Holy Family Parish 4848 Pearl Avenue, San José, California 95136-2701 www.holyfamilysanjose.org April 12, 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday S The Gift of Reconciliation – Lose that Weight! everal weeks ago, I wrote an article for this space in which I challenged each of us to holiness, defined as giving glory to God by being the best version of who He created us to be. I noted that every day, in every situation, and in every location, we have opportunities for holiness and, in turn, to make a difference in the lives of others. After the article was written, I realized that I omitted a critical item: many of us struggle with the concept of holiness for ourselves because we’re carrying a lot of extra weight! I’m not talking about the weight from eating too much ice cream or pizza, but the psychological weight associated with feelings of guilt, shame, unworthiness, being less than, etc. Some of you reading this have been dragging this extra weight around for years. Maybe it was a long-ago infidelity or abortion or some addiction. Maybe it was rage, gossip, stealing or lying. Maybe it was being selfish at someone else’s expense. The point is, whatever the sin, large or small, many of us are carrying a burden and it is affecting our relationship with God or others like a chronic, low-grade, fever. Ready for the good news? Through the gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we can lose that weight now! I write about this because I was one of those people who avoided Reconciliation for years. In my “wisdom,” I had it all figured out: I would rationalize, “I don’t need to confess to a priest” or “if God only knew what I’ve said, thought, and done, He’d never forgive me!” That all changed several years ago on a retreat where I was offered the opportunity to go to Confession. I was nervous and embarrassed about what I would say, but once I started, the floodgates opened and decades of stored-up guilt and shame came pouring out accompanied by many tears. The understanding of the priest, followed by his words of absolution on behalf of Jesus, was both powerful and freeing – an incredible weight was lifted! What did I learn? First, there is something powerful and healing about the act of saying out loud to another person what I have been hiding in secret for years….it’s like the antiseptic of shining light on the soggy mold of the dark. Second, the priest reminded me that I am not unique: there are no new sins that I have committed that haven’t been committed by others for thousands of years, the only difference being is that today’s methods may be more “high-tech” than in the past! Third, and most important, receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation allowed me to experience in a personal way an unbelievable gift, namely that I am forgiven by our Lord. Like the father looking for his prodigal son, He has been looking for me. I picture him standing on a hill in San Jose scanning the horizon and hoping for my return. Then, He welcomes me home with open arms and joy and celebration! I share this because I am passionate about wanting each of you to experience the gift of this Sacrament, a gift which we don’t avail ourselves of nearly enough. Later this year, Pope Francis will initiate the Jubilee of Mercy. What better way to experience the mercy and forgiveness of the Father than through the Sacrament of Reconciliation! So, what are you waiting for? Lose that weight and let yourself be enveloped by the mercy and forgiveness of our Savior! Divine Mercy Sunday Schedule April 12, 2015 10:30am Eucharistic Adoration 11:00am Divine Mercy Chaplet 11:15am Mass with Fr. Vincent Bui, pss Welcome to Holy Family! Contact Us If you are new to our parish, come to the Parish Office ………………….408-265-4040 Newcomer’s Orienta on, held on most School Office………………....408-978-1355 Sundays at 10:45am Faith Formation……………..408-265-5374 in the Charity Conference Room. Life Teen /Edge……………...408-265-8650 - John Hesler We thank all who prepared for the Holy Week and Easter, and all who served during this Week of Our Salvation, making our liturgical celebrations possible. Have a great Easter Season! Parish Office Hours Mon – Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: 9:30am—12pm; 1pm–7:30pm 9:30am—12pm; 1pm–5:30pm 10am - 2pm 9am - 1pm New Evangeliza on: Ten things Pope