HNJ SPECIAL EVENT & MEETING PLANNING GUIDE CPP-1011 Communication Policy & Procedures In an effort to effectively communicate all of the wonderful work and activities each ministry is doing at HNJ, we are asking that before any event is booked and any communication sent (bulletin, website, email blasts, mailings, etc.) that all information be first channeled through the appropriate staff director so that it can be approved before it is submitted for publication etc. Once approved your staff director will forward to [email protected] where it will be dispersed to appropriate persons. Thank you for your support in making our ministries and communications a success! The following are all of our onsite publicity outlets and the proper procedures for each: 1) Atrium/Banners: Groups can set-up informational tables & banners in the Atrium to publicize an event, to sell tickets, etc. Space and tables are limited, please plan ahead and make requests at least one week in advance. Please note: Tables and Banner usage may be requested by using the Atrium Table Request form. A 6-foot table and 2 chairs will be reserved for you under the covered area in the Atrium. Tables must NOT be moved from where they have been placed under the covered area. Banners may ONLY be hung from the table or behind on the windows (please see available hooks). The size of the banner will not exceed 45”w. Item will be removed if it does not comply. Flyers may NOT be handed out directly to people as they enter or leave the Church. Approval is subject to space availability. You will be notified once approved. The Parish Information Kiosk is also available each weekend in the Atrium for smaller appeals. Groups that are not affiliated with the Parish or Diocese MAY NOT solicit. All items must be removed after the Sunday 5:00 pm Mass—we are not responsible for materials beyond this time. 2) Bulletin: Please write copy and submit to your staff director who will approve and send to [email protected] no later than 5:00 pm on the Thursday, 10 days prior to the desired date of publication. Editing is at the discretion of the editor. If submitting photos, please send JPEG .jpeg image(s). 3) Church Video Screen: If a group is interested in publicizing an event on the video screens in Church before Mass, prior approval is required. Please contact Peggy Smith at 773-2783, x141, [email protected]. Please be aware that in an effort to allow private time for prayer before Mass, videos should be no longer then 2-3 minutes. Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 3050 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic, FL 32903, 321-773-2783 25 HNJ SPECIAL EVENT & MEETING PLANNING GUIDE 4) Electronic Road Sign: The electronic road sign is updated once a week on Monday mornings -please write and submit copy by the previous Friday. Please note: message must be parish community-based—NO small group or meeting/or appeal to specific audience will be posted. Please submit to Sara Thompson, [email protected]. 5) Emails: Parishioners who have permitted HNJ the use of their email addresses for parish communications receive occasional email notifications of large parish/school events. If you would like your event considered for an email blast please submit to your staff director who will approve and forward to [email protected]. Image can be no larger than 3 MB — no .pdf’s, only .jpeg. 6) Mailings: Mass Mailings: In an effort to avoid overwhelming our parishioners with too much information at one time or during the year, all mailings using the HNJ database, logo, volunteer mailing team etc., require prior approval. Please email your mailing specifics to your staff director. Once reviewed and approved, a direct mail schedule will be developed and shared with all parties involved. Smaller Mailing: If you are appealing to a smaller ministry/group(s) but still are planning to use the HNJ logo and database please notify your staff director to avoid any complications. 7) Signage (posters, flyers etc.): HNJ has five bulletin board locations (1-reception area, 1-outside of Life Center Hall, 2-either side of doors to Life Center across from church, and 1-outside community room). Poster/flyer size should not exceed 11”x17”. Please submit 5 copies to Sara Thompson and they will be posted 2weeks prior to the event. Please note: Taping/posting of signs on doors, windows or front desk WILL NOT be allowed. All bulletin boards will be cleared at the 1st of each month or removed after event date(s). Community bulletin board (outside of Community Room)—can be used for posting for outside community events, items for sale, jobs, rentals, etc. 8) Social Networking: As you know, more and more of our parishioners are turning to technology for church information through websites, Facebook, email blasts, etc. The Diocese developed a Social Networking Policy to help parishes understand how we can best use these communication tools while protecting the church, our employees, parishioners and especially our youth. The site, http:// states that the intent of the communication policy is that we give witness to the Good News in such a way that we create a safe environment for all vulnerable populations, which is open, transparent and involves the parents/guardians of the young people as partners. Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 3050 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic, FL 32903, 321-773-2783 26 HNJ SPECIAL EVENT & MEETING PLANNING GUIDE Facebook: Transparency is the key in this area. Diocesan Policy states, “Do not allow anyone other than an administrator to post content on the Wall in Facebook”. The “official” Facebook page we all should be using is “Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community Indialantic”. If you know of someone who wants to be added as a friend to this page or you want something from your ministry posted, email [email protected]. Other HNJ Facebook groups: As employees, parish or school representatives, please do not post official information regarding HNJ in other Facebook pages. While these groups provide great personal sharing, we are not administrators of these personal groups and cannot monitor them for other content or comments to your posts. Instead, please invite our parishioners to join the “Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community Indialantic” group or visit our website for current events and to view our newly added prayer corner. 9) Speakers before Mass: Speakers are on an exception basis only and need prior approval from Worship and Fr. Tony. Please contact Fr. Tony at 321-773-2783, x130, [email protected] for approval. 10) Website: Please write copy and submit to your staff director who will approve and send to [email protected], 3-days prior to requested publication (one-week for more extensive copy or a registration form). Otherwise, event/news will be updated based on the Bulletin. Submit edits for existing copy anytime. If submitting image(s), please send in JPEG (.jpg), GIF (.gif) or PNG (.png) file formats. Audio files should be in mp3 format. 11) White Roadside Billboard: The billboard can be used for parish events appealing not only to parishioners but to the community-at-large. Sign will be posted 2-weeks to one-month prior to event. The following tentative schedule indicates what/when planned annual event signage will be posted, therefore, please request approval from Business Director before going to the expense of creating sign(s). Once created (dimensions: 8’x4’) please deliver to Sara Thompson for posting. Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 3050 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic, FL 32903, 321-773-2783 27 HNJ SPECIAL EVENT & MEETING PLANNING GUIDE HNJ SCHOOL ONLY 1) Homeroom Mom Network: Typically for school use only. Info to be submitted in complete verbiage format, attn: Home Room Coordinator, at [email protected]. 2) School E-news and Newsletters: Typically for school use only. Submit information, including .jpg to School Office, 321-773-1630. 3) White School-loop Billboard: The billboard can be used for school events appealing not only to parishioners but to the community-at-large. Sign will be posted 2-weeks to one-month prior to event. The following tentative schedule indicates what/when planned annual event signage will be posted, therefore, please request approval from School Office before going to the expense of creating sign(s). Once created (dimensions: 8’x4’) please deliver to the School Office. Please note: School is allowed to sell their board ONLY. Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 3050 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic, FL 32903, 321-773-2783 28
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