COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: Immaculate Heart of Mary/Our Lady of the Holy Rosary BULLETIN NUMBER: 355600 DATE OF PUBLICATION: 355600.080507 NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED: 5 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please call Joann @ 802-318-2422 (cell) Page 2 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY AUGUST 5, 2007 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The offering for the weekend of July 28/29: Offertory: $1878.00 Thank you for your continued support. God Bless! IHM Liturgical Schedule Saturday, August 4 Greeters: Kathy Assell, Joan Smith Lector: Cathy Rylant Eucharistic Minister: John Roach Servers: Kelsey Jensen, Hannah L’Esperance, Laura Murphy Sunday, August 5 Greeters: Chris, Linda Poirier, & family Lector: Bernie Ferenc Eucharistic Ministers: LuAnn Koch Servers: Rebecca Daniels, Haley Rossi Saturday, August 11 Greeters: Tom, Denise L’Esperance & daughers Lector: Terry Macaig Eucharistic Minister: Jo-Ann Beaudin Servers: Jonathan Bateman, Paul Harshberger Sunday, August 12 Greeters: Gail Lavallee Lector: Kerry Enright Eucharistic Minister: Rachel Wurtsbaugh Servers: Danielle Mallow & Emily Rossi Many thanks to all those who scooped ice cream, supplied baked goods, and helped with clean-up for last weekend’s Ice Cream Social. Your efforts were very much appreciated. Also thank you to the volunteers who have organized and staffed the Saturday and Sunday after Mass socials throughout the summer. We are taking the month of August off. The socials will resume in the fall. If you are interested in helping to organize a social, please contact Greg Gause at 878-5843, or [email protected]. Enjoy the rest of the summer and we will see you in September. Page 2 PARISH GROUNDS LAWN MOWING We are currently looking for someone from among our parish to take over the mowing for the remainder of the summer season. The job requires that you have your own lawn mower. The parish will pay for the gas used. If you can help with this task please contact Father Don at 878-4513 as soon as possible. TEACHER AIDES NEEDED: A big thank you to all who volunteered to teach in the religious ed program this fall. We now need teacher aides to help them in the classrooms each week. This job varies from teacher to teacher but might entail record keeping, supervising a small group activity, or assisting a student who needs help. The Diocese requires us to have at least two adults in each classroom for safety. We currently need: 2 aides for the First Year Sacrament Class (mostly 1st graders), 2 aides for the Second Year Sacrament Class (mostly 2nd graders), 1 aide for grade 3, 2 aides for grade 4, 1 aide for grade 7, and 1 aide for grade 8. Please contact LuAnn Koch at 879-1577, [email protected] or Joann Frymire at 879-3199, [email protected] for more information or to volunteer. HARSH WORDS, HEAVENLY WORDS There are all sorts of reverberations of these themes throughout today’s scriptures. Qoheleth (the “Preacher”) instructs us that, ultimately, everything of our life on earth is but an empty vanity when we are called from this life. Jesus shows us our true selves in the example of the man who expends all his energy to store his harvest to ensure the luxury of his future. Qoheleth, Paul, and Jesus are all of a like mind on this issue. We have been made in the image of our Creator, we believe that God’s creation is graced and good, but we need to keep this in perspective. For all creation and all creatures—humans included—will have naught for a destiny unless that destiny is joined to that of Christ. He preaches that we can be, indeed we must be, rich with treasure—but only the kind of treasure that truly matters to God. WE ARE ONE BODY IN CHRIST Saturday, 8-4, 4:00 PM Holy Rosary Saturday, 8-4, 5:30 PM IHM Edoardo Guariglia by Angelica Ciminallo Sunday, 8-5, 8:30 AM Holy Rosary Francis Martell by the family Sunday, 8-5, 10:30 AM IHM In thanksgiving for the birth of Isabella Rose by her grandparents, Kerry & Sue Enright Monday, 8-6, 8:00 AM IHM All Souls’ Intentions Tuesday, 8-7, 8:30 AM Holy Rosary Mary Eustace by her husband, Maurice Wednesday, 8-8, 8:00 AM IHM Charles Balserus by his wife, Debbie Thursday, 8-9, NO MASS TODAY Friday, 8-10, 8:30 AM Holy Rosary All Souls’ Intentions Saturday, 8-11, 4:00 PM Holy Rosary Shawn Whalen by Howard & Eileen Buxton Saturday, 8-11, 5:30 PM IHM Edoardo Guariglia by Angelica Ciminallo Sunday, 8-12, 8:30 AM Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Parishioners Sunday, 8-5, 10:30 AM IHM IHM Parishioners Mass intentions for the living and deceased members of family and friends are greatly appreciated by the Pastor. LOOKING AHEAD TO THE FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION This is a Holy Day of Obligation Mass schedule: Tuesday, August 14 7pm Holy Rosary Wednesday, August 15 8:30am Holy Rosary Wednesday, August 15 12:05pm IHM Wednesday, August 15 5pm IHM NEW TO THE PARISH? See Father Don after one of the weekend Masses and he will give you a registration form to fill out and return. Welcome to the parish! Page 3 George Bates Archie Cota Walt Estey Pat Gallo Edwina Holmes Diane Lehneman Teresa Levesque Evelyn Nawotka Albert Rose Sr Kerri Waite Richard Whalen Steve Wright Lucille Youngman Our Faithful Departed May they rest in peace. Those serving in the Military throughout the world Hospital Visitations If you know of someone who is in need of a visit while in the hospital please contact either parish office. Our sincere sympathy To the family of Linda Stratton, who passed away this week. May she rest in peace. Note from Pope Benedict XVI I strongly hope that the necessary scientific and technological progress will constantly go hand and hand with the awareness that together with the good of the sick person, one is promoting those fundamental values, such as the respect for and defense of life in all its stages, on which the authentically human quality of coexistence depends.. Please remember your Parish’s financial needs throughout the summer! Please support the advertisers on the back of our bulletin. They are supporting us, let’s have us support them. Remember the deadline for bulletin announcements