Harvest Time in Brentwood 501c5 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival 420 Beatrice Court, Suite G-3 Brentwood, California 94513 925-301-3909 /ha rvestti mefestiva I @gma i l.com April 1, 2015 Dear Prospective Vendor, Planning for the second ann ual Brentwood HarvestTime Festival is underway. The festival isscheduled forJuly 11th & 12th,2015. The festival is a celebration of the farmland's ha rvest in City Park & Civic Center in Historic Downtown Brentwood. We are looking for products that reflect a high standard of lifestyle and current popular trends. We know that this festival is only a few months away, but feel it worthy of your pa rticipation. is The festival will include a multitude of events and live entertainment on main stage both days including; a Wine and Beer Garden, Fine Arts & Crafts, Children's area, John Deere Miniature Tractor Races, Harvest Time Farmer's Market, Cooking demonstrations from local and renown chefs, best jams & jellies contest and a Little Veggies Costume Contest Parade. Last year our estimated attendance was around 15,000 people. We are anticipating roughly 18,000 people at this years event! lf you are interested in participating, please complete and return the enclosed forms with your payment. Categories are filling quickly so do not delay sending your application. lncomplete applications and applications without payment included will not be considered. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 925-301-3909 or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you ! Sincerely, Jessi€a Stonebarger Harvest Time Board Member, Harvest Time Festival Event Coordinator 1 Harvest Time in Brentwood 501(c)6 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival 420 Beatrice Court, Suite G-3 Brentwood, California 94513 925-301-3909 / [email protected] VENDOR RULES AND REGULATIONS Keep these for your records. Arts and Craft Vendor Rules: All art & craft vendors must only have products from artists showing, NO REPRESENTATIVESI No mqnufoctured products pemltted ln this cldsstlcotlon. You must submit tive (5) photogrophs ol your prcdud to be consldercd. You must olso submit one (7) ol the artists working in the studio with your opplicotion. This is to help us enlorce the outhenticity of the croft ond help confirm thot the prcdud is not o commerciol good. We strcngly encouruge you to submit o plcturc ol the booth set-up. Acceptance is based on compliance with Brentwood Harvest Time Festival design and quality standards. Art&craft vendors who present manufactured products or products made by another artist will be asked to leave. Random inspection of booths begin at noon and will continue throughout the event. lf you are asked to leave, there will be no refund offees. lf you are selling PRE-PACKAGED FOOD as an arts & craft vendor, YOU MUST have appropriate CONTRA COSTA COUNW HEALTH PERMITS, which must be obtained by June 10, 2015. Priortothe event, you must fax or ma il your health permit to Brentwood Harvest Time Festival (event producer). lf you have any questions, please call the Festival Coordinator at 925-301-3909 or email [email protected]. Harvest Time in Brentwood reserves the right to reject any contract on the basis that items intended for sale do not meet the Brentwood Harvest Time Festival requirements and standards or merchandise intended for sale at said event is not listed on the itemized List of Goods for Sale section (on page 3) of this application. lf product is for sale and has not been listed, Brentwood Harvest Time Festival reserves the right to have the unlisted said product removed. Commercial Vendor Rules (No Sales on Site) Acceptance of commercial vendors is as follows: (1) City of Brentwood commercial businesses will have first priority (2) outside Brentwood commercial businesses will have second priority and (3) All commercial categories that are not filled by the above will be allowed on a first come, first served basis. All commerclol vendors must hove o prclessionol presentqtion ond prcvide photogrdphs ol the qpplicotion to be consldered. the booth set up with All commercial vendors who have drawings must make their drawings free to the public. Commercial vendors will not be allowed to hold discount sales and must have professjonalsignage. No commercialjewelry or artwork is allowed. This is not a sales site area. Brentwood Harvest Time Festival reserves the right to reject any contract that does not meet the requirements listed in the Commercial Vendor Rules. Food Vendor & Food Truck Rules Acceptance for food vendors is as follows: (1) city of Brentwood restaurants are given first priority {2) outside Brentwood restaurants are given second priority and (3) All other restaurants will be allowed on a first come, first served basis. 