May 10, 2015 Calendar of Events Liturgical Roles Mon. May 11 HR 8:00 am Mass Servers: Morgan Walter, Lydia Bubp ———————————————————————————— Tues. May 12 HR 8:00 am Mass Servers: Kyle Mielke, Kadin Davis, Luke Schloemer ———————————————————————————— Wed. May 13 HR 12:05 pm Mass Servers: Adult Server ———————————————————————————— Thurs. May 14 SP 8:00 am Mass Server: Adult Server ———————————————————————————— Fri. May 15 HR 8:00 am Mass Server: Lukas Walter, Abbie Young ———————————————————————————— Sat. May 16 HR 4:30 pm Mass Servers: Caleb Westerfield, Jacob Westerfield, Lukas Walter Lectors: Lora Krugh, Lydia Krugh Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Mary Dull, Lynn Westerfield, John Westerfield, Deb Wilker, Colette Dugan, Peg Larkin, Jason Brown, Sandy Henkener ———————————————————————————— Sun. May 17 HR 8:00 am Mass Servers: Gage Russell, Dakoda Moore, Ross Henschen Lectors: Claire Schloemer, Morgan Henschen Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Jane Bertke, Virg Bertke, Sandi Rammel ———————————————————————————— Sun. May 17 SP 9:30 am Mass Servers: Kaden Brackman, Charles Knatz Lector: Norma Etgen Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Luanna Scott, Judy Steinke, Stan Steva, Virgil Brown Ushers: Nick Brackman, Dave Dwenger, Marc Hines Sacristan: Kent Schlegel ———————————————————————————— Sun. May 17 HR 11:00 am Mass Servers: Ethan Mielke, Max Mielke, Brandon Miller Lectors: Mary Beth Mielke, Jennifer Tester Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Matt Brown, Dave Gossard, Margene Craft, Angie Brown, Deacon Marty, Linda Tebbe, Bruce Miller SCRIP YEAR END Sunday, May 24th, will be the last day to purchase SCRIP cards for the 2015-2016 school year. Beginning May 25th, your SCRIP earnings will go towards the 2016-2017 school year. Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 - 9:15 am 9:30 am 11:00 am May 10 Mass at Holy Rosary SP Youth Choir Rehearsal - church Mass at St. Patrick Mass at Holy Rosary Monday May 11 8:00 am Mass at Holy Rosary 7:00 pm SP Pastoral Council - SP Rectory Tuesday May 12 8:00 am Mass at Holy Rosary 6:00 pm Education Committee - Modular Rm. 2 Wednesday 10:30 am 11:30 am 12:05 pm 2:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm May 13 Legion of Mary - Modular Rm. 2 Confessions at Holy Rosary Mass at Holy Rosary Adoration & Exposition at Otterbein St. Patrick May Crowning - Church Holy Rosary Adult Choir Practice - Church Friends of Holy Rosary Officers Mtg. - Holy Rosary Library Thursday 8:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm May 14 Mass at St. Patrick HR Finance Committee - Rectory HR Liturgy Board Meeting - Modular Rm. 2 Knights of Columbus - K of C Hall Friday May 15 8:00 am Mass at Holy Rosary Saturday 2:30 pm 3:30 pm 4:30 pm May 16 Mark Zwiebel & Britney Tuttle Wedding at Holy Rosary Confessions at Holy Rosary Mass at Holy Rosary Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 - 9:15 am 9:30 am 11:00 am May 17 Mass and HR 8th Grade Graduation at Holy Rosary SP Teen Choir Rehearsal - church Mass at St. Patrick Mass at Holy Rosary (choir) PRIESTHOOD ORDINATION Please keep in your prayers Deacon Ethan Moore who is being ordained into the priesthood May 16, 2015, at 11 a.m. @ St. Peter in Chains Cathedral If you have questions, please call Kim Sweigert at 419-3059759 or the parish office at 419-394-5050. Weekend Mass Attendance Prayer Hotline Holy Rosary: Julie 305-7937 St. Patrick Judy 738-8702 4:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 323 238 168 344 1073 Grief Support Steve and Kathy Frankenberg 419-753-2056 Wapak Tool & Die Sponsor of the Week The success of our campaign, Finishing the Job - Building the Future, continues! Reaching our $2.5 million goal will be a profound, sacrificial witness that honors our past, affirms our present, and builds our future. If you haven't made your gift yet, you will be receiving a packet of information inviting you to join the campaign effort. As we strive to reach our goal, every parishioner is being asked to prayerfully consider their gift to the campaign. Fulfilling the vision of Finishing the Job Building the Future will require the gifts, sacrifice, and participation of all families in our parish, proportionate to each household’s means and obligations. Your thoughtful, prayerful consideration is appreciated. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Mon. 05/11 8:00 am Tues. 05/12 8:00 am Wed. 05/13 Mass Intentions MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR Easter Weekday Acts 16:11-15; Jn 15:26—16:4a HR Shirlee Kleinhenz While I was in Sorrento, Italy, I stopped in the parish church in the little town of St. Agatha. There was a Mass in the evening and many people were there. Sts. Nereus, Achilleus, and Pancras Acts 16:22-34; 16:5-11 HR Shirley Dues After Mass was over, the people came up to me and said “hello”. So friendly, they asked me who I was and what I was doing in their little town. A lady named Louisa introduced me to the pastor, Father Marco. Fortunately he spoke perfect English and was very proud of his parish. He invited me for Mass the next day. Our Lady of Fatima Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Jn 16:12-15 HR Tony Brown 12:05 pm Thurs. 