December District Newsletter - GWRRA North Carolina District

Over The Smokies® 2015
Back To Our Roots
The Repeat
Blue Ridge Parkway
Hatteras Lighthouse
Tweetsie Railroad
USS North Carolina
North Carolina District News
December 2014
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for
We SUPPORT and THANK ALL our service men and women.
District Directors
Bob (Goose) and Dorothy (Mrs.Goose) Richards
Asst. District Directors - East
Bobby and Susan Womack
Asst. District Director - Central
Libby Jennings
Asst. District Directors - West
Mike and Lynn Humphries
District Educators
Susan and George Huttman
Asst. District Educators
Sid and Terry Chambers
District Treasurers
Bev and Ron Chapman
District Leadership Trainers
District Care Bear
Susan Harden
District Vendor Coordinators
Don and Susan Harden
District MEPC
Robert and Donna Ferguson
District Webmaster
William Prince
District Goody Sales
Tony and Rita White
District Newsletter Editors
Steve and Mary Craig
District COY 2014-15
Roy and Cindy Bryant
We asked. You answered.
We listened. We’re changing.
North Carolina District Director
Bob (Goose) and Dorothy Richards
ishing the kitchen cabinet doors etc.
What about goals at work such as
taking a public speaking class since
you are taking on a supervisory job,
re-arranging the business warehouse to improve production, etc.
There are also goals relating to
GWRRA. Goals such as getting
more involved in your chapter,
planning a ride schedule for the entire year or stepping up to an officer
position etc.
Just looking at the various goals
I have mentioned above you can
now see why you need to write
them down. It lets you know what
goals you have met. Were you only
able to get some special time with
your spouse every two months instead of each month? Did you save
that $1,000 each month or just
$500? What projects around the
house did you complete or did you
procrastinate for another year? Did
that re-arrangement of the warehouse take place or get pushed off
for another year? Did you get more
involved with you GWRRA chapter?
Not meeting your goals is not
necessarily a bad thing. Maybe you
set your goals too high. Maybe
your goals were not met because
you need to become more organized in your approach to getting
things done. What I am saying is
that there are positive things that
can come out of not meeting your
goals that will help you in the future. You need to take the time and
self-evaluate yourself and see if the
way you approach things needs
tweaking or a change.
As the year end approaches be
sure and make your number one
goal to make more quality time for
you and your spouse, children and
grandchildren. While I mention all
of the above goals family comes
Dorothy & I would like to wish
you a Very Merry Christmas and a
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous
New Year.
Since it is nearing the end of the
year it is a good time to review
your goals for this past year. First,
did you write them down from last
year? If you didn’t you should have
and here is the reason why. When
they are written down you can go
back at the end of each year and see
exactly what you wanted to accomplish or do during the year. If you
have many goals like most of us
you cannot remember every goal
that you set for yourself.
So what kind of goals am I talking about? Some are personal such
as spend more time with your
spouse. This can be a quiet romantic dinner for just the two of you
once a month – no friends, family
members, children or grandchildren. What about a goal of putting
$1,000 of your monthly pay check
away to begin a nest egg for you
and your spouse’s retirement. How
about a goal of fixing up something
around your house that you have
been putting off for years such as
updating your bathroom, putting a
new deck on the back of your
house, painting the kitchen, refin-
We asked. You answered.
We listened. We’re changing.
NC Assistant District Director - East
Bobby and Susan Womack
Hello Fellow Wingers,
What a great event we had on
Saturday at the O’ Berry Center.
We were really concerned the
weather was not going to hold out
for us to have the parade. Jeff from
the O’ Berry Center, Mitch and the
members of K2 got it revved up
quickly even Santa had a good ride.
Every member there plays their
own part in making the event a
huge success. There are always a
few who are there at five in the
morning. This time we had a few
people who stayed when everything
was done and helped us pack up.
Again, thank you. We had fun
serving you too. We were glad to
have the addition of ice cream donated by Food Lion and Lowes
Foods in Sanford.
Thank you for your contribu-
tions to the O’ Berry Center. We
did not have as many events this
year in the East so the grand total
was really impressive. We are here
to ride our motorcycles and have
fun but to give something to those
special folks is always going to be
on top of our list.
If you have visited fifteen or
more chapters this year give your
chapter director all your member
visitation cards. Also make sure
you have given all the red chapter
cards to your chapter director. We
did collect some of the cards from
chapter directors at the O’ Berry
Center but any chapter director may
mail them to our home address.
