through last Thursday

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At the class website watch the video, then visit the GCFLearnfree website and answer the following questions
Students who are working toward +3 or +4 must answer in full sentences
Computers Simplified
1: What is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or "data." It has the
ability to store, retrieve, and process data.
2: Explain the two basic parts of all computers. Hardware is any part of your computer that has a physical
structure, such as the computer monitor or keyboard. Software is any set of instructions that tells the hardware what
to do. It is what guides the hardware and tells it how to accomplish each task.
3: What was the first electronic computer and when was it developed? The first electronic computer, the
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), was developed in 1946. It took up 1,800 square feet and
weighed 30 tons.
4: List 5 different types of computers and explain what each is used for. 1. Desktop computers are used at
work, home, school, or the library. They can be small, medium, or large in style, and usually sit on a desk. Once you
add a monitor, mouse, and a keyboard, you have what is typically known as a desktop computer. 2. Laptops are
battery or AC-powered personal computers that are more portable than desktop computers, allowing you to use
them almost anywhere. 3. A server is a computer that "serves up" information to other computers on a network. 4.
Tablet Computers: These use a touch-sensitive screen for typing and navigation. Since they don't require a
keyboard or mouse, tablet computers are even more portable than laptops. 5. Mobile Phones: Many mobile phones
can do a lot of things a computer can do, such as browsing the internet or playing games. These phones are often
called smartphones.
5: Describe to two different “styles” of computers?
PC: This type of computer began with the original IBM PC
that was introduced in 1981. Mac: The Macintosh computer was introduced in 1984, and it was the first widely sold
personal computer with a Graphical User Interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey). All Macs are made by one
company, Apple Inc., and they almost always use the Mac OS X operating system.
The Operating System
6: Explain what the Operating System does?!!The Operating System manages the computer's memory, processes,
and all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to
speak the computer's "language." Without an operating system, a computer is useless
7: List three common operating systems.
The three most common operating systems for personal computers
are Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux.
8: Explain what a GUI lets you do? Modern operating systems use a Graphical User Interface, or GUI
(pronounced "gooey"). A GUI lets you use your mouse to click on icons, buttons, and menus, and everything is
clearly displayed on the screen using a combination of graphics and text.
9: Why is the operating system for a desktop of laptop computer different from the operating system for
a mobile device?
Operating Systems for mobile devices generally aren't as fully-featured as those made for
desktop or laptop computers, and they aren't able to run all of the same software. However, you can still do a lot of
things with them, such as watching movies, browsing the internet, managing your calendar, playing games, and
At the class website watch the video, then visit the GCFLearnfree website and answer the following questions
Students who are working toward +3 or +4 must answer in full sentences
At the class website watch the video, then visit the GCFLearnfree website and answer the following questions
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Students who are working toward +3 or +4 must answer in full sentences
Page 3
Applications or Apps
10: What is an application?!!An application (or app) is a type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks.
11. Describe three different apps. A word processor allows you to write a letter, design a flyer, and create many
other kinds of documents; A web browser is the tool that you use to access the World Wide Web; Gadgets:
Sometimes called widgets, these are simple applications that you can place on your desktop (or on the Dashboard
if you're using a Mac)
12. Explain why you must be cautious when downloading an application.
Use caution when downloading software, as it can contain viruses or other malware
13. Explain two different ways to open a file
Find the file on your computer, and double click it.
Open the application, then use the application to open the file.
14. What does an extension tell you about a file?
The extension tells you what the files format is.
15. How does the cost of mobile apps compare with desktop and laptop computers?
Compared to traditional applications, mobile apps are relatively cheap.
Web Apps and the Cloud
16. Specifically, what is the Cloud? Basically, the cloud is the internet - more specifically, it's all of the things
that you can access remotely over the internet. When something is in the cloud, that means it is stored on
servers on the internet, instead of on your computer. It lets you access your calendar, email, files and more, from
any computer that has an internet connection.
17. Explain why you might want to use the cloud. I might use it for Photos & Video access, documents,
music and media library, email, apps, calendar, backup and storage.
18. List two Web Apps. Two web apps are Dropbox and Google Mail
19. Basically, how does a Web App work?
You use the web browser (Safari, Firefox) to access the
website of whatever Web Service you want to use from your internet connected computer. The
company has lots of computers (servers) working together to provide whatever service you want like
email, Facebook, and Google Docs.
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Computer Basics – Basic Parts of a Desktop Computer
20. Describe the 5 basic parts of a computer and explain the important roll that they play? ( label each
section a,b,c,d,e)
a. computer case: The metal and plastic box that contains the main components of the computer.
b. monitor: Works with a video card, located inside the computer case, to display images and text on the screen.
c. keyboard: One of the primary ways we communicate with the computer and enter data.
d. mouse: A peripheral that is known as a pointing device. It lets you point to objects on the screen, click on
them, and move them.
e. power cord: The link between the power outlet and the power supply unit.
21. What does LED mean and what does it do better than a LCD display?
LED means light-emitting diode. LED displays are actually LCD displays that are backlit with light-emitting diodes.
This allows for greater contrast than a traditional LCD display.
