The Chalice A Publication of Holy Communion Lutheran Church In This Issue National Night Out 2015 ……… 2 Children’s Chalice….pg. 3 Book Group ……… 4 Thank You Palm Sunday Readers ……pg. 4 Food Pantry ……… 4 Quilting Group…… 4 New Hope Circle……pg. 4 Memorials………… 5 May, 2015 ETERNITY: Eternity is not endless time… nor is it the opposite of time. It is – the essence – of time. It has been said that if you spin a pinwheel fast enough, all of the colors will blend into the color white – which is the essence of all of the colors combined. If we could spin time – fast enough – I would imagine that the past, the present and the future… would all blend into eternity – which is the essence of all time. As human beings, we know that the passing of time occurs in a series of repeatable and unrepeatable events… But we also know that there are occasions when we stand outside of time… and this is generally where we grasp their meaning. Easter Garden….… 6 May Calendar…..… 7 Volunteer 8 Food Pantry Assistant Wanted….…… 9 Weds. Night Live Team Thanks 9 Bike To Church Sunday…....….pg. 9 Tuesday Night Bible Study… 9 Office Hours……..… 9 I am – of course – talking about things like… a birth… a death… a marriage, or something so beautiful that it transforms our daily lives… I am talking about something that helps us to understand what our lives are all about, or maybe even what life is all about… Being the creatures of time that we are… we stand with one foot in eternity… On the other hand, God – who is eternal - seems to stand with one foot in time. The part of God that stands most clearly in time… is Christ Jesus… And so it is… that with Jesus – we catch a glimpse of what eternity is all about… In Jesus, we catch a glimpse of what God is all about… In Jesus, we catch a glimpse of what we ourselves should be all about too… Here is a list of words, traits or adjectives that have been used to describe the life and ministry of Jesus: News from the Green Racine Program…….pg. 10 Inclusive, welcoming, inviting… Generous, hospitable, engaging… Prophetic, challenging, truthful… Loving, forgiving, peaceful… These are just a few… I invite you to ponder these and any others that come to your mind… And then I encourage you to practice them… Try it for a day, a week or a month… Try it - and I’ll bet that you will find an eternity of new life in this season of Easter… Grace and Peace, Pastor Mark 2015 National Night Out, August 4, 2015 This year, Holy Communion will again host a National Night Out Picnic and Carnival on the first Tuesday in August. We began this event in 2013 with an estimated attendance of over 300 neighbors and congregation members. The following year didn't disappoint, with our attendance nearly doubling in 2014. We have been thrilled to see the turnout and reception this event has had in our neighborhood and are looking forward to another wonderful event this year! National Night Out is a great opportunity to open our doors, embrace our neighbors and our community, and engage in conversation and fun as we seek to reach out and share God’s love with all. This year, National Night Out takes place on Tuesday, August 4th, and we need your help! It will truly take a congregation-wide effort, and there are many ways to get involved. Contact Andrea Godson at [email protected] for more information or to sign up to make this event possible! Planning Team – A core group of congregation and community members who are dedicated to creating a joyful event where all are invited to gather, eat, and play. Our first planning meeting will take place mid-May. Volunteer opportunities over the summer: • • Build (or donate/lend) Carnival Games Donate or purchase prizes for the Redemption Table Leading up to the event: • • Distribute door hangers