Bobby will be sending out the information in an email.
We enjoy serving you and are
looking forward to Wings over the
Smokies® 2015. We have registra-
tion flyers and the information will
be online soon. The 2015 40th Anniversary Goldwing and Buschtec
Trailer are all lined up. Your Chapter Directors have been assigned
grand prize tickets to distribute to
chapter members to sell. Support
your rally by buying and selling
tickets and by sharing Wings over
the Smokies with your community.
Thank you all again for the fellowship, helping hands and love you
continually share with one another
Bobby and Susan Womack
ADDs of the East
We asked. You answered.
We listened. We’re changing.
NC Assistant District Director - Central
Libby Jennings
Gifts on Cycles
Oh what a joy to attend Gifts on
Cycles at the Murdoch Center in
Butner the first Saturday in December. If this doesn’t get you in the
Christmas Spirit, nothing will. We
seldom seem to get the weather to
be nice and sunny at this event but
we did have some ten (10) brave
people that did ride their bikes and
even had two (2) bikes from Virginia to join us and ride in the parade. I am sure the residents enjoyed seeing the bikes decorated
and riding through. We had a low
turnout this year but we felt the
love and happiness of all that attended. We thank the residents
there that entertained us with their
playing of the piano and singing. O
Holy Night was sung by one of the
residents and you could see the excitement in everyone’s face. I
want to say a BIG THANK YOU to
the staff and volunteers that help
serve food, sell tickets, take pictures, leading the parade, doing registration and other little jobs I asked
you to do. Also thanks to Santa
Claus for visiting us and taking pictures with the chapter members and
the residents. This event is not a
district event, it is a chapter/
members event and you showed
how much you care for this event
this year. I THANK YOU from the
bottom of my heart! You the members are what makes this a success
each year.
Soon this year will end. It has
gone by really fast. Christmas is
right around the corner and I want
to Wish Each of You a Very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hope everyone will be with your
family and loved ones this holiday
See you in 2015.
Be Safe in your Travels,
Libby Jennings
Central – Assistant District Director
NC Assistant District Director - West
Mike and Lynn Humphries
Lynn and I would like to thank
all the chapters for helping and supporting Gifts on Cycles. It was a
great day even though we didn't get
to have the parade. I think the residents really enjoyed themselves. So
Thank You, Thank You, Thank
You. We couldn't get things done
without the help of the chapter
This year sure has flown by. It is
Hope you all have a very Merry
time to start getting ready for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Wings over the Smokies®.
Don't forget we have the operations See you on the road,
meeting on Jan. 31st.
Mike and Lynn Humphries
We hope that everyone had a
good Thanksgiving, and is getting
ready for Christmas and spending
time with family and friends.
We asked. You answered.
We listened. We’re changing.
North Carolina District Educators
Susan and George Huttman
To the NC District’s chapter
educators who will be adding a
“former” patch to their vests at the
end of the year, our sincere thanks.
Your willingness to serve your fellow chapter participants and share
your commitment to education and
best riding practices is important
work and, even if just one rider or
co-rider in your chapter became
more aware and proficient you may
have saved a life. Be proud of your
time as chapter educator and continue to share your experience and
knowledge with others because
teaching and learning should be
lifelong avocations.
Along with the chapter educators I would like to take time to
express my earnest appreciation to
the rest of the members of the NC’s
Rider Education Program team.
Thank you Tom Scully, NC Motorist Awareness Coordinator and
Linda Hojnacki, NC Medic First
Aid Coordinator for ensuring the
needs of our district’s GWRRA
members were met. You consistently demonstrated the meaning of
responsible volunteerism through
your work ethic and dependable
performance. A special thank you
goes out to Carol Scully and Frank
Hojnacki for their role in supporting their partner’s efforts.
Sid Chambers, NC District Assistant Educator has been a key
member of the REP team. His
years of rider education and motorcycling experience have enhanced
the program a great deal. Often
behind the scenes, he has worked
diligently to assist our educators
with record keeping and reporting.
Always willing to help, both Sid
and his wife Terry have an unwavering belief in the value of our
program and the critical difference
it can make to our members. Sid
has represented the district’s RE
program admirably and will continue to serve NC GWRRA members
in the coming year.
Here are some examples of
ways the NC Rider Education Program in North Carolina will be expanded in 2015:
Parking Lot Practice facilitator
training (spring 2015) will be conducted to develop opportunities for
chapters to present a PLP in their
area that every participating rider
and co-rider can benefit from.
