26th Sunday in H R HOLY ROSARY PARISH 630 7th Ave. N. P O Box 206 Edmonds, WA 98020 Parish Phone: 425-778-3122 Parish E-mail: parishmail @holyrosaryedmonds.org Fax: 425-672-4909 Website: www.holyrosaryedmonds.org ***** School Phone: 425-778-3197 School E-mail: info@holyrosary edmonds.org Fax: 425-771-8144 Website: www.hrsedmonds.org *** Mass Schedule: Sunday: 7:30, 9 & 11 AM Monday-Friday: 8 AM Saturday: 8 AM Communion Service Saturday Vigil: 5 PM *** “With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.” March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Dear Parishioners: We conclude this week with readings for the RCIA with the story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead from John’s gospel. Lazarus is one of Jesus’ best friends along with Lazarus’ sisters: Martha and Mary. Jesus receives the news of Lazarus’ illness, but waits three days until he comes. Martha, disappointed in Jesus’ response, says, “If you had only been here, my brother would have lived.” Jesus responds that he will live. In a poignant touch, the story says that Jesus was visibly moved by the death of Lazarus. Jesus commands that Lazarus rise from the dead and Lazarus does come back to life. The story is about life, and that is what our faith is about: life. Through the actions of Jesus in his suffering, death, and resurrection, he rose so that we might have life. Our life on earth is transitory. Our physical life will end someday, and we will pass from this life to a life with God forever. We need to live our lives with joy and share that joy with others. Many people do not have much joy in their life. Everyone faces challenges and face some difficult times. However, if you have joy and a sense of hope to guide you, you can overcome many of your problems. When you pray, you should pray with joy and gladness in your heart. Living in this community, all of us are blessed in so many ways and have much that we can share. You can make a difference when you share your love of life with others. On another front, we had confirmation last week with 29 youth, and 10 adults. I was very pleased to see that many people came out to support those who were being confirmed. Our religious ceremonies are the reason that we are in existence. I have asked that when we have important religious ceremonies, we do not schedule a myriad of meetings to conflict with the ceremonies. Next week, on March 26th, we will have our Lenten penance services at 11:00 AM and at 7:00 PM. Everyone has a right to the sacrament of reconciliation. Many people avail themselves of the opportunity to celebrate the sacrament at this time. I would ask the many organizations who meet on a regular basis that they not schedule meetings at the same time as the reconciliation service. There are other times to receive the sacrament of reconciliation if you check the bulletin. On Monday, March 30th, I will have confessions for the school children. As we approach the end of Lent---we have only two weeks left---you can look forward to a celebration of new life at Easter time: the new life of the Risen Christ, the new life of the newly baptized, and the renewal of life which hopefully has taken place within each of us. Sincerely yours in Christ, Confessions: Saturday: 3:30-4:30 PM *** The Catholic Cemetery serving Holy Rosary is Holyrood Cemetery. 206-363-8404 Rev. Kenneth Haydock, Pastor CALENDAR Pg. 2 Sunday, March 22, 2015 St. Nicholas Owen Ezekiel 37:12-14; Romans 8:8-11; John 11:1-45 - Third Scrutiny • Coffee’nd hosted by Knights of Columbus • Parish Blood Drive in the School Hall, 8:30AM-2:30PM (closed 10:30-11:30AM). • Religious Ed. in the School, 9-11:15AM. • Youth Mass, 11AM. • High School Life Teen Night in the Pastoral Center Youth Room, 7-8:30PM; Open Gym, 8:30-9:30PM. Monday, March 23, 2015 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; John 8:1-11 • 8 AM Mass • Jr. High Youth meet in the Youth Room, 7PM; Jr. High Open Gym, 8-8:30PM. Geri Thibodeau/RIP Tuesday, March 24, 2015 St. Catherine of Genoa Johnny Johnson/RIP Numbers 21:4-9; John 8:21-30 • 8 AM Mass • Bible Study meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 6:30-8PM (#24,makeup for Feb. 19 p.m. session). Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Annunciation of the Lord Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10; Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38 • 8 AM Mass • Little Blessings meets in the Youth Room, 9:30-11AM. • Soup Night in the School Hall, 6-7PM. • Traditional Choir rehearsal in the church, 6:30-8:30PM. • RCIA meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 206, 7PM; Last Things. Jane Bridge/RIP Thursday, March 26, 2015 Blessed Didacus Joseph of Cadiz Dorothy McCool/RIP Genesis 17:3-9; John 8:51-59 • 8 AM Mass • Gospel of John class by Fr. Haydock meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 206, 9-10:30AM. • Bible Study meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 9-10:30AM (#24,makeup for Feb. 19 a.m. session). • Lenten Penance Service in the church, 11AM. • History of the Roman Empire class meets in Pastor’s Conference Room, 1-3PM. • Lenten Penance Service in the church, 7PM. Friday, March 27, 2015 Lazarus Geri Thibodeau/RIP Jeremiah 20:10-13; John 10:31-42 • 8 AM Mass • Women’s Association meeting in the Pastoral Center, 8:30AM. • 9AM School Mass • Stations of the Cross in the church, 3:30PM. • Health Ministry Program—Legal and Financial Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease, Rm. 204, 2-4PM (Preregistration required - 425-245-8226). • Fish Friday Dinner in the Pastoral Center, 5:30-7:30PM. Saturday, March 28, 2015 Ezekiel 37:21-28; John 11:45-56 • 8 AM Communion Service St. Catharine of Bologna Sunday, March 29, 2015 Passion of the Lord/Palm Sunday Blessed Ludovico of Casoria Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-15:47 • Coffee’nd hosted by Knights of Columbus. • Religious Ed. in the School, 9-11:15AM. • Youth Choir practice in the Youth Room, 10-11AM. • High School Life Teen Night in the Pastoral Center Youth Room, 7-8:30PM; Open Gym, 8:30-9:30PM. FAITH FORMATION Pg. 3 This Week’s Stewardship Note—Today is the Fifth Sunday in Lent. "If you had been here, Lord, my brother would not have died." Martha, John 11: 21 Mary, John 11: 32 Lazarus has died, and his sisters are angry at Jesus. Martha, who in chapter 12 does all the work and is rebuked by Jesus for being jealous of her sister, comes out first and casts her accusation. Jesus responds by saying, "I am the resurrection and the life." Mary, who in the next chapter will anoint Jesus' feet with oil and dry them with her hair, comes out next and casts the exact same accusation. Mary's accusation, however, gets a much different reaction from Jesus: he weeps. He then prays and manifests the power of faith by calling out their brother from death. Many of us who lose a loved one share Martha's and Mary's anger. We do not have Jesus to raise our beloved but we do have Jesus to console us, we have his promise of eternal life, and we have his ever-abiding promise of full life in this life for those who believe. Many activities are scheduled in Lent to deepen your experience of the season. Every Wednesday night at 6PM is Soup Night. You are invited to donate the money you saved with this simple meal to Rice Bowl. Fish Fridays have been wonderful community meals. The last one is on March 27th. Come out and support the Youth and Young Adult Program and enjoy a wonderful Lenten dinner as well! Finally, Deacon Ray has begun teaching contemplative prayer on every-other Tuesday at 9AM and 6:30PM. Next session is April 7th. People new to the experience are finding it overwhelmingly beautiful. Korea, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, India or other Asian cultures, and you would like to help organize the event, please email or call me. I am looking for help with stewardship efforts, in particular, photographers, writers, and those adept at social media marketing. Many people whose social security numbers were stolen in last year’s national tax fraud are finding that the IRS has done nothing to try to identify fraudulent tax refund claims. To simplify your life it is advisable to file your taxes early before the bad guys do, whether you were victimized last year or not. If you have been victimized, please let the Archdiocese know by emailing them at [email protected]. A recent letter from the Archdiocese is at http:// www.seattlearchdiocese.org/Assets/ ARCH/5750_LeadershipJan14.pdf. The main useful information: If you believe that you are the victim of tax fraud for the 2014 year, you may want to consider filing a new IRS Form 14039. Keep in mind that filing of Form 14039 will likely cause processing time for your tax return to be longer and refunds will take longer to process. Again, the best approach is to file early. The reconciliation services will be March 26th at 11AM and 7PM. Do not miss this opportunity! If you or your parishioners received an IP PIN, it must be used to file a tax return in 2014. If you want to request an IP PIN to protect yourself, you can visit the IRS’s Get An IP PIN on its website. The process may take time, and because these IP PINs