DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 WHO WE ARE . . . WHO WE STRIVE TO BE MASS INTENTIONS FOR COMING WEEK PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the parish of Christ Our Redeemer, are called to love God, act as stewards of Christ and trust in the Lord to nurture our faith through His Presence in the Eucharist.” FAITH FORMATION Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation & Eucharist Must attend minimum of 75% of BOTH Religion Classes & Sacramental Prep Cases Call Parish Office at 897-7797 for more information PARISH VISION STATEMENT: “Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Parish is: An open, diverse and vibrant Christ-centered family, inspired by the Holy Spirit to nurture and share our faith through celebration of the Eucharist, prayer, education, outreach and community.” CONSECRATED TO: the Immaculate Heart of Mary December 9, 2013 CHRIST OUR REDEEMER CATHOLIC EDUCATION Religious Education:! Sun: 8:45-10:00 a.m. Lisa Hall:!! ! Youth Ministry:! Carmen Marshall-Claude & Dalane Fox: Youth Ministry:! 897-7797 Wed: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Carmen Marshall-Claude:! 897-7797 Sacramental Catechesis: Check Bulletin or Call Lisa Hall:!! ! 897-7797 Rite of Christian Initiation: Mon.: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Deacon Jim Murray:! 974-1033 Bible Study:! Deacon Bill Schaal: Sun.: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. 897-3949 Michele McCormick: Tue.: 9:30-11:00 a.m. 897-2372 Sue Marco: Mon.: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 897-5609 Ignatian Exercises: Wed.: 9:10-11:30 a.m. Maurie Ockerman:! 897-1463 CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP Donut Brigade: ! Sun: after 7:30 & 10:30 Masses Donna & Ron Quinn:! 897-2342 Welcome Committee: ! Sun: 1st Wkend at all Masses Colleen Miller:! 678-2116 Single-Divorced-Widowed: Sun: 4th Wkend after 10:30 Mass Barbara Vanderbeek:! 897-6551 Monday Morning Coffee: Mon.: 9:10 a.m. til Playgroup-4-Kids-&-Moms: Tue.: 9:30-11:00 a.m. Sarah Dieterich:! 897-3795 CATHOLIC OUTREACH & FELLOWSHIP Knights of Columbus: ! Andy Balding:! Council of Catholic Women: Nancy Morris:! Priscilla Circle: ! Rebecca Coley:! Young Adult Ministry: ! Adam Ubowski:! Thu.: 1st Wk of Month 496-0439 Fri.: 1st Wk of Month 897-4648 Wed.: 3rd Wk of Month 618-409-6850 Tue.: 2nd Wk of Month 897-7797 CATHOLIC OUTREACH Elder Outreach: ! St. Vincent de Paul:! KoC Outreach (Elderly): Habitat for Humanity: ! Sharon Hargreaves Patty Harp Ron Rabiansky Nitsi Bennett 279-6337! 897-5887 897-3493 315-0025 Beth McDonald Maurie Ockerman Pam Deloach Annette North Michele McCormick 897-0549 897-1463 897-3413 897-3783 897-2372 CATHOLIC ENRICHMENT Prayer Line: ! Charismatic Renewal:! Communion & Liberation: Cursillo:! Respect Life: CATHOLIC LITURGY Music: ! Adam Ubowski Eucharistic Ministers of H.C. Deacon Nolla Lectors & Altar Svrs:! Tom Toltzien Altar Svrs: !! Deacon Murray: Sacristans: Patty Harp Ushers / Greeters:! Adolph Fejfar Art & Environment:! Michele McCormick ! Carmen Marshall-Claude 897-7797! 897-6885 897-5789 974-1033 897-5887 897-2586 897-2372 678-9372 COUNCILS & COMMITTEES Pastoral: ! Finance:! Faith Engaged: Jeanette Schaal Adam Dieterich: Pat Brennan: S A C R A M E N T 897-7797 Wed: 5:30-7:30 p.m. 897-3949! 897-3795 897-1163 FYI: If you are interested in participating in any of the above Ministries or Organizations to become part of our “Faith Engaged” parish family, please call the point of contact and they can then give you their e-mail address to communicate. SATURDAY: NOVEMBER 8 Vigil of Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 5:30 P.M. ~ Michelle LaVecchia ✝ I SUNDAY: NOVEMBER 9 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:30 A.M. ~ People of God 10:30 A.M. ~ Military Veterans SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Prior to setting a Baptism date for your child, please call the parish office to register for the required preparation class and to complete necessary paperwork. One of the godparents must be baptized, confirmed & a practicing Catholic who is sixteen years of age or older. Baptisms at Christ Our Redeemer are usually scheduled during Mass the fourth weekend of the month. MONDAY: NOVEMBER 10 St. Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church 8:30 A.M. ~ Mass of Remembrance ✝ TUESDAY: NOVEMBER 11 St. Martin of Tours. bishop “Veterans’ Day” 8:30 A.M. ~ For the U.S.A. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with the pastor. Arrangements must be made SIX MONTHS in ADVANCE of anticipated Wedding Date. Registration for and the completion of the marriage preparation program are required. WEDNESDAY: NOVEMBER 12 St. Josaphat, bishop & martyr 8:30 A.M. ~ Andrew & Virginia Rabiansky ✝ N F O R M SACRAMENT OF THE SICK A T Anointing . . . . . . . . . I Upon Request by calling the Parish Office Parishioners who are facing surgery or O N struggling with serious illness may request this THURSDAY: NOVEMBER 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin 8:30 A.M. ~ Cesar Castillo ✝ & Jonathan Wilson ✝ FRIDAY: NOVEMBER 14 Weekday 8:30 A.M. ~ Communion Service sacrament. READINGS FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY: NOVEMBER 15 Vigil of Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 P.M. ~ Margaret “Peggy” Dean ✝ 9 November 2014 thru 16 November 2014 Sunday: ! Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 ! ! Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Monday: ! Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: ! Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; ! Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: ! Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: ! 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; ! Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: ! 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: ! Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; ! ! 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] CELEBRATE FAITH 2015: “HEARTS ON FIRE” Seating limited! Register today for this Jan. 24th diocesan event: held at the Emerald Coast Convention Center, Okaloosa Island. Cost: $20 per individual/$50 per family. SUNDAY: NOVEMBER 16 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 A.M. ~ People of God 10:30 A.M. ~ Nancy Lopes ✝ PRAISE ✠ WORSHIP ✠ ADORATION PLUS RECONCILIATION NO RSVP NECESSARY FOR ADORATION OUR LORD IS WAITING FOR YOU! TUESDAY: NOVEMBER 11TH FROM 7:00 P.M. UNTIL 9:00 P.M. 6:00 p.m. ~ free dinner in the Parish Hall for the Young Adults. Please R.S.V.P. for dinner to Adam Ubowski at [email protected] AT The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other peoples. —Leo Tolstoy Parish “Prayer Line” Requests . . . ► ► ►For Prayer Requests Call: BETH McDONALD at 897-0549 DEPLOYED MILITARY: Joseph Nolla ~ Colleen & Robin Murray - David Juarez ♢ (Missions: Molly McCormick) Jim Doty - Wolfgang & Gertrude Geiberger - Rosa & Arthur Culver - Kevyn - Regina Joyce - Becky Sobel Nancy Duke - Mary Frances Fuller - Guy Jordan - Edward Jarzabek - James Whitmarsh - Bill Pezdirtz Marcie Norris - Bernice Huyser - Beverly Wheat - Carletta Aberle - Sonya - Carmen Sasso - Matthew Kimbel Jose Antonio Lefran - Kathy Murphy - Jacob Doing - Drew Barfield - Ginger Quinn - Kathy Foley - Hugo Mary Lou Alvadj - Gwen & Donna Young - Elaine & Mary Hildenbrand - Ashley Jackson - Jeanne Tanguay Sheila Miner - Frank Procta - Harry Kinzler - Kevin Gallager - Matthew Packard - Sam Poppell - Lisa Lewis Shirley Ocker - Marty Manny - Paul Robinson - Caitlin Gross - Tori - Diane Wileaver - Dave Owens - Goretti Kearney Family - Bob Alhouse - Shirley Flagg - Kelly Walther - Adolph Fejfar - Erika Campbel - Tiffany Grace Koechel - Baby Leighton - Margaret Starr - Godecki Family - David Hartline - Linda Battles Frank Cole - Nancy Kirk ✔ ✔ IF YOU OR YOUR LOVED ONE IS HOSPITALIZED & would like Father Bob to visit, please call the Parish Office and let us know. Father Bob wants to provide you pastoral care but he must be told that you want and need him to visit. DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 First Annual at Christ Our Redeemer All of our families who have experienced the loss of loved ones are held in our hearts and in our prayers. A Mass of Remembrance will be held this Monday, November 10th, at 8:30 a.m. Is for you and your family. After Mass (9:10 / 9:15 a.m.) a breakfast reception will convene in the Hall. Please be part of this special celebration if you can make the time to do so. