May 31, 2015 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON Most Holy Trinity 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 May 31, 2015 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 Daily Mass Monday–Saturday 8:00 a.m. Saturday, May 30 Sir 51:12cd-20/Mk 11:27-33 8:00 Steven Sasenick-2nd Anniversary 4:00 Hazel Silveira Sunday, May 31 Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20 7:30 For the People of the Parish 9:00 Rosa Inacio & Family 10:30 Carmine Roca-1st Anniversary Monday, June 1 Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8/Mk 12:1-12 8:00 Maria Costa Tuesday, June 2 Tb 2:9-14/Mk 12:13-17 8:00 Nel Hickerson Linda Petrizi Wednesday, June 3 Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a/Mk 12:18-27 8:00 Bridget Gardner Thursday, June 4 Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a/Mk 12:28-34 8:00 Jacqueline Weber Friday, June 5 Tb 11:5-17/Mk 12:35-37 8:00 Jose Inacio Manuel Inacio Most Holy Trinity PARISH INFORMATION THE PARISH OFFICES ARE LOCATED AT THE PARISH CENTER, 438 MIDDLEBORO AVENUE, EAST TAUNTON. The Office Hours are as follows: Mon–Fri 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Parish Center: 508-824-5707 Rectory: 508-824-5665 FAX NUMBER -508-822-2915 WEB SITE- PASTOR—Rev. Kevin A, Cook [email protected] Visiting Priest— Fr. Dave Marcham [email protected] DEACON-Deacon John Fitzpatrick (Retired) [email protected] DEACON— Deacon Robert Craig DIR. OF FAITH FORMATION— Karen Coughlin 508-824-3578 [email protected] DIR. OF MUSIC MINISTRIES —JR Pimentel [email protected] ORGANIST— Mary C. Anderson SACRISTAN— Rose Davis RECTORY ASSISTANT—Margaret Mulvey MAINTENANCE— Steve Woolson & Dave LeClair SECRETARY—Tracey Desmarais [email protected]. PARISH ACTIVITIES: St. Vincent De Paul Society– 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Knight’s of Columbus– 1st Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. All Catholic men are welcome to attend. Blood Pressure Screenings– 2nd full weekend of each month except July and August. Men of Holy Family - meet every Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center to discuss different aspects of living one's faith and prayer life. HOLY FAMILY VOCATION PRAYER CROSS THE ROSARY is prayed in the Church Mon.-Sat. 7:35 a.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION is held every Mon.-Fri. from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 pm in Parish Center. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is by appointment . Parents must contact the Priest or Deacon for an appointment. VISITATION AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK. We are pleased to anoint and/or bring Communion to any parishioner who cannot participate at Mass for reasons of illness or age . Please contact us. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY. Those parishioners wishing to marry at Holy Family must contact the Priest or Deacon AT LEAST EIGHT MONTHS before the date of the wedding. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday’s - 3:00-3:50 p.m.; Tuesday 5:45-6:45 p.m. or by appointment. Is being taken home this week by Rose Davis and next week by Tom & Toni Quinn . Please join them in praying for vocations to the Priesthood, diaconate and religious life. Please submit bulletin announcements to: [email protected] Prior to Sunday evening Saturday, June 6 Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20/Mk 12:38-44 8:00 Joseph & Silvia Rico 4:00 Timothy Michael Cable-5th Anniversary Sunday, June 7 Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 7:30 For the People of the Parish 9:00 The Bulcao Family Richard LaBelle 10:30 David Pluster-3rd Anniversary 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 May 31, 2015 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON Most Holy Trinity FIRST FRIDAY This Friday, June 5th, is the first Friday of the month and we will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the church from 8:30 – a.m. to 7:45 p.m. We will conclude with Benediction at 7:45pm. I hope everyone is able to make some time for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament sometime that day. CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION In one week we will celebrate Corpus Christi Sunday (June 7th), a celebration which dates back hundreds of years in the Church. We will have the Eucharistic Procession immediately after the 10:30 am Mass so many people can take part in it. When Mass concludes we will expose the Blessed Sacrament, sing some songs in honor of Our Lord, and process outside the front door and around the parking lot. Along the way there will be four stations outside where we will stop for some brief prayers and adoration. We would like to have a family take responsibility for each station (it consists of a table, a white cloth covering it, flowers, and glass candles). We will for the intentions of that particular