May 2015 - Heritage UMC

Volume XXX
No. 5
Irregular Publicaon
May 14, 2015
The Heritage Herald
Summer Sky is a weeknight casual outdoor worship experience.
It begins on Wednesday June, 3 and connues
every Wednesday night through July 29.
It is designed especially for those who leave town or who have busy
weekend schedules.
Fellowship me and snacks at 7:00 pm at the barn.
Worship at 7:30 pm around the cross behind Heritage House.
Holy Communion will be served each week.
We are looking for families or small groups to host fellowship me.
Please contact Dawn in the church office at 913-897-6446 or
[email protected] if you are interested.
Bring a lawn chair! Worship with friends! Soak up the Summer Sky!
Volume XXIX
Page 2
From Your Pastor
Dear Heritage family and friends;
Greengs from somewhere in sunny Spain! This is actually being wri;en prior to our departure, so I can’t
tell you where I am exactly right now, but in all likelihood I am with Joan, her daughter, and my brother and sister
and we are seeing wonderful sights and eang amazing food.
I’m sorry. I digress…
As excited as I have been about this vacaon, I am also VERY excited about the good work your Church
Council did at a planning workshop on May 1 and 2. (Becky won’t allow us to call it a “retreat” unless there are
massages involved!).
We gathered at Heritage House on Friday night and Saturday to prayerfully try to answer the queson,
“How can we best manifest Christ’s love toward our immediate community?” As we connue to find ways to truly
live out our purpose as a church (“Love God, Love Others, Love YOU”), we were challenged to come up with new,
praccal, and creave ways to carry out that purpose right here in our immediate neighborhood. We thought,
prayed, wrote, thought, and prayed some more and then came up with – in my opinion – a couple of pre;y good
The first one was that we would offer a PARENT’S NIGHT OUT to our neighbors. This would be something
that would happen once a quarter here at the church and would basically consist of offering childcare for the
evening (say, 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., for example) for anyone wanng to have an evening out. This would be promoted
in the community and would be staffed by trained and Safe Gatherings cerfied people who would have games and
craPs and snacks and lots of fun things with the kids.
It is an act of love because it is a way of saying, “Hey… go have fun for the night! We’ll watch the kids.”
The other thing we decided we would do is sll in search of a catchy, marketable name but the idea is to
have a series of speakers on a monthly basis who would come in and offer either an inspira+onal or an educa+onal
talk. No, not a sermon. Those are for Sunday. So maybe one of talks is my friend Henry who chooses not to own a
car and who last year walked across the state of Kansas and took a bunch of pictures. Or maybe it is our own Kenda
giving her amazing and insighRul talk on the ABC’s of Cancer. Or maybe someone else who has a truly inspiring
story of overcoming serious obstacles in life.
No ma;er who you are and no ma;er your religion or lack of religion, people yearn to hear stories that
inspire hope and opmism about life. And why not hear them right here in our own Heritage sanctuary? People
might decide, “Hey, that’s a pre;y nice bunch of people! Maybe I will check out what they do on Sundays!” Or
maybe they won’t. But them a;ending church here and ulmately becoming members not the point. The point is
Frankly I am very excited about both of these iniaves. Just like the water bo;les we put out by the
sidewalk in the summer, these programs are designed to demonstrate our care and concern for the lives of those
who live closest to us.
Obviously there is a lot of “behind the scenes” work required to make each of them happen. Markeng and
Promoon will become HUGELY important pieces of the pie so we are looking around for those markeng-oriented
types. Organizing, hosng, and just taking care of all the logiscal details is also vitally important. Please shoot me
an email ([email protected]), or Melissa Barker ([email protected]) if you feel God’s finger
tapping you on the shoulder to help in some capacity.
It is a joy to serve Christ with you in this place and to connually be on the journey to “improve our serve”
as disciples of Jesus Christ. Be well unl we meet again.
Abundant blessings;
Pastor Russell
Page 3
The He ritage He rald
Finance Facts as of April 30, 2015
April 30 ,2015
Yea r to Da te
Surplus (shorRall)
$ (12,623)
$ 1,877
Offerings were substanally lower in April as compared with March. Pledged offerings were at only 85% of Budget.
However, the Church remains in a posive cash posion because expenses through April have been only 93% of
Budget. All the bills have been paid including 100 % of our Mission Share.
The All Church Conference held in December 2014 approved, on faith, a budget that expands our ministries and
community outreach in 2015, as well as addressing some needed upgrades to our facilies. In order to fund the goals
our membership has set, our financial giPs need to connue generously through the rest of the year.
As summer vacaons approach, now is a good me to consider our automac giving opons, so that your offerings are
received even if you can’t a;end worship every week. Online giving is a simple process at We
can also help you set up automac deducons from your bank account. See Melissa Barker in the church office for
more informaon.
