Corvinus Health Policy and Health Economics Conference Series 2015/4 The Institute of Health Policy & Management (iBMG) Erasmus University of Rotterdam Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest in cooperation with: Health Economics Study Circle, Corvinus University of Budapest Health and Health Care Economics Section of the Hungarian Economic Association Dutch – Hungarian Health Policy Students’ Day INVITATION Corvinus Health Policy and Health Economics Conference Series 2015/4 The Institute of Health Policy & Management (iBMG) University of Rotterdam Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest in cooperation with Health Economics Study Circle, Corvinus University of Budapest Health and Health Care Economics Section of the Hungarian Economic Association Dutch – Hungarian Health Policy Students’ Day Corvinus University of Budapest April 28, 2015, Room C202, 13:40:16:30 Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6., 1st floor1 Background: The event is organized on the occasion of the visitation of an 18-member student group together with academic staff from The Institute of Health Policy & Management (iBMG), Erasmus University of Rotterdam to Corvinus University of Budapest. The programme builds upon the two decade-long bilateral relationship between the two institutions that created the framework for a variety of common research projects, conferences, seminars, and other academic events. In the last few years, fruitful collaboration of the two institutions across multiple fields of health economics and policy not only resulted in several co-authored publications but as well supported knowledgesharing and cross-country learning. In 2013, Werner Brouwer, professor of Health Economics at iBMG Erasmus University of Rotterdam has been awarded to Honorary University Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Furthermore, the Department of Health Economics, BCE has a well-established network with other academic institutions from the Netherlands. In 2012, Niek Klazinga, professor of Social Medicine at University of Amsterdam became a Doctor Honoris Causa at Corvinus University. Besides, several Hungarian professors obtain degrees in the field of health economics from Dutch institutions, like Prof. László Gulácsi who gained a PhD at the University of Amsterdam, Petra Baji assistant professor earn a PhD from University of Maastricht and Prof. Imre Boncz who holds an MSc from Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Number of Corvinus students enjoyed Erasmus fellowships and spent some time at iBMG Rotterdam, some of them received MSc diploma thanks to the collaboration of the two institutions. The ‘Dutch – Hungarian Health Policy Day’ promises to strengthen the academic relationships between Hungary and the Netherlands, and as well enhances mutual learning. 1 Map: Students’ day program Conference chairperson: Valentin Brodszky Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Health Economics Corvinus University of Budapest 13:40 – 13:55 Welcome Representative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Budapest László Szakadát PhD, dean, faculty of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest Prof. Niek Klazinga, University of Amsterdam, OECD Paris, Doctor Honoris Causa, Corvinus University of Budapest Esmée Grootjans, The Institute of Health Policy & Management (iBMG), University of Rotterdam Fanni Rencz, MD PhD student, former Chair of the Health Economics Study Circle, Corvinus University of Budapest 13:55 – 14:10 The Hungarian health care system, health policy Márta Fekete, MD, Ph.D. student Department of Health Economics Corvinus University of Budapest 14:10 – 14.25 Informal payments in the Hungarian health care system Petra Baji Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Health Economics Corvinus University of Budapest 14.25 – 15.00 Dutch health care system Pim van Wingerden, MSc student, iBMG 15.00 -15.30 Discussion 15.30-16.00 Closing – take home message Prof. Niek Klazinga Prof. László Gulácsi 3 Publications in Dutch-Hungarian collaboration Gulácsi, L., Rotar, A. M., Niewada, M., Loblova, O., Rencz, F., Petrova, G., Boncz, I., Klazinga, N. S. Health technology assessment in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Eur J Health Econ. 2014, 15 Suppl 1, 13-25. IF (2013): 1,913 Péntek M, Brodszky V, Gulácsi L, Hajdú O, van Exel J, Brouwer W, Gulácsi L. Subjective expectations regarding length and health-related quality of life in Hungary: results from an empirical investigation. Health Expect. 2014 Oct;17(5):696-709. doi: 10.1111/j.13697625.2012.00797.x. Epub 2012 Jun 28. IF (2013): 2,852 Péntek M, Brodszky V, Gulácsi L, Hajdú O, van Exel J, Brouwer W, Gulácsi L. Subjective expectations regarding length and health-related quality of life in Hungary: results from an empirical investigation. Health Expect. 2014 Oct;17(5):696-709. doi: 10.1111/j.13697625.2012.00797.x. Epub 2012 Jun 28. IF (2013): 2,852 Baji P, Pavlova M, Gulácsi L, Farkas M, Groot W. The link between past informal payments and willingness of the Hungarian population to pay formal fees for health care services: results from a contingent valuation study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. 2013 Aug 30. doi: 10.1007/s10198-013-0531-y (Forthcoming) IF (2012): 2,01 Baji P, Pavlova M, Gulacsi L, Groot W. Exploring consumers' attitudes towards informal patient payments using the combined method of cluster and multinomial regression analysis the case of Hungary, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH 13:(1) p. 62. (2013) IF (2012):1,773 Prof. Niek Klazinga BCE Doctor Honoris Causa presentation, Klazinga N, Public health economics and quality of care, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, 35(2): 249-262 (2013). Péntek M. Brodszky V, Gulácsi ÁL, Hajdu O, van Exel J, Brouwer W, Gulácsi L. Subjective expectations regarding length and health-related quality of life in Hungary: results from an empirical investigation, Health Expectations 2012 Jun 28. doi: 10.1111/j.13697625.2012.00797.x [Epub ahead of print] IF (2011): 2.315 Baji P, Pavlova M, Gulácsi L, Groot W. Changes in Equity in Out-of-pocket Payments during the Period of Health Care Reforms: Evidence from Hungary. Int J Equity Health, 2012 Jul 24;11:36. IF (2011): 1.712 URL: Baji P, Pavlova M, Gulácsi L, Zsófia HC, Groot W. Informal payments for healthcare services and short-term effects of the introduction of visit fee on these payments in Hungary. Int J Health Plann Manage, 2012 Jan-Mar;27(1):63-79. IF (2011): 0.640 Baji P, Pavlova M, Gulácsi L, Groot W. Preferences of Hungarian consumers for quality, access and price attributes of health care services, result of a discrete choice experiment. Society and Economy, 2012, 34 (2):293–311. Makai P., Klazinga N., Wagner C., Boncz I., Gulacsi L., Qality management and patient safety: Survey results from 102 Hungarian hospitals, Health Policy 90 (2009) 175–180. 4
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