SERVICE FOR THE LORD'S DAY *♪Response of Praise Hamilton Presbyterian Church 4500 Hamilton Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236-3370 E-mail: [email protected] November 9, 2014 Website: 412-884-2722 Twenty-second Sunday After Pentecost 11:00 AM Welcome and Announcements Rev. Lance E. Chapman If you have a prayer request, please use the blue cards in the pews and pass them to the Ushers during the first hymn. ♪Prelude Navy Hymn Prelude Silent Scripture Reading (Page 914) arr. Smeal Psalm 78:1-7 Call to Worship (Responsive) [Based on Psalm 78] Leader: People of God, listen: the Lord has done marvelous things. People: Teach your children all that God has done so that they may live in hope. Leader: Let us worship God! ♪Introit Glory, Glory, Hallelujah 19th Century *Time of Greeting *Hymn # 561 My Country, ‘Tis of Thee ♪Anthem/Hymn Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen Warren/Young National Hymn [See Insert for Congregational Part] Time with the Children The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Dismissal of the Children [Preschool thru Second Grade] for Second Session Sharing of Joys and Concerns Prayers of the People ♪Response Beautiful Savior! Lord of All the Nations! The Scripture Lesson (Page 1504) The Sermon “Stuff” Silesian Folk Song Matthew 6:19-24 Rev. Lance E. Chapman Bringing of Tithes and Offerings ♪Offertory Anthem Blades of Grass and Pure White Stones Hatch, Alexander & Naish Blades of grass and pure white stones shelter those who've come and gone. Just below the emerald sod those who've reached the arms of God. Buried here with dignity, endless rows for all to see. Freedom’s seeds in sorrow sown, ‘neath the blades of grass and pure white stones. Blades of grass and pure white stones cover those who left their homes, To rest in fields, here side by side, lest we forget their sacrifice. America *Prayer of Confession Holy and gracious God, you are all light and wonder and glory. You are our strength and our delight; you give us all we need to live. Yet we are distracted by all that glitters, continually grasping for more. Rather than trust in your provision, we chase after our own happiness. Forgive us, Lord, and turn us back to you. Overwhelm us with your goodness and cover us with grace, for we know that you are the source of life, the fount of all that is good. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. *♪Doxology *Assurance of Pardon *Prayer of Thanksgiving Gracious God, receive our gifts, tokens of thanks for your extravagant blessings, signs of trust in your coming reign of justice peace, and love; in Jesus’ name. Amen. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen *Hymn # 564 O Beautiful for Spacious Skies Benediction ♪Response The Star Spangled Banner *♪Postlude Armed Forces Salute Materna John S. Smith arr. Dykes *[All who are able, please stand.] L . P . The greeter this morning is Sherry Ward. WE WELCOME ALL FIRST TIME WORSHIPERS TO THIS SERVICE. Hamilton Presbyterian Church is a community of faithful Christians who love Jesus, praise God, and care for others. You are invited to join us in ministry and service. Hamilton Presbyterian Church November 9, 2014 Coming Events & Reminders Preschool Scrip Program The November Scrip Orders are available for pick up in the Church Office following today’s service. The December Scrip Order forms are available in the back of the Sanctuary and Church Office and may be placed in the envelope on the counter in the Church Office any time prior to the December 7th deadline. feature The Preschool’s next Free Family Movie Night will be on Friday, November 14, at 7:30 PM. The presentation will be: “Hook”. Bring along your friends and neighbors together with your pillow and blanket for another fun movie night. Send A Card This Week to: Clara Churchill 1010 Spruce Street, Apt. 309 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648-2107 We welcome the following musicians to our service this morning, and thank them for their enhancement of our worship experience: French Horn: Jason Allison Percussion: Nate Repp Trombone: Scott Boyer Ron Spang Trumpet: Skip McAuliffe John Small Devon Smeal Tuba: Jim Stillwagon We will be staying after the Worship Service on November 30th to decorate our “Hamilton Home” for the Christmas season. First we will share a light lunch outside of