Farragut Middle School 27 Farragut Avenue Hastings-on-Hudson, New York 10706 Phone – 914-478-6230 Fax – 914-478-6314 www.hohschools.org A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence E-Mail addresses / Telephone Numbers Ms. Kipper, Principal…………………… [email protected] . … .. 478-6230 Ms. McGivney, Assistant Principal………… [email protected] ………….… . 478-6321 Ms. Kavanagh 5th Grade Team Coordinator …………. [email protected] ………………… 295-3070 Ms. Richman, 6th Grade Team Coordinator… [email protected] …………… .….. 295-3135 Mr. Shapiro , 7th Grade Team Coordinator……… [email protected] ……… … … 295-3126 Ms. Erica Williams, 8th Grade Team Coordinator.… [email protected] ………… 295-3092 Ms. Gigantino, Support Team Coordinator……… … [email protected] ……… ….……295-3067 Please dial - 478 extension first on numbers listed below, if not 295. E-mail addresses can be found on the district web-site Department Chairs Art – Mr. Merchant - 6413 World Language - Ms. DeRubeis - 6357 Health & Phys. Ed. – Mr. Lodewick - 6218 Language Arts – Dr. Mahony – 6297 Mathematics – Mr. Stephens - 295-3047 Music – Mr. Rubino - 6312 Science – Mrs. Shandroff – 6237 Social Studies - Mr. Buchanan – 295-3020 Dir. of Athletics – Mr. Lodewick – 6218 Athletic Office - Ms. Bassman - 6241 Sports Schedules – 6245 Other Important Numbers Principal’s Office - Ms. Avila / Ms.Dayton –6230/6231 Nurses –Ms. O’Loughlin / Ms. Cipollina– 6225 Health Office Clerk Ms. Sorano - 6225 Attendance 6223 Director of Special Ed. – Ms. Augarten - 6261 Psychologist - Dr. Tessler, 6264 Guidance Office - Ms. Percoski 6228 7/8 Guidance Counselor - Ms. Perez 6256 5/6 Guidance Counselor - Ms. Horowitz 6227 Social Worker - Ms. Menendez 6415 Registrar’s Office – Michele Porter 6207 FMS NEWSLETTER 1 FMS NEWSLETTER – January 2015 January 2015 Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful time with family and friends during this holiday season. As always, we look forward to welcoming your children back to school after the New Year on Monday, January 5, 2015. Also, as a reminder, the FMS Monthly Newsletters and other important information are located on the district web-site, Schoolwires – www.hohschools.org Please review January’s calendar. We look forward to seeing you at the various activities this month. Sincerely, Gail Kipper Gail Kipper FMS NEWSLETTER 2 Winter Recess Reminder, winter recess begins on Monday, December 22nd. Classes will resume on Monday, January 5th. Board of Education Meetings The Board of Education meetings for the month of January are: January 7th and January 21st. PTSA Parent Meeting – Title 1 – Parent Engagement Farragut Middle School Liaison meetings begin at 6:30p.m. All meetings take place in the Lloyd Library. The remaining meetings are as follows: January 21, 2015, March 11, 2015; April 21, 2015 and June 3, 2015. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend. Severe Weather Closings The storms of winter are upon us. Please make sure that you have reviewed the procedures for early dismissal with your children. We must have accurate emergency dismissal information on file before your child is dismissed. If any information regarding your child(ren) changes please inform the registrar’s office at [email protected] or call Michele Porter at 478-6207. Yearbooks Middle School yearbook orders will be placed online this year. Also, posted on the school website or please visit www.Balfour.com and enter Farragut Middle School- Hastings on Hudson to order your book. The cost of the book will be $35.00, and it must be ordered by January 31st. Additional books will NOT be ordered this year, so please be sure to place your order before the deadline. This year we will be offering personalization on the cover of the yearbook for an additional $5 for any student who is interested. You can make the personalization on line when ordering the yearbook. If you have any questions please direct them to Mrs. Felipe at room W166 or her school email address: [email protected]. Testing Schedule The 2014 – 2015 testing schedule is located on the district web-site at www.hohschools.org. Career Day 2015 The Annual Career Day is scheduled for the afternoon of Friday, March 27th. Please see attached letter regarding this event, from Mr. Spiniello, Career Day Coordinator. Recess Yard There are parents who are meeting their children in the school yard during recess. The recess adult supervisors do not know who is related to whom. For security purposes, if a parent needs to reach his/her child or drop something off, he/she should contact the main office for assistance. FMS NEWSLETTER 3 Farragut Middle School 27 Farragut Avenue Hastings-on-Hudson, New York 10706 Phone – 914-478-6230 Fax – 914-478-6314 http://www.hohschools.org A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Gail Kipper Principal Hilda McGivney Assistant Principal Dear Parents and Members of the Community, We are gathering information from our Farragut Middle School community about people who are interested in speaking to the 8th grade students during our Career Day. This year Career Day will be on Friday, March 27, 2015 from 1:30-2:45 in the middle school gymnasium. During this time students will be encouraged to speak to the presenters about their respective career and occupation. There is a vast wealth of educational resources in our community. We would like to bring to the students an overview of the many occupations that support our society. Students need to know the responsibilities of different careers, the necessary educational backgrounds for different positions, and the subjects in school that influence and enhance career decisions. As an integral part of the Home and Career Skills Curriculum, students explore and research various careers. If you are interested in volunteering you may contact Romeo Spiniello (Career Day Coordinator) by emailing at [email protected]. We invite you to share your occupation and expertise with our students. Thank you. Sincerely, Romeo Spiniello Home & Career Skills Teacher Career Day Coordinator FMS NEWSLETTER 4
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