Francis wants you to know [Continues from last week] We Must Encounter People to Evangelize Be servants of communion and of the culture of encounter! I would like you to be almost obsessed about this. Be so without being presumptuous, imposing “our truths,” but rather be guided by the humble yet joyful certainty of those who have been found, touched and transformed by the Truth who is Christ, ever to be proclaimed. —Homily, World Youth Day 2013 We Must Know How to Give an Initial Proclamation of Jesus On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: “Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you…. nothing is more solid, profound, secure, meaningful and wisdom-filled than that initial proclamation. ” —Evangelii Gaudium Get Out of Our Comfort Zone I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security. I do not want a Church concerned with being at the center and which then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures. —Evangelii Gaudium Evangelizers Love People Evangelizers thus take on the “smell of the sheep” and the sheep are willing to hear their voice. An evangelizing community is also supportive, standing by people at every step of the way, no matter how difficult or lengthy this may prove to be. It is familiar with patient expectation and apostolic endurance. —Evangelii Gaudium Everyone Needs to be Evangelized Jesus teaches us that the Good News, which he brings, is not reserved to one part of humanity, it is to be communicated to everyone. —Angelus message, January 26, 2014 Bishop Thomas Daly’s Farewell Mass The farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas A. Daly will be held May 3, 11:30am, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph. He has been appointed the 7th bishop of Spokane. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall. All are welcome to attend the farewell Mass and reception. From Spokane: Welcome, Bishop Daly! “Those who now have had the opportunity to meet our new bishop and converse with him have encountered a warm heart which is obviously attuned to Pope Francis’s call for a servant Church which engages in a new evangelization. Bishop Daly’s experience as pastor, educator, vocations director and bishop will enable him to hit the ground running the day after his installation. His work files and the many information folders the administrators of the diocese have been compiling already are being arranged in neat stacks in the office which awaits him in the Pastoral Center… We welcome Bishop Daly with hearts which are generous in love, and hands which are eager to continue the task of carrying out the mission entrusted to us. Grateful for his service, we pledge to support him with our prayers. Thank you, Bishop Daly, for saying “yes” to lead us in our continuing journey of faith! God bless you in every way!” - Father Michael Savelesky, Spokane Diocesan Administrator Pastoral & Administra on Staff Rev Hao Dinh, Pastor Rev Edsil Ortiz, Vicar, Liturgy Director Kim McFadden, Faith Formation Director Jeff Gans, Faith Formation Coordinator Kathryn Gray, Business Manager Anne Hashimoto, Parish Secretary Jessica Stalions, Administrative Assistant Linda Lariz, Bookkeeper Gail Harrell, School Principal Jennifer Lozzio, School Vice-Principal Nancy Melander, School Development Eucharist (Mass) Sat: 8:30am & 5:30pm (Vigil) Sun: 8am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 6pm Mon: 8:05am Tue – Fri: 7:30am Holy days: As announced Holidays: 8:30am (instead of 9am) Viet. Mass: Sat 7:30pm Eucharis c Adora on Weekdays: 12noon - 3pm 1st Fridays: 8am – 5 pm BenedicƟon Infant Bap sm Prepara on can begin before or a er the birth of your child. Call 408-265-4040 for more info. Chris an Ini a on (BapƟsm, ConfirmaƟon, Communion) If interested in the Catholic faith or comple ng the sacraments of ini a on as an adult, youth or child, contact 408-265-5374. Reconcilia on (Confession) Saturdays, 4pm - 5pm, or by appointments at 408-265-4040. Ministry to the Sick Communion or Anoin ng of the Sick can be arranged for the sick or homebound at 408-265-4040. Wedding Couples should contact a priest at 408-265-4040 at least six months prior to the proposed date of wedding. This Sunday’s Scripture Presiders & Music Groups Acts 4:32-35 Acts tries to give pagan converts a portrait of how the earliest members gradually transcended their Jewish roots. Here they're shown doing a kind of sharing usually done only in families of kin. And wealthy and poor members are mixing in unprecedented ways 1 John 5:1-6 Some dissident Christians in John’s community preached a weak doctrine and did not practice the commandment of love. This letter tries to heal the wounds caused by these members in the community. John 20:19-31 Thomas believed because he saw the risen Jesus. Jesus blessed those who believed without seeing him raised from the dead. Here John used the word "believe" in two senses: to trust ("believe in") and to hold onto the truth ("believe (something) about..."). 