GROUP VISITS RISK ASSESSMENT Introduction: this Risk Assessment is designed to cover groups visiting the Holkham Estate which currently covers Holkham Park, Holkham Hall, the Walled Garden and Holkham Beach (NNR at Wells and at Holkham). It does not cover transport of groups to site, residential accommodation or activities outside of the Education Programme such as lake activities, cycling, consumption of food or drink and the use of golf buggies. It covers visits from Holkham’s stance and it is expected that groups undertake their own Risk Assessment after attending a complimentary pre-visit. Copies of this Risk Assessment and any activity specific ones e.g. Forest Schools are made available to visiting teachers for reference before their visit. We set out Roles & Responsibilities of visiting groups and Holkham which we share with group leaders on their booking to highlight amongst other things, the expectations we have. For example, we expect visiting group leaders to be away of any medical conditions or Special Educational Needs (SEN) of participants and have the appropriate medication and permission to administer for the individuals concerned e.g. inhalers for asthma. SEN requirements are also requested on booking so activities can be tailored to suit the needs of the individuals. Notes on risk assessment and classification This risk assessment has been prepared following a visit to the premises and from the information seen, requested and supplied. It has been set out in “sections” that are easy to read and to follow. The risk has been classified as being either: Low Moderate High Very High Risk is a calculation between the probability of an accident happening & the consequences of the accident occurring e.g. cutting ones finger whilst opening an envelope is more likely to occur than say laceration from a chainsaw; however, the consequences of each accident are obviously different and so result in the use of chainsaw having a higher risk classification. Coke Estates Ltd - Group Visits Risk assessment as required by the Management of Health & Safety Regulations 1999 Activity Hazard Who Risk Level Participating in outdoor sessions Extreme Weather, Exposure, Exhaustion All (students, supervising adults & staff) Low Participating in outdoor sessions Extreme heat, Sunburn All Moderate Precautions already in place All participants and staff to be suitably dressed for weather conditions. Staff to ensure clothing is adequate and suitable breaks to be taken. First aid kit contains foil blanket if required. All participants and staff to wear sun hats. Supervising adults to make sure sun cream / Further action required or taken Clothing monitored for suitability. Activity Hazard Who Risk Level Woodland & lake activities Diseases and irritation from soil bacteria, contact with deer faeces, infections through cuts and wounds, water borne diseases e.g. E Coli, Legionnaires Disease & Blue Green Algae All Low Walking around site/disembarking coach Injury from vehicles All and coach driver Low Walking around Slips and trips All Low Precautions already in place hats available for participants to use. Supervising adults responsible for the application of sun cream on participants according to their guidelines. Shaded areas will be used where possible and activities will not be held underneath the direct midday sun. Staff to ensure clothing is adequate, fluids are consumed and suitable breaks to be taken. Education Staff monitor activity programme and weather conditions. All participants to wash their hands thoroughly before taking breaks, refreshments and at end of sessions. Site checked for hazards prior to use. Pond dipping not undertaken if lake has blooms of blue green algae. Staff first aid trained and have access to first aid kits. Staff to monitor and reinforce when required. Landscape team responsible for displaying relevant warning signs if blue green algae is considered harmful. All participants are supervised whilst on Holkham Estate. Participants are briefed regarding vehicle movements including golf buggies when crossing the road and school procedures followed. Coaches to drop off at designated points only. Teachers to supervise walking to woodland play area following the route behind the car park fencing. Staff to brief and supervise participants if they need to walk on or cross over the road. Speed limit enforced in park. Pedestrian footpath marked on driveway to be used if ground is unsuitable to be walked on. Participants disembark coach at Wells in dedicated area when safe to do so. All participants requested to walk around the Further action required or taken Activity Hazard park, NNR, Hall, Walled Gardens & Education Room Falling over Uneven terrain Walking around park/woodland activities (inc NNR) Injury by debris falling from trees Injury from low hanging branches/foliage Who All Risk Level Low Precautions already in place Hall & Walled Garden. Visitors warned of uneven nature of floor when entering areas e.g. kitchen. Where possible rugs have been secured to the floor. Wet floor signs put out to warn of potential hazard in inclement conditions. The Hall and Education Room are inspected for hazards prior to opening daily. Steps with a potential to be a hazard are highlighted to participants & how to use them appropriately instructed. Teachers encouraged to undertake free pre-visit to site to conduct their own risk assessments. Teachers to advise Education Staff if individuals in group have SEN or limited mobility. Group encouraged to wear sensible footwear for relevant activity and encouraged to look where they are walking e.g. young children in the woods Landscaping department responsible for ensuring all relevant checks are made to ensure safe use of site. Long term tree management plan in place. No groups to be present when remedial work such as tree surgery is undertaken. Conservation Manager aware of sites used on NNR & Landscape Manager aware of sites used in Park - any remedial work required is undertaken. Low hanging braches/foliage removed prior to using site. Holkham