22. Numbering 1 – 11 Describe the parts of a keyboard.
1. Escape (Esc) key allows you to stop a function or action; 2. Function Keys are used by programs as shortcuts for
common tasks; 3. Print Screen allows you to take a picture of the screen, Scroll Lock and Pause/Break are not
really used much; 4. Tab creates indents; 5. Control (ctrl) Alternate (alt) Shift work with other keys to do a specific
task; 6. Alphanumeric are letters and numbers; 7. Backspace erases the character to the left of the cursor. 8. Enter
key carries out commands; 9. Cursor control keys: delete erases, insert switches mode, home/end, Page up/Page
Down move the cursor accordingly. 10. Arrow keys used for moving the cursor. 11. Numeric keypad used for typing
23. Describe two alternatives to using a mouse.
A trackball has a ball on top that can rotate freely. A touchpad (also called a trackpad) is a touch-sensitive pad that lets you
control the pointer by making a "drawing" motion with your finger.
Computer Basics – Buttons, Sockets and Slots on a Desktop Computer
24. Describe the 4 basic parts of a computer that are often found on the front of a computer
a. Optical Disc Drive: Let your computer read CDs and DVDs
b. Power Button: The power button is used to power the computer on and off.
c. Audio In/Audio Out: Allow you to easily connect speakers, microphones and headsets,
d. USB (Universal Serial Bus) Port: Used to connect almost any type of device
25. Describe the 6 basic parts of a computer that are often found on the back of a computer
1. Power Socket: Where you'll connect the power cord to the computer.
2. Audio In/Audio Out: Connect various devices, including speakers, microphones, headsets
3. Ethernet Port: Use this port for networking and also connecting to the internet
4. USB Ports Use to connect your mouse and keyboard to your computer.
5. Monitor Port: Where you connect your monitor cable.
6. Expansion Slots: To add extra features to your computer
26. Describe the 5 other Peripherals You Can Use with Your Computer.
1. Printers: A printer is used to print documents, photos, or anything else that appears on your screen.
2. Speakers/Headphones: Speakers and headphones are output devices, which means that they are
devices that communicate information from the computer to the user.
3. Microphones: A microphone is a type of input device, or a device that receives information from a user.
4. Web Cameras: A web camera, or webcam, is a type of input device that can record videos or take
5. Digital Cameras: A digital camera lets you capture a picture or video in digital form.
Joystick or Game Controller: A joystick is a lever that is used to control computer games.
Mobile Phones, MP3 Players, Tablet Computers and Other Devices: When you buy an electronic device such as a mobile
phone or mp3 player, check to see if it comes with a USB cable.
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Computer Basics – Inside a Desktop Computer
27. Explain what each of the following are and describe each:
CPU/Processor: The CPU is sometimes called the brain of the computer, and its job is to carry out
Motherboard (circuit board, logic board) The motherboard is the computer's main circuit board. It's
Power Supply The power supply unit in a computer converts the power from the wall outlet to the type
RAM (Random Access Memory) RAM is your system's short-term memory. This short-term memory
Hard Drive The hard drive is the data center of the computer. This is where the software is installed,
and it's also where your documents and other files are stored. Most hard drives are hard disk drives,
which store data on a magnetic platter. Some computers now use solid-state drives
Expansion Cards Expansion Cards are used to boost the performance of your computer or update the
commands. The CPU is generally a 2-inch ceramic square with a silicon chip located inside. The chip is
usually about the size of a thumbnail.
a thin plate that holds the CPU, memory, connectors for the hard drive and optical drives and expansion
of power needed by the computer. It is generally a metal box with wires on one side and an outlet on the
disappears when the computer is turned off. RAM is measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB).
The more RAM you have, the more things your computer can do at the same time. RAM looks like a chip
that would fit in a slot.
28. Compare and Contrast Magnetic Hard Drives and Solid State Storage Solid-state drives (also called
flash hard drives) are faster and more durable than hard disk drives, but they are also more expensive.
29. Describe the steps that allow you to view information about your computer's RAM and processor
speed without opening up your computer. With Windows, just go to the Control Panel (in the Start menu) and
click System and Security. In Mac OS X, you can view this information by clicking the Apple icon and selecting
About This Mac.
Computer Basics – Computer Safety and Maintenance
30. Explain what to do if liquid is spilled on your keyboard: If you spill liquid on the keyboard, quickly shut
down the computer, and disconnect and turn the keyboard upside down to allow the liquid to drain.
31. What can you do to avoid overheating of your computer? Don't restrict the airflow around your
computer to keep if from overheating.
32. Define what Malware is and give examples. Malware is any type of software that is designed to damage
your computer or gain unauthorized access to your personal information. It includes viruses, worms, Trojan
horses, spyware, and other types.
33. How do you avoid malware? The best way to guard against malware is to install antivirus software.
34. Why would you want to backup your data and what are two different ways to do it? Backup to keep
from loosing important documents, photos, or other files. Two ways to backup your data are external hard drives
and online backup services.
35. What are some tips to avoid injury in your workspace? To avoid injury you could: Adjust your chair,
keep the keyboard at a comfortable height, keep the mouse close to the keyboard, place the monitor at
a comfortable distance, avoid clutter and take frequent breaks.
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Computer Basics – Basic Troubleshooting Techniques
36. Describe 4 tips for finding the solution to a computer problem?
37. If a program is working slowly or not working right, what are some techniques to try?
38. Describe what to do with a Mac and a PC if a program is not responding (unresponsive)?
39. If the power button is not starting you computer, what are some of the possible solutions?
40. What does it mean if you get a “non system disk” or “disk error” message?
41. If a Windows computer freezes on shut down, what should you try?
42. If there is no picture on the monitor, what should you try?
43. If there is no sound, what should you check?
44. If you have not found a solution to your problem, what might you try?
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