Assisted Living Community Tuesday, May 19

Assisted Living Community
Monday, May 18
Personal Shopping list due by 11:00 am
9:30 Exercise and Devotions (G)
11:30 Food Council Meeting (DR)
2:00 Horse Races (T)
3:00 Coffee Social (Malts) (CS)
3:30 Kings Corner (L)
6:00 America’s Funniest Home Video (Ch. 14)
6:30 Uno Card Game (CR)
*Activities are subject to change.
Tuesday, May 19
8:30-11:30 1st Floor Manicure (L)
10:00 Men’s Coffee Social (QL)
11:00 Yoga Class (G)
12:00 Picnic Lunch (DR)
2:00 Resident Council Meeting (C)
2:30 Sheep Head (USL)
3:00 Afternoon Coffee (CS)
6:00 Music with the Consionaires (FL)
6:00 America’s Funniest Home Video (Ch. 14)
6:30 Joker-Eno (DR)
Wednesday, May 20
Thursday, May 21
10:00 Coffee Shop Talk (CS)
11:15 St Lukes Communion (C)
9:30 Exercise and Devotions (G)
11:30 Lunch Outing ~ Applebee’s (sign up at
10:00 Morning Coffee (CS)
bus stop)
10:15 Bible Study (T)
1:30 Bridge (L)
11:00 Piano Music with Melody (FL)
2:00 Church Service with Pastor Duell from 1:30 Afternoon Movie “The Water Horse”
Legend of the Deep (T)
Methodist Church (C)
3:00 Afternoon Coffee (CS)
2:45 Mexican Train Dominoes (L)
2:45 Pitch (USL) 3:00 Afternoon Coffee (CS) 6:00 America’s Funniest Home Video (Ch. 14)
6:30 Bunko (CR)
6:30 Kings Corner (L)
Happy Birthday Ken Beck
*Outings are subject to weather conditions.
Friday, May 22
9:30 Exercise & Devotions (G)
10:00 Morning Coffee (CS)
11:00 Shut-the-Box (CS)
2:00 Bank Bingo (DR)
3:00 Afternoon Coffee (CS)
3:30 Rosary (C)
3:30 Kings Corner (L)
6:00 America’s Funniest Home Video (Ch. 14)
6:30 Evening Cards Dealers Choice (L)
Saturday, May 23
Week-End Trivia (Pick up at bus stop)
Sunday, May 24
Week-end Trivia (Pick up at Bus Stop)
10:15 Catholic Communion (C)
10:30 Morning Coffee (CS)
1:30 Sunday Movie (viewer’s choice) (T)
2:00 Mexican Train Dominoes (L)
2:00 Pitch (QL)
3:00 Afternoon Coffee (CS)
3:30 Kings Corner (L)
10:00 Morning Coffee (CS)
10:30 Exercise & Devotion (G)
1:30 Tic-Tac-Toe Game (CR)
2:45 Pinochle (USL)
3:00 Afternoon Ice Cream (CS)
6:00 Lawrence Welk (Ch.12)
6:30 Evening Cards ~ Dealer’s Choice (L) Catholic Services on Ch. 64 (all day)
6:00 Trinity Lutheran Service (Ch. 97.3)
7:00 Immanuel Lutheran Church (Ch. 97.3)
8:00 Federated Church Service (Ch. 97.3)
Room Codes
(BS) Beauty Shop
(C) Chapel
(CR) Community Room
(CS) Coffee shop
A Thought to
(CY) Court Yard
(DR) Dining Room
(FL) Front Lobby
(G) Gym
(I) Independent Activity
(L) Library
(P) Pool Room
(PL) Puzzle Lounge
(QL) Quilters Lounge
(T) Theater
TBA (To Be Announced)
USL (up stairs lobby)
If I cannot do great
things, I can do small
things in a great way