Title 1 H andbook 2013-2014 E aston Public Schools E aston, Massachusetts What Is Title 1? ,W¶VWKHODUJHVWIHGHUDODVVLVWDQFHSURJUDPIRURXUQDWLRQ¶VVFKRROV The goal of Title 1 is a high-quality education for every child, so the program provides extra help to students who need it most. These are children who are the furthest from meeting the standards the state has set for all children. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Most school districts participate. Title 1 also serves children who attend parochial and private schools. These services may be provided at a public school (this includes charter schools), or at the private or parochial school (under certain conditions). Why Should I Know About Title 1? Because it can make a difference in many lives! Title 1 can help: x Students do better in school and feel better about themselves. x Parents understand their children better. Parents can also have more VD\DERXWWKHLUFKLOGUHQ¶VHGXFDWLRQ How Title 1 Works The U. S. Government provides funding to states each year for Title 1. To receive funds, each state must submit a plan describing: x what all children are expected to know and be able to do x the high quality standards of performance that all children are expected to meet x ways to measure progress The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (called an SEA or State Educational Agency) send the money to school districts based on the number of low-income families. Low-income is usually determined by the number of children who receive free or reduced price lunch. The Easton Public Schools District (called an LEA or Local Education Agency) identifies eligible schools (based on low-income rates) and provides Title 1 resources to those schools. T he T itle 1 School wor ks to: x identify students most in need of educational help (students do not have to be from low-income families to receive help) x set student goals for improvement x measure student progress, using standards set forth in thHVWDWH¶V7LWOH 1 plan (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System ± MCAS) x develop programs that add to regular classroom instruction x involve parents in all aspects of the program through Parent Conferences How A re Students C hosen To Be In T he T itle 1 Program? $VWXGHQW¶VSODFHPHQWLQWKH7LWOH3URJUDPLVEDVHGRQ0&$6VFRUHV formal and informal assessments, teacher recommendations and referrals to our Student Intervention Team (SIT). SIT is comprised of the Principal, Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists, Classroom Teachers, Learning Specialists and Title 1 Staff. 7KH7LWOH6FKRRO¶V7LWOH3URJUDPLVUHYLVHG each year by administrators, teachers and parents. School Improvement Plans are written to include Title 1 goals. T itle 1 Programs generally offer: x Additional teachers and paraprofessionals x Additional training for school staff x Extra time for instruction x A variety of teaching methods and materials x &ROODERUDWLRQEHWZHHQ7LWOHVWDIIDQGDVFKRRO¶VIDFXOW\ 3DUHQWV¶5LJKWWo K now Parents may request, and the district will provide in a timely fashion, information regarding the professional qualifications (certification, degrees) RIWKHLUFKLOG¶VFODVVURRPWHDFKHUV7LWOHWHDFKHrs and Title 1 tutors. Please contact the Assistant Superintendent or School Principal. Parent Involvement Statement x Parents are asked to participate in the development and implementation of the Title 1 Program each year at Parent Conferences, and through our needs assessment. x We work hard to coordinate services with the F.L. Olmsted/H.H. Richardson 6FKRRO¶V administration and faculty to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the schools, the parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. (Building Parent Capacity) E aston Serves C hildren T hrough: A Targeted Assistance Program where individual students in a school are targeted to receive Intervention services. Services supplement general education classroom instruction. $VD3DUHQW<RX¶UH3DUWRIW he Title 1 Team! <RXLQIOXHQFH\RXUFKLOG¶VHGXFDWLRQ more than any teacher or school. <RXULQYROYHPHQWFDQERRVW\RXUFKLOG¶VDFKLHYHPHQW%\WDNLQJDQDFWLYH UROHLQ7LWOH\RX¶OOVKRZ\RXUFKLOG x how important he or she is to you x how important education is to you x that you and the school are a team You know your child best ± VRLW¶VXSWR\RXWR x VKDUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW\RXUFKLOG¶VLQWHUHVWVDQGDELOLWLHVZLWK teachers x judge whether the Intervention LVPHHWLQJ\RXUFKLOG¶VQHHGV x speak up if you notice any problems During Parent Conferences, you can: x learn more about Title 1 x learn about your rights and responsibilities as a Title 1 parent x meet other parents and teachers x begin a process of communication and cooperation between parents and schools x learn about parent workshops T he Parent-School Compact is a document that states the goals and responsibilities of both parents and schools. T he Parental Involvement Statement helps parents understand and take SDUWLQWKHVFKRRO¶VHIIRUWV Show Interest in YoXU&KLOG¶V6FKRRO'D\ Ask questions and be specific. For example, ask what the class is studying and what your child did during recess or during a special class. Ask to see schoolwor kDUWSURMHFWVHWF'RQ¶WFULWLFL]HWKHZRUNRU compare it to another chiOG¶V± just show your interest. Talk about school in a positive way. Praise effort and improvement ± no matter how small it may seem to you. 'RQ¶WIRFXVRQJUDGHVWRRPXFK E ncourage Good Study H abits Agree on a T ime for homework. If your child has no homework on a given day, have him or her use the time to review or read for pleasure. A r range a quiet place for study. Provide: x a large, clear work surface x a comfortable chair x good lighting x a dictionary Be ready to help, EXWGRQ¶WGRWKHZRUN\RXrself. Be patient. A child may make the same mistake many times before he or she catches on. Show respect for study, VRGRQ¶WZDWFK79RUWDONZLWKIULHQGVZKLOH\RXU child is working. A llow breaks for phone calls, snacks or just moving around. Suggest your child divide homework into sections, and take a break between each one. Get tR.QRZ<RXU&KLOG¶V6FKRRO x x x x x x x Even working parents can take part in many activities. Attend school events Visit the classroom (make arrangements in advance) -RLQWKHVFKRRO¶V Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Volunteer Attend parent-teacher conferences Keep teachers informed of HYHQWVWKDWPLJKWDIIHFW\RXUFKLOG¶VZRUN or behavior ± DSDUHQW¶VLOOQHVVDIDPLO\ORVVHWF So«<RXU7LWOH3URJUDP1HHGV<RXYou, your child, and Title 1 can be a winning team! )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ«SOHDVHFRQWDFWour Title 1 Team at the F.L. Olmsted/H.H. Richardson Schools: F.L. Olmsted: 508-230-3205 ± Main Number H.H. Richardson: 508-230-3227 ± Main Number Ms. Karen Rodgers ± Literacy Specialist, FLO/HHR Ms. Cindy Olson ± Literacy Specialist, FLO/HHR Dr. Gary Mazzola ± F.L. Olmsted School/H.H. Richardson School Principal Mrs. Lisha Cabral ± Assistant Superintendent of Schools (508)230-3200 x 207 F or more information please go to Massachusetts Department of E lementary & Secondary Education at http://www.doe.mass.edu/apa/titlei/
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