Week 2 - Hennessy Catholic College

Issue 12
April 30th 2015
Hennessy Catholic College
Ripon Street,
Mon 4th May—
Young Careers
Wed 6th May—
College Open Day.
Wed 6th May—
Aspirations Begins
Thurs 7th May—
College Athletics
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: www.hccy.nsw.edu.au
Reflection on this Sunday’s Gospel (Jn 15 1-8)
‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.
Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away,
and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes
to make it bear even more….
Until I spent time on a vineyard ten years ago, I always heard the parable of the
vinedresser as a tough, ‘shape up or ship out’ message. I always imagined God as the
vinedresser having a field day lopping and cutting my dead branches, trimming my
unproductive stems and uprooting all the rot that undermines my fruitfulness. It
always felt like a violent activity.
It was a pleasant surprise then, to actually see a vinedresser in action. Far from an
act of violence, the care paid by the dresser to each stem is extraordinary. He or she
carefully inspects the branch, delicately cutting only the smallest amount so that
the vine will be healthier and more productive. A good vinedresser pours over the
vines and from experience knows that to cut too much or too little will render the
vine without its distinctive character. Every cut is measured and aimed to prune
back only the diseased branch, so as to bring about greater growth for the whole
vine and a bigger yield for the vineyard. The vinedresser is not violent with the vine,
but extremely tender. The first hearers of today’s Gospel would have known that
this metaphor is anything but a ‘shape up or ship out’ message.
This parable is a profound insight into the Christian life. We can claim to belong to
the Christian family all we like. We can come to Mass every Sunday. But if the fruit
we produce is bitter and poisonous, if we are unforgiving, unjust and uncaring, we
cannot claim to be on the vine of Christ’s love. And if that’s the case we are in desperate need of the gentle hand of the vinedresser, who only wants to see us bring
forth the yield we are capable of achieving.’
Fr Richard Leonard SJ.
A Prayer for the Victims of the Nepal Earthquake.
We mourn the death and destruction in Nepal, north India, China and Bangladesh
And we pray for those who died in this disaster.
Comfort their families
and be with the living survivors in this traumatic time.
May all experience healing in body and spirit
through the actions and support of those who come to them in aid.
May the communities affected come together
in solidarity in order to rebuild
and to affirm new life amid the destruction.
Fri 8th May—Arch
Dio Tennis
Sat 9th May—
Hennessy Deb Ball
Tuesday 12th
April 30th 2015
Issue 12
Open Day 2015
Next Wednesday 6th May we have our Open Day running from 1-4 pm. All are welcome. The college will be on display, guided tours will be provided for anyone for
all visitors. I would like to encourage in particular students and parents of Year 5
and 6 Primary students to come along. I am conscious, as a parent that the conversation about High School begins early and you are all welcome to come along.
Aspirations Program 2015- the Hennessy Australian Catholic University
Next Wednesday the College in partnership with the Australian Catholic University will be hosting 120 Year 5-8 students from Catholic and Government schools
across the district for a Gifted and Talented program of five days from now
through to November. The focus this year is on Creativity through Creative and
Performing Arts incorporating a Digital dimension as well. This is a marvellous
program providing for the diverse range of talents our young people have, something Hennessy is very proud to be able to host.
ANZAC Day and College Service
Last Saturday Hennessy students marched in every march in the region bounded
by Grenfell, Young, Temora, Cootamundra, Harden and Boorowa. It was wonderful to see our community so strongly represented. It was noted by many, many
people how well the Hennessy students presented themselves and conducted
themselves on the day. Congratulations!
This past Wednesday the College held its ANZAC service in the College Hall. Led
by Mr Mitchell and the local cadet unit as honour guard and catafalque party, and
our special guest, Councillor John Walker, Mayor of Young and President of the
Young RSL sub-branch, our community experienced a moving and solemn service.
The students were very impressive in how quiet and attentive they were. Thanks to
Mr Mitchell and his team of students who provided such a moving service.
Building Blessing and Opening.
