Community Coffee Morning

Community Coffee Morning
April 16th to July 30th 2015
EVERY THURSDAY 10.30 to 12.00
with Events/Speakers on the dates listed below
In the Café Area at All Saints Church,
Lovelace Road, West Dulwich.
Events/Speakers as listed below:
16 April First coffee morning after the Easter break
23 April Turney School—an impressive provider of Special Needs
Luke Zander, Chair of Governors & Retired GP
7 May
Out of Africa—a presentation on Wendy’s recent trip to
Ghana along with 21 other SPAs from the Diocese.
Wendy Stephens
21 May
West Dulwich 1900
Ian McInnes, Chair, Dulwich Society
4 June
What’s really out there? The quest for habitable Planets.
Dr Martin Heath
18 June
Sing4ALL —Summer music and singing for everyone.
With Ruth Holton
25 June
Dulwich College Pianists
With Timothy Barratt, Head of Keyboard
2 July
Treasures come in small packages—felt making workshop.
Led by Sara Mark, Artist in Residence. (Please bring a nice shaped, large
egg-sized STONE or large hardboiled EGG AND a SMALL TREASURE. All other
materials supplied. No previous experience required!)
30 July
Last Coffee Morning before the Summer break. During August
drop in for an hour between 10.30am & 11.30am for coffee.
Coffee mornings will restart after the Summer break on
Thursday 3 September 2015.