The Commissioner Hayes Barton United Methodist Church Pastors: Rick Clayton, LuAnn Charlton, Jesse Baker Offering Christ, Community and Compassion To Live as Disciples of Christ May 25, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 33 Newsletter Deadline: Noon on June 1 A Living Theology I have long struggled with Jesus’ words found in Matthew 6 on anxiety and worry. Jesus says, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” The implication is that God will provide so no need to worry. My struggle has been not knowing how to actually live them out. I never choose to worry or fear (there are also many passages that warn against fear, so I want to include it, too). It seems to me that they just appear. Fear and worry are dependent upon my surrounding circumstances. I typically find worry and fear to be unwelcome companions. I get agitated and cannot think properly. I would certainly avoid them if I could. My struggle with this passage comes because I think it is unnecessary that anyone feel guilty or shame for something we have no control of. There may come a time when we allow a situation to consume us. But we can avoid feeling shame or guilt because even Jesus had at least one anxious experience. I love the way C. S. Lewis describes Jesus praying in the garden before his crucifixion in a letter to an American lady (who herself was about to have an operation): “Fear is horrid, but there’s no reason to be ashamed of it. Our Lord was afraid (dreadfully so) in Gethsemane. I always cling to that as a very comforting fact.” From Jesus’ experience before his Passion (i.e. his crucifixion), we see that Jesus also had natural fear/anxiety. This was not a negative experience that drove him away from his Father, but was an experience that drove him to prayer in which he found strength to complete the difficult task ahead of him. Assuming I am correct in describing fear and worry as emotions that arise naturally, what, then, is Jesus talking about? I have begun to wonder if Jesus was talking about something different than natural human emotions. I think Jesus was talking about crippling emotions (yes, I just made up that category). The difference between the two is this. Natural emotions, as I said, happen to everyone and arise based on one’s surrounding circumstances. For example, most parents feel anxious when their child takes their first drive by themselves after getting their license. That is not what Jesus is talking about and therefore is not a sin of any kind. In fact, these sorts of experiences and emotions can inspire a person to pray and I cannot see that as a bad thing. “Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith,” Lewis wrote in his book, Letters to Malcolm. “I don’t agree at all. They are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the Passion of Christ.” Our Lord knew fear, and we can therefore be confident that whatever fears, worries, or anxieties come to us, we can turn to God in prayer and know that our concerns are not met with scorn but with a sympathetic ear. It is the hope of our spiritual enemies that these trying situations will pull us away from God; but, we have seen that this does not need to be the case. By turning to prayer, we shall certainly receive from God all sorts of strengthening and comforting. Even in our greatest moments of fear and worry, we shall find true the great promise found in the Scriptures: “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). Crippling emotions are different. They may start naturally, but turn into something quite different. Whereas one can use these natural emotions as occasions for prayer, one can also allow those emotions to control them. To continue with the example of the newly licensed teenager, it is natural to worry, as I said. It would be an example of crippling fear or worry if the parent, as a result of these overwhelming feelings, never allowed her child to drive or get their license in the first place. 05/25/2015 Pray for me, as I pray for you, and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. In Christ, Jesse 1 The Commissioner Church Calendar: see New Policy for Sanctuary 05/26 - 05/30 Moving Week Tue. 05/26 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast 202 NO Prayer/Communion Service Wed. 05/27 1:00 pm Haggai’s Helpers 229 6/6:30 pm Middle School Studies 7:30 pm Church Council Thu. 05/28 6:15 am HS Prayer Breakfast offsite 10:00 am Pastor’s Lectionary Study 202 11:15 am Grand Age Club 203 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Practice 8:00 pm LightHouse Practice FH Sat. 05/30 6:30 pm Senior Banquet Sun. 05/31 Trinity Sunday Senior Recognition Sunday Peace with Justice Sunday 1st Sunday in New Classrooms 8:30 am Traditional Worship Sanc. 8:45 am