The Commissioner Hayes Barton United Methodist Church Pastors: Rick Clayton, LuAnn Charlton, Jesse Baker May 4, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 30 Newsletter Deadline: Noon on May 11 Offering Christ, Community and Compassion To Live as Disciples of Christ A Living Theology ple would come to him and offer trite religious statements in an effort to comfort him, but really only making his pain worse. I chimed in to the group, feeling this was the proper time to discuss my least favorite trite religious statement, “Leave it to God.” I closed my remarks by sarcastically asking, “What does that phrase even mean?” I did not have time to chuckle at my sarcasm before I heard someone say, “I’ll tell you what it means.” This gentleman went on to describe a time in his life when he was in a difficult situation (I do not remember the exact details). He told the group of his repeated efforts to address the problem on his own. After many failed attempts, he realized the problem was too big for him to handle on his own, so he turned to God and basically said, “I can’t do it, so I am giving it to you.” As God does, God worked wonders and there was soon a resolution to the problem. That, so I learned, was what it meant to leave it to God. I did not talk much the rest of the night. As it was clearly shown to me, we will all have times in our lives when we need to leave it to God. This, however, is also a good way to describe our initial response to God in general. If we ever seek to save ourselves, or try to acquire Zoe on our own, we will quickly find that this is not possible. We must leave this work to God. Lewis describes the process this way: “The sense in which a Christian leaves it to God is that he puts all his trust in Christ: trusts that Christ will somehow share the perfect human obedience which He carried out from His birth to His crucifixion: that Christ will make the man more like Himself and, in a sense, make good his deficiencies. In Christian language, He will share His ‘sonship’ with us, will make us, like Himself, ‘Sons of God’…. If you like to put it that way, Christ offers us something for nothing: He even offers everything for nothing. In a sense, the whole Christian life consists in accepting that very remarkable offer.” In the end, perhaps leaving something to God is not as easy as I originally thought it to be. Still, its hardness or easiness is less important to recognizing that this faith-as-bankruptcy is the only way to God. Pray for me as I pray for you, and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. In Christ, Jesse To repeat the idea that I ended on last time, humanity has already been saved in principle; therefore, we are in a position to respond to God’s grace. Our first response is what we would call faith. There are many ways one can talk about or describe faith. One of those ways faith can be described, and connecting with the last reflection, is bankruptcy. By that I mean, realizing that we have almost nothing to offer to God in order to acquire salvation and Zoe (the heavenly or spiritual life God offers us). As I have said before, our faith is not about morality. What we do is only secondarily important to who we are. As Lewis says, “Now, once again, what God cares about is not exactly our actions. What He cares about is that we should be creatures of a certain kind or quality—the kind of creatures He intended us to be— creatures related to Him in a certain way.” So, we begin with nothing. While this may seem nice on the surface, it is so counter to the way our world functions, making the whole proposition seem unbelievable. A person gets a job because s/he is qualified. A person gets paid because s/he put in the hours at work. A person leaves the store with groceries because s/he paid for them. A person gets what s/he puts in. Well, apparently that is true everywhere but here. Here, we simply leave it all to God. If I can be honest for a moment, I have long hated the phrase, “You have to leave it to God.” I have hated it because it always felt like the easy way out of a problem. For example, I would be in a Bible study of some kind having a wonderful conversation about the spiritual life. We would get to a point at which someone would ask the practical question, “How do we accomplish this great spiritual feat?” Immediately someone would answer, “You just need to leave it to God.” End of discussion. Now to be sure, that answer is never wrong; but, it was not as practical as I would have hoped. When I heard that phrase uttered, I would always think to myself, “What does that even mean?” I was in another small group a couple of years ago and we were reading and discussing C. S. Lewis’s book, A Grief Observed (which is a collection of journal entries written following the death of