April 2015 - Heritage UMC

Volume XXX
No. 4
Irregular Publicaon
April 16, 2015
The Heritage Herald
Va caon Bible School will take pla ce June 8-11 from 9:30 to noon.
Regis traon forms a re on the Children’s Minis tries Bullen Boa rd and a vailable on our websi te!
Join us for G-Force – God’s love in acon!
Please sign-up on the Children’s Minis tries Boa rd or conta ct Susie Bond di rectl y.
It’s me to ha ve some fun!!!
If you ha ve any of the following or a re out shopping and can purchase any of the following
please drop them by the church.
Paint (Tempera )
-Neon Green
-Bri ght Blue
-Hot Pink
-Safety Ora nge
-Bla ck
Duct Tape
To Donate (or loan) from around the house:
-pool noodles
-appliance boxes
-PVC pipes (a t least 2 feet long)
- hula hoops
-checkered flags /ra cing signs
-orange safety cones
-all types of old sports equipment (ca n be returned)-mini-trampolines
-old fla t sheets solid colors (dona te onl y)
-pl ywood s craps (a t least 2 B x 2 B)
- buckets
- sponges
-infla table baby pools (donate onl y) -bla ck plasc sheeng or la rge black
plasc bags
Good Coupons for Mi chaels and Hobby Lobby or Home Depot!
Volume XXIX
Page 2
From Your Pastor
Dear Heritage Family and Friends;
Last Sunday aBernoon Joan and I went to a musical at the Kansas City Repertory Theater and it made me
think of you.
Which musical? Well, it was a retrospecve adaptaon of the classic hippie musical Hair!
If you are familiar with Hair!, you might be tempted to be insulted to hear me say that this play reminds me
of you. ABer all, it was born in the social and polical cauldron of the late 60s and famously advocated sex and
drugs and rock ‘n roll. It was considered brash and ground-breaking at the me and featured a famous nude scene.
So, yes… I understand why you are offended.
But I believe that behind its outwardly hedonisc trappings the play carries a simple, yet powerful message:
it is a message that says “people with passion and vision can change the world.”
Hair! took me back to that era in which the Vietnam War raged – a war which ulmately cost 58,000
American lives. It reminded me of the assassinaon of the Rev. Dr. Marn Luther King, Jr. in April of 1968 and
Bobby Kennedy in July of the same year. It reminded me of the widespread riong in the streets that happened
during that “long, hot summer” and the sense that there were deep, underlying issues at work in our country that
went straight to the core of our identy.
It brought back memories of a mood that said, “We can’t keep on like this any longer. Things have to
change. They have to change now and I have to be the one to help make that change happen.”
Yes, I will be right there in line with you if you want to make the argument that much of the acvity that
went on in the name of “changing the world” in the 60s and 70s was just a flimsy excuse for going crazy and
over-indulging in EVERYTHING.
Absolutely. No queson.
But the thing I really want to focus on is the wild-eyed noon that people with passion and vision can indeed change the world. Because it is my firm convicon that changing the world is EXACTLY what faithful followers
of Christ are called to do.
There really is no other reason for us to be here!
When Jesus sent his disciples out (following his resurrecon and appearance to them on top of the mountain in Galilee) to, “… make disciples of all naons, bapzing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you,” (MaR. 28:20, NRSV), I believe
what he had in mind was a different, changed world.
I have no doubt at all that Jesus’ vision and passion was to sr his disciples to acon… to help give birth to a
world that bore a greater resemblance to the Kingdom of God than to the kingdom of Caesar.
I believe it is what he sll expects of his disciples.
So I will just close with these two quesons: how are we carrying on his vision here at Heritage today? How
are we changing the world where we live?
