2015 sole practioner application

2270 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 1506,
Honolulu, HI 96815
Tel: (808) 923-0407 Fax: (808) 924-3843
E-mail: [email protected]
"SOLE PRACTIONER” members shall be persons active in the management of a group or chain of
lodging properties wholly or partly engaged in business in the State of Hawai`i or is active in the
lodging business outside the State of Hawai`i. Sole Practitioner members shall have the right to hold
office and vote under the circumstances set forth in Section I of Article XI hereof.
If accepted, the undersigned agrees to pay membership dues and abide with the rules governing
membership, as provided by the Association bylaws. "SOLE PRACTIONER” members shall pay the
same dues as "Associate & Special Active" members.
Name of Company __________________________________________________________
Name of Applicant________________________________ Title______________________
Street Address (include City, State, Zip) _________________________________________
P.O. Box (include City, State, Zip) ______________________________________________
Phone:____________________ Cell Phone: _________________ Fax:_________________
E-mail address ___________________________ Website ___________________________
Assistant’s Name & Title______________________________________________________
Assistant’s Phone: ___________ Assistant’s E-mail _______________________________
Properties Under Management: ________________________________________________
Signature of Applicant________________________________________________________
ANNUAL INVESTMENT: $175.00.00 annual dues, submit with originally signed application. Payment may be
made by check (payable to: Hawai`i Lodging and Tourism Association) or by major credit cards. For credit card
payment, please complete the information below:
Type of credit card (circle one): American Express
Account No:_____________________________ Card Code: ______ Expiration Date: _________________
Name on Credit Card: _________________________ Cardholder’s Signature: _______________________
CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS: __________________________ CITY, ST, ZIP: ___________________
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERNAL ACTION ONLY
Board of Directors Action_________________ Date____________ Membership # _______________