Holy Family Parish Easter Sunday HOLY FAMILY PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: Holy Family Parish is a community empowered through the Holy Spirit to promote the Kingdom of God and to extend Christ’s presence among us. This vision will be realized with our loving acceptance of all people, through heartfelt openness, parish and family unity, and Spirit led involvement. Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Senior Priest: Deacon: School Principal: Business Manager: DRE: Music Minister: Sacristan: Rev. Joseph Tobias, MSC Rev. Joseph Kanimea, MSC Rev. Walter J. Downs, MSC Deacon Frank Danyi, Parish Ministry Mrs. Christine Bruce Mrs. Trish Scherr Mrs. Donna Ely Mrs. Rose Laurito Mrs. Francine Niemira Mailing Address: Website Address: 23 Forest Drive, Nazareth PA 18064 www.holyfamilyparish.myownparish.com TELEPHONES (Area Code 610) Rectory/Parish Office (23 Forest Dr.) PREP, Adult & Youth Religious Formation Notre Dame High School 759-0870 759-2623 868-1431 (3417 Church Rd., Easton, 18045) HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL (Pre-K through 8th Grade) Holy Family Parish School (17 N. Convent Ave.) 759-5642 Website: www.holyfamilynazareth.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/HolyFamily-School-of-Nazareth-PA08142259223670 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: Youth Mass: Lenten Weekdays: Holydays: 8:30am and Vigil Mass 5:00pm 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00am 2nd & 4th Sunday at 5pm (Monday-Friday) 7am & 8:30am Vigil Mass 7:00 pm 7:00 & 9:00 am and 7:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Wednesday: 9:00 am Saturday: 9:00 am; 4:00 to 4:45 pm Also, by appointment BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday, by 12 noon, in writing. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office when someone becomes seriously ill or is admitted to the hospital. We also celebrate a Communal Anointing of the Sick in the spring hosted by the Golden Agers and in the fall at an 11:00 Sunday Mass. BAPTISMAL PREPARATIONS Baptism is celebrated on the Third Sunday of the month following the 11:00 Mass. Parents should contact the Parish Office to make an appointment. Parents and Godparents are required to meet for an enrichment class, held in the Wortmann Center, on the First Sunday of each month at 12:30. A Godparent/Sponsor must be a registered, practicing Catholic and must receive a sponsor eligibility form from their parish. MARRIAGE Sacrament preparation includes attending a Pre-Cana Conference and meetings with a priest. Ordinarily the period of preparation requires a minimum of six months. Weddings are celebrated on Fridays at 4pm or on Saturdays at 11:00 am or 2:00 pm. PARISH MEMBERSHIP Please register at the Parish Office. Only registered and practicing Catholics in good standing can receive Certificates of Eligibility to act as Sponsor or Godparent for the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Religious education for Parish children attending Public School Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 4:30 and 6:15. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every First Friday of the month beginning after the 8:30AM mass and ending with benediction at 5PM. Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator Wendy S. Krisak (800) 791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator Sr. Meg Cole, SSJ (610) 332-0442 ext. 19 For more information regarding the Diocesan Safe Environment Program please visit: www.allentowndiocese.org Administered by Missionaries of the Sacred Heart www.misacor-usa.org Holy Family Church Nazareth, Pennsylvania FIRST READING: ACTOS OF THE APOSTLES 10:34A, 37-43 SECOND READING: COLOSSIANS 3:1-4 GOSPEL READING: JOHN 20:1-9 HE HAS RISEN FOR ALL TIME! It was after the funeral of old Mr. Belser, and Jack and his mother went back to Mr. Belser’s house for one last look. "Wow! I have great memories of Mr. Belser. He's the one who taught me carpentry; I wouldn't have this business today if it weren't for him.” “Yes,” his mother agreed. “After your father died, he stepped in to be sure you’d have a man in your life.” His neighbor’s house was exactly as Jack remembered. Every picture, every piece of furniture…except...