Friends of BradshawHal Bradshaw Hal l We hope you and yours are nicely se3led into the roune, and looking forward to half term (already!) Aims of the Friends of Bradshaw Hall • Enriching the life of the school community by holding fun events, giving memorable experiences to bring us together and make Bradshaw Hall an amazing school to be at. Autumn Fundraising update: Website : Newsletter The total for last year is £5,500 - fantasc! October School ac%vi%es your generosity helped to support things like: Check out the website including informaon on events, volunteering, funds raised, including a key dates calendar and photo gallery. Check out the photos of the Girls Night Out! 2014 • Upcoming Christmas theatre trip • Class floats funded role play clothes, extra phonics resources, classroom decoraons… • Ice pops on Sports day • School council project, see overleaf Easy ways to contribute: Keep unwanted gis, uniforms, teddys, raffle prizes. - If you’re not sure what’s needed just email us. Go to the address above or find us via the main school website, click on FOBH. Email: If you’re not yet on our mailing list please email us. It’s the easiest way for us to keep in touch, keep you updated and send you early noce and reminders too of events & non-uniform days! Twi,erers: Follow us @FoBHPrimary for up to the minute reminders, links to photos - get connected... Teddies wanted for the Christmas fair Non-uniform Dona%ons - see themes overleaf Event Coordinators - Film night? We managed to add the Girls Night Out to the list of events hosted this year, and we’d love to add a KS2 Film Night in Spring, but we need a coordinator… You wouldn’t be on your own, there’s loads of support, but we need someone to pick up the coordinaon. Fund raising events Bag2School - we raised £255 from the Bag2School collecon last year. Thanks to everyone who donated. To build on that success we will have 2 collecons again this year so get sorng now! Non-uniform dona%ons: Wear non-uniform in exchange for a donaon. These events make the biggest contribuons to the fair profits, and a way everyone can support, so please remember to bring in your donaons. S%kins: Please let us know if you can offer help, you will be making a huge contribuon to our community. Need any name labels? Buy these great durable ones from here with school id 2505, and FoBH receive 5% of sales. Samples are available, - email us for more details. Can you help? All the PTA run events like discos & fairs are organised by parents volunteering their me to provide fun mes for all our children. We have over 400 talented children in our amazing school which means we must also have hundreds of talented and amazing parents and carers. If you are one of those amazing parents, carers or grandparents then our PTA needs you. Please come along to our next meeng and see how you can help and become part of our school community. Contact us: [email protected] @FoBHPrimary Drop a note into the office Mobile: 07591 109598 Key Dates for FoBH Events AGM Highlights Spending Fri 17th Oct: Non-uniform: Wacky Hair - £1 collecon Mon 20th Oct: Bag2School Collecon (9am collecon) Mon 20th Oct: FoBH Planning Meeng 7:30pm, RyecroI Arms Thurs 23rd Oct: Spooky disco We agreed to increase the overall allocaon to coach trips - this means you get a saving of £6.50 on school trips over the year for each child. This ensures trips are affordable so that they can connue. Friday 7th Nov: Non-uniform: Autumn Colours - Bo3les Commi,ee Friday 22nd Nov: Non-uniform: Anything Goes - Chocolate Friday 28th Nov: Christmas fair Thurs 11th Dec: Story with Santa (KS1) Spring term: Treasurer post vacant January - TBD: Bring & Buy Toy Sale Dee Jones has given her noce and will leave the post of treasurer aIer 7 dedicated years of service at the end of July next year. Thank you Dee for your efficiency, dedicaon and hard work. So now we need someone to replace her! 19th Mar: Bag2School collecon School project AIer our successful fundraising efforts last year we are making a donaon of £1000 which the school council will decide how to spend. Ideas in discussion are: • • • 4 new commi3ee members were elected: Liz Charlson, Rukhsana Iylas, Liz Taylor & Gill Meakin. Please give them your support! Ideally it would be someone with accounng experience, but no special qualifiMedia suite equipment, e.g. GoPro camcaons are required, so if you can handle a era spreadsheet and are comfortable with Forest school supplies numbers, and could offer help in any caMaterials towards a DIY SOS style project involving the whole pacity, please get in touch. We need you! school community — more info on this was distributed at parents evening. Please do contact school if you can offer help to this fantasc project. We’re working with school to get access more easily to parents contact information, but currently to avoid data protection issues, we rely on parents signing up to receive emails in order to reach you. Please help our communications by completing the form below if you aren’t already signed up to the Friends of Bradshaw Hall email list, or if you’re details have changed - or email us the details at the address below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent / Carer Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mobile / Tel. No _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ E Mail _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Child’s Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Class _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Contact us: [email protected] Mobile: 07591 109598 Or leave a note with the office Tweet: @FoBHPrimary
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