3rd Sunday of Easter April 18/19 Apr 13 8:05am Vincent Nguyen + Apr 14 7:30am Dominic Thuy Ha + 5:30pm —Fr. Hao Mike & Linda Takita 8:00am—Fr. Vincent Alleluia Folk Group 9:30am—Fr. Edsil Alleluia Folk Group 11:15am — Fr. Hao Steve Austin & Friends 6:00pm—Fr. Edsil LifeTeen Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 Apr 18 - Based on Lectorprep.org & Word-Sunday.com Stewardship Report March 29 (Week 39) Regular: $16,737 St. Vincent de Paul: $2,975 Rice bowl: $1,392 April 2 (Holy Thursday) St. Vincent de Paul: $2,403 April 3 (Good Friday) Holy Land: $3,489 April 5 (Week 40) Easter: $33,014 Easter Flowers: $548 Buildings & Grounds: $4,558 Thank you for your generosity. Daily Mass Intentions 7:30am 7:30am 7:30am 8:30am For Peace & Happiness Beti Burg + David Sterling + John Paul & Belinda Hudierez Please Pray For those who have died: Francisco Hung Le, Tan Joseph Pham And for those who are ill: Mike Chambers, Virginia Ferranti Our ADA Report WEEK 10: 99% of our ADA goal. Week 11: 99.50% of our ADA goal. We’re almost there. Any surplus will return to Holy Family and benefit our Kitchen Repair and Upgrade. Thank you for your generosity. Divine Mercy To promote the devotion to the Divine Mercy and make it more convenient to our community, this year the devotion will be between the 9:30am and 11:15am Masses (see front page). This schedule will allow more people to participate in the devotion. We do not need to start a special Mass at 3pm, according to Robert Stackpole, director of the John Paul II Institute of the Divine Mercy. Moreover the upcoming Jubilee of Mercy, recently announced by Pope Francis, will give us more opportunities to reflect on the mercy of God and practice devotion to the Divine Mercy. The Jubilee will start on December 8, 2015 (Solemnity of Immaculate Conception) and concludes on November 20, 2016 (Solemnity of Christ the King). Some people believe that they have to go to Confession on Divine Mercy Sunday. But nowhere in St. Faustina’s diary does it stipulate this. Lent is already time for confession and conversion (TheDivineMercy.org). New Lighting in Church & Weekday Mass Relocation We are delighted to inform you the work for the new lighting in our church will be done during the weekday from April 20 through May 1, Monday thru Friday, 7am – 3pm. The new lighting includes illuminating the Stations of the Cross, the Baptismal Font, the Our Lady of Guadalupe image, the Holy Family banner, and the Choir area. During this time, beginning on April 20, we will celebrate the weekday Masses in the Youth Hall. Because the work in the Church is being done during the weekday, evening events and the weekend Masses will not be effected. We thank you for you patience while the work is being done. 2015 Holy Family Scout Mass Please join us on Sunday, April 26th at 11:15 am to celebrate Mass and honor the Scouts who have worked hard over the past year to earn their medals. Monsignor Francis Cilia presented the Catholic Scouting Religious Recognitions at a prayer service held at the St. Joseph Cathedral Basilica on March 15, 2015. Low-Gluten Hosts If you have celiac disease or are gluten sensitive, you can receive Communion using a lowgluten host (0.01% gluten) approved by the Church. In order to best distribute Communion to you, please call Fr. Hao to let him know who you are and which Mass you attend. Christ in Me Arise Scripture Studies HF Women’s Retreat Monday mornings (10am - noon) In the Youth Hall. The morning Bible study is currently on break. We will resume on Mon April 20th at 10:00 AM for a study of 1st Corinthians by Dr. Tim Gray. Questions contact Donna Holt at 408-371-3682. Or [email protected] Tuesday evenings (7-9pm) “The Road to Redemption” Contact