Abundant blessings;
Pastor Russell
Page 3
The He ritage He rald
Finance Facts as of March 31, 2015
Ma rch 31 ,2015
Ma rch
Yea r to Da te
Surplus (shorUall)
$ 3,776
$ 14,500
Offerings were subs tanall y higher than the low point in Februa ry to raise our gi ving to nea r 100% of budget
through the firs t qua rter of 2015. All bills ha ve been paid incl uding 100% of our Mission Sha re. Your
generosi ty connues to support the ministries and progra ms of Heri ta ge wi th enthusiasm. Church Council ,
on fai th, approved a budget tha t expands our ministries and communi ty outreach in 2015, as well as
addressing some needed upgra des to our fa cilies . We can all ta ke pride i n the “can-do” spi ri t of our church
fa mil y and its financial support through Ma rch. Grea t sta rt!
The Treasurer and Finance CommiRee a re happy to provi de a ny addional informa on about budget
performance da ta you need. Just ask Meg Ma ffiR mwma ffi[email protected], or Ji m Atwood [email protected].
The Gua temala Team would like to introduce you to the s chola rship s tudent we a re
sponsoring through the Li ving Heri ta ge Founda on (Funda cion Herencia Vi va). A dona on
from the 2014 Heri tage Herencia Vi va team is funding the s chola rship for 2 yea rs . We will
recei ve four leRers from Leyli and four gra de reports throughout the year to keep us upda ted
on her life and progress . Please follow along and pra y for Leyli as she connues her
Leyli is a happy and sma rt young gi rl of 12 yea rs old. She currentl y li ves in
Quetzal tenango Guatemala. She has two sisters and she is the middle child.
She is currentl y aRending a special Deaf Children School (She is a Deaf child);
and she is in 3rd grade.
Leyli has been li ving in a difficult envi ronment. She was very aRa ched to her father
and unfortuna tel y he abandoned the famil y two yea rs a go. Now Leyli 's mother li ves
alone with her daughters . They don't recei ve financial support from the fa ther a nd
as a result, he has been in jail two mes. Her mother works cleaning houses to
support her daughters .
They li ve in extreme poverty.
We are a group of youth, grades 6-12, who love God, love Heritage, and love each other!
Our missionGood News- sharing the word of Christ in everything we do.
Good Works- parcipang in acts of jusce and mercy to help those in need.
Good Times- fellowship, connecon, friendship and fun in everything we do.
The CrossTrainers Youth Program offers Bible studies, weekly Youth Group, mission trips, reflecve prayer retreats,
Confirmaon, community service opportunies, and hosts social events to name a few!
We aRend worship together at least twice a month, have our own choir, serve communion, work as ushers and
greeters, and even assist in teaching the preschoolers in Sunday School. We study scripture, visit with our residents
who live in nursing homes, host block pares, have bonfires and watch sunsets together.
We play laser tag, dodgeball, and cheer on our Royals! We have slept in cardboard boxes on the lawn of the church
in the cold of November to raise money for homeless teens. We share meals together, and discuss hot topics in the
news. We have shaving cream wars and gummy worm relay races. We play human bowling in Hospitality Hall
at midnight! We understand that everyone in our group has a purpose and needs a friend. We value our "no
judgment zone" where hatred, bullying and discriminaon are sfled.
We value leadership, parental involvement, and educaon. We love God and have a unifying goal of connuing our
journey of faith by learning how to be in a right relaonship with Him. We are The CrossTrainers!
A Few Numbers from 2014 The 2014 Aucon Proceeds Made Possible- almost 60 youth and adult sponsors to experience an over night and out of town mission experience = $19,304
- a giB of $2,000 to the Heritage UMC College Scholarship Fund
- a block party with 125 guests= $1,300
- assisng 18 people in earning their Safe Gatherings Cerficaon= $200
- Weekly Youth Group, Bible Study, Santa's Workshop, Senior Sunday, Youth Sunday, Bible Study, and Sunday School
Curriculum = $3,000
This is just a glimpse at what The CrossTrainers are able to do with the help of your generous support with our yearly
Mission Madness Aucon Fundraiser. A thank you just isn't enough - simply look at the youth you see during
doughnuts and coffee, and ask them how the Heritage Youth Program is affecng their spiritual growth, their self
confidence, and their relaonship with God. God is working in the youth and through the youth. Thank you for your
help in fostering this growth in our future.