The Treasurer and Finance Commi;ee are happy to provide any addional informaon about budget performance data
you need. Just ask Meg Maffi; mwmaffi;@a;.net, or Jim Atwood [email protected].
JOIN US TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015, IN ROOM 101/102
Are you ready to lea rn more about wha t it means to be a member of Heri tage
Uni ted Methodis t Church? Or ma ybe you were not raised as a Uni ted Methodis t
and want to learn more about who Methodists a re and about the history and core
beliefs of this church. If ei ther of these des cribes you, you will want to be sure to
a ;end our next New Member Class .
Chil dca re will be offered free of cha rge if you requi re i t, but you will need to ma ke
a rrangements in adva nce by contacng Susie Bond a t 913-897-6446 or a t susieb@heri
This will also be a grea t me to lea rn about wha t is happening a t Heri tage and to make some important
connecons . Please make reserva ons in advance even i f you do not
requi re childca re so tha t we can provide sufficient handout ma terials and lunch.
Welcome New Heritage Members!
LouAnn & Wade Cunningham with children Lydia (3rd grade) and Will
(preschool). LouAnn has family roots in Virginia and graduated from
Georgia Southern University. She met Wade in Chicago and after getting
married Wade went back to school and got a degree in Mechanical
Engineering. He works for the Army Corps of Engineers. The family has a
dog, 3 cats and a guinea pig.
Mary & Jeri Craig – both are KU grads (Jeri was born in Lawrence). Jeri
also has a law degree from Washburn. Prior to coming to Heritage they lived
in Oklahoma for 30 years. Mary worked there as a food nutritionist and Jeri
in employment placement. They have 3 beautiful grandchildren.
Bob Sayers – grew up in Lincoln NE. He is a respiratory therapist, but
now works in healthcare IT for Dignity Health. They are a west coast
company so he travels a lot to California. Bob is married to Tara and they
have two wonderful children Greyson & Easton. He is a big Husker fan as
well as a Chicago Cubs & Bears fan.
Carmen & Andrew Gleason have been married for 2 ½ years. They met
on Andrew is a Mizzou grad and works for Farmers Insurance.
Carmen is a Central Missouri University graduate and works at DeVry
University. They have a beautiful 12 week old son named Lewis.
Marlo Mohlman and her crew have been attending Heritage for several
years. Marlo is mom to daughter Shale (12 years) and 7 year old triplets:
daughter Vaughn, and sons Jake and Luke. Her children are very active in
sports and that keeps her busy. As does her job as a medical sales
representative for several mid-western states. She also loves to work out
and stay healthy.
The Heritage Herald
Page 5
We meet every other month on the first Thursday.
Here is the schedule for the rest of this year and the book to be discussed:
June 4 - "Sum It Up " - by Pat Summi;
August 6 - "Beaded Hope" - by Cathy Liggi;
October 1 - "Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White" - by Adam Hamilton
For quesons, contact Barbara Douglas at: [email protected]
UMW Dining Night Out Group
The UMW Dining Night Out group will be meeng on June 1 at 6:30 pm at the Longhorn
Steakhouse,16689 W 119th St, Olathe, KS 66061 (near the Bass Pro Store).
For Quesons, contact Marsha Dorrell at: [email protected]
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, June 21
Fa ther's Da y Panca ke Breakfast, fundraiser for Heri ta ge UMW.
Plan now to bring your special guy out for brea kfas t for his special da y, a Per
our 9:00 a .m. outdoor servi ce. You will all love Chris Cakes !!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help: ckets, serving, set-up, clean-up, and who-knowswha t-else. Conta ct Jenni fer Ma gee (913-998-2847, jenmagee10@gmail .com) or
Ka thie Newell (913-327-9021, gri zfans@gmail .com) to sign up to help.
Who is my neighbor? The thirsty man/woman/child/dog that are walking, jogging, or running by
Heritage geZng their daily exercise. At least that is what Russell would have us believe based on
his recent sermon on Jesus’ parable about the Good Samaritan. And for the third summer in a
row we want to be neighborly to them by seZng up a water staon out front. The target date
for starng this ministry is Monday, June 1 st. To make it work most easily we need 30 volunteers
to agree to check on and stock our cooler three mes over the course of the summer – one day
each month (June, July and August).
Based on prior years’ experience this would involve no more than a couple dozen bo;les of
water and a bag of ice each me you have duty. The water and ice can be provided by you or
raided from supplies that will be stored inside the church. Making your visit early in the day would be best, but other
opons could be workable. Please contact John Hall at : 897-3179 or at [email protected] if you want to be one of the
invisible angels parcipang in this outreach or if you have quesons.