“Wait,” Jack stopped suddenly…."Where is his old gold box, he always kept on his desk? He would only ever tell me, it contained the thing he valued most. Now I guess I’ll never know what that was.” About two weeks later, a small package arrived in the mail, addressed to Jack. He tore it open, and his hands began to shake. “Upon my death, please forward to Jack Bennett.” As Jack opened the small gold box, his heart was pounding. Inside was a beautiful gold pocket watch. Jack unlatched the cover and read the words engraved: "Dear Jack, Thanks for your time! Harold Belser." Jack felt tears in his eyes. "I was just a kid. He was busy, he must have had more important things to do. I can’t believe the thing he valued most was...my time.” The Easter miracle can be quietly re-lived, time and again, by us—whenever we give the precious gift of time—really, the only gift we have to give to others. A joyful Easter, everyone! Oh, and—thanks for your time. EASTER BLESSINGS EASTER declares that the power of the RESURRECTION is ours. We either know about the Risen Lord or we know the Risen Lord. Have you heard Him clearly enough to call Him "Master"? Have you heard Him clearly enough to recognize His presence in every act of love? We can never be suspicious and doubtful of the possibility of sharing EASTER JOY. May the love of the Risen Savior overwhelm you with peace and happiness! Your Parish Priests, Parish Office Staff and School Office Staff pray that the blessings and grace of this Holy season be with you and your loved ones. HAPPY EASTER! Stewardship Thought Alleluia! Christ is Risen and is victorious over sin and death! We are good stewards of our faith if, like St. Paul, we share the good news whenever and wherever we can. Due to the early printing deadline of this bulletin, the Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday collection amounts will be printed next week. Easter Sunday~The Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 OUR APPRECIATION FOR YOUR HOLY WEEK SPIRIT! Easter is such a wondrous event that we have fifty days to celebrate and personally experience the Alleluia that is our resurrection. The Liturgy Committee and Music Ministry spent many hours helping us to celebrate Holy Week and Easter Sunday so well. We are very grateful to so many of you who volunteer and make our parish a warm and welcoming community. Many thanks to our liturgy committee, sacristans, musicians, cantors, lectors, Eucharistic Minsters, church cleaners, ushers and altar servers for so much dedication. We applaud each one of you for helping make our Eucharistic celebrations so meaningful! RCIA...THEIR JOURNEY CONTINUES At the celebration of the Easter Vigil we welcomed Logan Bonser who was fully initiated into the Catholic Faith with the reception of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Our candidates, Stephen Papcsy, Lori Rizzotto, Nicholas Rizzotto received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. On Pentecost, candidates Anne DiFrancesco, Kelli Holbert, Silvia Mancini and Petrizio Perrone, will receive the sacrament of Confirmation at the Cathedral. We welcome them as full members of our parish and as fellow Christians on their continuing journey of faith. This is a special time for them as they join us in full participation in our faith. Welcome them and keep them in your prayers. QUO-VADIS and FIAT DAYS The Office of Voca ons is sponsoring a unique five day event that is a cross between summer camp and a religious retreat for young men and women from 9th - 12th grades (14-18 yrs. old). It is designed to give them the opportunity to think about a voca on to the priesthood/sisterhood, the religious life, or married life. This provides opportunies rooted in prayer, catechesis, evangeliza on and mentoring, while offering an invita on to young men and women to discern. FOR GIRLS: FIAT DAYS—T«Ã: "W» ã« WÊÙ½ ó®ã« JÊù" Sun., July 19 - Thurs., July 23 at DeSales University. FOR BOYS: QçÊ V®Ý—T«Ã: "Qç® QçÙ®ã®Ý?” W«ã Ù ùÊç ½ÊÊ»®Ä¦ ¥ÊÙ? JÊ«Ä 1:38 Sun., July 28 - Thurs., August 1 at DeSales University. FEES: $100 Registra on & program fee due July 6, 2015; Scholarships available. Includes: Meals provided by DeSales Dining Services, t-shirt, backpack, water bo le and other materials. The Family Fully Alive was a Great Success! On March 22nd, in accordance