throughout our neighborhood Donate or purchase cakes for the Cakewalk The day of the National Night Out Picnic and Carnival • • • • • • • • Game Operator Redemption/Prize Table Volunteer Get dunked in the dunk tank! Sanctuary Musician (solo or group, contemporary or traditional, loud or soft, short or long – any joyful noise is welcome!) Face Paint Artists Sanctuary Host Registration/Information Table Host Set-up or Clean-up Volunteers We're looking forward to another great event! Heather and Andrea 2 The Children’s Chalice Holy Communion Lutheran Church May, 2015 CONGRATULATIONS: Maxamus & Savannah Molinaro, Justin & Krystle Paulson, Natalie Putnam, Henry Saaski and Arabella & Owen Steberl They have completed First Communion preparation and will be receiving their First Communion on May 3rd during the 8:30 service. THANK YOU SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR YOUR COMMITMENT: Kaitlyn Porcaro (Little Lambs) Erica Barbee (Preschool) Vicki Chavez (Kindergarten) Megan Brieske and Michelle Paulson (1st & 2nd Grade) Shannon Porcaro and Chad Krenzke (3rd & 4th Grade) Patrick BeBow (5th Grade) Please take time to thank your child’s teacher for their dedication and service. Moms, Grandmas and Friends of our Sunday School Children… mark your calendars for the 7th Annual Pampering May 10th Education Room (following the 8:30 service) Come and enjoy: Nail Painting, Paraffin Dip, Massage, Crafts, Glamour Shots, Treats and more…! The last day of Sunday School celebration is May 17th. Don’t MISS OUT on the fun!! Information on Vacation Bible School will be coming soon. 3 Book Group Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult is the next selection for discussion at the Book Group on Monday, May 18th at 6:30 p.m. at the NW campus, 5040 Northwestern Avenue. Jenna has never stopped thinking about her mother Alice who mysteriously disappeared in the wake of a tragic accident. Jenna researches for her mother regularly online. Alice was a scientist who studied grief among elephants and in her research she wrote mostly of these animals she loved. Jenna reads the entries and hopes they will provide a clue to her mother's disappearance. All are welcome to join us for the discussion! Palm Sunday Thank You On Palm Sunday several people participated in reading the Passion Narrative from the Gospel of Mark. Readers at the 8:30 service were Joleen Carlson, Ross Zeller, Chris Bergman, Matthew Spiegelhoff, Jared Spiegelhoff, Connie Suwalski, Cole Stillman, Todd Brennan and McKenzie Vachalik. Readers at the 10:45 service were Patrick BeBow, Jim Hill, Susan Anderson, Mike Ackley, Joan Fergus, Reyna Bennett, John Lehman, Ken Petersen, Lisa Petersen. Thank you for your help in bringing our Gospel lesson to life! The HCLC food pantry is extremely grateful to everyone who makes monetary donations or food donations. We would not be able to operate if not for the generosity of the members of Holy Communion, other congregations and local businesses. For the month of May the pantry is asking for these items: May 3 - pancake mix, syrup May 10 - toilet paper, bar soap May 17 - 15 oz. pork & beans, 15 oz. pasta with meat May 24 - spaghetti sauce, spaghetti noodles May 31 - baby food, diapers Along with these items we can always use lightly used, clean plastic grocery bags and brown paper grocery bags to pack food for our clients. Again, thank you for all you do to help us feed the hungry in Racine! 