Lewis’s wife). Lewis makes mention that many peo- More Hands Needed to Pack Up Next Week on May 15 and 16 All hands on deck! Thank you so much for your earnest consideration of volunteering a shift to help us get our church belongings “packed up.” We have to pack everything in boxes so that it can be moved out for The Well renovation/construction project, and the time for packing is here and now. Please RSVP today for a shift on Friday, May 15 (anytime between 2-8 pm), or a shift on Saturday, May 16 (anytime between 2-5 pm.) We do need many more volunteers. You are invited to “Gather to Serve.” THANK YOU! Contact Connie at 757-2062 or [email protected] to RSVP, or 05/04/2015 1 The Commissioner Church Calendar: see 05/03 - 05/10 WIHN Host Week Tue. 05/05 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast 202 NO Prayer/Communion Service 6:30 pm UMM Ladies Night FH 6:30 pm Staff Parish Relations 336 Wed. 05/06 VBS Registration Ends 1:00 pm Haggai’s Helpers 229 5:00 pm Wednesday Dinner FH 5:30 pm Children’s Choirs 6/6:30 pm Middle School Studies 6:30 pm Spiritual Academy Sanc. 6:30 pm Children’s Spiritual Academy 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Thu. 05/07 6:15 am HS Prayer Breakfast offsite 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast FH 10:00 am Pastor’s Lectionary Study 202 11:15 am Grand Age Club 203 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Room 8:00 pm LightHouse Practice FH Fri. 05/08 6:30 pm Cardinals Miracle League Game Helen Wright Meal: Journey Class Sun. 05/10 6th Sunday of Easter UMW Freezer Sale Mother’s Day 8:30 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 8:45 am LightHouse Worship FH 9:50 am Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary Mon. 05/11 7:00 pm Homework Club offsite Tue. 05/12 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast 202 11:45 am Prayer/Communion Service 5:30 pm Trustees 336 Wed. 05/13 1:00 pm Haggai’s Helpers 229 1:45 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry Parlor 5:00 pm UMW Freezer Sale 5:00 pm Wednesday Dinner FH 5:30 pm Children’s Choirs 6/6:30 pm Middle School Studies 6:30 pm Spiritual Academy Sanc. 6:30 pm Children’s Spiritual Academy 7:30 pm Outreach Pathway 336 Thu. 05/14 6:15 am HS Prayer Breakfast offsite 10:00 am Pastor’s Lectionary Study 202 11:15 am Grand Age Club 203 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Practice 8:00 pm LightHouse Practice FH Fri. 05/15 2-8 pm Packing Party 7:45 pm Cardinals Miracle League Game Sat. 05/16 ASP Retreat 2-5 pm Packing Party Sun. 05/17 7th Sunday of Easter Youth Sunday 8:30 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 8:45 am LightHouse Worship FH 9:50 am Doves Breakfast CFH 9:50 am Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary 6:00 pm UMYF FH Update from Sampson Nyanti (Sampson has been supported by HBUMC. The following is from a message to Paul Carruth.) Dear Paul: By the grace of God I will be graduating on the 11th of May this year with the degree Doctor of Ministry. I am very much grateful to you and the Hayes Barton Church Family for the major role you play in my life. It is because of you all I am at this level now. The Lord is greatly using me for the advancement of His work. At present, I am the Pastor for the Seys UMC in Careysburg and the Associate Director for Education at the Department of General Education. I Chair the CAPRO Liberia (Missionary sending agency in Liberia, a para Church organization reaching the unreached people group in 35 countries) and I serve as the Training and Planning Coordinator for Haggai Institute Liberia (We train people in advance leadership and evangelism.) My desire is to serve as missionary to teach and preach the Word, to lead others to Christ and the disciple them for the Kingdom of God. If all goes well, I will be in DC this May for graduation. Please convey my thanks to the Hayes Barton Church Family. Sampson Nyanti Summer Newsletter Schedule NO newsletters: June 8, 22; July 6, 20; August 3 Newsletters: June 1, 15, 29; July 13, 27; Aug. 10, 17, 24 Questions: Contact Doug Gill, [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x26. No Prayer and Communion Service on May 5 Rosebuds Locke Beaudin was born in mid-April to Jenny and Jeff Beaudin. Clara Helen Tripp was born on April 28 to Lora and Andrew Tripp. Wednesday Evening Programs May 6: God Moments from “Scattered to Serve” May 13: Praise and Worship Music by the LightHouse Band Grand Age Club: Thursdays, 11:15 am 05/07: Cornelius Swartz gives a presentation on his pottery collection 05/14: Caroline Sullivan For questions: Call Mary Lib Gallagher at 782-8116. Attendance 05/03 (8:30) 181 (8:45) 118 (11:00) 350 The Commissioner (SS) 412 2 05/04/2015 Seekers Class Thanks Memorial Gifts through April 30 The Seekers Sunday School Class