GWRRA rider courses will be offered in all three areas (east-westcentral) of the NC District to make
it possible for all interested riders
and co-riders to participate at some
point during the year.
Chapter directors and educators
will be provided with a comprehensive list and description of every
RE seminar available which can be
used to integrate training into gatherings and special events.
More emphasis will be placed in
the area of motorcycle awareness
and how, by working with each
other, we can create opportunities
for more meaningful dialogs with
the non-riding public.
The RE break out session will
be returning to the annual Operations meeting on Saturday, January
31st, 2015 at the Ramada Inn &
Conference Center in Burlington.
We will be installing six new chapter educators during the session and
will join their fellow educators to
review basic record keeping, database maintenance and scheduling
Whether you are
counted among those new to the
educator’s position or have served
as a CE for some time we encourage you to attend. It will be the
best way to be sure you have the
most current information about the
Rider Education Program.
An email will be forwarded to
all chapter educators in early January asking you to forward any
questions you may have about your
position and the administration of
your duties. We expect to find
more than one CE may have a similar inquiry so we will compile the
submissions and provide the answers during the break out session’s Q&A. We hope to hear
from you.
In closing we wish everyone the
very best of the holiday season.
Merry Christmas & Happy New
Susan Huttman
NC District Educator
We asked. You answered.
We listened. We’re changing.
North Carolina District MEPC
Robert and Donna Ferguson
Have you ever thought about
why you joined GWRRA? What
was it about GWRRA that drew
you in?
For some it was the thought of
being a part of a group, riding with
those that rode the same brand of
motorcycle, or riding with those
that you had shared interests with.
For others, it was because of the
fun, safety, and knowledge that
GWRRA offers to its members.
Now that you we have your
thinking caps on, have you ever
stopped to consider what it is that
has kept you a part of GWRRA?
What GWRRA benefit is the most
important to you?
As the District Membership Enhancement Coordinators, we want
to know what benefits are most important to you. Whether you’re
talking about MEPC, LTP, or Rider
Ed, all of them have one GWRRA
KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is
something that not only makes us
better riders and co-riders, but bet-
ter individuals and adds value to
our lives. It’s also what draws us
together as a family. As we learn
more about GWRRA, we learn
more about ourselves.
So what would you like to learn
more about in GWRRA? There are
many seminars that now fall under
the Membership Enhancement Program which means we have a lot of
information to share with our
GWRRA family. One of our goals
for 2015 is to hold a training class
in each section of the state. We
want to be able to reach as many
members as possible and give an
opportunity to learn more about
In order to do that, we need to
know what excites you about
GWRRA. What facet of Membership Enhancement would you like
to learn more about? We have
started collecting this information
by sending out a survey to the
North Carolina membership. It is a
short survey but if everyone takes
just a few minutes to answer it,
then we will know what benefits
you, the members want to know
more about. If you have not received the survey, please let us
know so that we can update your
email address and send it to you.
We care about the membership
of GWRRA and want to know
what you think. Without the members, GWRRA would not exist but
without the knowledge that GWRRA offers us, we would not be the
riders and co-riders that we are today.
Remember, this is your opinion,
it your voice, it’s your GWRRA!
Ride Safe! Ride Often! Ride
Robert and Donna Ferguson
NC District Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators
We asked. You answered.
We listened. We’re changing.
North Carolina District Couple of the Year
Roy and Cindy Bryant
And now we push back from the
gracious Thanksgiving table laden
with our bounties and express what
we are truly thankful for. Our
health is a mighty blessing to be
thankful for. Our families, whether
they are blood relatives or the
friendship families we have developed thru GWRRA. Our freedom
as a nation to be able to express our
love for what we do. Certainly, the
men and women who sacrifice to
allow us to have that freedom. We
make these statements and express
these things especially at this time
of the year, but we should make a
habit of being thankful every day
for the next 364 days to follow.
Christmas is now approaching
quickly and most everyone will be
shopping for those special gifts and
visiting with those special friends
and family members. There will be
parties to attend and decorations to
display. There will be tree lightings
and special dinners. There will be
special rides to special places for
the benefit of special people. It’s
such a festive time. This is the time
of year when you recall precious
memories and make new memories.
This time will go by quickly so
don’t miss out on a thing. The year
will be gone soon and you will
wonder, “Where did it go?”