3 Acceptance for food truck vendors is as follows: All food truck vendors will be allowed on a first come, first served basis under the direct discretion of the Vendor Committee Chairman. All food and food truck vendors, including PRE-PACKAGED FOOD vendors must have appropriate CONTRA COSTA COUNTY HEALTH PERMITS, which must be obtained byJune 10,2015. permitto Brentwood HarvestTime Festival (event producer). lfyou Priortothe event, you must fax or mailyour health have any questions, pleasecallthe FestivalCoordinator at 925-301-3909 or email [email protected]. Think "grcen"tl All food vendors must serve food in biodegrodoble / compostoble moteriol contdine6. No stytofoam ollowed. All food vendors must provide a Certificate of lnsurance showing their liability coverage in the amount of S1,000,000,000.00 naming Harvest Time in Brentwood, The City of Brentwood, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers as additionally insured. Dumping of charcoal is prohibited and must be removed by vendor. Att FOOD VENDORS MUST PROVIDE A MINIMUM 5 POUND ABC APPROVED FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Prior to acceptance, vendors will be required to sign a dumping agreement and post a S200.00 cleaning deposit, to be sent in with application. Brentwood Harvest Time Festival will provide facilities for gray water dumping. Dumping of cooking oils must be done in approved oil barrel provided by Brentwood Harvest Time Festival. Non-Profit Vendor Rules All non-profit organizations must fill out an application and submit a fee for booth space. You will be allowed to hand out information about your organization to the public as long as there is no fee involved. You are encouraged to include signage identifying you r group a nd you may a lso wear clothing that advertises your group. booth except what you have contracted with Brentwood Harvest Time Festivalto sell. Youmaynotsell anything from youl As non-profit booths are limited, applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Brentwood Harvest Time Festival reserves the right to reject any contract on the basis that items intended for sale do not meet the Brentwood Harvest Time Festival requirements and standards or merchandise intended for sale at said event is not listed onthe ltemized List of coods forSale section (on page 3) ofthisapplication. lf product is for sale and has not been listed, Brentwood Harvest Time Festival reserves the right to have the unlisted said product removed. 4 Harvest Time in Brentwood 501(c)6 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival 420 Beatrice court, Suite G-3 Brentwood, California 94513 925-301-3909 / [email protected] VENDOR APPTICATION This application is for the purpose of assisting the Brentwood Harvest Time Festival in the selection of vendors for the 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival. This application for contract is not a contract, noraguarantee ofsame. APPLICATION 1,2015. Return completed applicationto Brentwood Harvest Time Festival420 Beatrice Court, SuiteG-3, Brentwood, Ca. 94513. Applicants will be notified of acceptance to participate in this event by June 7, 2015. DEADLINE ISJUNE Name of Business: Please print exactlv as you would like it to appear on printed information. Name of Owner: Mailing Address: zip: State: City: cell Phone: P ho ne: Fax: Email; @ Website: www. Face book Page: Name of Representative(s) if owner is not at festival (crafters/Artlsts must be present) License Number and Registered Owner of Vehicle(s) at festival to be used in case of emergency: Name S California Board of Equalization Resale f: City of Brentwood Business License #: # of Spaces Required ( ) ( _ ) *credit card: _ # (Mandatory) List of Goods for Sale form attached. Must includegoods, planned activities & informative handouts. lf you decidetosell itemsthatare not listed below, Brentwood Harvest Time Festival hasthe right to remove the products. '*,(.****r**it**'I,t*t!r**l,lir*r:il.,i*:it ( For Oftice Use only ( )Check#_( )CreditCard# ( )Approved ) Declined: Check returned on _J_J_ Category: ( )Art&Craft ( )Commercial ( )Food ( )FoodTruck ( )Non-profit # Spaces ( )Electrical ( )other: Booth # Event Area: ( ) City Park ( ) Civic Center ( )Other: )Received on / ( / *il***;(r*ri Harvest Time in Brentwood 501(c)5 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival 420 Beatrice Court, Suite G-3 Brentwood, California 94513 925-301-3909 /[email protected] VENDOR LIST OF GOODS FOR SALE Name of Business: Name of Owner: Explain planned activities: List of Goods for Sale: [ist of informative handouts: Additional comments or notes: 6 Harvest Time in Brentwood 501(c)6 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival 420 Beatrice Court, Suite G-3 Brentwood, California 94513 925-301-3909 / [email protected] VENDOR FEES General Description Guidelines ofVendor Space: Art & craft, commercial & non-profit vendor space