family at that station along with the other prayers we are doing at each station. If you are interested in being responsible for setting up a particular spot please contact Fr. Kevin. The procession and Benediction at the end should take approximately 40-45 minutes. It would be wonderful to have a large group to pray and honor our Lord in this most extraordinary way that he remains and nourishes us. For those who want to join us for the procession but are going to a different Mass they should plan on being here at 11:30. Those who are at the 10:30 that do not plan on staying for the Procession would be able to leave when Mass has concluded. If the weather is bad we will do the prayers in the church after Mass and process around the inside of the church like we do on Holy Thursday. The length of the procession and Benediction should be approximately 30-40 minutes. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Next week, June 6th and 7th, Corpus Christi Sunday, we will reinstate all those who are extraordinary ministers of holy communion at all the Masses. If you cannot be here next weekend please let Fr. Kevin know and he will reinstate you at a separate time. NEED COVERAGE FOR ADORATION We are in need of coverage for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays from 8-8:30 pm., Monday from 6-7 pm and Wednesdays from 4-5p.m. Please let Fr. Kevin or Tracey Desmarais know if you are able and willing to help. 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 May 31, 2015 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON ANNOUNCEMENTS PRO-LIFE BOOT CAMP The Pro-Life Apostolate for the Diocese of Fall River will be hosting their Fifth Annual Pro-Life Boot Camp at Stonehill College from July 17-19, 2015. It is open to all high school students from incoming freshmen to seniors. The cost is $210 for the weekend but the parish can give some financial aid for those who are interested. Please contact Karen if you are interested. FOOD PANTRY Next weekend is the first weekend of the month and the St. Vincent DePaul Society will be collecting canned and dry goods for our food pantry. Simply drop any new items in the bins in the entranceways of the church. Thank you for your help. Most Holy Trinity PRAYER INTENTIONS Gloria Shaffer Sister Anita Marie The Souls in Purgatory James Ennis Jean Nigloschy Filomena Goncalves Jim and Adeline Marques Beverly Grenier Jose Inacio Kevin Carroll Ann Carvalho Christopher Burns Damien Davis & Family Deb Dooley Chad Larivee Robert Peter Guay Erica Mercier Brian Robens Honorio Figueira Michelle Silliker Sylvia Wetherall Beth Fournier Taylor Nigloschy Stephanie DeMello Madalena Gomes Lima Wesley Flinn Mike Ahearn Theresa Hebert Maria Inacio John Pelligrini Claire Costa Tricia Medeiros Roberta Cambra Richard Lapointe Jack Mitchell Lori Hippert Freddie Correia Charles Browning Jean Poole Maria Jose Correia Orlando Correia Sheila Sullivan Michelle Beauregard Mary Bourque LOOKING TO CLEAR YOUR HOUSE AND GARAGE OF USED ITEMS? THE ANNUAL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS YARD SALE is coming soon (June 6th from 9:00-5:00 in the basement of the Church). You can drop off items for the yard sale in the basement of the Church entering through the side door of the Church. The only items we ask to NOT drop off are TV’s, monitors, and computers. Thanks! COMMON CORE CONCERNS PRESENTATION We are all invited to meet Dr. Peg Luksik, a nationally-regarded champion for parental rights, local and teacher control in education, on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Baptist Temple Church, 700 North Eastern Ave., Fall River. She will discuss her deep concerns about Common Core, the newly developed federal education system that has serious implications for all our students K-12. Her presentation is especially helpful for parents who are trying to figure out changes they are observing in what and how their children are being taught, and parents who are concerned about all the time invested in testing rather than teaching. She speaks about Common Core as a parent herself, an educator in the fields of special and elementary education, an author, and a deeply-committed advocate. ST. MARY’S SCHOOL PLAY You are cordially invited to attend a wonderful school theater production! It will be performed at the McCarty Performing Arts Center at Coyle & Cassidy High School and Middle School Division! St. Mary's Primary School proudly presents "Peter Pan Thursday, June 4th and Friday, June 5th at 7:00 PM. Please call the each school (Coyle 508-823-6164 and St. Mary’s 508-822-9480) for more information. TAUNTON CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Coyle and Cassidy High School and Middle School Division is accepted applications for Grades 6-12. Apply now at . 