stories of the beginning. Continued next page ... MAY MILESTONE GWRRA ANNIVERSARIES 28 Years Thomas Hammond ID-E 30 Years Stephen Grace ID-T Chapter Directors, Please acknowledge these members for their years of participation with GWRRA and your Chapter. Don & Sharon Weber Idaho District Directors HI FELLOW MEMBERS It's the first of May and the start of a big summer for a lot of us. Everyone that can ride will be, what about the members who can't. The men and women who have been involved with GWRRA, some since day one. Members who have donated their time, money and effort to support their chapters and make them what they are today. Because of health or age, they are not able to ride. That doesn't mean they are not useful or wanted. There is all kinds of things we can do to keep them involved. So put them back to work. How about hostess, historian or membership enhancement. There is lots they can do if given the chance. If you haven't seen your older members for a while, give them a call. Better yet go by and see them, see if you can be of any help. Maybe they haven't been to the meetings because they can't drive at night. I'm sure you have one member that would go by and give them a ride. Who knows, you may make a difference in their lives and yours. So remember your older members, some day we will all be there. RIDE SAFE OUT THERE Ted and Shirley Assistant District Directors April was another good month. We had a very good turnout for the OCP class in Boise; approximately 18 people from three of our five chapters attended. I believe everyone had a much better understanding of how GWRRA works after the class. Many thanks to Mike for coming over from the Seattle area to conduct the class. We were most appreciative. So far I have received April N6 forms from 3 chapters, I would appreciate it if the other chapters could please get them in to me. Thanks Summer is upon us and if any chapters would like to do a ARC,TRC, or TC please get in touch with me. Additionally, many of you took the seminar presenters class. To fulfil the requirements, you must lead a seminar by the July 30 deadline or the class time credit will be lost. Please let me know when you would like to do your seminar and I will try to be present. However, we can also make other arrangements if for any reason I can’t be there. To assist you, we can allow you to team teach the class with 2 people only. Finally, the folks who took the PLP class should let me know when they would like to do their PLP class. …And always remember: Cover any part of your body you’re planning to use later in life. Thank you. Chris Morton [email protected] [email protected] 208-682-3648 Are you dedicated to ‘Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge’? What is your chapter doing for ‘FUN’? Need some ideas and resources? FUN Activities Guide - Establish a contest or tour Mileage Contest – To participate, register starting odometer reading (for each motorcycle) and receive a raffle ticket, then for every 1,000 miles ridden, participants get an additional ticket. Ending mileage should be read on or before an established date. A raffle drawing is held for the winner. A secondary contest can be included for the closest guess of mileage (highest mileage, lowest mileage….). No cost to participate. Prizes TBD Chapter Tour – Visit all state (or other specified) chapters (establish a patch, pin, prize) Photo tour - Design a patch or pin, create a Photo Tour, have fun and earn money for your chapter Be sure to ‘advertise’ your fun activity – WingWorld, Facebook, your chapter we page. Participate in established ‘tours’: ID-B - Potato Run Photo Tour ( WA-O - Five Corners Pin Tour Of Washington ( WA-O – Find A Form Pin Tour ( WA-V – Waterfall Photo Tour ( WA-V – Apple Run ( WA-L Dam Tour ( CO-J – Grand Pass Tour ( WY-B – Border2Border ( LA District - "U. S. A." GRAND TOUR. Any five consecutive states "WELCOME" signs ( LA District - "The Worlds Longest Bridge" Tour ( WI-J - Road Kill Tour WI-G – Rustic Roads ( PA-H – Coal Mine Tour ( Check WingWorld and GWRRA web sites for tours, events, and activities. Challenge and encourage members to ride, participate, and meet new friends. Laurie Stemmene GWRRA LEADERSHIP TRAINING AND THE ADULT LEARNER The way we learn is dependent on the reason why we are learning. The GWRRA Leadership Program has identified three types of students: 1. “Goal-oriented” learners use education or training to accomplish a specific goal. This is the most common reason for adult learning. A specific need is identified and participation in the appropriate program or seminar will address the need. 2. The “activity-oriented” learner is motivated by the potential for social contact with others. The student views training as a way to connect with other members who have mutual interests and interact with them. 3. A “learning-oriented” learner pursues knowledge because of their passion for learning. Most students in this group are considered avid readers, enthusiastic participants in groups and eager to take classes for personal educational enrichment. Regardless of the way you gain knowledge, the GWRRA Leadership Program