with the Allentown Diocese, Holy Family hosted a wonderful program: “The Family Fully Alive”. This event was one of many events being held throughout the Diocese which will lead up to “The World Meeting of Families” in Philadelphia this September. Individual families gathered as members of the family of the Diocese of Allentown to celebrate together. The event served up faith and fellowship “family-style” as families enjoyed a day of faith, food & fun. The gift of family was celebrated. The day included prayer, activities & a family meal. Volunteers demonstrated the making of palm crosses while families participated. An interactive narrative of the Parable of the Prodigal Son was performed by individuals selected at random. Games encouraged interaction among families. Our guest speaker, Sr. Margaret Rose Adams, IHM, said it best: “How appropriate to come to Holy Family in Nazareth in order to celebrate the family.” Some of the thoughts of the evening had families pondering on these questions: ∗ What does it mean to be a family fully alive? ∗ What things in your life distract you from Jesus? What would help you become more familiar with him? ∗ Can you think of a time when God’s love helped you to love in a more honest and better way? The Diocesan website is full of all types of information regarding The World Meeting of Families. Please refer to it often as it is updated frequently. Another Local World Meeting Diocesan Event: ~Sent to Love~ A Symposium on the Family with Dr. Mary Beth Yount July 13th from 7-8:30 PM at the Bethlehem Catholic High School Auditorium. This is a FREE event. For more info. email: [email protected] World Meeting of Families March Monthly Theme Marriage is meant to be fertile and welcome new life. Children shape the future, just as they are shaped in their families. Without children, there can be no future. Children reared with love and guidance are the foundation for a loving future. Wounded children portend a wounded future. Families are the bedrock for all larger communities. Families are domestic churches, places where parents help children discover that God loves them and has a plan for each child’s life. The World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015 Official Prayer God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL NEWS Monday, 4/6: School resumes. Wednesday, 4/8: Class & Club photos; wear uniform. Student Council Meeting until 3:30 Thursday, 4/9: Report cards issued. Spring Band Concert & Art Show beginning at 6:30. Friday, 4/10: K-4 school mass. What’s New at Holy Family School? Mrs. Bussman – 4A News Fourth grade has been very busy so far this year. We enjoy using our interactive Smart Board for every subject. This year we have started using a new science curriculum and it is helping to expand our knowledge of the world around us. We have extra computer laboratory time to use the computer program First in Math, which will help keep our fact skills sharp! First in Math and other fun online games are used during computer lab time and at home. 4A is currently learning about the Ten Commandments in Religion class. Our focus is to understand the meaning behind each Commandments and how they still apply to our world today. Fourth grade is the year to learn about the human body. God has created an amazing body, which stores so many incredible details inside of it. One fact that we have learned, is that our human body creates about twenty-four billion new cells every day! It is just amazing what God has created. Fourth grade is also involved in the Science Fair every April. We have so many great ideas every year, so I am thankful that I am not a judge! In math, we just started a unit on fractions. Fractions are our friends and we do not forget to put them in simplest form. Our Reading story this past week was about how even students can take care of our planet, Earth. Through our reading we learned that even we may be young, we will be able to create a world that is healthy and safe for everyone to enjoy for many years to come. This story also ties into our Science curriculum. We are very lucky and blessed to have the chance to learn about all of these wonderful things. The technology that we are able to use to enhance our lessons in also a blessing. Most importantly to have the chance to learn about the amazing things our Lord has done for us is truly the best part of our days in fourth grade! Books Written by Fr. Joseph Muller, MSC Fr. Muller has several new books he has published. They are available in the Parish Office during business hours and range between $5 and $7. Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, April 6th 8:30 AM Easter Novena Villani & Horinko Families Sarah Hall by Pete & Cherry MSC Mass Leonard Bello by Eva & Andy Kunz Tuesday, April 7th 8:30 AM Easter Novena Mr. John S. Yany by Wife & Family Joan Anastasi by Skip & Donna Lalonde MSC Masses Marie Maurek (Anniversary of Death) by Family Betty Deutsch by Holy Family Golden Agers The Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry is hosting a Spring Theology on Tap Speaker Series, “Catholics in Contemporary Culture” throughout April. This series is open to young adults (ages 21-35) and will be held on the four Mondays in April from 7-9PM at Bethlehem Brew Works (569 Main Street, Bethlehem). The first in the 4- part Theology on Tap Speaker Series for young adults will be held on Monday, April 6th. George Winne, Chaplain, Lafayette College, will speak on “Spiritual but Not Religious: The Rise of the Nones”. For more information, visit: www.allentowndiocese.org/oyyam or contact OYYAM at [email protected]. MEN OF MALVERN RETREAT A HOLY FAMILY MEN’S TRADITION We all want to be happy. A deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the key! This is a personal invite to meet HIM and a placed to meet HIM. The retreat that most Holy Family Men attend is the weekend of August 21-23. Contact Frank (610) 759-0799 or Reggie (610) 759-4896 for more info. In June 2014, the Knights of Columbus Council 4282 sponsored a 5K Run for Life which resulted in raising $4000.00 for Mary's Shelter in Bethlehem and Save the Storks , which provides free ultrasounds for pregnant women. We will again hold a 5K Run/Walk on June 20, 2015 at Notre Dame HS in Easton to benefit these same two organizations. We are in need of volunteers, sponsors and, of course, participants. If interested, please contact DeDe Brown at [email protected] or MaryAnn Kindred at [email protected]. Wednesday, April 8th 8:30 AM Easter Novena Charlene Paukovits (Birthday) by Jay & Roseann Dolly Kositz by Annie Mehrholz MSC Mass Joseph M. Dlugos Thursday, April 9th 8:30 AM Easter Novena Rose Matyas by Lisa Groff Anna Gabriel by Lisa Groff MSC Mass Sr. Anna Mary, MSC by Erkinger Family Friday, April 10th 8:30 AM Easter Novena Frank Yandrisovitz (Birthday) by Rose & Frankie Robert & Evelyn Wunderley by Bob & Colette Fisher MSC Masses Anna Santos (Birthday) Bernice Newman by Grace & Tony Forcier Saturday, April 11th 8:30 AM Easter Novena Robert Gardner by Rita Strobl MSC Masses Baby Aaron Morris by Family Stella Bondonese (Birthday) by Mike, Maryann & Family Helen Schwartz (Birthday) by Family Gracedale Sgt. Christopher P. Geiger by Parents 5PM Vigil Mass Prayer Shawl Recipients Sunday, April 12th 7AM Easter Novena 9AM Holy Family Parishioners 11AM Joshua Kortze by Parents MSC Mass Intergenerational Healing for Broda & Livelli Families 5PM Youth Mass Frank Janny by Magdalen, Cathy & Karen Please pray for health and healing for: Mike Lalley, Christopher Teats, Betty Wuscher, Breandon Courtney, Kitty Hausman, Barbara Lucas, Larry Rodgers, Florence Searock, Pat Russamano, Judy Tanzosh, James Frare, Walter Easterday, Nancy Noversel Herman, Deb Rutan, Michael Pierzga Jr., Maria Jaworski, Doris Uhler, Mary Sysko, Betty Granda, Harry Miller, Deacon Frank Danyi, Pat Kidd, Kitty Hausman, Rose Wilburn, Rose Bocich, Sheri Stuhldreher, Anna Magdits LOOKING FORWARD TO SPRING??? So are the Holy Family School Players! We have been working hard planning for our spring musical, Nanny McPhee! In order to raise funds for our production we will be selling discount cards for Rita’s Ice. For $5.00 you purchase a Rita’s discount card and the drama club keeps $4.00! You will then save 10% off of all of your purchases (no exclusions) for the whole 2015 Rita’s season. Rita’s Discount Cards are available in the Parish Office or by using the order form in the Narthex. Also, mark your calendars for “Spirit Night” at Chick-fil-a on April 27th from 5-8PM. Come out to eat with the drama club or take out in support of The Holy Family School Players. Nanny McPhee the Musical will be performed in the Holy Family School Gymnasium on May 22, 23, 24! Tickets available at the Parish Office. See you there! HOLY FAMILY CLUB 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 2PM Special Anniversary Mass at HOLY FAMILY CHURCH Followed by Celebration at HOLY FAMILY CLUB approx. 