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 May 31, 2015 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON Most Holy Trinity POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II CLUB (FORMERLY THE YACHT CLUB) The Pope St. John Paul II Club is open for all those who have a canoe or kayak. It is a wonderful time for a little exercise, being out in the beauty of God’s creation, and getting to know other parishioners. We will be going out this Sunday, May 31st , leaving from the church parking lot at 1:30 p.m. The destination has not been set yet but hope you can join us. THE BL. PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI CLUB In two weeks the Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati Club will be gathering for any parishioners and friends who would like to go for a light hike. Our hike will be on Sunday, June 14th at Massasoit State Park in East Taunton and we will meet at the park at 2:00 p.m. CATHOLIC CHARITIES nd As of May 22 , we have received a total of $19,002 in donations and pledges. Last year, we ended the Appeal with $33,515 in donations. The Appeal ends June 30 at 4pm. Many of the diocesan apostolates are dependent on the Charity Appeal so please bring to your prayer and generous consideration how you may be able to assist with the Appeal. As we know many are struggling to meet their daily needs so every little bit helps. Thanks to all those who have already given. QUO VADIS DAYS This summer, July 6th – 10th, the Office for Vocations will be hosting their annual Quo Vadis Days Retreat for boys entering high school to those entering college. The purpose of the Quo Vadis is to bring young men together from around the diocese to spend time in growing in their faith, learning more about discernment of one’s vocation, learning about the priesthood, and building friendships with other young men who see their faith as something very important to them. Each day we have Mass, times for prayer, sports, etc. We also have a day when we go mountain hiking. It is a great experience! If interested please notify Fr. Kevin for the details. MISSION TRIP TO GUIAMACA, HONDURAS Anyone who is interested in taking part in the mission to Honduras this year is welcome to join parishioners of Holy Family. They will be going this year from October 17th – 24th. This is a very powerful experience. The primary requirements for service at the mission are to desire to serve and give yourself for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Honduras. The cost of the trip should cost approx. $300 and the flight should cost additionally approx. $640. You need to be flexible, willing to work, and in reasonably good health. If you are interested, please contact Joe Vincent at (508-824-1956). SPECIAL EVENT IN HONOR OF SERVANT OF GOD PATRICK PEYTON In recognition of the 23rd Anniversary of the death of Fr. Patrick Peyton, there will be at Rosary, Eucharistic Procession, and Mass with Bishop daCunha on Saturday, June 6th beginning with the rosary at 3:00pm at the Grotto on Stonehill College Campus in North Easton. Any recent first communicants are invited to join the bishop and priests in the procession (if interested in your first communicant being in it contact Rosemary Chaves at 508-238-4095 ext. 2041). Mass will be in St. Joseph’s Chapel (500 Washington St., North Easton) and a reception following at The Father Peyton Center (518 Washington St.). 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 May 31, 2015 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON Most Holy Trinity 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 STON BO H SAINT JO Y M S SE INAR N’ Learning from Within the Heart of the Church The Theological Institute for the New Evangelization Saint John’s Seminary Master of Arts in Ministry and Master of Theological Studies Location: 149 Washington Street, Brighton 2015 Summer Courses • Auditors Welcome Session I: May 27-July 29, Wednesday Evenings (3 credits) Wed. 6:00-9:00 pm Basic Truths of the Catholic Faith, Rev. Paul E. Ritt (MAM Core) Wed. 6:00-9:00 pm Introductory Latin, Dr. M. Kakavas (Elective) Session II: May 26-July 9 (2 credit electives) Tues. 6:00-9:00 pm T he “Terrible Beauty” of the Prophecy of Jeremiah, Prof. Celia Sirois Tues. 6:00-9:00 pm R eligious Education & the Impact of the Second Vatican Council, Prof. Susan Kay Wed. 6:00-9:00 pm Spirituality for Ministry, Rev. George P. Evans Wed. 6:00-9:00 pm Theology of Love: Being, Incarnation, and Contrariety, Dr. David Franks Thurs. 6:00-9:00 pm C hallenging the Landscape of Loss: Spiritual and Psychological Insights for Bereavement, Rev. Terence Curley Thurs. 6:00-9:00 pm Women, Sex, and the Church, Dr. Angela Franks E O G N R A H C Seventh Annual June Biblical Seminar The Family in the Bible Prof. Celia Sirois, Mondays, June 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2015 ~ 7-9 pm Register for courses or the Biblical Seminar at or Contact info: 617-779-4104, ext.1 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising
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