Terry Giorgetti (408) 9972039 or [email protected] Thursday evenings (7:15-9pm) Hope Room “The Word is Alive” Bible Study Scripture study, all are welcome. Questions, contact [email protected]. “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ” - St. Jerome April 17-19, 2015 Jesuit Retreat Center, Los Altos Allow yourself this time for prayer, reflection, and focus on your relationship with God while building your relationship with your Sisters in Christ. Special guest Sr. Marilyn Wilson, BVM, will help facilitate this retreat as seek to know and experience Christ in our lives in a new and richer way. Mark your calendars and register now for the Women’s Retreat. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office. The cost for the retreat is $280. A $50 deposit will hold a place for you. Scholarship funds are available for those who need assistance. If you Married Couples have questions, please contact Susan Are you willing to spend a few at [email protected] or 408-821-7308. minutes to find out about an experience that can make your good What Is a Novena? marriage even better? The next A man walked up to a Franciscan Marriage Encounter Weekend is: and a Jesuit and asked, "How many May 29-31 in Mountain View. novenas must I say to get a Mercedes Early registration is highly Benz?" recommended. For more info, visit sanjosewwme.org The Franciscan asked, "What's a or contact Ken & Claranne at Mercedes Benz?" [email protected] The Jesuit asked, "What's a novena?" or 408-782-1413. Real OpƟons Good News Real Options is very grateful to those of you who participated in, volunteered at, and sponsored participants for the 2015 Walk for Life and 5K Run. Your efforts to participate and volunteer made this event a great success! We are blessed to report to you that we raised a total of $100,973.50 because of your fundraising efforts. Some Bible study groups got together with the goal of raising $1,600.00 to save one life! What are Real Options clients saying? "I found myself pregnant and I saw a RealOptions Campus Pregnancy Support team at SJSU campus. I made an appointment and when I started talking with my Client Advocate I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders." Cinco de Mayo Dinner Dance: Saturday May 2nd Doors open at 6pm, Dinner is at 7pm. Menu: Barbacoa (beef), cheese enchiladas, salad, beans, rice, chips, salsa and dessert. Live entertainment by Colibri and Dancing to DJ Orlie Marquez Raffle with cash prizes. Dinner: $25 each. Raffle: $5 each or $20 for 5. Hosted by Our Lady of Guadalupe Society. Proceeds will help offset costs for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration in December. Ministry of Consola on Support, Care & Service before, during and a er grief. Contact George 408-226-6606 or call the Parish Office. Ministry to the Sick & Homebound If you know a parishioner who would like to be visited, please call the Parish Office. Stephen Ministry One-to-one Chris an care-giving ministry for those experiencing life’s ‘hurts’ and struggles. Contact George 408-226-6606. St. Vincent de Paul Society For emergency financial assistance, call the parish office for an appointment Rosary Hour Tuesdays, 7:30 pm in the Chapel. Prayer Line Leave a prayer request message with Jeane e, 408-723-0445. Charismatic, Contemplative Group Praise and worship & quiet medita on, 4-5pm, Hope Room. For more info, call Annie Esget at 408386-4062. Regular schedule is 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays. Encore Amour -- Re-Married Encoreamour.webs.com Joe & Laura Trovato, 408-295-4793 Knights of Columbus Men’s Fellowship & Service Ed Cruz, H: 408-629-4634 or C: 408-656-8500 [email protected] Business mee ng, 7pm, 1st Wednesday of each month. Bookstore Community Center Sundays, 9am—1pm Middle School Youth Ministry High School Youth Ministry Date Events Time Date Events Time 4/12 Meet the Parents 7:10p-9p 4/12 Got a Question 3:45p-5:30p 4/19 Secure Promise 7:10p-9p 4/17-19 Edge Retreat Offsite TBD 4/24-26 LifeTeen Retreat Offsite TBD 4/26 Social Event 3:45p-5:30p Contact Jeff for more info: 408-265-8650 or [email protected] Learn to Pray with Genera ons of Faith If your prayer life is in need of some inspiration, come to the Community Center on Sunday, Apr. 12, right after the 11:15am Mass, or Monday, Apr. 13, at 6pm. All are welcome, including