05/14 8:00 am Fri. 05/15 I really thought that this parish was very friendly, very open and very inviting. I felt like I was back at Holy Rosary and St. Patrick again. These qualities are very true of our parishes. We are friendly, we are inviting, we are Christ-like. And we’re not the only parish in the world that is! So just like here in this little town in Italy, keep on being friendly parishioners who love our Lord and who love the church back home. St. Matthias Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Jn 15:9-17 SP John K. Burke St. Isidore Acts 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23 HR Jim Maze 8:00 am Sat. 05/16 I have had a really wonderful vacation and I am really looking forward to getting back on the front lines and seeing you all again. God Bless. Easter Weekday Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23b-28 HR Joan Burke 4:30 pm Sun. 05/17 Ascension of the Lord 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. HR SP HR Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19 Dorothy Schmiesing Doyle Lhamon Shirley Cooper Congratulations to Deacon Marty Brown on his 5th Anniversary as a deacon. Your generous service is much appreciated. Thank you and God Bless you in your continued work. May 3, 2015 Holy Rosary Contributions Adult Envelopes Issued: Adult Envelopes used: CONGRATS TO DEACON MARTY Please keep him in your prayers as he continues in this journey. 557 227 Adult Offering: Loose Offering: Total Collection: $ 10,326.61 $ 518.80 $ 10,845.41 Week Budgeted: Weekly Collection & Electronic Giving: Over/Short to date: $ 10,180.00 $ 10,845.41 665.41 YTD Total budgeted: YTD Total collection: Over/Short to date: $ 427,560.00 $ 405,803.42 $ (21,756.58) ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES OF 2015 Please turn in your Senior profiles by Friday, May 15th, so we can have your info for the special bulletin insert on graduation weekend. Also, remember the Mass for Graduating Seniors is at the 8a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 24th. Please be in the cafeteria by 7:45a.m. for brief instructions. There will be a coffee and donut reception following in the church basement. Bring your graduation gown. WEDDING BANNS ARE ANNOUNCED The second time for Angie Katterheinrich & David Long DONATIONS RECEIVED In memory of Dorothy Brown, the following donations were received: May 3, 2015 St. Patrick Contributions Adult Envelopes Issued: Adult Envelopes used: Adult Offering: Loose Offering: Total Collection: 55 47 $ $ $ 1,782.00 273.00 2,055.00 This collection is for the regular weekly collection envelopes along with Electronic Giving. Special collections are listed separately. Thank you for your generous contributions. $200 for Capital Campaign $500 for Holy Rosary School Tuition Assistance Thank you for your generosity. Holy Rosary Adopt-a-Student Current Week Donations: Total Donations Received: Parishioner Participation: $ 2,370.50 $ 72,537.98 225 Families The monthly Adopt-A-Student collection is to help Holy Rosary School with its operating expenses. HOLY ROSARY Catch the Excitement at Holy Rosary School Holy Rosary Vacation Bible School is Sunday, July 12th through Thursday, July 16th, from 6:30-8:30p.m. on the church grounds. Our 2015 expedition this year is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. Registration forms are available on line, in the back of church or in the parish office. ATTENTION MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN Holy Rosary is offering a study for Mothers with Young Children called Momnipotent: The Not-So-Perfect Woman's Guide to Catholic Motherhood. In Momnipotent the author, Danielle Bean, provides much-needed encouragement to all women. Momnipotent validates the dignity and importance of motherhood by helping mothers to recognize 8 uniquely feminine strengths, and how to use those strengths to find peace, purpose, balance, and joy in being the woman God created and called them to be. Small groups are forming for the Spring and Summer. Meeting times and dates are not yet set. We want to hear from young moms what time is best for you. Call Nan at 419-300-1045 to join. Bottle of Joy was performed by our junior high students during this year’s class play/variety show. This was a fun, slap-stick play about the Kingdom of Happy with Waldo the Wizard (Kyle Mielke). Waldo has invented the bottled happy which is top secret. Evil Count Cringe (Jacob Westerfield) and Eddie the Evil Assistant (Lukas Walter) attempt to steal the bottle of happy to make the whole kingdom sad. No one knew that the bottle