would like to thank the congregation for generously supporting our annual Chicken Dinner. With your help, we were able to raise $3,700 for missions. The class voted to donate the funds as follows: In Memory of Chris Browning’s father to The Well Fund by Tom & Sara Graves. In Memory of Cale Burgess by Bill & Kim Strong. In Memory of Owen Fitzgerald: - to the HB Endowment Fund by Nancy Kirk and Bob & Gail Veasey. - to The Well Fund by Tom & Sara Graves. In Memory of Kathryn Hunt: - to The Well Fund by Tom & Sara Graves. - to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund by Cheryl B. Hall. In Honor of Mary June Jones and Janet Chesson to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund by Becky Brown. In Memory of Lauretta Parker to The Well Building Fund by Tom & Sara Graves. In Memory of Margaret Scott to The Well Fund by Tom & Sara Graves. In Memory of Grace Altman Thompson to The Well Fund by Tom & Sara Graves. In Memory of Florine Morris Viverette, Meb Bowers’ mother, to The Well Fund by Tom & Sara Graves. Inter-Faith Food Shuttle.................................................... $300 InterAct ............................................................................. $200 WIHN ................................................................................ $200 Urban Ministries................................................................ $600 Loaves & Fishes ............................................................... $250 HBUMC Prison Ministry.................................................... $250 Seed of Hope.................................................................... $125 Backpack Buddies ............................................................ $350 Hearts & Hands for Haiti: Child Sponsorship ................... $350 Filling in Gaps (FIGS) ....................................................... $200 Neighbor to Neighbor ....................................................... $125 Habitat - Methodist Build .................................................. $500 Hearts & Hands for Haiti: (Towards bus purchase) ......... $250 Exercise Bike Needed If you can donate an upright (non-recumbent) stationary bicycle, please contact Annette Cass at 919-606-3405 or [email protected]. UMW Freezer Sale to Support ‘The Well’ Just in Time for Mother’s Day! May 10, 13 & 17 100% of the profits from this freezer sale will go to fund The Well! This sale will be on Sundays, May 10 and 17, and on Wednesday, May 13. Bring your cash/checkbook/credit card, your cooler and your appetite! We’ll be at the front desk, ready to take and fill your order. First come, first served! Quantities are limited. UMW Freezer Sale Items Big Al’s Cinnamon Rolls $12 — A bazaar favorite! Approximately 10 mouthwatering sweet buns! Baked French Toast $12 — This deliciously rich casserole is sure to be a hit! Sausage Egg Casserole $15 — The scrumptious smell of sausage, bread and cheese baking could wake anyone in the morning! Mary Douglass’ Appetizer Chive and Ham Biscuits $15 — Also a bazaar favorite! Homemade chive biscuits filled with ham, brown sugar and butter. Now it doesn’t get more southern than that. Smokehouse Spaghetti $15 — Bacon, Beef, Cheese… Need we say more for this twist on baked spaghetti? Chicken Pot Pie $15 — A bazaar favorite! Circle 1’s infamous pot pie recipe. Marinated Pork Tenderloin — 1 for $12, 2 for $20 — Over a lb of pork tenderloin marinated in soy, ginger and spices. After thawing it is ready for the grill, oven or crock pot. 05/04/2015 Green Bean Almondine $10 — Fresh green beans steamed and simply tossed with salt, pepper, fresh lemon juice and slivered almonds. A great accompaniment to our Pork Tenderloin or any other meat! Crustless Veggie Quiche $12 — A quiche chocked full of eggs, broccoli, zucchini, and peppers to name a few. Perfect for the veggie lover in your house. Lemon Zest Pie $10 — Sugar, eggs, butter, lemon and some extra love goes into making these pies. Just add whipping cream or fresh fruit to top it off. Kentucky Derby Pie $10 — This chocolate and pecan pie is the perfect ending to a fabulous meal. Pound Cake (sold as a half bundt) $10 — Dense pound cake ready to be served with fresh strawberries and/or whipping cream. Cookie Dough $8 — Offering sugar and chocolate chip cookie dough rolls. Each roll will make approximately 2 dozen cookies. 