LightHouse Worship FH 9:50 am Sunday School for All Ages 9:55 am Giving Thanks for the Past Sanc. 11:00 am Traditional Worship Sanc. 6:00 pm UMYF FH Mon. 06/01 UMW Scholarship Deadline Tue. 06/02 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast 202 11:45 am Prayer/Communion Service Wed. 06/03 1:00 pm Haggai’s Helpers 229 Thu. 06/04 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast FH 10:00 am Pastor’s Lectionary Study 202 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Room 8:00 pm LightHouse Practice FH Sun. 06/07 2nd Sunday after Pentecost VBS CDs available 8:30 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 8:45 am LightHouse Worship FH 9:50 am Sunday School for All Ages 9:55 am Connection at 9:55 Sanc. 11:00 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 06/10 - 06/13 Annual Conference Wilmington The Board of Trustees approved the following policy in anticipation of having the adult Sunday school meeting in the sanctuary until The Well is complete: To ensure a smooth transition into the worship service and to protect the beauty of that space for years to come, the Board has adopted a policy that would not allow the consumption of food and drinks in the sanctuary with the exception of the communion elements and of water for speakers and choir singers. Please contact Lee Ragsdale if you have concerns at [email protected]. Parking as a Good Neighbor The Trustees have been informed that in response to frequent and persistent violations, Raleigh Police are increasing enforcement of parking regulations in neighborhoods around HB on Sunday mornings. Please remember that you cannot park within 5’ of a driveway, within 15’ of a hydrant, or within 25’ of an intersection. HB staff place cones on Sunday morning only as a guide for where you shouldn’t park. You are responsible for parking your cars legally on the street. If you are parked illegally, expect to get a ticket. Summer Newsletter Schedule NO newsletters: June 8, 22; July 6, 20; August 3 Newsletters: June 1, 15, 29; July 13, 27; Aug. 10, 17, 24 Questions: Contact Doug Gill, [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x26. Peace with Justice Offering: May 31 You can support ministries in the US and worldwide to remove unjust systems and equip the victimized to live more fulfilled lives. Please give generously. College Graduates: Last Call If you or someone in your family received/will receive a college degree this spring, please contact Doug Gill at [email protected] or 832-6435 x26 so they can be recognized in the bulletin on May 31. Grand Age Club: Thursdays, 11:15 am 05/28: Installation of Officers For questions: Call Mary Lib Gallagher at 782-8116. Attendance 05/24 (8:30) 160 (8:45) 87 (11:00) 185 (SS) 223 Follow HB on Twitter and Facebook Twitter: @HBUMC Facebook: Hayes Barton United Methodist Church Group The Commissioner 2 05/25/2015 HB Movers Needed May 27-30 Packing Thanks Our moving week is here, so let’s “gather to serve” on Wed., 5/27, to Sat., 5/30. Able-bodied, strong volunteers: please sign up for at least one 3-hour afternoon or evening shift. Transition Team members will be on-site to organize/guide movers. Our packers have done a fabulous job, so now our Movers can move it. Choose a shift at: Dear Congregation, We are excited to continue moving toward The WELL and the Spirit of Our Lord is walking along with us on this move. Please thank the following people for coming out on Friday, May 15, and lovingly packing many items in our church. Questions: Contact Connie at 757-2062 or [email protected]. Andy Adams Lise Cagle Janet Comrie Diane Ferrell Josh French Audrey Gastmeyer Beth Harrell Rae Jarema David Jones Jim Jones Paula Long Liz Merritt Lanier Murr Mac & Lindsay Newsom Shirley Page Kathy Pretzer Walt Sherlin Bill & Denise Stephenson Save the Date: Refresh Two a retreat for the women of Hayes Barton Led by Pastor LuAnn, Pinehurst Resort January 8 - 10, 2016 Cost for double occupancy around $350 (includes lodging, delicious Pinehurst meals and snacks, and all instructional sessions and materials) Registration will open Fall, 2015 Questions? [email protected] M’n’M Singers/Grace Notes Talent Show Monday, June 1, 6:30 pm Resurrection Lutheran Church 100 W. Lochmere Dr, Cary We are One in the Spirit and what a blessing to be a part of the Spirit. Connie Fowler The Connection at 9:55 Starting June 7 Here’s the basic pattern we will follow beginning on June 7. Again, in complete honesty, we may rearrange the model at times to fit speaker’s schedules, but we plan to stay as close to this as possible. The overarching theme for the entire transition time will be “Preparing for Life at the Well.” More details about our vision will be shared in June. Every Sunday will address some aspect of Christian discipleship that grows us more deeply into our mission. Note that each Sunday following the first Sunday of each month, The Word, is a teaching on how best to respond to the word of God. A time for announcements and a short musical offering will open our time together each Sunday. 