We wish for you a most wonderful and blessed Christmas. May
you receive all your Santa ‘wish
list’ items. We have been blessed
with fellowship with the 2014
Chapter Couples. After all the holidays are over we look forward to
those 2014 couples that will carry
on to 2015 as well as the “new”
couples coming on board.
Merry Christmas
Roy & Cindy Bryant
NC District Couple of the Year
J Iverson Riddle
December 2014
January 2015
NC-S2 Resolution Ride
The following chapters have reported they WILL NOT be holding a December meeting.
Be sure to check the District Website for any last minute cancelations or contact the
Chapter Director to verify they are meeting on their scheduled day.
NC-B2 Winston Salem
NC-E Cary
NC-E2 Elizabeth City
NC-G High Point
NC-I Asheville
NC-L Gastonia
NC-L2 Mooresville
NC-M2 Hendersonville
NC-N Burlington
NC-O2 Hickory
NC-R Thomasville
NC-Q Wilmington
NC-T2 Albemarle
NC-W Eden
NC-X Wake Forest
Answers to last months puzzle
2. Mayflower
5. November
6. Plymouth
7. Macy
8. Canada
9. Thanksgiving
13. William Bradford
15. Three
1. Josepha
3. Wampanoag
4. Benjamin Franklin
10. Fifteen
11. Flock
12. Protein
14. Fryer
Merry Christmas
We asked. You answered.
We listened. We’re changing.
North Carolina District Newsletter Editor
Steve and Mary Craig
From The Editor
Hello Wingers,
Merry Christmas everyone.
Please be safe and enjoy the holiday.
I would like to thank Barb from
F2 for her feedback on the newsletter being hard for some to read. I
have made a change to the text box
area that should make it a lot easier. It is feedback like this that I like
to hear on how I can make the
newsletter better for you the members.
Beginning with your January
issue of your chapter newsletter,
please email them to me at
[email protected] as Mary
and I will be taking over the
monthly newsletter contest instead
of Robert and Donna,
It has come to my attention that
some of you are not getting the
District Newsletter forwarded to
you from your Chapter Directors.
If you are having that problem and
would like the newsletter emailed
to you, please send me an email
saying “add me to email list” to
[email protected]. I will
see to it that you are added and receive the newsletter directly.
I hope you have had as much
fun reading this issue of the District newsletter as I had putting it
together. There is a Christmas poem following my article that I
wrote a few years ago. I hope you
enjoy and get a kick out of “Twas
The Night before Christmas GWRRA Style”
Lastly I would like to say,
please keep our service men and
women in your prayers and in your
hearts. Remember there are many
who are off on foreign land this
Christmas fighting for us so we can
enjoy the freedom to celebrate
In closing I would like to leave you
with this thought:
“Lest I keep my complacent
way I must remember somewhere
out there a person or persons died
for me today.
As long as there must be war
I ask and I must answer, was I
worth dying for?”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Ride safe, have FUN and remember
Steve and Mary Craig
NC District Newsletter Editors
Ride Safe, Have FUN, Live Life
We asked. You answered.
We listened. We’re changing.
North Carolina District Newsletter Editor
Steve and Mary Craig
T'was The Night Before Christmas
(GWRRA Style)
T’was the night before Christmas
Not a soul in sight
GWRRA members
Had retired for the night
He looked my bike over
And he said with a grin
Where are the keys
So I can give it a spin
With me watching TV
My wife reading a book
The air outside was so cold
That my breath it took
I told him that first he must
Put on protective gloves and gear
And a J&M equipped helmet
So he could talk and hear
When out in the street
I heard such a rumble
I jumped to my feet
And over my boots I did stumble
He put my Wing in reverse
Something his Harley didn’t do
Then once in the street
On my 1800 he flew
The street lights were a glow
On the new fallen snow
And everything was so bright
With the ground covered in white
Through all five gears he went
In no time at all
And when he returned
You could tell he had a ball
I went out on my porch
I looked left then looked right
And then I saw him standing
In the golden moonlight
He said as he dismounted
I’ve brought your bike home
And for being so good
I have for you complete dress chrome
He was dressed in red
And on a Harley he did ride
I thought if I spoke to him
I could turn the tide
He then asked me if he
Could use my Wing for the night
I told Santa sure
It would be alright
And convince him to see
What a wonderful thing
If he traded his Harley
For a new 2012 Goldwing
Now Harley, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki
I heard Santa say
To compare with a Wing
There is just no way
I took him to the garage
Where my Goldwing was at rest
And I explained to Santa
The Wing ride was the best
He said as he rode off
with my GPS as his guide
Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good ride