3 UMW Scholarship: Apply by June 1 UMW Scholarship applications and standards are available at: - - the front desk. The applications are due to UMW President, Jo Anna McMillan, by June 1, 2015. Our UMW annual scholarship is paid directly to the college of the female recipient, who is a member of HB. The scholarship is for graduate or undergraduate study and is granted for one year; however, current HS seniors who are eligible for many other HB scholarships are not eligible. Our UMW is accepting applications. Questions? Please contact Jo Anna at 417-3470 or [email protected]. The Commissioner Prayer Encouragement “Most men pray for power, the strength to do things. Few people pray for love, the quality to be someone.” Robert Foster Pray for Those Deployed Contact Jesse Baker at [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x20 AIDS Care Team Beth Russell: 919-696-8181 Bereavement Care Ministry Emily Barbour: 919-417-7777 [email protected] Cancer Support Mary Elizabeth Gallagher: 782-8116 Communion Ministry Theresa & Dick Stevens: 919-866-0304 Martha Ministry Mary Penn Sherlin: 919-781-5579 or 919-832-6435 x33 Memory Support Ministry English Edwards: 919-625-1524 Nick Constantino, Trey Goodwin: We pray that God would “strengthen them and help them, that He would uphold them with his righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10b Sympathy and Love to Anne Glassford and family on the death of her granddaughter, Julie Glassford, on April 25. Her service will be held in California. Diane Petteway and family on the death of her mother, Evelyn Cashwell, on April 29. Her service was on May 2 at First Baptist Church, Laurinburg. the family and friends of Rev. J. Tommy Smith, who died on April 30. His service was at Rose & Graham Funeral Home, Coats, on May 3. Mourning Glories Ministry The Mourning Glories Ministry is a support group of HBUMC members who have lost children. This group recognizes how difficult it is to outlive your children and thinks of ways we can help each other through this difficult journey. We are all committed to helping each other through prayer and support, no matter when your infant, teen or adult child died. Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at noon. Contacts: Becky Balentine, 919-783-6806, Sue Robertson, 919-832-2269 Mourning Glories Becky Balentine: 919-783-6806 Sue Robertson: 919-832-2269 Hayes Barton UMC Endowment Challenge for Holroyd Youth Fund Honor Your Mother and Father Prayer Ministry Scott Tyler: [email protected] Prayer Requests 832-6435 x45 or [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry Larry Hines: 919-781-5155 Reminiscent Outreach Jen Smith: 919-758-8475 Stephen Ministry Jesse Baker: 919-832-6435 Holroyd Youth Fund Endowment Challenge: Honor Your Mother Clearly print the name(s) of those you wish to honor/remember and your name(s) exactly as you wish them to appear in the May 10 Mother’s Day bulletin. Send this card and a check, made out to HBUMC with ‘PE – HYF’ on the memo line, in an envelope to arrive by May 8. Or, drop the envelope in the business office mailbox by May 8. Visiting Friends Eleanor Blackwell: 919-787-7855 Peggy Underwood: 919-781-2372 In Memory of ______________________________________________________ In Honor of _______________________________________________________ Your Name(s) _____________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Amount Enclosed__________________ Volunteer Patient Advocacy Annette Cass: 919-606-3405 Holroyd Youth Fund Endowment Challenge: Honor Your Father Holy Communion Stewards To be a communion steward at a worship service or to our shut-ins, contact Dick or Theresa Stevens at 919-8660304 or [email protected]. Clearly print the name(s) of those you wish to honor/remember and your name(s) exactly as you wish them to appear in the June 21 Father’s Day bulletin. Send this card and a check, made out to HBUMC with ‘PE – HYF’ on the memo line, in an envelope to arrive by June 17. Or, drop the envelope in the offering plate on Sunday or in the business office mailbox. In Memory of ______________________________________________________ In Honor of _______________________________________________________ Your Name(s) _____________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Amount Enclosed _________________ The Commissioner 4 05/04/2015 Wake Interfaith Hospitality WIHN HOST WEEK: May 3 - 10 Our host week has started. Sign up online at the links below. Questions? Contact Lisa or Nelson at 302-5055 or [email protected]. Dinners - ...................SA needed Overnite Hosts/Van - Morning van............................................... TH, SA, SU Evening van.............................................................TH Laundry/Tear Down - Tear down ................................................ 