drop-ins. Sacramental Prepara on Parents of 2nd Year Students Time flies and this year of preparation has been no different. We have 2 classes left before the big day. Below is the calendar of upcoming dates. Please make every effort to attend all remaining sessions. Tues 14-Apr Wed 15-Apr Tues 21-Apr Wed 22-Apr Sat 25-Apr Lesson 7: Our Community Shares a Meal Lesson 8: My First Eucharist Book Confirma on Communion Retreat Students Students REQUIRED for parent(s)/sponsors/ students Youth Hall 3:15p-4:30p Youth Hall 6:30p-7:30p Youth Hall 3:15p-4:30p Community Center 6:30p-7:30p Community Center 9:00a-11:30a EVEREST VBC: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power July 13-17, 2015 Klymer and all his bible buddies are getting ready for a TOTALLY CATHOLIC VACATION BIBLE CAMP! Registration and payment is now available online or in the Parish Office. Registrations will not be accepted without payment. Scholarships are available. If you are interested in helping, donating supplies or being a prayer partner, please email Kimberly, [email protected] or call 408-265-5374. Popes on Water Pope Francis encouraged nations to ensure their water supplies are protected and available to all in support of the United Nation's World Water Day, March 22, 2015. Speaking in St Peter's Square that day, he called on water being the most essential element for life and stated that humanities future depends on our ability to care for and share it. Pope Benedict XVI also showed concern about water. In his message to the international expo on “Water and Sustainable Development’ in Zaragoza, Spain, in 2008, he stated, Indeed, we must be aware that water -- an essential and indispensable good that the Lord has given mankind in order to maintain and develop life -- is considered today, because of the pursuit and pressure of multiple social and economic factors, as a good that must be especially protected by means of clear national and international policies, and used in accordance with sensible criteria of solidarity and responsibility. The use of water -- that is valued as a universal and inalienable right -- is connected with the growing and peremptory needs of people who live in poverty, taking into account that "inadequate access to safe drinking water affects the well-being of a huge number of people and is often the cause of disease, suffering, conflicts, poverty and even death (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, n. 484). There have been wars over gold and oil. The next big wars will be fought over water. Two world maps, published in 2011-12 by the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London, highlight areas of wars in the world, including more than 20 conflicts and potential conflicts over the division of river flows between upstream and downstream countries. Catholic Charities 2015 Spring Forward Run Saturday, April 18, 2015 @8:00am. We had a blast last year! Come join the fun! You can visit the event at springforward5k10k.com/. Call Anne at the Parish Office if you’re interested in being on Team Holy Family and you get $5 discount on registration. Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed for the Fish Food Pantry on First Fridays, 4:00— 4:30pm, to distribute food. Contact Nick or Madelyn at 408-264-8810. Training will be provided. Must be 18 years or older. For the Community Ministry Office Clothes Closet: Tues., Weds., or Thurs., from 10am to 1pm. If interested, call Transfiguration Parish at 408-264-3600. Must be 18 years or older. Transfiguration Parish address: 4325 Jarvis Ave, San Jose, CA 95118 Courage & Encourage Do you or a loved one struggle with same-sex attraction? The Catholic Church welcomes all of her children. Our identity is not our sexual orientation. We are created in the image of God. Christ died so that we all may have eternal life in Him. For confidential Catholic help, contact [email protected] or 650-4502286 or CourageRC.net. It’s Easy Being Green That pizza box can be recycled BUT NOT if soiled with sauce, cheese, or pepperoni oil. Those create a slurry in the recycling process that ruins the entire batch. Catholic Roadmap We celebrate God's mercy, and for ourselves are glad for mercy that tempers justice. But have you thought about the children whose parents are in jail? They haven't committed any crimes, yet in a way they are serving the