1st Sunday The Word (Bible Study) 2nd Sunday Response to the Word: Spiritual Formation, Denominational Study or Outreach 3rd Sunday Response to the Word: Spiritual Formation, Denominational Study or Outreach 4th Sunday Response to the Word: Hayes Barton Witness [this Sunday includes Individual Sunday School Highlight] 5th Sunday Response to the Word: Music 05/25/2015 Kevin Anderson Tina Clyburn Virginia Demarsh Bob Foyle Ashley, Luke & Bailey Fuller Harriet Habel Laurie Harrell Cindy Jones Jennifer Jones Mary June Jones Jo Anna McMillan David Moncol Emily Newman Rebecca Page Beth Pierce Charlie & Becky Russell Betty Smith Ann Thompson 3 UMW Scholarship: Apply by June 1 UMW Scholarship applications and standards are available at: - - the front desk. The applications are due to UMW President, Jo Anna McMillan, by June 1, 2015. Our UMW annual scholarship is paid directly to the college of the female recipient, who is a member of HB. The scholarship is for graduate or undergraduate study and is granted for one year; however, current HS seniors who are eligible for many other HB scholarships are not eligible. Our UMW is accepting applications. Questions? Please contact Jo Anna McMillan at 919-417-3470 or [email protected]. The Commissioner Prayer Encouragement “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” Oswald Chambers Pray for Those Deployed Contact Jesse Baker at [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x20 AIDS Care Team Beth Russell: 919-696-8181 Bereavement Care Ministry Emily Barbour: 919-417-7777 [email protected] Cancer Support Mary Elizabeth Gallagher: 782-8116 Communion Ministry Theresa & Dick Stevens: 919-866-0304 Martha Ministry Mary Penn Sherlin: 919-781-5579 or 919-832-6435 x33 Memory Support Ministry English Edwards: 919-625-1524 Mourning Glories Becky Balentine: 919-783-6806 Sue Robertson: 919-832-2269 Prayer Ministry Scott Tyler: [email protected] Prayer Requests 832-6435 x45 or [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry Larry Hines: 919-781-5155 Reminiscent Outreach Jen Smith: 919-758-8475 Nick Constantino, Trey Goodwin: We pray that God would “strengthen them and help them, that He would uphold them with his righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10b Sympathy and Love to Alice Ellington and family on the death of her niece, Carolyn Pulley, on May 22. Her service was on May 25 at Beulah Christian Baptist Church, Zebulon. Pat Witt and family on the death of her grandson, John Dakota (Koty) Merriss on May 22. Service plans will be communicated by email this week. In Home Communion Ministry In Home Communion Ministry is for people that are not able to attend a traditional communion service, so the service is brought to them. This not only allows our Shut-In members to share in Communion, but it keeps our beloved members connected with the church. Contacts: Theresa & Dick Stevens, 866-0304 We Try So Hard We try so hard to hang on to the teachings and “get it,” but actually the truth sinks in like rain into very hard earth. The rain is very gentle, and we soften up slowly at our own speed. But when that happens, something has fundamentally changed in us. That hard earth has softened. It doesn’t seem to happen by trying to get it or capture it. It happens by letting go; it happens by relaxing your mind, and it happens by the aspiration and the longing to want to communicate with yourself and others. Each of us finds our own way…. Let everything stop your mind and let everything open your heart. Pema Chodron, Source: Start Where You Are Stephen Ministry Jesse Baker: 919-832-6435 Hayes Barton UMC Visiting Friends Eleanor Blackwell: 919-787-7855 Peggy Underwood: 919-781-2372 Endowment Challenge for Holroyd Youth Fund Honor Your Father Volunteer Patient Advocacy Annette Cass: 919-606-3405 Do Nothing It is so hard to sit and do nothing. And yet in many a case that is all one can do. Just listen. And do nothing. Dorothy Day Source: The Catholic Worker (November 1951) Clearly print the name(s) of those you wish to honor/remember and your name(s) exactly as you wish them to appear in the June 21 Father’s Day bulletin. Send this card and a check, made out to HBUMC with ‘PE – HYF’ on the memo line, in an envelope to arrive by June 17. Or, drop the envelope in the offering plate on Sunday or in the business office mailbox. In Memory of ______________________________________________________ In Honor of _______________________________________________________ Your Name(s) _____________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Amount Enclosed ________________ The Commissioner 4 05/25/2015 Alliance Medical Ministry Garden We’d love to have your group join us in our garden! No experience needed. 