6 slots open Contact Jesse Baker at [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x20 or Anne Bryan at [email protected] or Jamey Motter at [email protected] teers, age 12 and over, assist the ball players. There were about 15 HBUMC Youth participating as “Buddy” volunteers in our “Scattered to Serve” program at the 9 and 10 AM games at Adams Elementary School in Cary on Saturday, May 2. Miracle League of the Triangle Mission #1 Provide opportunities to all children with special needs to play baseball regardless of their abilities. #2 Increase community awareness and support. #3 Provide sustaining funding. #4 Construct and maintain special facilities that meet the unique needs of players and their families. Volunteer! There are many opportunities available to help at all levels including Buddies, Coaching Staff, Umpires, Sound System, and Announcers. For further information, go to the Miracle League website at or call 919-238-0333. Project Update On September 16, 2006, The Miracle League of the Triangle opened its first season with 40 children and 4 teams at Adams Elementary School in Cary. Less than eight years later, a second field was built in north Raleigh and we currently serve nearly 400 players on 30 teams. Approximately 4000 volunteer opportunities exist each year. We are now opening an Adult league in the Spring of 2015 which will increase our player enrollment to nearly 450 players. Note: The HBUMC United Methodist Men sponsor a team (CARDINALS) in the Miracle League, and they would be glad to “take you out to a ball game”! Contact Ben Thompson at 919-781-0964 or [email protected]. Support the Miracle League HBUMC Cardinals Schedule: Friday Evening Games 5/8 at 6:30 pm; 5/15 & 5/22 at 7:45 pm at Adams Elementary School, 805 Cary Towne Blvd. Cary Questions: Ben Thompson, 781-0964 Play Ball! Any child with special needs, ages 4 and up, are eligible. Games are played on Friday nights and Saturdays for 8 weeks in the Fall and Spring. Our “Buddy” system of volun- 05/04/2015 5 The Commissioner Hearts & Hands for Haiti – committed to supporting our brothers and sisters in Haiti who share Christ's hope and love by serving young people. Together, they provide opportunities for growth by assisting with education, spiritual development, and physical and emotional well-being. 2015 Annual Outreach Grants The Outreach Pathway is pleased to inform the congregation of the recently approved funding allocations for 2015. These are Annual Outreach Grants - organizations supported with financial grants. Each organization is sponsored by a “shepherd” who is a member of the congregation and an active participant with the organization. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Anne Bryan at [email protected]. Centro Internacional de Raleigh – a faith based nonprofit organization in Raleigh, NC working across the state on and with immigrant issues. CIR believes that God has called each of us to love the immigrant and encourages relationships between internationals and others within the local community, helping individuals restore broken relationships with self, with others, with the material world, and with God. The Green Chair Project – furniture assistance program that provides affordable furnishing options to people transitioning from homelessness into stable housing after a setback or natural disaster. Habitat for Humanity of Wake County – Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.” These monies provide a portion of what is needed to participate in 2015 Methodist Build. Meals on Wheels – provides nutritious meals to the frail, homebound elderly and persons with disabilities in Wake County to improve health, reduce isolation, and prevent inappropriate institutionalization. Breakout of Financial Grants Neighbor to Neighbor – Seeds of Hope – a Latino ministry that plants hope by fostering growth and promoting community outreach for families of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. The Green Chair Project Meals on Wheels Neighbor to Neighbor – Seeds of Hope Society of St. Andrew StepUp Ministry Urban Ministries of Wake County Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Hearts and Hands for Haiti Centro Internacional de Raleigh Habitat for Humanity Society of St. Andrew – The Triangle Gleaning Network – feeds 300,000+ food insecure individuals living in a ten-county area through gleaning fields in the area. Urban Ministries of Wake County – engages the community to serve and advocate on behalf of those affected by poverty by providing food and nutrition, by promoting health and wellness, and by laying the foundations of home. Incorporates nutrition and healthcare education into all programs with the goal of helping clients lead healthier, happier lives. StepUp Ministry – partners with children and adults in the shared goal of stable lives through job and life skills training. Empowers and inspires people at economic risk to take personal responsibility for every aspect of their lives. $3,500 $7,000 $2,500 $1,500 $2,600 $8,500 $3,400 $6,000 $1,000 $4,000 Total - $40,000 Each of these organizations provides much-needed assistance in our community. And each relies heavily on the support of volunteers—not only financial support, but