Join us at Heritage House for Youth Group
4 -5:30 pm - Middle School
5 - 7pm - Senior High
April 19– Cafe Night - All Ages 3:30 - 5:30
April 26 @ StraUord Commons (1pm - 2:30)
May 3 – "Respect"
May 17- Grimy Gala starts at 1pm!
Second Sundays in Pew Two @ 9am April 12
Celebraon Sunday April 26 - No Sunday School
A6en7on All Gradua7ng Seniors...
We want to celebra te you! Whether you are gradua ng
from hi gh school , recei ving your Ba chelors Degree or a
PHD - we want to recognize your a ccomplishments ! If
you would like your gra duaon informaon printed in
the bullen, please submi t your name, your degree and
s chool , and your plans for the future to Dawn Beck a t
dawnb@heri tageumc.org by Monda y, Ma y 4. We will
recognize you during the 10:30a m servi ce on Sunda y,
Ma y 10.
The Heritage Herald
Page 6
Confirmation Class 2015
Lillian Ka te Ayres
My name is Lily Ayres. I'm in the 8th g rade at California T rail. I enjoy compeve and school chee r, choir, piano, and am
involved in school leade rship. I love going to the lake, singing and being with friends. Heritage has inspired me s o much to
keep building my trust in God. I have learned how important it is to walk the circle of faith. I feel I am on my way to
building a wonderful re laonship with the Lord. I look forward to the future and my faith becoming even dee per.
Harrison K. Brown
Ha rris on is 14 years old and in 8 th grade at Ca lifornia T rail. He loves reading, computers, video games, comic books, family
me and all kinds of unhealthy foods. He enjoys serving as an assistant prosecutor in the Olathe Youth Court system. Next
year he will aRend Olathe Northwest and is looking forward to s tudying in the E -Communicaons/21 st century prog ram.
Michael David Charest
Michael is the son of Melissa and David Charest a nd brother to Nicole and Kae. He is 13 years old and in 8th grade at
Aubry Bend Middle School. He enjoys playing baseball, basketball, and football. He plays trumpet in the band, and plans to
connue with the band in high s chool. Michael is also a Boy Scout and is curre ntly in the planning phase of his Eagle Scout
project. He hopes to he lp our church with the community garden that is currently be ing esta blished. Michael also loves
cars a nd anything technology related, including he lping with the sound and vide o at church occasiona lly. Michael has
enjoyed confirmaon and is excited to be a member of He ritage, where he has aRended since the age of 4.
Brody Ala n Ga tza
Brody lives in Olathe and is in the 8th grade at Spring Hill Middle School, whe re he parcipa tes in track, plays clarinet in the
band and ce llo in the orches tra. He also plays basketball and enjoys going to watch the Kansas City Royals play. His hobbies
include reading, listening to music and playing video games. He is acve in youth g roup and is a member of the Youth
Council. His favorite subjects in school are algebra and science and his favorite food is spinach alfredo pizza.
Abigail Ka thryn George
Born Janua ry 31st, 2001 in Olathe, Kansas to Jeff and Kathy George. Abby was bapzed he re at Heritage and will now be
confirming he r faith standing in the very same place where we held he r in our arms just 14 years ago. Abby is 14 years old
and is currently in the eighth grade a t Chisholm Trail Middle School. Abby will be aRending Olathe South High School next
year as a freshman and parcipate in the 21st Century Program. Abby is acvely involved in club socce r and loves music
and s inging. She enjoys spending me and having fun with friends.