4th Saturdays (9:30a-noon) 6/27, 7/25, 8/22 2nd Wednesdays: (5-6:30p) 6/10, 7/8, 8/12 Email Contact Jesse Baker at [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x20 or Anne Bryan at [email protected] or Jamey Motter at [email protected] [email protected] Seeds of Hope Get on Board – Every Sunday Morning Thank you to everyone who has supported Homework club this school year! We have wrapped up homework club for this school year. Please consider volunteering as a mentor for this fall. Shuttle service from Carolina Place on Glenwood Avenue to the Stone Street entrance… quicker than parking & walking… Requirements: Desire to share the light of Christ with a child in need by helping with their homework one day a week while traditional school is in session. Spanish language skills are helpful but not necessary. We are also looking for volunteers to assist in Community ministry with the ladies Bible study. • • • Furniture: We frequently have families who are in need of furniture. Please call Jill Fletcher at 919.909.5100 when you have gently used furniture that you would consider donating. • • • HIV/AIDS Food Pantry The food pantry for Under One Roof/Alliance of AIDS Services-Carolina still needs your contributions and appreciates them more than ever. Most of the clients are living on limited incomes and need canned goods, small boxes of pasta and toiletry items. Please leave donations in the pink bins in the front stairwell off the parlor hall. Contact Estes Thompson at 919-612-0977 with questions. Carolina Place is at 2626 Glenwood Ave. The Shuttle service runs from 8 am – 1 pm, departing every 10 minutes from the parking deck. Shuttle parking is located in the parking deck. The parking lot has over 100 covered spaces. Drop off/pick up at the Stone St. entrance. Carolina Place is 1 mile NW of HB. As you approach the parking deck, you will see an HBUMC parking sign. Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed We serve on the 2nd Friday of every month as well as the 5th Mondays and Tuesdays. We can use regulars and subs. To help or to learn more, please contact Jane Holding at [email protected] or 919-787-8317. Fixing Things The trouble with people is that they’re busy fixing things they don’t even understand. We’re always fixing things, aren’t we? It never strikes us that things don’t need to be fixed. They really don’t. This is a great illumination. They need to be understood. If you understood them, they’d change. Anthony de Mello, Source: Awareness 05/25/2015 5 The Commissioner Birdhouse Sale Thanks Summer Celebration Picnic The youth missions birdhouse sale was a huge success once again! Thanks to the incredible gifted artists at our church who gave of their time to support youth missions. We are grateful to: Wednesday, July 1, 5 - 7:30 pm, Pullen Park, Shelter #5 Please bring food to share in a good, old-fashioned potluck picnic. HBUMC will provide drinks and paper products. Please sign up for the picnic so we can make plans: respond to a mass email or call 832-6435 x34 and let us know how many adults and children are coming. Activities to include: cornhole, three-legged race, water balloons, bubble station, watermelon seed spitting contest, sidewalk chalk Amy Alexander Kim Balentine Pat Brennan Trish Bynum Ellie Clyburn Davis Coster Lisa Coster Scott Dannenberg Dave Dickey Julie Flournoy Delia Gilmore Carol Hagy Anne Holder Cari Jones Dianne Jones Mark Jones Leigh Anne Lancaster Sally Lazar Sylvia Liestman Barbara McNeill Rebekah McNeill Susan Dickey McShane Elizabeth Motter Emily Newman Nancy Nutt Lisa Rivers Anne Rogers Amanda Rossi Susan Self Sharyn Severtson Nate Sheaffer Ellen Shintay Elizabeth Warner Kelli Wilson Martha Ministry Meals Needed One of the main functions of the Martha Ministry is to provide meals and fellowship to HB members who may be in The youth of Hayes Barton are excited to serve this sum- crisis, or those with ongoing needs. We are asking for help mer in Kentucky with ASP, in Tennessee with SLAM, and from HB members to restock the Martha Ministry freezer with meals that can be taken to our members. This is a great in North Carolina with Student Life. opportunity for UMW circles, SS classes, other HB groups or individuals to help minister to our members. Freezer ready Fairview Road Construction meals in portions of 2-4 servings are needed including casThis summer, the city of Raleigh will be performing a storm seroles, soups, stews, pastas and pot pies. If you can help, water construction project. The