WEST HESLERTON C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Head: Rachel Wells B.A.(Hons)Q.T.S. NPQH High Street, West Heslerton, Malton, North Yorkshire. YO17 8RD Telephone/Fax:- 01944/728286; E-mail:- [email protected] ; www.westheslertonschool.co.uk “Children are at the centre of all we do.” NEWSLETTER March 20th 2015 THE BIG IDEA We hope you all enjoyed our South American Celebration, the children certainly did! They had so enjoyed the planning and making their masks to show you. Look out for photos in the Gazette! EASTER Easter Service There will be an Easter Service at All Saints church, West Heslerton on Friday, March 27th at 1.30pm. All are welcome to this service led by the children, we hope to see as many of you as possible. Parents will be able to take their children home after the service if they wish. Easter Monday There will be an Easter event at school on Easter Monday, April 6th from 2-4pm. This is organised by Buckrose Carrs and Friends of School. There will be games, activities and egg rolling, come along and enjoy the fun!! Help with games would be appreciated. Please see attached form to be returned on Monday please. FRIENDS Bingo Night - reminder Friends of School are holding a Bingo Night on Monday, March 23rd at the Railway Club, Norton, 7pm for 7.30 start. Please bring cakes into school that morning or to the event. Everyone welcome, come along and have a fun evening! RED NOSE DAY Final total was £100! Amazing, very many thanks. AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS There have been three clubs running after school this term, gymnastics, bible story and multi-skills. The children have enjoyed these and we would like to ask for feedback so as to help with arranging future clubs. Please see the attached form. Summer Term Many parents have been asking us about clubs for the summer term so that other activities e.g. swimming lessons can be booked in. As a result of opportunities rising, we have rescheduled some of our clubs. Dance and martial arts clubs will take place in the autumn term in the hall when the nights get darker and the weather gets cooler. Whilst the summer is here, we have been lucky enough to organise an Orienteering Club for 6 weeks during the summer term. This will fit with our 'Land and Sea Explorers' Topic for the summer term. We hope this lesser-known activity will make the most of our school grounds and the great British summertime! Orienteering Club will take place on Thursdays from 3.30-4.30 and will be open to children from Y1 to Y6. This will start on Thursday 16th April. Further details will be sent home as soon as possible. THE DEEP Next term our topic will be 'Land and Sea Explorers'. To launch the topic we have arranged a visit to The Deep in Hull for all the children. This will take place on Monday, April 2oth and will be a whole day visit. Please see attached letter and consent form which needs to be returned to school on the first th day back, Tuesday, April 14 . If you require this in a different format, please contact the school office. BADGER WOOD AND KEEPER WOOD The children have been absolutely exceptional this week going above and beyond to realise they had rhythm and rhyme with Claudio Kron, a Brazilian musician, percussionist and composer. He came into school and ended the topic on a high with the children. Everyone was really involved throughout the whole topic and really put their all into the 'Big Idea'. Both classes learnt to play many instruments and an authentic Brazilian dance. It was great to experiment with the different instrument and sounds we could make. The children were very quick to pick up the beat and extend it using their instruments. Dancing...well some hidden talents came out! Everyone did a traditional Brazilian dance, yet when allowed to freestyle we added our very own Heslerton stamp to it! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the 2 days with Claudio and did a fantastic job working throughout the topic and in their topic teams towards the Carnival. Well done everyone!! Please feel free to have a look at Claudio's website to learn more about him as an musician and the work he does around the world. http://www.claudiokron.com GOVERNORS We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor at school, please see attached letter. KEEPER WOOD We are asking for any finished with/unwanted/used electrical items that we can take apart for our ‘ Tinkering Table' next half term. Anything from toasters to laptops please. NITS MIDDAY SUPERVISORY ASSISTANTS We have positions in school for midday supervisors. This role involves the supervision of the children during lunch time, both in the dining hall and out in the playground. The hours required are 12 noon to 1pm. If you may be interested or know someone who would be, please enquire further at the school office. ATTACHMENTS Please find attached:- The Deep letter and consent form - Clubs feedback - Parent Governor letter - Friends help request - Club feedback Just a reminder to check your child’s hair regularly for nits, that way we keep the problem under control as far as we are able. There is currently an advert campaign on TV with products available. The NHS Choices website has information regarding head-lice management. The school nurse is able to discuss this with any family struggling with head-lice. She may be contacted via school. JUSTICE Please return any Justice forms by next Friday, thank you. STAMPS We have just sent a further 605g of stamps to the RNIB. Many thanks, keep collecting!! If you require this in a different format, please contact the school office.
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