can offer you training that will be of benefit to you at home, at work and on the road. The NC LTP team invites you to attend an upcoming LTP event and discover how we can offer the means to expand your knowledge and find ways to translate what you learned into your everyday life. Training recommendations for GWRRA members who want to learn more their potential include: Life Skills Program, Member Orientation Program and Chapter Life Program. Training recommendations for GWRRA members who may consider a leadership role include: Chapter Leadership Skills Program, Intermediate Leadership Skills Program and Advanced Leadership Skills Program THE OFFICERS’ CERTIFICATION PROGRAM: The Officers Certification Program (OCP) is a course in the GWRRA Curriculum that is an in-depth seminar of the basic duties and responsibilities of an Operations Officer. We had 15 people attend the one in Boise April 18 th. Its main purpose is to assist all officers with the management of the following duties including but not limited to: Finances, Membership Enhancement., IRS Compliance, Rider Education, Teambuilding, Conflict Resolution and Goal Setting. The OCP is a day long event ending with a brief celebration of knowledge at closing. All GWRRA officers are encouraged to participate. … continued next page For those interested in the growth and success of their chapter, the GWRRA Leadership training program offers a wide range of courses that can enhance an individual’s skill set and expand their overall knowledge of the association. With more than forty (40) modules, trainers have access to courses materials that target one of three (3) major focus areas: Rider Education, Membership Enhancement and Leadership Training. There is no registration process or fee for these events and all GWRRA members are encouraged to take advantage of a unique educational opportunity that is both informative and FUN. THE HORIZON PROGRAM: The Horizon Program is a fast track overview of the core LTP curriculum with “hands on” training of practical applications. It is an excellent learning experience for any potential chapter director or staff member. Horizon is also a great class for any GWRRA member to learn more about teamwork, self-awareness, interpersonal communication, and can help build healthier chapters. It is an interactive program –the more everyone participates, the more everyone learns. UNIVERSITY TRAINER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (UTDP): The University Trainer Development Program is a cooperative effort between GWRRA Leadership Training, Rider Education & Membership Enhancement. The program is designed to teach candidates how to become a GWRRA University Trainer. Completion of the program requires the candidates to have a satisfactory evaluation in the UTDP classroom followed by evaluations of two seminar presentations in the field. Trainer candidates can choose to concentrate in one of the three focus areas or all three. Gold Wing University trainers have the opportunity to serve their fellow GWRRA members by delivering seminars throughout their district as well as at the region and national level. Rockey Davis Leadership Trainer This month I’d like to share a few key elements from each chapter’s newsletter that were creative, positive or in general, generated reader interest. ID-B - Laurie Stemmene Great use of background page color for the officer submissions. It draws the attention but isn’t loud, cluttered or distracting! ID - E Pat & Marilyn Barnes Nice personal touch using portrait photos of contributors. Also very colorful with many relevant pictures around articles. Super feature article as well about photo tips for motorcyclists in the March issue. ID - G Alicia Sawyer Also includes photos of contributors. Great, easy-to-read calendars plus a super event photo page showing member activities in April’s issue. Finally, including an active upcoming ride schedule is very enticing to get the membership engaged. ID - H Pat Holmes Awesome “Idaho” cover page. What a great way to share what we’re all about in Idaho! Also included a local event photo page sharing member activities. Additionally, they have a fantastic promotional page for all of the neighboring State Convention schedules supporting all of our sister districts and their rallies. Finally, by including a sponsor page for their annual event, they are showing their support of the area vendors and businesses that give so generously to the events. ID - T Joey Goff Great use of magazine style news article blocking. This is eye-catching and very appealing. Also using contributor photos as well as incorporating a very nice event photo page. Super idea from Joey to invite members to participate as guest contributors sharing pictures and/or stories of their recent rides or activities. All in all, we have some really creative and dedicated people on our newsletter team doing some really terrific work keeping the rest of us informed and entertained. Be sure to let them know you’re reading the newsletters and if you like what you’re getting. ….till next time, - Martie
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