Fairview Rd./Reid St./Myrtle contact Mary-Penn Sherlin at [email protected], or Julie Ave. intersection will be closed to traffic for about one month Fleming at [email protected], or call 832-6435 x33. over the summer. They will be using a small portion of our Reid St. parking lot during the construction. We are working closely with the city on schedule and detours and will advise Laptops For Haiti: Can You Help? you as these are further defined. The Building Committee is ‘Hearts and Hands for Haiti’ needs gently used laptops or fully aware and will plan to work around the closed intersec- netbooks for teachers and students at their schools in Haiti. Contact Bob Jensen at 812-8127 or [email protected]. tion as construction on “The Well” begins. VBS Wish List Tacky Glue (10 bottles) 650 water balloons rolls of masking tape red washable paint (40 bottles) 100 Band-Aids, any size/color 40 large Band-Aids – regular shape, flesh color 160 small Band-Aids – regular shape, flesh color 100 single-packaged Reese’s cups 1 bag small candy bars without peanuts or peanut butter 100 blank postcards OR 100 blank cards with envelopes gently used or new stuffed animals to donate to homeless children 1 pack of candles that won’t blow out 10 regular-sized bags of potato chips The Commissioner 10 - 15 rolls white duct tape 30 plastic or paper tablecloths, white largest size available 10 packs of markers (washable) 10 boxes of Crayons 1500 tongue depressors Newspaper – for a paper Mache craft. Lots! 10 balls of twine 800 Ziploc bags - sandwich size 2 yds/10 sheets fuzzy brown craft fur 380 smooth, round rocks - about 2-4 inches in diameter 30 bottles Mod Podge - any finish is fine (can be found at craft stores) 100 pieces card stock-any color 15 empty cereal boxes (broken down) 5 pieces of felt, each color – brown, 6 dark brown, light brown, khaki/tan 30 rolls wax paper Michael’s Craft Store gift cards to purchase needed supplies Items to Borrow - label with name and phone no.; we’ll return them after VBS 4 dodge balls 3 cornhole boards w/ bean bags 6 jump ropes 6 basketballs 4 hula hoops 12 artificial trees, various sizes 2-3 tents 10 large plastic bowls Please leave any donated/borrowed items in the VBS bin at the drop-off center at the front desk. Thank you! 05/25/2015 Upcoming Youth Events Senior Banquet on May 30 Senior Recognition on May 31 Lunch Bunch, June 10, 17 Costa Rica Mission, June 13-20 Reel to Real, June 14 ASP, June 14-20 SLAM Nashville, June 21-27 VBS, June 22-26 Lunch Bunch, July 8, 15, 22, 29 Reel to Real, July 12, 19, 26 Student Life, July 27-31 Youth Ministries Attention: Parents of VBS Children Get Your VBS CD EARLY - Starting June 7 Wouldn’t you love for your child to have their VBS Music CD early? We would! Vacation Bible School runs from June 22 - 26, but we think it would be great if your child had their music CD early and could already begin learning the songs! Your child’s CD will be available for early pick-up at the Reception Desk in the front lobby on the following Sundays (June 7th, June 14th, & June 21st) from 9:30 - 11:00 am and 12:00 - 12:30 pm. Please look for Meredith Clayton. Limit: 1 CD per family. Thanks, and we look forward to making great music with you soon! Meredith Clayton, Blair Kennedy, Mary Whitney Rakestraw JOY Class Notes: May 24 Every day in the JOY Class is special, and today was no exception. We shared stories and memories of our years in the 3rd floor JOY Class area, recognizing that this was the last Sunday we would meet as a group in the original JOY Classroom. We learned about the origin of Memorial Day and prayed for our service members and their families. Lastly, we spent time telling wonderful stories about how much we loved Casper and how his life was a picture of: Jesus first Others second Yourself last Contact Josh French at [email protected] or x25 or Emily Newman at [email protected] or x17 Acolyte & Crucifer Signup: Acolytes: go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-20142015 Crucifers: go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-hayes 2s 3s 2/3s 4s 5s Contact Liz Merritt at [email protected] or x22 or Laurie Harrell at [email protected] or x13 05/25/2015 Extended Session Volunteers 05/31 Grayson & Chris Nichols 05/31 Tracy & Joe Robinson 06/07 Josh & Marcy Points 05/31 Mary Whitney & David Rakestraw 06/07 Cam & Rachel Reynolds No summer ext. session VBS Volunteers Still Needed We need Shepherds: - Kindergarten: Tue/Thu/Fri - Third Grade: Mon/Tue/Fri - Fourth Grade: Tue/Thu We need help in Crafts on Wed/Fri. Audrey, [email protected] Allison, [email protected] 7 SLAM Nashville Mission Trip We have 25 signed up, but still have many spots for current 6th-12th graders on our SLAM mission trip, June 22-28! An awesome