3:30 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Includes: Cocktails & Hors ‘Devours, Country Style Dinner, Open Bar Entertainment by Josef Kroboth 7pm-11pm Cost: $45 per person. Reservations available starting April 1, 2015 For reservations contact Jeff Mehrholz at (610) 759-3811 or [email protected] Anyone interested in advertising in the Holy Family Club's History Booklet that is being created for the celebration noted above, should contact Steve Janny by April 30th. (610)759-4728. There are spots from business card size, 1/4, 1/2, and full page sizes ranging from $25 to $100. Show your support, memories or remember a loved one in the Club’s History Booklet. LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE WEEKEND OF APRIL 11TH & 12TH SATURDAY, 4/11 8:30 AM MASS Altar Servers: Benjamin & Matthew Morris 10AM GRACEDALE Eucharistic Ministers: Bill Frasier & John Attard 5PM VIGIL MASS Extra Ordinary Ministers: Joanne Noto-Morgan, Cindy Gaffga, Paul Ackerman, Shelia Borick, Anita Paukovits, Dennis & Jayne Sullivan, David Jaman Altar Servers: Savannah Schmidt, George Kichline & Matthew Tavares Lectors: F. Meli & Cynthia Tintorri SUNDAY, 4/12 7AM MASS Extra Ordinary Ministers: Sam & Caroline Strack Bill Reilly Altar Servers: Mikaela & Alexandria Webber, Aniela Verbin Lectors: Samantha Strack & Karen Pasqual 9AM MASS Extra Ordinary Ministers: Rick Kindred, MaryAnn Tasillo, Eileen Boligitz, Charlie Costanzo, JoAnn Kelly, Gene Nealon, Gerda Kolenda, Jim Polles Altar Servers: Carissa & Alexa Peck, Nicholas Epser Lectors: Tom Genzale & Joan Frisch 11AM MASS Extra Ordinary Ministers: Maureen Seidel, Jim Byrnes, Donna Broda, Bob Bogart, Chris Adams, Jennifer DelVecchio, Emily & Gene Cameline Altar Servers: Shannon Seidel, Sabrina & Alanna Wilderotter Lectors: Samantha Strack & Karen Pasqual 5PM YOUTH MASS Extra Ordinary Ministers: Tim and Eileen Paukovits Altar Servers: Jacob Seibert, David Banko Cecilia Shafnisky Lectors: Rick & Lisa Seibert MSC GOLF TOURNAMENT will be held on September 18th. Complete info. will be provided over the summer months. Get your foursomes ready!!! Altar Rosary Society Meeting April 7th at 6:30 in the Wortman Center. Mother Daughter dinner tickets will be available for $5 each. Call Joan for reservations (610) 759-4488. GOLDEN AGERS BUS TRIP APRIL/MAY WORD AMONG US Now available in the Parish Office for $2.00 per copy. Call 759-0576 for reservations May 7th: “Branson Fever & Crazy Elmer” at Penn’s Peak in Jim Thorpe. $78 per person. Meal included. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: A FAITH FILLED ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR CHILD WHICH PAYS A LIFELONG DIVIDEND! CONSIDER THIS GIFT FOR YOUR CHILD. CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE (610) 7595642 TO ARRANGE A VISIT. YOU WILL BE PLEASED! PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISH SERVICEMEN Especially CW4 Jeffrey Busboom Lt. Col. Martin O’Donnell Lt. Thomas Joseph Jednak & Lt. James Graves *If you have a relative who is currently serving in the military, active or inactive, please forward their name and rank to the Parish Office. 40 Days for Life Baby Saved! After speaking with the Pray-ers outside the Allentown Woman’s Center, a mother decided to choose life for her child. “End of Life Issues: What Does the Church Teach?” Saturday, April 11, 2015 9AM – 12 PM McGlinn Conference Center ~ Reading, PA Free admission Includes a continental breakfast at 8:30AM Sign-up/Info: (610) 289-8900, ext. 228 by April 7, 2015 Helpers of God’s Precious Infants Join Holy Family in peaceful prayer Saturday, April 11, 2015 Mass: 8:00am Notre Dame of Bethlehem Church The Most Rev. John O. Barres Presiding Rosary: 9:15am Allentown Woman’s Center 5th Annual Reading, PA March for Life Sunday April 26th Berks Catholic High School ~ Reading, PA The event begins at 2PM with a rally followed by the march at 3PM A Peaceful, Prayerful, Public Witness of