Our Archbishop Christopher Prowse came to Hennessy yesterday to bless our new
buildings and facilities- Hall, Trade Skills Centre- Hospitality kitchen and Restaurant, Horticulture lab and learning space, renovations to A and D Block as well as
on the way blessing our beautiful Stations of the Cross made by our students. He
was joined in the Blessing service by Fr Tom Thornton and Fr Richard Thompson.
The buildings were then opened by the Hon. Angus Taylor MP, Member for
Hume. Mrs Moira Najdecki spoke in thanks to the Commonwealth Government
for their support. Our College Captains Jacob Cummins and Lauren Jenkins provided the vote of thanks to all involved in the proceedings..
We were joined by a range of guests including my three predecessors Dr Peter
Webster, Br Chris Peel and Mr Michael Lee, The Hon Katrina Hodgkinson - Member for Cootamundra, Ms Norma Freeman of the Wiradjuri people, staff from the
Catholic Education Commission, Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra and
Goulburn, Principals of our local Catholic schools and Young Shire Council.
April 30th 2015
Issue 12
Dr Webster and I took the opportunity to thank all involved in the development
and financing of these facilities, taking vision to reality- Principals, architects,
builders, Community Council, CEC and CE staff, local Council, College Executive
and staff and a range of consultants who contributed advice on the projects. Particular thanks were recorded to Mr Gary Harton, our Business Manager for his many
years of diligent work towards the completion of these much dreamed for facilities.
Our students Years 7-10 and a number of parents viewed proceedings in the Hall
via video link, whilst Year 11 and 12 as well as all guests were in the St Mary’s Parish
Church where the Blessing and Opening Ceremonies were conducted. Guests were
served a light lunch in the Trade Skills Centre Restaurant prepared and served by
our Hospitality VET staff and students.
Thanks to all involved. It was a wonderful community event.
Community Council Consultation.
On Wednesday evening prior to the monthly Hennessy Community Council meeting a consultation was held. The proposed Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program was discussed and a number of issues raised. In June a meeting of the parents
of the 2016 Years 7 and 8 students will be held to present the substantive details of
what is to begin in 2016.
Chris Browne
April 30th 2015
Issue 12
Parent evening on raising teens Monday 4th May…
David and Katie Kobler from Media Choicez are presenting a night for our parents on
raising teens in a hyper sexualised society on Monday 4th May at 7 pm. More information
appears in the attached flier and it is open to all parents in our community, so please feel
free to tell or bring a friend even if their child does not attend Hennessy. It is part of our
continued theme in 2015 of good men and women, and as such they will also present targeted seminars to our young men and women on the Tuesday. This is an important topic
and one which will be well presented by David and Katie, who have presented topics of
relevance to the needs of young men and women over many years. We look forward to
seeing you on the 4th May. Please contact the school to confirm attendance for catering
On the Tuesday 5th May they will then present a young men’s and women’s seminar to
each group of our year 10 and year 11 students.
Anzac Day
Thank you to our students who represented our school and other community groups in
parades and gatherings throughout the region. Their commitment to remembrance and
gratitude for what we have been given was significant.
Special thanks to Mrs Parkman and Chelsea Anderson (year 11) for looking after our Murringo and Grenfell gatherings. Thank you to Mr Bigwood, Ms Stadtmiller, Mrs O’Connor,
Mr Mergard, Mrs Hibbert, Mrs Dunk and Mr Schmidt for looking after our regional centres. Thank you to Mrs Cullen, Ms Worner, Ms Devlin, Mrs McLachlan, Mr Browne, Mr
Van Rijswyck and Mr Croese for their assistance in Young. Congratualtions and thank you
to Mr Mitchell and his cadets for their impressive how quiet and attentive they were.
Thanks to Mr Mitchell and his team of students who provided such a moving service.
School Canteen
Our school has an excellent canteen facility with quality food being served. Food from
other venues should not be bought or brought form other venues during the school day. If
the school canteen becomes economically unviable it would lead to the loss of this important school facility.
