Reinhard Zeiler General Manager ON-BLOCK GmbH, Austria Highlights on ORAT Highlights on ORAT 1 2 3 4 How did ORAT become so important? ORAT Project Management – a most important tool How long should ORAT take and how much ORAT is necessary? Thoughts for the future on ORAT How did ORAT become so important? Things went wrong – More and more sophisticated airport technology and systems led to the integration of systems becoming more and more complex How did ORAT become so important? Putting all the components together ORAT How did ORAT become so important? Putting parts together and interconnecting them Construction Airport Stakeholder New Facilities & New Systems Human Resources & Information Familiarisation of Stakeholders Specific Training Material Human Resources & New Facilities New Systems & Information . ORAT Project Management - a most important tool Main tasks of ORAT ORAT Project Management – a most important tool main tasks of ORAT + sub tasks ORAT Project Management Example: Sao Paulo, Guarulhos GRU Airport ORAT Project Management Example: Sao Paulo, Guarulhos GRU Airport T 3 ORAT Executive Steering Group ORAT Strategic Advisor ON-BLOCK Manager ORAT TPS 3 GRU Airport GRU Construction Coordination T3 ORAT Project Team meeting General Manager EC Harris Trials Manager ON-BLOCK/Fraport Terminal Trials Manager ON-BLOCK/Fraport Terminal Trials Coordinator ON-BLOCK/Fraport ORAT “One Team” Technical Manager EC Harris Terminal & Utilities Working EC Harris IT Working Group Leader EC Harris Baggage Working Group ECH Harris Landside Working Group EC Harris Stakeholder & Relocation EC Harris Airside Working Group EC Harris ORAT Project Management Example: Sao Paulo, Guarulhos GRU Airport- Simple but effective August 2013 How long should ORAT take and how much ORAT is necessary? ORAT Planning Phase Development of ORAT Manual Development of ORAT Schedule Development of ORAT Budget 3 to 9 months Preparation of the internal stakeholders ORAT Program development Phase I In addition: Preparation of the external stakeholders ORAT Program Execution phase ORAT Program development Phase II 9 to 24 months Execution of Trial Operation Execution of Relocation 4 to 6 months How long should ORAT take? Length and tasks of ORAT need to be tailored for each project • If ORAT starts late (1 year before opening), the only way forward is to make the available facilities and systems work as good as possible • If ORAT comes in earlier (approx. 3 years before opening) it can support – Developing concepts with end-users – Supporting writing of SOP’s – Supporting functional – and integration test script development – Using separate dedicated Trials to verify specific system functionalities and integration data flow and functions Thoughts for the future on ORAT To be discussed : • To devide ORAT in Phase I and in Phase II • Present ORAT is Phase II ORAT • Phase I ORAT should be involved in the design specification • How to do this? The Problem: “Making something operational ready” “Which is basically not 100 % feasible to operate in the first place” Contact ON-BLOCK GmbH, Austria Contact ON-BLOCK GmbH : • • • [email protected] Phone: +43 676 5576278 FAX: +43 3127 28527 in a partnership with
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