Life Join Holy Family in this ecumenical event! For carpool/info call: Rich & Barb (610) 365-2100 FATHER ELIAS MUNYANEZA IS CHAPLAIN AT THE EASTON HOSPITAL AND ST. LUKE'S ANDERSON CAMPUS. He finds a difficulty at the present time: patients at these hospitals are not being automatically identified with a religious affiliation. If you or someone you know is a patient at either of these hospitals, he would welcome an invitation to visit them. You may call the Parish Office and we will contact Fr. Elias. He would also welcome a direct call at his cell phone (484) 542-9261. COURT EASTON #358 will hold the next meeting on Wed., April 8th at 6:30 PM at St. Bernard’s Oratory, 132 S. 5th St., Easton. All women over the age of 18 are welcome to attend and find new ways to extend themselves through "Unity and Charity", our motto. For info. call (610) 252-0202. SWINGING WITH THE RAT PACK: RELIVE THE GLORY DAYS OF VEGAS Sun., April 26th at 2PM, Honor Flight Philadelphia will be holding a fundraising event, "Swinging with the Rat Pack" with Dean, Frank, Sammy along with a special appearance by Marilyn Monroe. The event will be help at the Springfield Country Club. Tickets: $50, includes buffet lunch, show, photos with the Rat Pack and more. NEW EASTWOOD CARE & REHABILITATION CENTER OFFERING FREE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP for those who have lost a loved one. This small group will help those who attend to be able to address their new “normal” and learn again how to begin resuming their lives. Reservations necessary. Please call Chaplain Herauf for more info. and reservations at (610) 258-2801 or email [email protected]. THE MONOCACY FARM PROJECT, a non-profit community service initiative, is pleased to announce it is now accepting garden plot reservations for the 2015 season. Plots located at 395 Bridle Path Rd. Bethlehem. Include: cover crop seeds and instruction, organic compost and mulch, a water source, and more. The suggested donation for the plot rental and services is $100 per year. Contact Bob Drake at (610) 867-8494 or [email protected] for more information/reservation. THE NOTRE DAME THEATRE COMPANY PRESENTS "A TALE OF TWO CITIES: THE MUSICAL" on Thurs. & Fri., April 23 & 24 at 7:30PM and Sat., April 25 at 2 & 7:30PM at Notre Dame HS. Tickets $10; $8 students & seniors 65+. Details/ tickets: (610) 515-1686 or [email protected]. Notre Dame HS, 3417 Church Rd., Easton 18045 Holy Family Parish wishes to thank… HOLY FAMILY CLUB ~ NAZARETH, PA for supporting the parish by taking an ad in our bulletin each week. Please support these local advertisers to show your appreciation for their generosity. You too can take an ad in the bulletin by calling JS Paluch at 1-800-524-0263. J.F. WOLF INSURANCE AGENCY Representing Erie Insurance Group AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE 576 Nazareth Pike, P.O. Box 221, Nazareth, PA 759-6920 An award-winning, multi-discipline civil engineering firm that delivers reliable, efficient and cost-effective services. JOSEPH F. REICHEL FUNERAL HOME, INC. BETHLEHEM / NORTHHAMPTON COUNTY “Understanding When You Need It Most” 220 Washington Park, Nazareth WESCOSVILLE / LEHIGH COUNTY 610-759-0160 610.865.4555 610.395.0971 KRESGEVILLE / CARBON / MONROE COUNTY 610.681.5233 KeystoneConsultingEngineers.com • Hearing tests • Evaluations ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers • Hearing aids • Repairs Slate Roof Specialists • Counseling Shingles • Gutters 610.866.2929 Flat Roofs • Siding Dr. Janet Westlund, Au.D., Doctor of Audiology • CenterAudiology.com Replacement Windows 2571 Baglyos Circle, Ste B-28 • Bethlehem Township 220 East Lawn Road, Nazareth, PA 18064 Hail Damage on your roof? Storm Chasers at your door? Birthright International • Fully approved by all insurance companies we love them both! ™ 800-550-4900 • Free pregnancy testing • Completely confidential help • Non-judgemental & caring advice • Friendship & emotional support • Legal, medical & educational referrals • Prenatal info • Maternity & baby clothes • Housing referrals • Social agency referrals • Info on other community services • Adoption info • Certified by all roofing material manufacturers, with in-house adjustor IDEAL HARDWOOD FLOORS Your home is too precious to trust to Out Of Towners If your roof was damaged by recent storms, call a roofing professional that is – • Local for 36 years • Fully licensed and insured • GAF Master Elite,Tamko Pro, Certainteed Master Shingle Applicator • A Slate Roof specialist Contact Alick Smith Roofing & General Contracting, Inc. for a FREE ESTIMATE and experience our: Uncompromising Integrity Commitment to Achieve Pride in Presentation Call us today! 