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SINGING FOR MIDNIGHT MASS? First rehearsal will be Wednesday night, Nov. 12th at 6:45 pm. Music Director, Adam Ubowski, at: [email protected] and join in singing praise to the newborn king! APPRECIATION & GRATITUDE Many, many THANKS to all of the sponsors, golfers and volunteers who made the 3rd Annual COR Golf Fundraiser such a HUGE success. God blessed us with a beautiful day of sunshine and great golf. The day couldn't have happened without each of you. We raised over $9500 to go toward facility improvements. You can check out all the pictures on the parish website at: We are looking forward to doing it again in 2015!! Thanks again for your participation. Treasures for Our Lord ~ 2 NOVEMBER 2014 To our visitors & our members, thank you for your generosity . . . Weekend&Office donations for operating Parish $16,393.45 On-Line Donations $1,157.00 Total Received $17,550.45 PLAYGROUP AT COR EVERY TUESDAY MORNING 9:30 - 11AM IN THE OUR LADY ROOM OF THE PARISH HALL We are moms supporting each other through faith and prayer. The children enjoy playing amongst each other while the moms get to know each other. Some guided studies, support, and other community activities will be planned. Contact: Sarah Dietrich at 897-3795 or at [email protected] THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON 23rd Sunday, Nov. at 11:45 a.m. ~ the Thanksgiving Luncheon for the "Wiser Generation" will be held. Please R.S.V.P. by going to: and clicking on the link. You may also call the Parish Office at 897-7797 Monday thru Thursday from 9:15 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. to tell us if you will be able to attend. If the phone is busy or it’s after hours, just leave a message on the answering machine. The youth are looking forward to "Serving" you! CONGRATULATIONS To the new members of our Pastoral Council Mark Adams Doug Blandford Don Carpenter who will serve as Vice-Chairman and Lenny Smales who will serve as Secretary Thanks to Michael Veth and Chuck Galati for their years of service KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 13527 INFORMATION ▶ CALENDAR ITEMS: Nov 9th - Veterans’ Mass at 10:30 - Vets in Uniform /4th Degree Regalia Nov 11th - Veterans’ Day at Doolittle Park in Valparaiso @ 11 a.m. Nov 14th - BINGO at HNJ ~ 6 p.m. Nov 20th - Executive Committee at COR ~ 7 p.m. Nov 21st - BINGO at HNJ ~ 6 p.m. Nov 28th - BINGO at HNJ ~ 6 p.m. ▶ IT’S A GREAT DAY TO BE A KNIGHT . . . Contact Grand Knight Andy Balding at 496-0439 today & ask about joining the Knights of Council 13527 at COR. ▶ KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS . . . Christmas cards & magnets on sale after weekend Masses throughout month of November GET YOUR TICKETS AFTER ALL MASSES NOVEMBER 29TH - 30TH Parking “Closer to Christ” will be for the months of December 2014 and January 2015 PARISH DIRECTORIES DISTRIBUTION DAYS November 15th & 16th Make-Up Weekend December 13th & 14th Will be available in the Narthex after each Mass from the Committee Members DEADLINE FOR NEXT WEEKEND’S BULLETIN Monday, November 3rd at 12:00 noon: [email protected] VICTIMS OF ABUSE: The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is committed to healing. Louis M. Makarowski Ph.D.; P.A. at 850-477-7181 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Christ Our Redeemer Council of Catholic Women BAKE SALE at front of Parish Hall after 5:30 p.m. MASS Saturday ~ Nov. 15th ~ 2014 Sunday ~ November 16th ~ 2014 after EACH MASS 7:30 a.m. MASS and 10:30 a.m. MASS Calling ALL Cooks !!! BAKED GOODS NEEDED !!! Pies ~ Cookies ~ Cakes ~ Breads Baked Goods will be Accepted on the South Side of Christ Our Redeemer Parish Hall Right Side of Building as you drive on to property Saturday, November 15th From 12 noon until 4:00 p.m. at the Kitchen Door More Information Needed Call: Chris Warsheski at 897-2117 Proceeds support the charitable programs of CCW DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 MAY YOUR KINGDOM COME, BUT NOT YET Written by: Ron Rolheiser, O.M.I. September 1, 2014 - Used with Permission A FRIEND OF MINE likes to humor about his struggles in growing up. When I was in my twenties, he quips, I felt that by the time I was forty I would have grown-up enough to let go of my bad habits. But, when I turned forty, I gave myself an extra ten years, promising myself that by age fifty, I’d have conquered these habits. Well, now I’m my fifties and I’ve promised myself that