was empty and the secret to happiness cannot be found in a bottle. You must go on our school Facebook page to watch these junior high students perform “Who Am I” by Casting Crowns. Students did a hand mime performance to this beautiful song. Truly, you must. Listen to the words and watch what these students under Mrs. Tobe’s direction formed simply with their hands. It’s amazing. Thank you to all of those who came for our Special Relatives Day! A good time was had by all, beginning with our greatest element, Mass. Relatives moved from Mass to individual classrooms to enjoy time with the classes. Our morning concluded with a program in the gym, featuring various classes. Our loved ones are so very important to us. After the program, blue cards were awarded for those who exemplified tolerance in the month of April: Breanna Howe Michael Baldwin Ryder Sullivan Owen Brotherwood Luke Schloemer Gratitude is our final virtue for the month of May. What are you grateful for in your everyday life? ST. PATRICK NEWS MEALS FOR THE SICK COLLECTION COUNTERS NEEDED St. Patrick’s is forming a committee to bring meals to families of the parish when someone is sick, recovering from major surgery, etc.. If you are interested in volunteering for this stewardship, please contact Linda Lunz at 419-733-5807. After many years of counting the weekly collections, Dave & Jeannette Brown are retiring! Thank you for being so giving of your time and talent! If someone in your family is ill, recovering from major surgery, etc. and would appreciate some “comfort food”, do not hesitate to contact Linda Lunz at 419-733-5807. THANK YOU Thanks to everyone who attended the tea party. We had many pretty and interesting hats. Thanks also to everyone who contributed food and their time for the party. A special thanks to Linda Lunz and Lindsey Lunz for their wonderful presentation on a Marian Garden and to Jeannette Brown for her computer expertise in making our Mary Garden handout. If you are interested in being a collection counter on Monday mornings or would like more information, please contact the parish office at 419-394-5050. All Day Adoration of Blessed Sacrament at St. Patrick - May 21 All day adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 3rd Thursday of each month Exposition after the 8 am Mass Rosary at 6:45 pm and Prayer & Benediction at 7pm Sign up for a time slot on the sheet in back of church GRADUATION BREAKFAST AT ST. PATRICK ST PATRICK PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS St. Patrick’s will celebrate with our graduating Seniors, Joe Poeppelman and Casey Steva, with a Graduation Breakfast in their honor after Mass on Sunday, May 24th in the rectory. All parishioners are invited to attend and congratulate Joe and Casey. St. Patrick will be holding elections for Pastoral Council in May. . Anyone interested in running, please contact Kent Schlegel at 419-733-5599 CHAIRPERSONS NEEDED Chairperson Needed for all 3 days for Beer Mug Shuffle Chairperson needed for Instant Bingo for Saturday Please call the parish office If you are interested 419-394-5050 June 4, 5, 6 rr —Pe n o x Ni y Frida pm 6–8 FESTIVAL June 12, 13, 14 y Cara Young Memorial 5K Run/Fun Walk 5K will be Saturday, June 13. Registration at 7:30 a.m. (Corner of South & Pine St) Friday pm 11:30 8:30 - Sunday Blessing at 8:15 a.m. Race Begins at 8:30a.m. DJ & Anno uncer F or w eeken d Ryan Ahler s (registration available on our website In the back of church and parish office) John Folk 419-953-6708 2-5 pm Freddy Purdy Satur d ay 8:30 11:30 pm 6 - 8 pm The Big Ginja Show FESTIVAL CHAIR PERSONS NEEDED We have several openings for chair persons for the festival this year. If you have been looking for the “right” thing to volunteer for, why not give this some consideration. June 4, 5, 6 As you start thinking about your spring cleaning, don’t forget about our garage sale. Please save your good, clean, usable furniture, crafts, books, tools, kitchen items and clothing. No large appliances please! If you are interested, please call Don Glaser at 419-394-5408. RIDE FESTIVAL NOVELTY STAND Donations for the Novelty Booth are now being accepted. Please place your individual items or you can create your own grouping items in the box in the back of church. Kiddie Tractor Pull Saturday, June 13, Registration at 5:30 p.m. Pull at 6:00 p.m. S This ye ars ride s are be provide ing d by: Classic Midwa y No pr e sale tic kets Garden Items Swimming/Beach Items Raffle Drawing Sunday 9 pm Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom Items Gift cards Gift certificates Food items Tickets for sports events, zoo, Kings Island, Cedar Point Items for all ages: infants to adults FESTIVAL RAFFLE TICKETS Raffle tickets for each family have been placed in the back of church. Please take a moment to pick them up after Mass. Kid’s Games & Arcade Games
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