the Fellowship Hall and then get to work making the church building festive. Remember, the more the merrier! The Chancel flowers today are given to the Glory of God by Linda and Paul Gasparovic. [Please place this Portion in the Offering Plate] Communication/Attendance 11/9/2014 Name(s): Address: Please Tear Here Questions and concerns have arisen due to the passage of two measures by the General 221st Assembly during its meeting this past summer. They concern same-sex marriage and our denomination’s “redefining” of marriage. The first, was called an Authoritative Interpretation (AI) of the Constitution, the second was a proposed amendment to the Constitution. The AI took effect at the conclusion of the General Assembly meeting (June 21, 2014) the amendment to the Constitution must be ratified by a majority of the Presbyteries before it would become part of the Constitution (a process that will take place over the next eight months and could become part of the Constitution on June 21, 2015). To help us in the process of discussing what these decisions mean to us, we have invited Doug Portz, the Senior Associate Pastor of Pittsburgh Presbytery, to be with us for a “Town Hall” type of meeting on Sunday, November 23, following mor ning worship. Please plan on staying for this important and informative time. City/State/Zip: Telephone No.: E-Mail: □ □ □ □ Member of Hamilton Wish to Join Hamilton Visitor / Regularly Attend 1st / 2nd Time Visitor Hamilton Presbyterian Church CHURCH STAFF Pastor - Rev. Lance E. Chapman Office Manager - Sharyn Ott Treasurer - Karen Betler Directors of Music - George & Obbie McClintock Sunday School Superintendent - Carol Karel Coordinator of Music - Devon Smeal & Kids Praiz Coordinator Praise Team Coordinator - Tom Coyne Custodian - Mike Walters Nursery Attendant - Linda Kinast Preschool Director - Michelle Kirk Contact information for Rev. Chapman Cell: (412) 303-0638 Home: (412) 650-7331 E-Mail: [email protected] Please visit our Website at: Church Office Information: Monday thru Friday - 8 AM to 4 PM E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: 412-884-2722 November 9, 2014 - November 16, 2014 If anyone has a Prayer Request for the Prayer Chain — please call Sharyn in the Church Office at 412-884-2722 or send her an E-mail at [email protected]. Nursery care is provided for children birth thru 3 years during the Worship Service. ♥ Our nursery attendant is Linda Kinast and the nursery is open from 9:30 AM until 15 minutes after worship has ended. Items may be brought in every Sunday for the Food Cupboard and placed in the “Little Basket” in the vestibule of the Sanctuary. [Preschool: Monday — Friday - 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM] [Pre-K Classes: Monday — Thursday - 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM] SUNDAY TUESDAY □ □ □ □ Adult Study Groups Choir /Music Programs Youth / Children’s Groups Please note my Change of Address on Reverse Side MOVING? Please help us keep our records up-to-date [while saving the Church the cost of unnecessary postage]. If you have moved, or will be moving, please take a few moments to complete the tear-off section indicating the changes; or feel free to provide this information to us via our E-mail address. Thanks! 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Youth Group Meeting Women’s Bible Study Hamilton Harvest Luncheon Ministry Team Meetings Barbershoppers WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Women’s Bible Study Human Resources Team Meeting THURSDAY 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM Knitting Group Staff Meeting Chancel Choir Dinner at Panera’s (South Park) Contemporary Worship Service Chancel Choir Rehearsal [Adult Vocal] AA Meeting FRIDAY 7:30 PM Family Film Night SATURDAY 9:00 AM Men’s Fellowship Breakfast SUNDAY I would like information about: 6:00 PM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Sunday School/Bible Study Groups Kidz Praiz Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal [Adult Vocal] Worship Service Consecration Sunday Luncheon Youth Group Meeting AA Meeting Statistics for November 2, 2014 Attendance: Morning Worship 164 Contemporary Worship 22 Church School/Groups 58 Weekly Year-to-Date Income: $5,634 $195,761 Budgeted Expenses: $5,425 $238,700
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