by age sixty, I’ll be more mature and more serious about the deeper things in life. MOST OF US, if we are honest, have a similar story. We’re well intentioned, but we keep pushing the things we need to change in our lives off into the future: Yes, I need to do this, but I’m not ready yet. I want more time. Sometime in the future I’ll do this. THAT’S A NEAR-UNIVERSAL SENTIMENT, and for good reason. The tension we experience between our desire to grow-up and our perennial procrastination and infinite stalling in doing that, reflects in fact a tension that lies at the heart of Jesus’ message, a tension between God’s promises as being already here and God’s promises as still coming. Simply put: Everything Jesus promised is already here and everything Jesus promised is still coming. We’re already living the new, resurrected life, even as we’re waiting for it still to come. What lies inside this paradox? BIBLICAL SCHOLARS AND THEOLOGIANS tell us that everything Jesus came to bring us (the Reign of God, the Kingdom of God, the New Age, the Final Age, the reign of justice on this earth, new life, the resurrection, eternal life, heaven) is already here, except that it’s also still coming. It’s here now, but not fully; a present reality, but in tension. And it’s still coming, in its fullness; still to arrive, in ecstasy. It’s already here and it’s still to be realized. For instance, when Jesus says that he has come to bring us new life, he is not talking simply about our future our lives in heaven; he is also talking about our lives here, already now. The new life is already here, he assures us. Heaven has already begun. JESUS PREACHED THIS very clearly and the problem was not that his hearers didn’t understand him. They understood; but, almost universally, they resisted that message. Much as they yearned for God’s Kingdom to be already here, like my friend who keeps asking for another ten years to get his life in order, they preferred to push things into the future. Having God become concrete in their lives was far too threatening. Gerhard Lohfink, the renowned Biblical scholar, aptly articulates both the resistance that Jesus’ hearers had to this part of his message and the reason for that resistance: “Jesus’ hearers prefer to push everything off into the future, and the story comes to no good end. The reign of God announced by Jesus is not accepted. The ‘today’ offered by God is denied. And that, that alone, is why ‘already’ becomes ‘not yet’. …. It is not only in Nazareth that the ‘today’ of the Gospel was not accepted. Later also, in the course of the church’s history, it has again and again been denied or rendered toothless. The reason was the same as in Nazareth: apparently it goes against the human grain for God to become concrete in our lives. Then people’s desires and favorite notions are in danger, and so are their ideas about time. It can’t be today, because that would mean that our lives have to change today already. Therefore it can lie, hygienically and snugly packed, at rest, inconsequential.” I SUSPECT THAT ALL OF US can relate to that: It’s very threatening to have God become “concrete” in our lives, as opposed to God simply being a reality that will one day become very real. Because if God is “concrete” already now that means that our worlds have to change now and we have to stop pushing things into the indefinite future. This isn’t so much a fault in faith as it is a procrastination, a stalling, wanting of a little more time before we need to get serious. We’re like the guests in the Gospel parable who are invited to wedding banquet. We too want to go to the feast, intend to go to the feast; but, first, we need to attend to our marriages, our businesses, our ambitions. We can get serious later. There’s time. We fully intend to take Jesus seriously; it’s just that we want a little more time before we do that. WE ARE ALL, I suspect, familiar with St. Augustine’s infamous prayer. After converting to Christianity at age twenty-five, he struggled for another nine years to bring his sexuality into harmony with his faith. During those nine years, he prayed this way: Lord, make me a chaste Christian … but not yet! TO HIS CREDIT, unlike many of us, at least eventually he stopped pushing things into the indefinite future.
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