contributions of time and talent, as well. Please keep these organizations in your prayers and consider supporting them as opportunities arise. Inter-Faith Food Shuttle – an innovative hunger-relief organization serving seven counties in and around the Triangle. From BackPack Buddies to nutrition education, mobile markets to community gardens, culinary job training to urban agriculture training, IFFS goes directly to people in need and creates what works to empower them. VBS Wish List 100 Band-Aids, any size/color 40 large Band-Aids – regular shape, flesh color 160 small Band-Aids – regular shape, flesh color 100 single-packaged Reese’s cups 1 bag small candy bars without peanuts or peanut butter 100 blank postcards OR 100 blank cards with envelopes gently used or new stuffed animals to donate to homeless children 1 pack of candles that won’t blow out 10 regular-sized bags of potato chips 10 - 15 rolls white duct tape 30 plastic or paper tablecloths, white largest size available 10 packs of markers (washable) The Commissioner 10 boxes of Crayons 1500 tongue depressors Newspaper – for a paper Mache craft. Lots! 10 balls of twine 80 clothes pins 10 balls of yarn, any color 1125 pieces construction papermulticolored 40 pieces red construction paper 800 Ziploc bags - sandwich size 2 yards / 10 sheets fuzzy brown craft fur 380 smooth, round rocks - about 2-4 inches in diameter Fabric scraps 30 bottles Mod Podge - any finish is fine (can be found at craft stores) 6 100 pieces card stock-any color 15 empty cereal boxes (broken down) 5 pieces of felt, each color – brown, dark brown, light brown, khaki/tan 30 rolls wax paper Michael’s Craft Store gift cards to purchase needed supplies Items to Borrow - label with your name and phone number, and we will return them after VBS 12 artificial trees, various sizes 2-3 tents 10 large plastic bowls Please leave any donated/borrowed items at the drop-off center at the reception desk in the VBS bin. Thank you! 05/04/2015 Wednesday Dinners VBS Registration: Ends May 6 Normal Dinners (5-6:30 pm) $6 (adults); $3 (children) VBS will be at Aldert Root Elem. School due to construction of ‘The Well’. VBS will be 9 am - 12:30 pm, June 22-26. Only $10 per student participant. Sign up at (for students and for volunteers). For current Lambs/preschool 3’s through 5th grade. If the parent of a current Dove/preschool 2’s or younger is volunteering, childcare is available while parent volunteers. 05/06: baked spaghetti with salad and garlic rolls 05/13: beef tips with rice RSVP by noon on Mondays: - Reply to weekly email. - Call 832-6435 x34, leave RSVP information. Questions? 832-6435 x24 or [email protected] Youth Ministries Contact Josh French at [email protected] or x25 or Emily Newman at [email protected] or x17 VBS Volunteer Training: May 19 Tuesday, May 19, 7-8:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall For all VBS adult volunteers. Youth orientation will be the morning of June 22. Questions: Email [email protected] or [email protected] JOY Class Notes: May 3 Galatians 6:9 - “Let us not become weary in doing good.” We celebrated those who served in “Scattered to Serve” Saturday service projects. We all are striving to live the JOY motto “Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last”! Cindy McLain and John Drescher taught our lessons - serve and be joyful in all you do! Upcoming Events ASP Retreat on Saturday, 5/16 Youth Sunday Practice on 5/16 Youth Sunday on 5/17 Senior Banquet on May 30 Senior Recognition on May 31 Lunch Bunch, June 10 & 17 Costa Rica Mission, June 13-20 Reel to Real starts June 14 ASP, June 14-20 SLAM Nashville, June 21-27 Extended Session Volunteers 2s 05/10 Leslie & Craig Cavanaugh 05/17 Kelly & Brad Minsley 3s 05/10 Melanie & Chuck Lynch 05/17 Sara & Daniel Moore 4s 05/10 Jennifer & A. J. Muttillo 05/17 Julie Andrews & Katie Trahan 5s 05/10 Kiki & Chris Roberson 05/17 Marleigh & Matthew Sayre Contact Liz Merritt at [email protected] or x22 or Laurie Harrell at [email protected] or x13 05/04/2015 Packing and Moving As we prepare for the construction to begin for “The Well.” we’ll need many volunteers to help. If you can help with packing, moving, storing bins of seasonal items at your home, contact: Connie ([email protected]) 7 VBS 2015: June 22-26 Please volunteer at by Wednesday, May 6. Register Now for Youth Missions ASP - June 14-20 - join wait list Costa Rica - June 13-20 - join wait list SLAM Nashville - Jun. 21-27 -14 youth spots Student Life - July 27-31 - join wait list Go to: Acolytes & Crucifers: Please Sign Up at Acolytes: go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-20142015 Crucifers: go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-hayes Noah’s Ark Breakfast May 17 - Doves Preschool Popsicles in the Park Come join us for a fun