staff make participants aware of potential hazard in safety briefing. Education Officer to monitor weather conditions and if winds deemed to high alternative activities/sites will be used. Participants instructed not to put anything in their mouth during the session. Holkham staff Further action required or taken Activity Hazard Who Risk Level Ingestion of or contact with poisonous berries/leaves/fruit/fungi Walking around park/participating in outdoor activities Walking around park/participating in outdoor activities (inc NNR) Visiting Hall or Education Room Tick bites and associated infections All Low Stings from bees, wasps and other insects and associated allergic reactions All Low Adder bite All Low Fire/Electrocution All Low Precautions already in place aware of poisonous plants/fungi and in the unlikely instance of ingestion a sample will be made available to take to the hospital. High supervision ratios and awareness of SEN reduces the possibility of individuals picking and ingesting harmful items. Wearing of long sleeves and trousers reduces the possibility of irritation on contact. Participants to wear long trousers covering their legs when walking in long grass. Where possible trousers should be tucked into socks. These are natural inhabitants of the Park & Walled Garden and pose no risk unless provoked. Teaching staff must be aware of any children allergic to specific stings if stung. All Holkham Education staff are first aid trained and have access to first aid kit. Radio system or mobile phone to be used to call an ambulance if required. Pest control contract in place covering whole site including internal buildings. Holkham staff aware of adders and how to identify them. Participants instructed not to touch any reptile which is reinforced by supervising adults. Fire alarms, extinguishers, blankets and smoke detectors in situ. Fire evacuation plan in place and staff aware of their roles. Fire exits and escape routes clearly labelled. Emergency lighting throughout buildings. Visitors to be made aware what to do if the fire alarm sounds. All portable electrical items to be PAT tested and fixed wiring tested by qualified electricians. All indoor areas are strictly no smoking. See Fire Action in Holkham’s Health Further action required or taken Activity Hazard Who Risk Level Visiting Holkham Estate Missing persons All Low Participating on Adventure Playground equipment Lake walk/pond dipping/viewing at Salts Hole & Abraham’s Bosom, Wells Slips, trips and falls All participating on equipment All Moderate Drowning Low Precautions already in place & Safety Manual for further details. Electricity sockets have child safety plugs and radiators covered with guards. Group leaders to stay with and supervise group at all times. Participants made aware of importance of staying with group and what to do if they become separated from the group. High adult to children ratios are maintained. Group leader aware of Missing Persons Procedure. Head counts undertaken regularly throughout the visit especially when moving room or location. Boundaries set in specific areas using either landmarks e.g. groynes on the beach or using flags tied onto trees in woods. Holkham staff made aware of any SEN which may increase the likelihood of participants wanting to leave the group supervising adults utilised to prevent this from occurring. All students must be supervised by accompanying adults when using playground equipment. Playground regularly inspected by ROSPA. Participants to remain a minimum of 1 metre from the lake edge. During pond dipping a clear boundary or safe area is designated for participants to remain in whilst they are not on the dipping platform. Dipping/accessing water only to be undertaken whilst supervised at the dipping platform. Supervision ratios dependent on age and ability of group. Appropriate equipment used which is in good condition. Participants aware of location of life saving rings & throw line. Education staff trained in first aid, have access to first aid kits and carry mobile phone/radio for Further action required or taken See Playground Risk Assessment & Advisory Guidance for further information. Activity Hazard Who Risk Level Walking around park Injury caused by livestock, wild & domestic animals All Low Beach activities Drowning All Low Beach activities Cuts/grazes/weaver fish stings All Medium All participating Low Craft activities Cuts, reaction to inks, ingestion of materials Date Assessed: January 2013 Assessor: Sue Penlington (Education Officer) Precautions already in place communications. Holkham Education staff to undertake dynamic risk assessment before activity takes place and discusses any concerns with supervising adults. Participants to remain on pre-approved route/area and exercise caution if conflict with livestock is imminent. Animal husbandry only carried out when park is closed to group visits. Only well behaved dogs on leads are allowed on Holkham Estate and NNR. These animals are only to be approached at the discretion of the supervising adult & on permission of the owner. Minimum disturbance as possible is applied to nesting birds etc. Education Staff liaise with Game Keeper when deer are in rutting season and will communicate with groups accordingly. No individual is to enter the sea at any times. Groups to stay at least 5 metres away from the sea edge. Education team familiar with the coastal environment and aware of tide times. No groups to access mud flats or sand banks. Safety briefing given at start of session. Supervising adults to enforce throughout. Note: RNLI lifeguards patrol the beach during peak season. All participants must wear footwear throughout visit. Handling of shells undertaken with care. No participant is to climb on sea defences e.g. wooden groynes. Participants supervised by adults at all times. Safety scissors and non-toxic inks/paints used. Date Reviewed: April 2015 Reviewer: Sue Penlington (Education Officer) Date Of Next Review: January 2016 Further action required or taken
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