Ryan Alexander Hakim
Ryan plays basketball, baseball, and enjoys playing pool. He is an avid follower of: the Detroit Tigers, Kansas City Royals,
Michigan Sta te (all s ports), and KU Basketball. He has bee n a violin player since 2009. He likes Drake and 80’s rock. Ryan
enjoys travelling eithe r by ca r, train or by air. He has a passport and has used it to go to Canada. He wis hes to visit New
England s omeme soon. He has been to: KS, MO, IA, WI, MI, FL, GA, SC, NC, OK, TX, AZ, NM … Currently sports medicine is
appealing to Ryan.
Elise Stander Henderson
Elise is in 8th grade at Oxford Middle School. She parcipates in Show Choir, Concert Ba nd, Jazz Band, School Plays and
Musicals at Oxford. She also parcipates in Youth Choir, Youth Group, Youth Council, Piano and Voice lessons at HUMC.
She is an Outstanding Big Sister and Specia l Olympics Voluntee r. She aRends a weekly weight liBing class and parcipates
in 5K runs with her mom and cous in. Elise is the owne r of her own craB business, Long Haire d Girl Accessories.
Addison Nicole Moeller
Addis on is an 8t h grader at Pleasant Ridge Middle School. She loves to play volleyball and is middle hiRe r for he r school
team and her club team, South KC Juniors. Addison loves to hang out with her friends and liste n to music. She a lso
loves to read and write stories. She would like to be a journalis t and s omeday own her own magazine.
Margaret Shelton Tinda ll
She is an 8th grader at Pioneer Trail Middle School in Ola the. She is a membe r of the cheer squad a t PT. She is also a
member of the Running club a t PT. In her spare me she enjoys he r tumbling classes, baking, sewing, drawing and of
course hanging out with he r friends.
Full y human and full y di vi ne? Reall y? I get tha t Chris t’s thi rty-some years on Ea rth exposed him to
experiences tha t allowed hi m to know wha t i t was like to be human. Like the res t of us he knew the joy of
friendship and cama raderie. The pleasure of a sa sfying meal a Ber a long da y. The happiness of seeing a
friend a Ber a long absence. He likewise knew rejecon, pain and disappointment. But wouldn’t being the
Son of God i nsulate him from experiencing some human emoons and make i t unlikel y tha t he would
experience humanity the wa y I do? Being sinless, wha t woul d Jesus know about the feelings of guil t or
remorse? These a re feeling we humans ha ve to deal wi th all of the me as a resul t of our sinful na ture tha t
our sinless Sa vior would know nothing about.
It is in trying to ma ke sense out of difficul t faith issues like this tha t I believe connecon to a s mall group is
invaluable. It is through the indi vi duals in my s mall group a t Heri tage tha t the Hol y Spi ri t has hel ped me
s tumble towa rds answers to ques ons like this one. In this pa rcula r ins tance members of the Tuesda y
Evening Bible Study I aRend posi ted tha t perhaps Jesus did know the pain of guilt and remorse. Ma ybe i t was
those very emoons he was pra ying to God about in the Ga rden of Gethsemane hours before he was
des ned to hang on the cross -- pleading for a wa y out of his predi ca ment – and feeling guil ty tha t he was
doing so. I a m s ll processing this. But, that was a perspecve I had not considered. Nor would I ha ve been
likel y to if I had not sha red my doubts wi th those in the class.
If you do not ha ve a “safe place” to dis cuss faith doubts, quesons, concerns you ma y be s tunng your
spi ri tual growth. And I and would urge you to find one. You a re welcome to join the Tuesda y Evening Bible
Study I aRend. Or get in touch with Cindy Svec and find out from her other s mall group opons tha t a re
a vailable.
If you do not ha ve faith doubts , quesons , or concerns I urge you even more s trongl y to join the Tuesda y
Group or get in touch wi th Cindy. Because there a re lots of us in small groups tha t could benefit from your
wisdom and insight.
Gra ce and peace, John Hall
During the month of Ma y, the Heri tage Missions team will be hos ng a food
dri ve for Ha rves ters Communi ty Food Network. There will be 4 donaon
ba rrels located throughout the church for you to drop off your dona ons . We
a re asking for nonperishable i tems such as : canned vegetables , canned frui t,
boxed meals (Ha mburger Helper, Pas ta Roni Ma c & Cheese), ca nned mea t/
tuna, peanut buRer and jell y, canned soup, and cereal – hot and cold. No glass containers .