is 10'x 10'. Food vendor & food truck space is 10' x 20'. Fee is based on one (1) space and includes space only for both days. Vendor must provide their own booth set-up, tent, table, chairs, General Rules for refund policy and more details. Please check one of the Cateqory Art&CraftVendor commercial Vendor Vendor Food Truck Food etc. See attached following: Fee )5310.00 )5310.00 )5410.00 )Ss60.00 Credit Card Cash/Check ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Non-Profit ()Sas.oo Fee # spaces TOTAL )5300.00 )S:oo.oo )5400.00 )Ssso.oo ()Szs.oo Electricity Fee: (Must complete attachment Electricity page 7) ( ) 5100.00 (separate check required) Additional fees: Food vendors are required to submit a separate check in the amount of $200.00 for a cleaning deposit. lnordertoreceivea refund of said cleaning deposit, you must have your space inspected by a representative of the Brentwood Harvest Time Festival Vendor Committee before leaving the event, lf you r space is totally clea n at the end of the festival, your check will be returned to you by mail. Food / Food Truck Vendor Cleaning Deposit (Mandatory) ( )S2OO.O0 (Separate check required) TOTAT AMOUNT SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPTICATION S Checkone: ( )Cash ( )Check#_ ( )Visa ( )MasterCard ( )paypal Name on the Card/Account: Card/Account Number Expiration Date _ / Please include your check(s) for the full amount with this application. Any checks returned by your bank are sub.iect to a S35.oo fee. Make checks payable to Harvest Time in Brentwood. returned check 7 Harvest Time in Brentwood 501(c)6 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival 420 Beatrice Court, Suite G-3 Brentwood, California 94513 925-301-3909 / [email protected] ETECTRICITY The Brentwood Harvest Time Festival does not generally supply electricity, however certain circumstances may be considered and/or allowed. Please complete the following information to be included with your application and your request will be reviewed by the Brentwood Harvest Time Festival Vendor Chairman. lf you do not fill out this information correctly and return with the rest of your application, YOUR REQUEST WITT NOT BE CONSIDERED AND MAY DELAY THE APPI-ICATION PROCESS. Should you be considered, Brentwood Harvest Time Festival Electricity Guidelines are as follows: a We can only supply a 110 outlet with a maximum of 2000 watts. a Vendor must bring their own heavy duty (12 to 14 gauge) extension cord with a minimum length of 100 feet. Vendor must provide their own duct tape to properly tape down the cord. Vendor tents must be properly secured with sandbags or weights, Electrical use areas will be expected throughout the festival. Below standard setup will deny Vendor participation at the festival without a refund. Vendor must pay an additional 5100.00 fee for electricity on a separate check. a a a a a a Electrical requirements made on the day ofthe event that exceed or are in addition to the requirements listed above are NOT guaranteed and may cause festival staff to deny your participation in the festlvalwithout a refund. Vendor must complete the required information below to be considered: TYPE OF EOUIPMENT ELECTRICITY REQUIRED Examole: Hot Dog Cooker Examole: 1500 Watts {rvraximum rro outret. zooo wattst ) I have read and understand all of the above electrical guidelines. Signature of Applicant Date 6 RULES FOR ALt VENDORS 1. All applications must be completed fully, signed and submitted prior to space reservation acceptance. Please make sure your writing is legible. Notations such as "on file", "you have", "returning vendor" will hold up your application substantially. 2. 3. 4. Your application will be processed keying on business name so please include it on all correspondence. 5. 6. 7. Space fees must be included All applications are juried by category on a first come, first serve basis. Festival information will be em ailed a pproximately two weeks prior to the festival and willcontain space assignments with general booth location, directions to the festival, set up instructions etc. 8. with your application in the form of separate check(s). Booth size is 1.0'x 10'unless otherwise indicated. We provide space only, no canopies, tents etc. Participants are asked to condud themselves in a professional and tasteful manner at all times. Failure to do so may result in your being asked to leave the festival with no refund. Sorry, but we cannot accommodate specific space req uests. lf you have legitimate special needs, notethem onyour 9. application and we will try to accommodate you, however we cannot guarantee anything. This is a rain or shine festival. You are required to have weights for wind. You may not tie you canopy to landscape and street furnishings. 