4 Quilting Group The quilting group meets two Tuesday afternoons a month at the NW campus, 5040 Northwestern Ave. to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. If you can tie a knot you can help! No prior quilting experience is required and ALL are welcome! Join us on Tuesday May 12th and April 26th at 1:15 p.m. New Hope Circle New Hope Circle will meet on Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30 pm at the home of Sandy Ivanoski, 3309 Gayhart St. They will use the Bible Study from the May issue of Gather magazine. If you need a copy of the Bible study or if you have any questions, please contact Evelyn Lajiness, 634-0527. All women are welcome and we would love to have more new members! In memory of: Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Trudy Tobias Sherman Scherer Sherman Scherer Sherman Scherer Sherman Scherer Sherman Scherer Sherman Scherer Sherman Scherer Sherman Scherer Holy Communion recently received these memorial gifts: Given by: Designated for: Kenneth & Diane Luedtke Undesignated Barb Maier Undesignated Carol Kragh Undesignated Joan Fergus & Randy Bennett Undesignated Lyle & Mea Tennis Undesignated Kathy Cuccio Food Pantry Gary & Kathy Wee Undesignated Mark & Heidi Komistra Undesignated Marie Knudson Undesignated Tom & Evelyn Lajiness Undesignated Penny Haakenson Undesignated Jim, Joleen & Courtney Carlson Undesignated Janice & Charles Labedz Undesignated Beverly Friedrich Undesignated Eunice Carlson Undesignated Robert & MaryLou Jeanmaire Undesignated Dave & Pat Barlament Food Pantry Leilani Tobias Undesignated Charles & Peggy Svoboda Undesignated Faith Pfeiffer Undesignated Daniel & Amy DeMatthew Undesignated Jim & Nancy Hill Undesignated William & Mary Ann Hutch Undesignated Roger & Debbie Tobias Undesignated Jean Becker Undesignated Jill & Rod McAllister Undesignated Todd & Sybil Knop Undesignated EconoPrint of Racine Undesignated Anne Dudycha Undesignated Arnold & Kay Clement Undesignated Connie Suwalski Undesignated Dave & Darlene Krueger Organ Fund Jim & Kalen Theusch Building Campaign Joyce Sadlon Food Pantry John & Cathy Lehman Food Pantry Ni Win Undesignated Guy & Sarah Fleming Undesignated Sara Ann Wright Children’s Christmas Program Donald & Inge Vander Leest Children’s Christmas Program Diane Tetrault Children’s Christmas Program Robert & Carrol Brandt Children’s Christmas Program Norman & Shirley Teter Children’s Christmas Program Beverly Friedrich Children’s Christmas Program D. Rojean Baldock Children’s Christmas Program Dave & Darlene Krueger Children’s Christmas Program 5 Easter Garden 2015 The beautiful potted tulips lilies and mums that graced our sanctuary at Easter were donated in memory of: Joe Cuccio from Kathy Cuccio and family Gerrie Mrkvicka from her family Marilyn Mrkvicka from her family Harvey & Jeanette Jensen from Linda Jensen Diana Lyn Jensen from Linda Jensen Dolly Johnson from William Johnson Herb Friedrich from Bev Friedrich Rev. Walter Hermanns from Rev. Diane Tetrault Kenneth Galbraith from the Vachalik Family Ed & Lois Kalfahs from the Jim Theusch Family Edna & Kenneth Sorenson, Ione & Ben Holmquist from Linda & Wayne Holmquist Cornelius & Mariane Vander Brug from Jill Vander Brug Ray, Jeltje, Peter & Corine Lynn Vander Brug from Jill Vander Brug Achile & Harriet Grenier, Eleanor & Jeffrey Bostetter from Jill Vander Brug Gloria Bolm from the Bolm family Don Dobrowski from Gloria Dobrowski Her brother, Wayne Desens from Gloria Dobrowski Elsie Barlament, Judy Wasik, Lil & Bill Knudsen from Pat & Dave Barlament Their loved ones from Sonja & Jerry Bengtson Their parents from Dave & Darlene Krueger Richard, Edith & Rick Pokrant from Kevin, Lorie & Michael Giese Gayland & Shirley Zickert from the Jansen & Buhler Families Ralph Neubauer, Karen Neubauer, Lizzie Stimson from Sara Neubauer Carl Lichtenwald from Kathy Krueger, Jeff, Allison, Sarah, Mitch & Tyler Ray W. Plauske, Marion Plauske Anderson, Ray G. Plauske from Carol Deschler Danny Sadlon from Joyce Sadlon Jerry & Arlene Howe from their daughter, Cheryl Davis Sandra Krogh from her