opportunity to serve the community of Nashville and, if you’re a high schooler, serve our middle school students as a leader! Already going on another one of our mission trips? You can sign up for SLAM, too. Cost is just $200 for a week in Nashville with some awesome people doing service work! Check out SLAM at: Check out our mission video from last year to see what SLAM is all about: videos/h326ecf0b#h326ecf0b Fill out the mission trip application and hand it in along with your check made out to HBUMC! What’s the Plan? May 31 will be the first Sunday in new classrooms as shown below. Infants: Parlor (left side) Crawlers/Toddlers: Parlor (right side) Doves/Lambs*: FH (201) Donkeys/Whales*: FH (203) 1st/2nd Grades*: Room 139 3rd/4th Grades*: Room 136 5th Grade: Room 141 (Note that some elementary classes will remain in the same location.) *Classes will only be combined for the summer. Look for Fall classroom assignments in August. The Commissioner This newsletter is also available by email as a pdf, and can be found on the web at The Commissioner (USPS 021732) is published weekly, except one week in December, one week in August, & every other week in June/July. Periodical postage paid at Raleigh, NC by: Hayes Barton United Methodist Church 2209 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608-2240 HAYES BARTON United Methodist Church 2209 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608-2240 Ph: 919-832-6435 Fax: 919-832-4029 8:30 am/11:00 am - Rick Clayton “Adopted Children of God” Being children of God, the creator of all things, is amazing! In our reading from Romans, Paul explains that this comes about by the leading of the Holy Spirit, through whom we are adopted by the Father as sisters and brothers of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. We are fellow heirs with Christ, the one in whom God’s promises of new creation are fulfilled. All of this is the work of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit. Romans 8:12-17 Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Commissioner, PO Box 6088, Raleigh, NC 27628-6088. Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29 Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17 May 25, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 33 Senior Recognition Sunday Peace with Justice Sunday Publisher: Doug Gill [email protected] 919-832-6435 ext. 26 May 31: TRINITY SUNDAY PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT RALEIGH, NC 8:45 am LightHouse - LuAnn Charlton “Embraced by Grace” Jesus created disturbance because he wanted life to change so that the people of God would not be smothered by laws, but embraced by grace and renewal. Mark 2:23–3:6 Get On The Bus... Sunday Mornings Join the Entire Church Family Sunday, May 31, 9:55 - 10:30 am in the Sanctuary GIVING THANKS FOR THE PAST… STEPPING INTO THE FUTURE… We will gather as the church to offer thanksgiving to God for years of faithful service in great anticipation of tilling the soil once again for new and vibrant ministries that will reach into the greater Raleigh community. Come early and walk the halls and share your stories with friends of life together in this sacred space. After the service of thanksgiving - stroll through the Chapel, the JOY Class and the preschool to take one last glance. The Commissioner 8 In This Newsletter Alliance Medical Ministry Garden p. 5 Birdhouse Sale Thanks ............... p. 6 Calendar ...................................... p. 2 Children’s Ministries..................... p. 7 College Graduates....................... p. 2 The Connection at 9:55 ............... p. 3 Fairview Road Construction ........ p. 6 Food Pantry ................................. p. 5 Grand Age Club........................... p. 2 Holroyd Youth Fund Challenge ... p. 4 Hymns to Sing Our Faith ............. p. 2 In Home Communion Ministry ..... p. 4 A Living Theology ........................ p. 1 Meals on Wheels ......................... p. 5 Movers Needed ........................... p. 3 Outreach Pathway ................... p. 5, 6 Packing Thanks ........................... p. 3 Parking as a Good Neighbor ....... p. 2 Peace with Justice Offering ......... p. 2 Refresh Two ................................ p. 3 Sanctuary Policy.......................... p. 2 Seeds of Hope Needs ................. p. 5 Shuttle Bus .................................. p. 5 Summer Newsletter Schedule ..... p. 2 Summer Celebration Picnic ......... p. 6 Support Pathway ......................... p. 4 UMW Scholarship........................ p. 3 VBS CDs ..................................... p. 7 VBS Wish List.............................. p. 6 Youth Ministries ........................... p. 7 05/25/2015
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