Log in USERNAME by using your first, last initial and the last 6 digits of your SS# PASSWORD– your birthday must be entered as mm-dd-yy (must use dashes between mo, day and year) THE FIRST TIME YOU LOG IN YOU WILL SEE A CRITICAL NOTICE—FILL OUT YOUR INFORMATION AND CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD AND USERNAME. You may click on the tab or the highlighted/underlined words. This is what your screen will look like. Again, you may use the tabs across the top of the page or use the bullets. If you know the title or are looking for an area, search here. Scroll to the bottom of the screen—click Search Now. This is the listing of all PD titles related to reading/lang. Arts. To view schedule—click here. You will get this Security Alert. click Yes. A second security alert: click OK. This alert will state: You are about to view pages over a secure connection. Any information you exchange with this site cannot be viewed by anyone else on the Web. You will also see the details of the session. If you are interested— click Enroll Now This will give you all of the info. about the session you want to attend. Not sure at the present When you have enrolled this screen will come up to confirm your interest. Click yes if you want to enroll. After you click yes, you will have successfully enrolled. This session will be placed on the calendar for your reminder and on the opening page of your log-in. This is also a way to look at sessions offered. At the top of this screen you would click on calendar view to see sessions in calendar form. This is another way to view sessions by calendar. Other systems will also have sessions listed. We have listed all of our sessions beginning with Haleyville for ease in locating sessions. THE PROGRAM WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO SIGN UP FOR SESSIONS OFFERED BY OTHER SYSTEMS! If you would like to suggest a session topic— click on this tab and you will see this screen. Answer the questions and submit by clicking on the SUBMIT NOW button located at the bottom of the screen. Click HOME, then My Sessions and the calendar will show your sessions. Click My History to show your pending and completed history. In My PDP Plan Click– create a new PD Plan. Then you can create your PDP on this site. The security alerts you have seen on previous screens will need to be checked to continue with the PDP Plan When you click Home—you will see that you are currently enrolled in 1 session. Sessions that have been completed will not show on this page. After you enroll you will receive an email confirming that your enrollment is complete. This does not mean that you have been approved to attend. You MUST continue to complete the Professional Leave/Stipend Request form. Upon completion of your participation in the PD activity you will be given credit for the activity. When you attend activities that are not in our Comprehensive Professional Development and want to request these hours, you must provide proof of attendance before the activity will be considered. Click on My History to enter session, class, course not listed in Haleyville Comprehensive Prof Dev Plan. Next click on submit new training …approval. Then click on the drop down box for the type of activity, such as workshop. To enter the training date choose the month, day and year for the workshop. Then you will enter the name, any notes and the hours that you will actually be in the workshop, course, etc. When all information is complete click on the ADD button.
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