sister, Cheryl Davis and in honor of: Holy Communion’s Kids from Kate Potter Barrow Their daughter, Danielle Simonovic, and her family from Dave & Darlene Krueger 6 2015 Sun Mon 3 First Communion 8:30 Worship/ SundaySchool 9:30 First Communion Reception (Youth Room) 10:45 Worship 4 10 8:30 Worship/ SundaySchool 9:30 Mother’s Day Pampering (Youth Room) 10:45 Worship 11 17 8:30 Worship/ SundaySchool 10:45 Worship 18 Tue Wed Fri Sat 1 1:00 Food Pantry 2 4:00 Gentle Worship (NW Campus) 5 6 9:30 Staff Meeting 7 6:15 Bell Choir 7:30 Senior Choir 8 1:00 Food Pantry 9 12 1:15 Quilting Group (NW campus) 13 9:30 Staff Meeting 6:30 New Hope Circle 14 6:15 Bell Choir 7:30 Senior Choir 15 1:00 Food Pantry 5:00 Carr/Jacobs Rehearsal 16 2:00 Carr/Jacobs Wedding 19 6:30 Tuesday Night Bible Study (NW campus) 20 9:30 Staff Meeting 21 6:15 Bell Choir 7:30 Senior Choir 22 1:00 Food Pantry 23 26 1:15 Quilting Group (NW campus) 27 9:30 Staff Meeting 28 6:15 Bell Choir 7:30 Senior Choir 29 1:00 Food Pantry 5:00 - 10:00 Council Retreat (NW Campus) 30 8:00 - 3:00 Council Retreat (NW Campus) 1:00 Food Pantry Remodeling to begin on lower level 7 1:00 Food Pantry 6:00 Team Meetings 6:30 Worship & Music Thu 1:00 Food Pantry 6:30 Book Group (NW campus) Last Day of Sunday School! 24 8:30 Worship 10:45 Worship 31 8:30 Worship 10:45 Worship 25 Memorial Day Office Closed Volunteers Serving in May Assisting Ministers Lectors Sunday, May 3 8:30 a.m. Gary Wee Gary Wee 10:45 a.m. Susan Anderson John Lehman Sunday, May 10 8:30 a.m. Sheri Krenzke Patrick BeBow Julie Burton Valerie Conner Kathy Berg Marianne Jensen Anne Dudycha Heather Doidge Patrick BeBow Don & Maureen Lautz Steve Smith Sonja Bengtson Gregg & Kylee Albright Jean Veltman Joan Fergus Heidi Komistra Anne Dudycha Laura Jansen Jerry Bengtson Patricia Kelly Sheri Krenzke Kate Potter Barrow Julie Burton Laura Jansen 10:45 a.m. Sunday, May 17 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Sunday, May 24 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Sunday, May 31 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Evelyn Lajiness Communion Assts. Nursery Assistants Acolytes Sophie Young Matthew Spiegelhoff Luke Nelson Alyssa BeBow Al & Karen Pirk Sam DelToro Taylor Knaus Sophie Young Alyssa BeBow Sound Greeters Barb Salvo Linda Fox William Heide Bill Leete Anne Dudycha Carson Krenzke Rachel Christensen McKenzie Vachalik Shirley Foster Barb Maier Sydney Buhler Todd Jansen Anne Dudycha Alex DelToro Austin DelToro Dianne Johnson Gail Dvorak Diane Horn Sydney Buhler Skip Carlson Bonnie & Chuck Rickenbaugh Erik Andersen William Heide Mike Vachalik Joleen & Jim Carlson Jacob Brieske Bill Leete Marie Knudson Carson Krenzke Maya Stillman Mike Vachalik Stan & Joni Reske Peter O’Brien Todd Jansen Kylee Albright Ushers Counters Altar Guild Council Person in Charge 8:30 Tom Lajiness, John Palmgren, Dave Barlament, Dennis Dieckhoff, Stan Reske 10:45 Bill Beckett, Del Seymour Tim Krikau, Jim Buhler Diane Horn, Marion Gagnon, Stephanie Gagnon, Gary Wood Lana Buhler 8:30 - Lana Buhler, Laura Jansen, Karen Johnson May 3 - Kalen Theusch May 10 - Mary Huizinga May 17 - Patricia Kelly May 24 - Joleen Carlson May 31 - Todd Stillman 10:45 Kathy Fischer, Sandy Ivanoski 8 Date WANTED (Desperately Needed) Food Pantry Assistant (Part time position 12hours/week) Thank you to our Wednesday Night Live team! Duties will include: Restocking shelves and freezers. Set up and clean-up of Food Pantry area and equipment Assist in the weighing of all donations May be required to pick up food commodities. Heavy lifting up to 50 lbs. Preferred work hours: Monday & Friday – 3 hours Tues-Thurs. – 2 hours (all mornings) Ideal candidate has an understanding of church work, is flexible and efficient. Please submit letter