10. No refunds issued after twenty-one (21) days before the event. All refunds will be less a 550.00 processing fee. 11, Open flames are not permitted, excluding barbeques. Allfood vendors are required to have a minimum s-pound ABC approve fire extinguisher in their booth at all times. 12. lf you a re approved for electricity to operate, please note it on your a pplication as such, 110 volts only allowed & a S100.00 fee is required (paid by separate check) when application is submitted. Bring your own heavy duty (12 or 14 gauge)extension cord with a minimum length of 100 ft. You must provide duct ta pe to properly ta pe down cord. Electrical use areas are inspected often & below standard set-up will be denied participation. 13. lf electricity ca nnot be provided by the festival, Whisper Quiet Generators ON LY will be allowed with prior Brentwood Harvest Time Festival approval. 14. Vendors are responsible for providing their own general liability insurance for the event and are responsible for their booth and goods at all times, regardless of whether security is present or not. Overnight security is provided forthe festival area. 15. Vehicles are not allowed within the closure area during the festival. 1.6. No drug pa rapherna lia or symbols are allowed. lfseen,youwill betoldto remove those items and/or leave the festival with no refund. 17. No products depicting nudity or pornography are allowed. lf see, you will be told to remove those items and/or asked to leave the festival with not refund. 18. Balloonrules: Helium ta nks must be secu red to a stationary object. No Mylar balloons are permitted and all balloons must be weighted. 19. Since this is a themed festival, vendors are encouraged to have harvest type decorations. 20. Allvendors must have a california Resale Permit and it must be in plain view at alltimes during the festival. 21. Allvendorswill be listed onthespecial Event - Umbrella Business l-icense with the City of Brentwood for no additional fee to vendor. 22' Vendors may not sell or give away products that compete with any of the festival sponsored booths. Harvest Time in Brentwood, its volunteers, and the city of Brentwood will not be responsible for any liability, damage, theft or destruction of property {including vehicles), including those related to weather. By printing and signing your name below, you agree and understand the guidelines and general rules for this festival. You have read all application pages 1-11 and will comply with the RU LEs AN D REGULATIoNS as stated for this festival. Failure to comply, will result in expulsion from the event with No REFUND issued. Signature Date Harvest Time in Brentwood 501(c)6 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival 420 Beatrice Court, Suite G-3 Brentwood, California 94513 925-301-3909 / [email protected] HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT shall save, keep and hold harmless t, Print Business Name Here Harvest Time in Brentwood, the City of Brentwood, it's officers, agents, employees, and volunteers from all damages, costs, or expenses in law equity that may at any time arise or be set up because of damages to property or personal injury, or weather, received by any reason or in the course of the 2014 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival which may be occasioned by any willful or negligent act of and/or any of Print Business Name Here employees, or any subcontractor/s. Print Business Name Here SIGNATURE OF AUTHORlZED REPRESENTATIVE warrant that I have the authority to bind the below listed organization Print Your Name Here or business to this Special Event Hold Harmless & lndemnification Agreement and by my signature hereon do so bind this organization or business. Signature of Authorized Representative (Original Signature Required) Title: Orga n izatio n/B us in ess: Address: Phone: 10 Harvest Time in Brentwood 501(c)6 2015 Brentwood Harvest Time Festival 420 Beatrice Court, Suite G-3 Brentwood, California 94513 925-301-3909 / [email protected] VENDOR CHECKTIST Before you return your application, please check off that you have included items listed below. You must sign and include this checklist with your application. ( ) Vendor Application (page 5) ( ) Vendor List of Goods for Sale (page 6) ( ) Vendor Fees (page 7) ( ) Electricity (page 8) if requested ( ) General Rules for All Vendors (page 9) ( ) Hold Harmless & lndemnification Agreement (page 10) ( ) Vendor Checklist (page 1L) ( ) Copy of California State Board of Equalization Resale License ( ) Copy of City of Brentwood Business License ( ) Copy Contra Costa County Health Permit if required ( ) (1) photo of Work in Progress, (1) booth photo, (5) product(s) photos ( ) Check for full amount, i.e. Space Fee, Electricity & Cleaning Fee I have read and understand all Na me ofthe rules, regulations and guidelines of pages 1-11. Date 71.
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