All products collected during the food dri ve will be distri buted in our region through Ha rvesters ’
network of more than 620 nonprofit agencies. Last we collected 885 pounds of food during Lent a t
Heri ta ge UMC. This yea r our goal is to collect over 1000 pounds of food. Thanks for your support!
It takes all of us working together to solve hunger!
Volume XXIX
Page 7
Look What’s Happening In Children’s Ministries!!!
Thank you to everyone who helped ma ke the Children’s Worship Servi ce so incredible. I so
appreciate the commitment of our children a nd thei r families during a very bus y me of yea r.
Special thanks to Melissa Chares t, Da wn Beck, Ba rb Douglas & Wendee Egbert. They gi ve
endless me a nd effort to tea ch our children. Please join me in thanking them for thei r
dedi caon and willingness to sha re thei r love of music and dance with our children. If you see
them a round the church please personally thank them for all tha t they do. Servi ces like the
Children’s Worship Servi ce could not happen wi thout them and I know that I could not do my
job wi thout them!
Don’t miss the a rt gallery on the sanctuary s outh wall. Our Heri tage a rsts used visual a rt to express
the lessons of Jesus we lea rned during the Children’s Worship Servi ce.
We a re looking for volunteers for our Summer Sunda y School . We like to gi ve our s chool yea r
tea chers a well-deserved break. See the Children’s Minis tries Bullen Boa rd to sign-up!
If you have any quesons or suggesons for our Children’s Ministries Team don’t hesitate
to contact Susie Bond at [email protected]
Love to read, come join the UMW book club.
We meet the firs t Thursda y of the month in member's homes to dis cuss the chosen book.
Here is a list of our upcoming tles:
Ma y - "Beaded Hope" by Ca thy Li ggiR
June - "Seeing Gra y in a World of Bla ck and Whi te" - Adam Ha milton
For ques ons , conta ct Barba ra Douglas a t: [email protected]
The inaugural season of the HUMC Community Ga rden is upon us! Our mission is
to Build Relaonships and Feed the Hungry, wi th a poron of the produce from
the communi ty ga rden plot being dona ted to Valley View Food Pantry.
In addi on, indi vidual ga rden pl ots a re a vailable for $20 (4x10) and $30 (4x20). If
you a re not a ga rdener but want to support the garden, vol unteers or financial
donaons to help cover the cost of wa ter, seeds/plants , tools , etc a re also
welcome. For more informaon or to sign up for a garden plot, please conta ct
Peter Morley at [email protected] or 913.484.8722.
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“Scrip” GiE Cards on Sale
Missions Team Fundraiser
Orders Due: May 10 Pick Up Date: May 17
Order forms available in Hospita lity Hall with comple te lis t of retailers. Drop completed forms and che cks in church office.
Heritage United Methodist Church
Heritage Staff
Pastor, Russell Brown
Music Ministries, Becky Waters
Adult Discipleship and Missions,Cindy Svec
Youth Ministries, Amy Gerend
Children's & New Member Ministries, Susie Bond
Caring Ministries, Kenda Worsfold
Childcare Coordinator, Katie Loper
Preschool Director, Cathy Lancelotta
Office Administrator, Melissa Barker
Office Assistant, Dawn Beck
Sunday Worship Services
Ext. 1
Ext. 5
Ext. 7
[email protected]
becky [email protected]
cindy [email protected]
Ext. 6
Ext. 3
amy [email protected]
[email protected]
Ext. 8
[email protected]
[email protected]
cathy [email protected]
Ext. 4
[email protected]
[email protected]
9:00a.m. and 10: 30a.m.
Children’s & Youth Sunday School
10:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School
Varies by class.
Next Newsletter Deadline
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Heritage Herald
an irregular publication