Looking out for each other…
Please be aware that teenagers, and people of all ages, can have a tendency to self-harm
(deliberately hurt themselves by, for example, cutting). As their friend or colleague we
should not dismiss our concerns or instinct if the effects or event are observed.
It is important to remain calm and not jump to conclusion as to why they are self- harming.
Do encourage them to get help from a health professional (their GP as a starting point)
Avoid asking them to stop, as this is difficult to do and often used as a coping tool. Do not
make ultimatums or force them to stop.
Do not agree to keep secrets as the persons’ safety is at risk and therefore means you need
to tell someone else (i.e., a parent, teacher, counsellor).
Remember seeking help for your friend is important and in their best interest. Remember
you are doing the right thing in doing so. At the same time it is important to look after
your well-being so by telling another person this difficulty can be assisted.
Issue 12
April 30th 2015
Athletics Carnival
Our athletics carnival will be held next Thursday 7th May. Reminder that this is a school
day and students should be attending and participating as best as possible in the carnival.
Students are allowed to wear sports clothing in their house colours.
Open Day
A marvellous opportunity for you to visit the school , check out the new facilities and see
what is taking place in the classrooms from 1 pm next Wednesday, 6 th May.
Change in date for Variety Night
Variety night will now be on Wednesday 24th June; with the community council meeting
moving to Thursday 25th June.
Social dancing at the S&CClub
Monday nights from 7-8pm for young people and adults from 8 pm. For more information please ring Shirley Smithers 6382 2440.
School Mass
Please mark the date of Saturday 23rd May for Gallagher house school mass at 6pm on the
Saturday night at St Mary’s. It would be great to see as many of our students, and families, taking the opportunity to celebrate their faith and breaking bread together.
Gerard Simms
Assistant Principal-Director of Community
Issue 12
SUNDAY, 24TH MAY 2015, 10AM-1PM
fun, active workshop
CALL DANETTE AT 0419-242-053 OR VISIT...
Issue 12
Cake Stall
FRIDY 15TH may 2015
All proceeds will go towards building an all weather purpose shade cover for
the Menzies Playground.
Please RSVP
to the College on
63821486 by
Friday 1st
If you wish
to attend.
Art News
Issue 12
Laura Paradisis
‘Anzac Memories’ Recently
placed 1st at Boorowa Remembers Art Show.
My tribute to the anniversary
of the ANZAC is a small effort
compared to the sacrifice of
the soldiers, and their equine
counterparts. My work
stemmed from wishing to pay
tribute to just horses of war in
general but eventually led to
the incorporation of soldiers of
World War 1, whilst still suggesting that horses were important. The horse seems to be leading the soldiers, possibly to
safety and from that I achieved my desired effect.
I write to advise you of the sad passing of our dear brother Fr Peter Murphy. He died in the early hours
of this morning, Friday, 24th April. He was at peace.
I would appreciate if you would continue the pastoral practice of the Archdiocese and offer three Masses for the repose of the soul of Fr Peter. Thank you for your attention to this gesture of mercy.
Let us pray for our dear brother Priest.
Let us pray,
Grant we pray, O Lord,
that the soul of Peter, your servant and your Priest,
whom you honoured with sacred office while he lived in this world.
May he exult forever in the glorious home of heaven.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever.
The funeral arrangements for Fr Peter will be held today, 1 st May 2015 at St Mary’s Church, Crookwell
commencing at 10.30am. The burial will follow in St Mary’s church grounds.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.
Archdiocesan Soccer Gala Day
Last Friday 5 soccer teams travelled to Yass to compete
in a gala day against schools from Broulee, Pambula,
Goulburn & Tumut. Whilst we did not win any of the
overall divisions on the day, most teams had at least
one win, and all teams had fun.
The Open Girls Team 1 secured bragging rights when
Jess Ryan slotted a goal in the dying seconds of their
game against the Hennessy Team 2 girls. Grace Kemp
was a 'super goalie' who survived a barrage of attempts
from the opposition in
game one
and managed to defend all of them. Sammy Maxwell read the play
well and covered the field with diligence and appropriate
skill. She was like an energizer rabbit and simply kept going all
day. Emme Williams played with diligence. She was always
there to support her teammates and break through the opponents’ line of defence.
