Susquehanna Township School District Food Services Program Information POS/Account Information The STSD Food Services utilizes a computerized Point-ofSale (POS) cash register system in all schools. The POS system assists the Food Services in meeting the State and Federal guidelines more effectively, reduce the possibility of lost or stolen lunch money while providing GRFXPHQWDWLRQRIWKHFKLOG·VSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHOXQFK program. We have set-up an account for your child/children using his/her student ID number, which is for the purchase of breakfast and/or lunch. Only the Sara Lindemuth elementary school students will use cafeteria ID cards which are placed in racks by room numbers at the beginning of the serving line. Students select their card and give it to the cashier at the end of the line to have their purchase deducted from their account. Thomas Holtzman and secondary school children must enter their student ID into the cashier pin pad to access his/her account to have their purchase deducted from their account. CASH MAY BE USED AT ANY TIME TO PAY FOR LUNCH. POS Pre-payment may be made in any amount by logging on to and selecting the P\6FKRRO%XFNVLFRQ<RXUFKLOG·VStudent ID is required for access to his/her Food Service Account. <RXUFKLOG·VH[FOXVLYHStudent ID can be found on their bus schedule and report card. NOTE: It takes at least 24 to 48 hours for transactions made in the P\6FKRRO%XFNVV\VWHPWREHDYDLODEOHLQ\RXUFKLOG·V school meal account. Parents/Guardians may check WKHLUFKLOG·VEDODQFHDQ\WLPHE\ORJJLQJRQWR and selecting the mySchoolBucks icon. Pre-payments may also be made prior to the start of school or during the serving of meals. The cashier will verbally attempt to remind the student when his/her account balance is getting low. 3UHSDLGEDODQFHVRQ\RXUFKLOG·VDFFRXQWDWWKHHQGRI the school year will automatically transfer to the next school year. Account balances are rolled forward from year to year, building to building until the student has left the district. Parents/Guardians may request a FKHFNUHIXQGRUWUDQVIHURIIXQGVWRDQRWKHUVLEOLQJ·V account by contacting the Food Services on or before June 30th of the current school year. Charging and Account information Students may charge a meal in an emergency through out the school year until Memorial Day. However, it is imperative that the student pay back the loaned money the following day. Students that exceed the charge limit of three meals will be offered a bowl of cereal and carton of milk at cost until the balance is paid in full. 7KH)RRG6HUYLFHVXSRQWKHSDUHQW·VUHTXHVWZLOOEORFN DVWXGHQW·VDFFRXQWVRWKDWKHVKHPD\QRWSXUFKDVH any food items other than the lunch and/or breakfast. In addition to the regular menu selections, Middle and Senior High students may purchase additional ala carte items like bottle water, a second entrée or meal. 2014-15 Breakfast Prices Free and Reduced Elementary Ice Cream <RXKDYHQnWPLVVHGWKHEHOO Breakfast will begin the first day of school. Elementary Breakfast $1.75 Secondary Breakfast $2.00 Adults add $1.00 Students eligible for reduced $ .30 Students eligible for free breakfast free of charge. 2014-15 Lunch Prices Elementary Lunch $2.50 Secondary Lunch $3.00 Adults add $1.00 Students eligible for reduced $ .40 Students eligible for free lunch free of charge We accept applications for free and reduced-price meals all year long. Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications are available in all school offices and online at Families with children in various buildings need only to complete ONE application for the family and return the ONE application with the most responsible child to his/her school. A notification of eligibility will be sent to the home address on the application within 10 school days of receipt of the Meal Application. All students eligible for reduced price meals or free meals at STSD in June of the pervious school year are eligible for the same benefit the first three weeks of the new school year at STSD. A new meal application must be filed with the school district annually. I scream! You scream! We all scream for Ice Cream, begins the Friday after Labor Day. A variety of ice cream treats are available for $.75each. Elementary students must have cash to purchase an ice cream treat. Questions? Comments? Please call 657-5100 x30132 when school is in session.
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