Please let me hear from you by May 25 th so we can get this set up. We will send the schedule electronically to all
parcipants to make it easy to arrange trades due to conflicts that arise.
Register for HUMC Vacation Bible School
Join us Monday, June 8th through Thursday, June 11th, 9:309:30-12:00 p.m.
“Celebration” will be Sunday, June 14th during 10:30 worship.
VBS 2015 – G-Force – God’s Love in Action
Children age 4 through 5 th Grade (2014-15 school year) are invited.
The cost is $20. If you have more than one child attending, the maximum cost per family is $30.
Please fill out the following information and return this form to the Children’s Ministries Bulletin Board, church office
(12850 Quivira Rd., Overland Park, KS 66213), or fax to 913-897-4954. Make checks payable to Heritage UMC. Please
register by May 29th.
Child’s name ____________________________ School grade this past year and/or age _______ Gender_____
T-shirt size: Youth
Adult Small
Child’s name ____________________________ School grade this past year and/or age _______ Gender_____
T-shirt size: Youth
Adult Small
Child’s name ____________________________ School grade this past year and/or age _______ Gender_____
T-shirt size: Youth
Adult Small
Child’s name ____________________________ School grade this past year and/or age _______ Gender_____
T-shirt size: Youth
Adult Small
Child’s friends that are attending _______________________________________________________
Parent name ___________________________________ Phone ______________________________
Email _________________________ Emergency contact & phone ___________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________
Known allergies or medical concerns ___________________________________________________
A Participant Release Form will need to be filled out for each child prior to attending VBS.
Please contact me about helping with VBS and/or other H eritage Children’s Ministries .
Volume XXIX
Page 7
Look What’s Happening In Children’s Ministries!!!
Heritage Vaca+on Bible School
“G-Force – God’s Love in Ac+on”
Join us Monday, June 8 – Thursday June 11 from 9:30 to noon
for another amazing Vacaon Bible School. Children age 4 – 5 th
grade (2014-15 school year) are all invited! Bring your friends and be sure to sign up soon – spots are limited! A
registraon form is included with this newsle;er. If you have any quesons please email Susie Bond at
[email protected] .
We also need volunteers to help make it the best Vacaon Bible School ever. Sign-up on the Children’s Ministries
Bullen Board or email Susie Bond.
To help organize our snack donaons for VBS we have set up a Sign-up Genius list. Please use this link if you are able to
donate: h;p:// If you have any quesons please
contact Traci Raney at [email protected] .
Do we have an opportunity for you! If you ever just wanted to see what teaching or helping with Sunday School was like
now is your chance. We like to give our school year teachers a break in the summer, so we need teachers and aides to
help this summer. You can pick the age you want to work with as well as which Sunday or Sundays you would like to
help. We will take care of all of the preparaon and you just come and enjoy the kids! Sign-up is on the Children’s
Ministries Bullen Board!
Sun., May 17 – last Sunday for School Year Sunday School – Faith Development Appreciaon
Sun., May 24 – NO Sunday School
Sun., May 31 – Summer Sunday School begins
If you have any quesons or suggesons for our Children’s Ministries Team don’t hesitate
to contact Susie Bond at [email protected]
Outdoor Worship Service: Sunday, June 21
One service only 9am! Followed by the UMW Pancake
Faith and Family Day at the K: Saturday, July 11th
Tickets on sale soon….
Music Ministries Rummage Sale: July 23– July 25
Accepng donaons starng Sunday July 19
Non-Prof it Org.
US Postage
Olathe, KS
Permit #951
Address Service Requested
Want on or off the mailing lists?
Call 913-897-6446
or email melissab@herit
“Scrip” GiB Cards on Sale
Missions Team Fundraiser
Orders Due: June 14 Pick Up Date: June 21
Order forms available in Hospita lity Hall with comple te lis t of retailers. Drop completed forms and che cks in church office.
Heritage United Methodist Church
Heritage Staff
Pastor, Russell Brown
Music Ministries, Becky Waters
Adult Discipleship and Missions,Cindy Svec
Youth Ministries, Amy Gerend
Children's & New Member Ministries, Susie Bond
Caring Ministries, Kenda Worsfold
Childcare Coordinator, Katie Loper
Preschool Director, Cathy Lancelotta
Office Administrator, Melissa Barker
Office Assistant, Dawn Beck
Sunday Worship Services
Ext. 1
Ext. 5
Ext. 7
[email protected]
becky [email protected]
cindy [email protected]
Ext. 6
Ext. 3
amy [email protected]
[email protected]
Ext. 8
[email protected]
[email protected]
cathy [email protected]
Ext. 4
[email protected]
[email protected]
9:00a.m. and 10: 30a.m.
Children’s & Youth Sunday School
10:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School
Varies by class.
Next Newsletter Deadline
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Heritage Herald
an irregular publication