sentence, too, since they are separated from their parents. To learn more go to getonthebus.us/ or Friends Outside, a program of Catholic Charities (catholiccharitiesscc.org/services/ friends_outside). Recycling We are always collecting for recycling the following items: Empty inkjet cartridges, good, clean, grocery/ shopping bags, and cell phones, (functioning or not). Please bring these to the Parish Office. We are not taking plastic and aluminum drink containers to recycle, because of the labor required to do so. Please do not leave your recycles outside the Youth Hall. Please recycle them at home. Young Adults: This is your time! Are you looking to: - Get away to reflect on your personal relationships and their meanings? - Reignite your passion in Life? Then come away with other young adults in their mid 20's and 30's to a Caritas Retreat and get more out of your faith and your life! Caritas Retreat, April 23-26, 2015 Mt. Hermon, CA. Learn more & register at: www.caritasretreat.org Cursillo News Men's Spring Cursillo—April 16-19 at St. Clare's Retreat Center, Rector: Don Wolk Women's Spring Cursillo—April 30May 3, 2015 at St. Clare's Retreat Center, Rectora: Mary Grunthaner Free E-Waste Collection May 30th from 9am-2pm Start saving your broken and outdated electronics for our next e-waste collection. See the flyer on our website’s calendar highlights or go to greenmouse.com for acceptable items. Chari es Golf Tournament Save the date for the 31st Annual "Playing With A Purpose" Golf Tournament, Dinner and Auction, Friday, June 12th at Cinnabar Hills Golf Course. Pope Francis: Do not be "silent"about persecuted Chris ans Pope Francis on Easter Monday expressed his hope that the international community does not look on, “silent and inactive”, in the face of the "unacceptable crime" of the persecution of Christians around the world. The Holy Father was speaking to the Shalom Community at the end of his Easter Monday Regina Coeli Address. The Community had sponsored a relay which ended in St. Peter’s Square to show solidarity with and raise awareness of persecuted Christians. “Your itinerary on the streets is over, but what must continue on the part of all is the spiritual journey of prayer, intense prayer; the concrete participation and tangible help in the defense and protection of our brothers and sisters, who are persecuted, exiled, killed, beheaded, for the only reason of being a Christian,” said Pope Francis. “They are our martyrs today and they are many; we are able to say that they are more numerous than in the first centuries,” Pope Francis said. “I sincerely hope that the international community does not look the other way,” he added. - From Radio Vaticana DARLING & FISCHER MORTUARIES Associated with the Los Gatos Memorial Park Campbell San Jose Los Gatos 379-5010 998-2226 354-7740 FD898 FD577 FD940 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. “I Value Your Business and Believe You Deserve the Best!” List or buy a home through me and I will make a donation in your behalf to Holy Family or your favorite cause. Parishioner Cindy Andrade Receive a market snapshot of Realtor®/Broker Associate house values in your area at: CalBRE #01108105 www.siliconvalleyhousevalues.com Cell 408.375.5135 www.CindyAndrade.com Email: [email protected] Joe Lima Sam Campagna Vince Lima Lima-Campagna-Alameda Mission Chapel FD-1949 “San Jose’s Premier Funeral Provider” 600 S. 2nd St., San Jose, CA 95112 • 408-288-9188 Parishioners & Alumni Serving Our Community A Complete Auto Body & Paint Facility kosscollision.com 280 Cimino St. San Jose, CA 95125 Conveniently located off of Hwy 87 at the Curtner Exit (408) 298-5000 Parishioner Don Lima Maria Campagna Joe Campagna Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 913082 Holy Family Church (A) www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Encountering Christ in the community Some of the candidates are youth. Here are their reasons for the Christian initiation. On April 4 at the Easter Vigil our community of faith celebrated the sacraments of initiation with several candidates. Following are excerpts from their letters explaining why they wanted to receive the sacraments. “I would like to receive the sacraments of initiation because I want to enter the Church… I want to live my life like Jesus.” Dear Fr. Hao: Dear Fr. Hao: “I would like to receive sacrament of initiation… It means to me that I am entering the Church and God will know who I am.” - “I ask myself, ‘Why would I want to make my confirmation?’ Well, I want to be in a community of the faithful… we live lives that others would want to imitate.. I am ready to take up my cross and follow Jesus.” “To me, baptism is entering the Church from my old self turning into my new self… after I go through my sacraments of initiation, I want to continue the journey that God has set for me.” - “I have had a strong love and faith in God for years, and I think what has astounded me the most about Catholicism is the history and tradition, and how that can affect spiritual life. There is so much beauty in the Church, which makes me want to be a part of it… your Masses have been a huge reason that I love Holy Family.” “What (the initiation) means to me is to become a part of Holy Family and to be recognized by God. The changes I (have) seen in myself is becoming more mature and I have learned a lot about Jesus. I would be able to share my faith with others…” - “This is the only church that I feel great warmth and feel wonderful blessings that are given to me.” - “This faith and community gives me the strength… I have found the calming I so needed in my life and that is this faith and church, and I really want to lead by example and be the mom that my children deserve.” “I would like to receive my sacraments of initiation… because I want to be closer to God and be part of the Church. Baptism means to me that God is going to know who I am and I’m going to be part of the Church, and part of Holy Family. CongratulaƟons to… Our neophytes, (Baptized): - “I wish to be baptized because I wish to be saved, grow Fiona Hill, Fiona Entzminger, Gerald Sarkes, in wisdom, share my gifts God has given me and more importantly because my love for Jesus is unconditional and George Sarkes, Raena Taews, Minerva Brand, Lana Gao I want him to continue to use me for his will.” Those who entered into Full Communion with the Church: - “I know nothing about Catholicism before the RCIA. I Rachel Pardo, America Cavazos, Regina Hill, thought it’s just (about a bible or history studying group). Kristen Ridout However, (it turned out to be) more than that. I make many We Welcome You! friends here; friends who will be there to listen and help.” Alpha Retreat Come and attend the Alpha Retreat on April 17 (7p-9p) and April 18 (9:30a-5p) at the Community Center. The focus is on the Holy Spirit and the healing power of God. It can be a very rewarding and spiritual experience, especially if you are in the need of healing in any part of your life. You do not need to have been participating in the Alpha Course to attend. There will be an ice cream social on Friday evening; breakfast & lunch are provided on Saturday. Preregistration is recommended but not mandatory. If you would like to attend, please contact Alicia Marin-Gonzales at (408) 857-0523 or [email protected]." A.D.: The Bible Con nues On last Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015, the series AD: The Bible Continues premiered on NBC, and will continue for 12 successive episodes on Sunday evenings. This full length series tells the riveting story of the Acts of the Apostles and presents in a compelling manner the account of the very beginning of the Church. This series follows upon the History Channel epic mini-series entitled The Bible. It is estimated that 100 million people in the United States viewed that series brought to us by film makers Roma Downey, star of the TV show Touched by an Angel, and her husband Mark Burnett, producer of TV shows like The Voice, Survivor and The Apprentice. Since this series presents the mission of the Church in such an inspirational way, materials have been prepared to help make this series itself a catechetical tool. Catechetical aids have been prepared by Sophia Institute Press. Among them is the very fine companion work by Michael Aquilina, entitled, AD: Ministers and Martyrs: The Ultimate Catholic Guide to the Apostolic Age. The Archdiocese of Washington is also developing a series of short catechetical videos to help give a Catholic perspective on the series. Those who missed the first episode of the series AD may view it at www.nbc.com/ad-the-bible-continues/video.
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