is 10am on Monday, unless otherwise noted. Please send announcements to [email protected]. POST ABORTION RETREAT We ask for your continued prayer and support in reaching out to women who would benefit from our post-abortion ministry, the “Entering Canaan Day of Prayer and Healing” for women who are suffering as a result of losing a child to abortion. The retreat will be held on Saturday, September 29, 2007. Our sponsor is Vermont Catholic Charities. For further information and confidential reservations, please call Judy Kanya at Vermont Catholic Charities, 802-6586111 or toll free 877-250-4099. The Diocesan Board of Catholic Education is seeking several new members. The Board meets once a month, usually the third Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. till 2:30 p.m. The Board meets at different schools during the year in order to get to know them. If you value what Catholic schools offer to our youth and would like to serve on the Board, please contact Sister Marie Kelly, SNDdeN, for an application at 802-658-6110. SPENDING WISELY The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts life. —William James Page 4 : The weekend following Labor Day our Music Ministry will again provide the Liturgical music for all the weekend Masses. If you are interested in finding out more about the various groups please call: IHM: 5:30 Mass Jeff Firlik 879-5064 10:30 Mass Linda O’Brien 288-9011 Holy Rosary: 4:00 Mass Jerome Mendicino 878-6442 8:30 Mass Jeanne Desilets 434-3526 SUMMER REFLECTION Saint Anne’s Shrine in Isle LaMotte will continue its “Summer Reflection Series” on Thursday, August 8th. All programs will begin with an 11:15 Mass, followed by lunch and topic presentation at 1pm. The series will continue with: Rev Stan Deresienski, SSE: Aug 8 “12 Steps for Everyone” Aug 15 “The Power of Forgiveness” Aug 22 “Reclaiming Your Spiritual Life All faiths are invited to share in this special series. Reservations are appreciated. Call Shrine office for details at 802-928-3362. Bishop’s Fund Announcement: We are in the process of wrapping up our parishes efforts for the 2007 Bishop’s Fund Campaign. Please send in your pledge card if you have not yet done so, so that we can finish up and reach 100% participation for our parishes. Holy Rosary has raised $15784.99 towards goal of $22400. This is 70% of goal with 101 contributors. IHM has raised $29625.00 towards goal of $43000. This is 69% of goal with 173 contributors. Our Lady of Ephesus House of Prayer invites you to come celebrate the Feast of the Assumption, Wednesday, August 15. Gathering time is 1:30; 2-4 confessions & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; 23 Grace Markay-Songs & Reflection; 3:15-4:15 our guest speaker-Artie Boyle; 4:30 Mass followed by a pot luck supper. OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARY The offering for the weekend of July 28/29: Offertory: $1385.00 Renovations: $391.00 Special Collection for weekend of August 11/12: Renovations To meet our obligations we need to collect$1520 in the weekly collection and $770 in the monthly fuel collection. Thank you for your continued support. God Bless! Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Rosary for Peace takes place every Monday from 6 to 7 pm in the Church. LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE August 4 Lector: Mary O’Neil Eucharistic Minister: Thomas O’Neil August 5 Lector: Ray Desilets Eucharistic Minister: Genevieve Mathieu August 11 Lector: Ed Nawotka Eucharistic Minister: Rachel Towers August 12 Lector: Keith McLaughlin Eucharistic Minister: Gaitan Mathieu JOB OPPORTUNITY: George Gifford has announced he will be retiring as supervisor of our cemeteries at the end of this season. We are most grateful for his many hours of dedicated service over the last 31 years. Anyone interested in finding out what this job, as supervisor of Holy Rosary and St. Mary’s Cemetery, involves should call George at 434-6008. BURLINGTON EMERGENCY SHELTER We will be preparing meals for the shelter on August 9th and 10th and August 15th and 16th. If you would like to donate food or beverage or could help deliver the food on August 9th and/or August 15th, please contact Jeanne Desilets – 434-3526. Page 5 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Recruitment Update: Thank you to those who have committed to working with our youth next season. We are still looking for volunteers to teach grades K, 8, 9, & 10. Please contact Jill at the rectory if you would like to discuss these fabulous opportunities. YOUTH MINISTRY Reminder to students in grades 6-10 and their parents to please return the survey that you recently received in the mail. This information will help us in planning activities for our youth. LECTORS NEEDED Presently Our Lady of the Holy Rosary is looking for lectors to read at the weekend Masses. If you are interested contact either Joe Bouchard at 434-3323 or Fr Don at 878-4513 for additional information. Thanks to all those who are already serving as lectors. NEW SCHEDULES for lectors and Eucharistic Ministers are available in the Sacristy. The Richmond Historical Society will hold the 2007 Old Round Church Pilgrimage on Sunday, August 12 at 3:00 pm. For more than 80 years, an Old Round Church Pilgrimage has been held to honor the Church's heritage as Richmond's first place of worship and community meeting house. This year's program features a brief ecumenical worship service led by Barbara Purinton of the Richmond Congregational Church, and a performance by youth musicians from the Vermont Suzuki Violins ensemble. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments provided by the Richmond Historical Society will be served following the program. For more information call 434-6453. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 Tuesday: Nm 12: 1-13; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25 — 14:1, 26-29a, 34-35; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Nm 20:1-13; Mt 16:13-23 Friday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Jn 12:24-26 Saturday: Dt 6:4-13; Mt 17:14-20 Sunday: Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]; Lk 12:32-48 [35-40]
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