of interest to church office (Attention: Personnel Committee) by May 10th. To all of the volunteers, mentors, meal planners, parents, and youth who have made our Wednesday Night Live program a place full of meaningful friendships, insightful discussion and questions, and a place to feed our bodies and souls - THANK YOU! We have had a such a great year, and it wouldn't be possible without you. Look for announcements about parent meetings for planning and input over the summer. We're looking forward to another great program next year! The Tuesday Night Bible Study will meet on May 19th at 6:30 p.m. at the NW campus to continue our study of the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. Please contact Julie Burton, [email protected], 639-5914 if you have any questions. The church office will be closed from 12:00 - 1:00 pm If you leave a message we will return your call after 1:00 pm. Thank you! 9 News from the Pews The following members have been hospitalized recently: Jan Behrens, Isabel Rossey, Dorothy Smalancke Baptisms Amanda Rose Goodrich Leete, daughter of Steven and Lisa Leete, was baptized on April 4th. Amanda’s sponsors were Jeff Leete and Katie Brandenstein. Jonas Thomas Casebolt, son of Michael and Elizabeth Casebolt, was baptized on April 19th. Jonas’ sponsors were Kara Casebolt and Phil Belongia. Deaths Lorraine Mikulecky passed away on Sunday, April 12th. Laurie Jean (Meistad) Schumacher passed away on Monday, April 6th. Alida Newman passed away on Thursday, April 16th. Please keep their families and friends in your prayers. The Chalice Published Monthly Volume 17, Number 5 May, 2015 The Chalice is a publication of Holy Communion Lutheran Church, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The church office is open from 8:00 - 4:00 Monday to Thursday, 8-3:00 on Fridays, closed from 12:00 - 1:00 each day. Green Racine Program April 30th Eco-Municipalities and the Natural Step: Lessons for Creating a More Sustainable Racine will be presented by Karl van Lith, trainer and sustainable development officer for the City of Madison. Learn how governments, businesses, agencies, organizations, and faith communities can adopt sustainable principles and contribute together to the health and well-being of the Racine area. Sponsored by Greening Greater Racine, Racine Green Congregations, and the Eco-Justice Center. The program is on Thursday, April 30th, from 7:00 to 8:30 (doors open at 6:30) at the S. C. Johnson Golden Rondelle Theater (on 14th Street at Howe). Reservations are limited. Call (262)-260-2154 now to reserve your seat. Worship services at 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday school students start in the 8:30 service with their parents and are dismissed to their classes during the service. A nursery is available for children 4 and under during the 8:30 a.m. worship service. A crying room in the narthex is available for use during any service. Gentle Worship services are held the first Saturday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the NW campus, 5040 Northwestern Avenue. Contact Information Pastor Mark Doidge ………..…………[email protected] Pastor Laura Fladten……….…………[email protected] Heather Doidge, Mission Implementation Director ……[email protected] Lisa Lequia, Children’s Ministry Director ……[email protected] Andrea Godson, Mission Implementation Assistant ………[email protected] Sabrina Gonzales, Bookkeeper/Office Assistant ….…[email protected] Heidi Komistra, Office Administrator ...……[email protected] Office Phone..…………….….262-632-8802 Fax……………………...……262-637-5622 Website: What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than the hope of raising a great son or daughter? Rose Kennedy 10
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