March 21, 2015 To this Church set on a hill whose light must shine abroad, we welcome you: a valued friend, to this place, the House of God. Sabbath School – 9:15 am Chorister Farisai Mhlanga Accompaniment Pianist: Pascal Kalumbi Welcome Celebrating The Psalms Cheryl Marache Opening Hymn Praise Him, Praise Him #249 Scripture Reading Psalm 8 Jordan Ricketts Opening Prayer Jordan Ricketts Opening Thoughts Cheryl Marache Bible Study The Humility of The Wise Classes Mission Story CJ Lindo Mission Offering Deacons Closing Thoughts Cheryl Marache Closing Hymn #251 Closing Prayer Jordan Ricketts Divine Worship – 11:00 am Prelude Opening Hymn Special Music Overture to Messiah #100 Ensemble Ensemble & Congregation Blessings Kingsway Corner Ensemble Vertina Williams Special Music The Cross, When I Survey Offering Call Local Church Budget Ensemble Danny Macesic Offertory Holy, Holy, Holy Ensemble Scripture Reading Jeremiah 29:11 Matthew Mann Special Music Spirituals Ensemble Special Music Fanfare and Hymn of Celebration Ensemble Prayer Sam Gustavus Sermon Closing Hymn “God Will Provide” #530 Benediction Postlude Pastor Elgan Aubin Ensemble Pastor Elgan Aubin We Gather Together Ensemble As a courtesy, please ensure that your cell phone is silenced. Thank you. Announcements 1. Happy Sabbath, and Happy Spring! Today we welcome the Kingsway College Philharmonic Ensemble as they lead us in the Worship hour. May the Lord bless each of you as we enjoy fellowship with our wonderful guests. 2. A brand new Wednesday evening program begins this week! Check the screen for an outline of this week’s program, as well as our website. Each Wednesday promises to be a great time of relevant conversation, Spiritual focus, and encouraging fellowship. Join us for this week’s inaugural presentation, When Evangelism Doesn’t Work. 3. First Reading Transfer of Membership: Inez Zwicker transferring from Hamilton Mountain to Owen Sound SDA Church, Owen Sound, ON. 4. 2014 Tax Receipts If you donated funds during 2014 and have not received a Tax Receipt, please send an email to [email protected] or call Valda MacDonald at (905) 257-4301. 5. Grandview Adventist Academy staff and students invite you to their Easter Production 'The Easter Clock! A Well Timed Mystery' ,Saturday March 28 at 6:59 pm. A bake sale will follow. Hope to see you there! 6. Personal Ministries: This is a reminder of the quarterly meeting to be held on Sabbath March the 28th. The following leaders are asked to be present: Pastor, One elder, Treasurer, Health Ministries Leader, Communication Leader, Head SS Superintendent, AY Leader, Children's Ministry Leader, Community Service Leader, Music Ministry Leader, Bro. Marc Leslie, Sis. Sherry Augustus, Sis. Merzene Goring and Sis. Doreen Johnson. Everyone attending is kindly asked to bring a dish, so that we can have lunch before the meeting. Every department is also asked to bring their plans for evangelism or witnessing for the 2nd Quarter of 2015. Thank you — Personal Ministries Department. 7. Children’s Church: How excited the children were to learn of the first th fruit of the Spirit, love! On March 28 , they can bring a picture or story of how they show their love (share with, help, or pray for someone) and place inside their fruit tree binders. Our next fruit will be joy, and we hope to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord…” Psalm 100:1, as we th worship on March 28 . — Children’s Ministry. 8. Sunday, March 29, 2015, the Ontario Conference Office of Education is offering training for Adventist Education Leaders at Crawford Adventist Academy East, 1765 Meadowview Avenue, Pickering, Ontario from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Light refreshments will be served. Please put this important date in your calendar. Pastors, Home, School Leaders and PTA members are also encouraged to attend. Email or call Donna Brkic at [email protected] or (905) 571-1022, ext. 208 to register. Announcements cont’d 10. Sabbath, April 11, 2015 at 5:00 pm, the Ontario Conference Office of Education and Children’s Ministries presents their Fine Arts Festival entitled “Acts of Faith” at the Crawford Adventist Academy gymnasium. Come join us for an evening of music and art presented by the students of the schools in Ontario. Admission is free. 11. Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 10:00 am, the Ontario Conference Office of Education and Children’s Ministries is co-sponsoring the annual Math Olympiad at Crawford Adventist Academy (CAA). We are looking for teams of 6 students of Junior High age who will participate in this event. The pathfinder club is one source for participants since the age range of 11 – 13 is reflected. It is recommended that each team be voted by your church board to obtain the $125.00 registration fee. Once voted, the students would automatically be covered by the insurance of the church. Attached is a flyer promoting the event as well as a registration form. Please register by Monday, March 16. For more information, you may contact Judy Burgin-Hall at CAA (416- 633-0090). Let us all “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” today! Calendar Highlights Today 11:00 am — Divine Service: Kingsway Philharmonic Ensemble 6:00 pm — Adventist Youth Program Upcoming Wed, Mar 25 Sat, Mar 28 Sat, Mar 28 Sat, Mar 28 7:00 pm — TLC Bible / Prayer Meeting (NEW FORMAT) 11:00 am — Children’s Church – Fellowship Hall 12:30 pm — Evangelism / Witnessing Quarterly Meeting 6:59 pm — G.A.A. Easter Production Sunset Today — 7:32 pm Sunset Next Friday — 7:40 pm Bible Promise Psalm 96:4 For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. Health Corner Potassium is a mineral that is part of every body cell. It helps regulate fluids and mineral balance in and out of cells and in doing so, helps maintain normal blood pressure. Potassium is also vital for transmitting nerve impulses or signals, and in helping muscles contract. Potassium is an electrolyte and can successfully counterbalance a diet rich in sodium. Potatoes are a great source of potassium… much more potassium than a banana. Potatoes actually rank highest for potassium content among the top 20 most frequently consumed raw vegetables and fruits. Excess potassium is dangerous for those with kidney issues. It’s in the Bible Music Music is an expression of worship. It's in the Bible, Exodus 15:1, NIV. “Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord; 'I will sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted.’” A good way to praise God is through music. It's in the Bible, Psalm 33:1-3, and Psalm 81:1-2, TLB. “Let all the joys of the godly well up in praise to the Lord, for it is right to praise Him. Play joyous melodies of praise upon the lyre and on the harp. Compose new songs of praise to Him, accompanied skillfully on the harp; sing joyfully.” “The Lord makes us strong! Sing praises! Sing to Israel's God! Sing, accompanied by drums; pluck the sweet lyre and harp.” Communication Form So that we may serve you better, please complete this Communication Form, detach, and give it to the Pastor or place it in the Offering Plate. Name: Phone: Address: Email: Is in ____________________ Hospital Is ill at home Requests Visitation Is interested in Bible Studies Requests Baptism Has a Prayer Request Seeks transfer of membership Other: ________________________ Bulletin Announcement All bulletin information must be submitted by Tuesday at 8 pm. Please email [email protected] or call (905) 692-1218. Thank you! Our Mission Statement As followers of Jesus, we are called to reflect His love and share His everlasting gospel with those around us. We are a family of believers whose purpose is to C.A.R.E. Celebrating God’s love Assisting others for service Reaching others for fellowship Equipping each other for eternity Our Vision Statement TELL HAMILTON: Our vision is to double the size of our congregation, necessitating two Sabbath services, and resulting in the establishment of a new, active congregation in the west end of the Hamilton region. This new vision now defines everything we do at Hamilton Mountain! Weekly & Monthly Worship Programs Sabbath School (Saturday) — 9:15 am Divine Worship Service (Saturday) — 11:00 am Adventist Youth / Closing Program (Saturday) — 1 hour before sunset TLC Prayer / Bible Study (Wednesday) — 7:00 pm Oasis Praise & Worship (First Friday of Every Month) — 7:00 pm Contact Information Hamilton Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Church 284 Concession Street, Hamilton, ON Mailing Address: Box 60514, Mountain Plaza P.O. Hamilton, ON L9C 7N7 (905) 575-8764 HamiltonAdventist Minister: Pastor James Rooney (905) 645-4714 / [email protected] First Elder: Danny Macesic — (905) 692-1218
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