Combatting Procurement Fraud Fraud prevention and identification spanning the entire procurement cycle 13th - 15th April 2015 Harley Reed MALAWI - LILONGWE The Course Course Content P rocurement fraud can wipe out much of a company’s profits and damage a nation’s ability to invest. The quality of procurement can make the difference between success and failure – whether of private sector companies or of national economies. This course looks at ways to combat fraud in procurement and minimise those organisational systems, processes, procedures, documentation and contracting processes that can be a barrier to value for money and competitiveness. The course further looks at how to reform procurement within the public and private sector and how to create a world class and a high performance procurement organisation. Fee: Standard $800. Early Bird Discount: Full payments made four weeks or earlier to the commencement attract a 10% discount. All prices are inclusive of VAT. UK | Ghana | Malawi | Nigeria | South Africa | Zimbabwe • • • • • • • • • • • • In Materna ste tion rcl al ass What is meant by procurement fraud? Scale of procurement fraud Conflict of interest and corruption System controls Anti-fraud controls: which are the most effective? Creating an anti-fraud culture Fraud identification, detection and investigation Characteristics of fraud perpetrators Fraud analytics and ‘red flags’ Reducing risk of contracts fraud Conducting an internal investigation Creating a high performance and entrepreneurial procurement organisation Who should attend Procurement Professionals, Finance Professionals, Internal and External Auditors, Engineers, Legal Practitioners, Security Services and Bankers Harley Reed (Malawi) Ltd t:: +265 1 827 050 t:: +265 (0) 992 770 594 e: [email protected] 2nd Floor, Unit House, Victoria Avenue, Blantyre C olin Cram is a Senior Consultant with Harley Reed and is an acknowledged procurement and strategic contracting expert. A Senior Adviser to the Office of Government Commerce, UK and has 30 years extensive procurement experience. He pioneered public sector outsourcing policy in the 1980s, which has led to the UK government being at the forefront of service outsourcing. A trained fraud investigator, one of his initiatives in the 1990s led to the continued drive to address UK benefits fraud. Since then, savings have run into many £billions. Colin has been a member of EU working groups on innovation, procurement and sustainability, has been an ‘expert witness’ to UK Parliamentary committees and has advised on various reviews of public sector procurement. He has been consulted by politicians of main political parties and has advised the team reviewing National Health Service procurement and the Cabinet Office on central government procurement. He has been responsible throughout for initiating and implementing innovative strategies for procurement, shared services, outsourcings, tackling monopoly supply situations and cartels, trouble-shooting and organisational reengineering. He was a pioneer of ‘Lean’ procurement.
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