BURLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL 20 April 2012 Newsletter – Summer 1 Dear Parents Firstly, welcome back after the Easter break. Since we returned to school on Monday I have been unable to spend every morning welcoming you at the gate in the mornings. This is because I am currently working with Mrs Potts supporting Year 6 in their preparations for their Statutory Assessment Tests (SATS) in May. Also, because of this, I will not be able to lead Walk on a Wednesday until the end of May so in the meantime I hope those of you who walk up from the Queens Head will continue to do so. The Year 5 children are being taught by Mrs Smith. During the afternoons the children join back together and return to normal whole class lessons. On Monday, the term started with Years 1 and 2 visiting Minstead Study Centre, in glorious sunshine, as part of their healthy living learning unit. They learnt how to grow their own food, making healthy choices as well as making their own pizzas which they ate for lunch. What a good job the trip was that day and not later on in the week! You will have received a letter this week with your child’s Unique Pupil ID to enable you to pay for trips, clubs and dinners online. After a hiccup with the dinner element everything is now running smoothly. Well done to those parents who have already braved the new system and made payments. If you have any queries please speak to Louise in the office. On Monday 23 April Year R will be visiting Minstead Study Centre as part of their mini beasts learning unit. The children need to arrive at Minstead for 9.30am and be collected at 2.30pm. Celebrating children’s achievements The special weekly values certificate is given to one child from each class who has clearly demonstrated one of our six values: Be the best you can be Uphold truth and honesty Respect everyone Love and care for yourself, others and the world Everyone is equal and included You are unique and special This week the children who have earned this certificate are: Gemma, Ethan, Amelia, Hettie and Georgi. Learners of the Week: congratulations to: Claudia, Scarlett, Troy, Idris, Charlotte, Mia L and India for their fantastic learning this week. Jumpers and Cardigans We have several children who have lost their jumpers/cardigans recently. We would be grateful if you could check to see if you have any jumpers/cardigans that belong to another child at home. Also, now the warmer weather has arrived, it is even more important that the children’s uniform – especially jumpers and cardigans - are clearly named. BPSA Next BPSA meeting Monday 23 April at 9.00am in the staffroom, everyone welcome! Unfortunately our first Car boot sale was a bit of a wash out, but a huge thank you to all those who helped set up and run the day and also to those who donated things for the BPSA stall. We will have another car boot on the Bank Holiday Monday 7 May and we hope that the weather will be a lot kinder to us! The Car Boot will start at 7am for sellers to set up and 9am for buyers. Seller charges are £5 for a car/£10 for commercial sellers. See you there! Any offers of help – even on the day – would be gratefully received. Events happening this term Today we have sent out a document which highlights events for this term and any other dates we already have for the school year so you can put them onto your calendar, diary, ipad and iphone. Teachers’ After School Clubs are as follows: Monday Wednesday Thursday 3.15 - 4.15pm 3.15 - 4.15pm 3.15 - 4.15pm Mr Young Miss McCann Miss Dobson Chess KS2 Running / Athletics Club Eco-Club If your child would like to take part in these teacher clubs please complete and return the slip below. All Coach’s after school clubs will commence next week. If your child would like to take part, there is still time to sign up, please return your form and money to the office on Monday if you have not already done so. On Tuesday 1 May from 3.30 – 5.30pm the New Forest Community Safety Partnership will be at school to provide free cycle marking. Please bring your bikes (child and adult) during this time to have them marked for free. As part of the Get Set Paralympics Games the school has received an allocation of 3 tickets for the Athletics (Paralympic) races on 3 September. The tickets allow access to session PAT07 from 10.00am – 1.15pm at the Olympic Stadium. If you are able to make use of these tickets please complete the slip below and return to the office by Friday 4 May 2012. Once the slips have been returned we will pick one at random. Book People – Michael Morpurgo book set – a stunning set of 16 Michael Morpurgo novels beautifully presented in a collector’s slipcase. If you would like to purchase this book set (please see the notice board for details of the books contained in the offer) please completed the slip below and return it with £15.00 to cover the cost by Tuesday 24 April. The books will be ready for collection by the end of school on Wednesday 25 April. Greener Living Show – Saturday 21 April at Sandy Balls Holiday Centre from 10.00am – 4.00pm. The event if free and will have family friendly activities including food demonstrations throughout the day, children’s storytelling area, bushcraft skills and children’s craft activities. Please see the notice board for further information. On 28 April Bransgore Cricket Club are holding a General Knowledge Quiz night at Bransgore Village Hall. Bar opens at 7.00pm with the quiz starting at 7.30pm. Tables are £10 per team of four. The prize is two bottles of red wine, two bottles of white wine and the prestigious trophy! Please contact Jacque Lay on 01425 673242 to book your table. Previous newsletters can be found on the school website www.burley.hants.sch.uk Yours sincerely Gwynne Kynaston Gwynne Kynaston Headteacher -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teachers’ Clubs My child ………………………….. would like to take part in the following Teachers’ Club Chess Club (Years 3 – 6) Tuesday 3.15 pm - 4.15 pm Running / Athletics Club Wednesday 3.15 – 4.15pm Eco – Club Thursday 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm Signed……………………………. Date……………………………………. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get Set Paralympics Games I would like to be considered for the Athletic Paralympics tickets available for Monday 3 September and understand I may not receive them. Child’s Name ………………………… Signed……………………………. Date……………………………………. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Morpurgo 15 Book Set I would like to purchase the Michael Morpurgo 15 book set from the Book People and enclose £15.00 to cover the cost. Signed……………………………. Date…………………………………….
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