morning of play and popsicles with your church friends! Saturday, May 16th 10 am - 12 pm North Hills Park Questions? Contact Liz Merritt at [email protected] Volunteers Needed To volunteer, please contact: Nursery: [email protected] Extended Session: [email protected] The Commissioner This newsletter is also available by email as a pdf, and can be found on the web at 8:45 am LightHouse - LuAnn Charlton “Friends” Jesus’ own are no longer slaves but friends, not on the basis of anything that they have done for him, but on the basis of what he has done for them. He has made known to them everything that he has heard from the Father. In John, love experienced in friendship and mutual knowledge go hand in hand. John 15:9-17 The Commissioner (USPS 021732) is published weekly, except one week in December, one week in August, & every other week in June/July. Periodical postage paid at Raleigh, NC by: Hayes Barton United Methodist Church 2209 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608-2240 HAYES BARTON United Methodist Church 2209 Fairview Road Raleigh, NC 27608-2240 Ph: 919-832-6435 Fax: 919-832-4029 8:30 am/11:00 am - Rick Clayton “Known by Love” Jesus calls his disciples to embody an ethic of love for one another. Love is rooted in the love of the Father for the Son and the love of the Son for the disciples. This love serves as a witness to God’s work in the world. John 15:9-17 Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Commissioner, PO Box 6088, Raleigh, NC 27628-6088. Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17 May 4, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 30 Festival of the Christian Home/Mother’s Day Publisher: Doug Gill [email protected] 919-832-6435 ext. 26 May 10: 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT RALEIGH, NC Holroyd Youth Fund Challenge see page 4 Get On The Bus... Sunday Mornings More Packers Needed 600 Scattered to Serve Others In This Newsletter It was electrifying! Hundreds of HB members gathered in the early morning of May 2nd – all ages hurrying around to find their service group and filing into a packed sanctuary with the morning light filtering through the beautiful stained glass. Standing to sing, “We are called – to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly, we are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God.” The unity so evident in radiant faces! The community GATHERED to pray for a spirit of humility and love. The community GATHERED around the TABLE instituted by Jesus to spiritually equip the body of believers. Then the community SCATTERED to serve human need throughout Greater Raleigh: delivered 140,000 books all over Wake Co. as part of Project Enlightenment packed 20,000 meals to be delivered across the globe with Stop Hunger Now prepared backpacks full of food to go home with hungry students helped Latino friends in Stony Brook with home repairs and children’s fellowship partnered with special needs friends to round the bases in Miracle League assembled 200 basic health kits for UMCOR to be distributed in the wake of disaster sorted, organized and packaged items donated for Haiti danced with senior citizens in Gospel exercise, played games at Parkview Manor built a portable chicken coop for the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle gleaned over 900 lbs of leaf vegetables and made 1525 bags for sweet potatoes painted, hammered, repaired, insulated, mulched, planted, gardened, made blankets 45 Middle School Girls on a retreat made 30 welcome baskets for new residences etc., etc. 37 different groups scattered to serve. It was the Church at its best – Serving God, Serving Others. Glory be to God. Calendar ...................................... p. 2 Children’s Ministries..................... p. 7 Grand Age Club........................... p. 2 Holroyd Youth Fund Challenge ... p. 4 A Living Theology ........................ p. 1 Memorial Gifts ............................. p. 3 Miracle League ............................ p. 5 Mourning Glories Ministry............ p. 4 Outreach Grants .......................... p. 6 Outreach Pathway ................... p. 5, 6 Packers Needed .......................... p. 1 Seekers Class Thanks................. p. 3 Summer Newsletter Schedule ..... p. 2 Support Pathway ......................... p. 4 UMW Freezer Sale ...................... p. 3 UMW Scholarship........................ p. 3 Update from Sampson Nyanti ..... p. 2 VBS Signup and Training ............ p. 7 VBS Wish List.............................. p. 6 Wake Interfaith Hospitality........... p. 5 Wednesday Dinners .................... p. 7 Wednesday Evening Programs ... p. 2 Youth Ministries ........................... p. 7 The Commissioner 8 see page 1 05/04/2015
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