The Open Girls Team 2 showed great spirit, effort and enthusiasm throughout the day. Ellie Hobba and Cass Edwards
worked hard in every game, whilst Maddie Smith and Elizabeth Nowlan were impressive on debut.
Like the Open Girls Dunk team, the Junior Boys Team 2 found
the competition challenging, however Darcy Foxall nudged
two great goals in, and Justin Flannery and Travis Whybrow
played great football all day.
The Junior Boys Team 1 played well, winning their first game 1
-0 (Isaac Hines scorer). The next three matches were all nil-all
draws. Since this was the beginning of the season, it was
clear a few cobwebs had set in during the off season with many scoring opportunities narrowly missed.
The boys showed great sportsmanship and camaraderie throughout the day. Nick Hall was a standout
in the forwards creating many attacking opportunities. Isaac Hines was solid in the midfield. Lachlan
Mitchell and in particular Lachlan Cooper, were outstanding in defence.
The Open Boys team played 3 tight games playing Carroll College 1 first beating them 1-0. In the second game they went down to Lumen Christi 1-0. In their final game they went down to the 2nd Carroll
College team 2-0. It was a good effort by all the boys to be very competitive in every game. In particular, Sam Smith and Connor McGregor were noticeable assets to the team.
A big thank you must go to Sam Smith who refereed during the day, as well as Emma Blake and Bec
Pollard who helped Mr Croese run the tournament.
Recently graduated the HSC at Loreto Normanhust College, Sydney with an ATAR of
98. Looking to tutor students years 7-12. Available weekdays.
Subjects (7-10): English, Maths, Science, PDHPE
Subjects (11-12): English Standard and English Advanced, Mathematics 2 unit, PDHPE,
Biology, Senior Science, Studies of Religion
Contact Emma on 0419995747
The Grandparents Workshop
Babies haven’t changed but our knowledge has!
Today many grandparents are providing care for their grandchildren either on a permanent basis
or in a child minding capacity. Since your own baby was born, there have been many changes in
how we care for women in pregnancy and birth and how parents care and nurture their new baby.
Young Community Health Centre will be running a group for new or existing grandparents designed to give grandparents the latest in health care information with regards to looking after babies and young children.
Topic will include:
Changes in pregnancy and birth
First aid and safety in the home.
Recognising post natal depression
Looking after yourself as a grandparent.
This is a free workshop!
When: Friday 29th of May 2015 between 9.30 and 2.00.
Where: CWA rooms, Lovell street, Young.
For more information or to register, phone Wendy Fisher or Catrina Richens at Young Health
Service on 6382 8700.
Friday, 22nd May at 6.30pm
with Guest Speaker JON STANHOPE
former ACT Chief Minister & recently
Administrator Christmas & Cocos Islands
Tickets available from: Young Services Club; Gilberts Bookshop & M&M's Music Store
$30 per person (Drinks may be purchased from the Bar)Tables of 10.
''Get a table together for a social and enlightening night".
Please support this non-fundraising & non-political event and ask your friends to join you.
Kickstart Soccer
'Kickstart Soccer’ is a program designed for children with a disability aged
5-12 who would like to participate in a team sport and learn to play soccer in
a structured, fun environment. The focus of the program will be on skill development, active participation and having fun.
Parent/carer participation is vital for this program to run successfully. Depending on each child’s needs and abilities, parents or carers will be asked to
participate in the program with their child or at the very least remain at the
field for the duration of the session (approx. 45 minutes).
The program will be conducted at Gus Smith Oval Young beginning on Saturday 23rd May in conjunction with the junior soccer competition.
The cost for the 2015 season is $30 which includes the use of a playing
Socks, $10 and shorts, $20 can be purchased at the club house when registering.
Registrations will be held at Gus Smith Oval on Saturday the 9th and 16th of
May from 9.00am to 11.00 am.
For further information about the program please contact Leonie Dunn on
0404159645 or email [email protected]