610-759-1840 Northampton Farm Bureau Gasoline • Heating Oil Simplicity Lawn & Garden Equipment Lawn & Garden Supplies • All Pet Foods tatamyfarmbureau.com 285700 Holy Family Church (B) Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Installation • Sanding • Refinishing Low Rates • Free Estimates Call Jay: 610-295-4110 • 610-261-4396 “Old Floors Made Like New” Ralph’s Appliance SALES & SERVICE Ralph T. Yob. Sr., Owner SHOWROOM - 759-5495 * PARTS - 759-8605 150 SOUTH MAIN STREET * NAZARETH, PA 258-2871 HOLY FAMILY CLUB 515 West Mauch Chunk Street Nazareth, PA 18064 PANASONIC VACUUM CLEANERS Catering to: Wedding Receptions Dinners & Banquets Contact: Judy McCallum Club: 610-759-7887 Home: 610-759-6860 www.holyfamilyclub.com 300 BUSHKILL STREET TATAMY www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Frances Bensing Supervisor John Simons Funeral Director Obstetrics & Gynecology Jane A. Follweiler Morgan Stanley Michael R. Glovas I Executive Director, Branch Manager, CFP ® Owner, Parishioner 101 Larry Holmes Dr, Ste. 301 I Easton, PA 19042 John R. Hratko, M.D. Brianna M. Smith, PA-C Supervisor Diocese Member 610-559-6380 207 North Main St., Nazareth 610-746-2061 COMPLIMENTS OF Patricia A. Werner www.morganstanleyfa.com/michael_glovas/ © 2014 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC 407 Belvidere Street Nazareth, PA 610-759-2650 RENT A PAINTER Nazareth Veterinary Center, P.C. Charles A. Kosteva, D.D.S. INTERIOR • EXTERIOR Mary Beth Mihalakis, D.M.D. GOOD REFERENCES • LOW RATES 2933 LINDEN STREET BETHLEHEM, PA 18017 PLEASE CALL RON (610) 865-6999 610-570-1334 STRACK ACCOUNTING John M. Yaswinski, D.V.M. Kelly Mullen, V.M.D. Lori A. Bankowski, V.M.D. Jennifer E. Mahan, D.V.M. Office Hrs. by Appointment - House Calls 40 W. Prospect St., Nazareth, PA 610-746-9080 Business Accounting Services Tax Preparation for Business & Individuals Locations in Nazareth & Yardley 800-380-8161 Cyber Station Café–Serving your Computer and Coffee needs 756 Main Street, Tatamy Phone: 610-438-4075 COMPUTER REPAIRS, CUSTOM BUILT COMPUTERS TREE SERVICE Roofing - Vinyl Siding - Decks - Gutters - Painting Masonry - Carpentry - Replacement Windows & Doors 610-509-3746 Diocese Member No Job too small! Serving The Nazareth Area Center Valley 610-814-2700 www.SacredHeartSeniorLiving.com Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 6:00 Saturday 8:30-2:00 EASTON Carl Castelletti Home Improvement & Handyman Services All types of Repairs & Construction Projects we do it all! Assisted & Independent Living Northampton 610-262-4300 “Excellence in Living with Sacred Heart Care” “Whoever has ears, let them hear” Matthew 13:9 3445 High Point Blvd. Bethlehem, PA 18017 6695 Sullivan Trail Wind Gap, PA 18091 Free Estimates • Fred Wolfe 610-258-4666 Providing hearing and hearing aid services to the Lehigh Valley for over 35 years AUDIOLOGIST Anne Hank, MS, CCCA Parishioner Serving NJ, PA & DE 3311 Northwood Ave. Easton, PA 18045 610-252-0442 Lic# PA025725 • CUSTOM INSIGNIA BRACES • INVISALIGN • DAMON BRACES Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 610.866.5555 www.bethlehemaudiology.com 610.696.0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: Follow us on: www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com Nazareth ARMY-NAVY STORE SPORTSWEAR • WORKWEAR Embroidery & Screen Printing SCHOOL UNIFORMS FOOTWEAR • STEEL TOES Suppliers to Industry 68 South Main Street Nazareth, PA 18064 (610) 759-2378 LLC PROPANE SALES/ SERVICE & DELIVERY Fuel Oil/Kerosene On/Off Road Diesel Fuel Heating/Air Conditioning Sales & Service Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Website: www.fogelsfuel.com PA727 108 Easton Road Nazareth, PA 18064 Fax: 610-759-9056 Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 610-759-0629 285700 Holy Family Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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