are in high demand, may not result in your timely receipt of an IP PIN. If you file early, and then subsequently receive an IP PIN, you may be required to refile using the IP PIN. http://www.irs.gov/Individuals/ The-Identity-Protection-PIN-IP-PIN Save the Date! The 4th Annual Multicultural Mass and Lunch will be May 31st! This year we will be celebrating the cultures of Asia. If your cultural heritage comes from John Russell, Pastoral Associate for Stewardship and Information Technology [email protected] (425) 977-4545 ADULT FAITH FORMATION: The Pray Always Group meets again after Easter, Tuesday April 7th at 9AM or 6:30PM. The task is to support you in your prayer, and grow in your relationship with God. The Bible study on Matthew’s Gospel concluded on March 19th. However, we’ll begin a study of the Psalms, the school of prayer April 9th. As in the past there will be two sessions on Thursdays, at 9AM and 6:30PM. If you missed Matthew think about getting into the Bible study groove with the Psalms. Psalms has been the school of prayer for countless saints and Christians, and give you an in-depth experience of prayer. We still need couples to volunteer as marriage mentor couples. If you’re in a happy marriage and were to volunteer, your help would be greatly appreciated. The mentoring workbooks and video are excellent and easy to use. Plus, I’ll see that you have a good orientation to the process so you can feel confident when you work with a couple. If you feel called in your heart to this ministry to model Christian marriage to an engaged couple, contact me at 425-977-4549 or at [email protected]. ~Deacon Ray FAITH FORMATION Daily Prayer This Week This is the last full week of Lent. We can feel the conflict and struggle developing in the readings. As we read about the drama that surrounded Jesus' last days on earth and reflect upon its meaning, we experience how the drama that is going in our own hearts is more intense the closer we get to the end of Lent. The Spirit of the Lord is really trying to help us be more open and more free, to receive the graces our Lord wants to offer us. There is another spirit that is fighting just as hard to distract us, discourage us, and prevent us from being open and attentive to God's gifts. The closer we get to the mystery of our Lord's passion, death and resurrection for us, the more we can experience struggle. If I experience myself somewhat “at war” with myself, then these are very important days to keep deliberately asking our Lord to help me. It is also a great time to begin to prepare to renew the baptismal promises at Easter. We can reject the unloving choices we've made, all that is unjust, dishonest, disrespectful and violent. We want to refuse to be mastered by empty promises. Declaring our desire for freedom is a great preparation to receive this great gift. If we are celebrating the Scrutinies with the RCIA candidates and catechumens, this is a wonderful time to pray for them as well, for their protection from the evil one in the last days of their journey. If we have developed the habit of naming a desire the first thing each morning, and carrying on a conversation with our Lord in the brief background moments of the day, we are already comfortable with letting the Word or the Season interact with the concrete events of the week. This way of finding intimacy with our Lord, through our daily interaction - even in a very busy life - is so appropriate for the Fifth Week of Lent. We can discover areas that are still resistant to God's grace. We can ask for help to practice new ways of being free, or new ways of loving. We can find ways to make financial sacrifices to give to the poor this week. Each night this week, we can give thanks. The closer we get to celebrating Holy Week and the events that brought us our salvation, each of us can express our gratitude, realizing this was all for me. ...from the “Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer”, www.creighton.edu/collaborativeMinistry/online.htm MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Take Time, Make Time for Your Marriage. Children, young and old, need to see their parents take loving time together. You don’t need a great deal of time, but no relationship can exist without taking time to nurture that relationship. What greater relationship is there for your family, your faith community and our world than your strong marriage where we can all witness the love that our Lord Jesus asks of us? If you don’t make the time for each other it simply will not happen. Make your Marriage a Priority this Lenten Season: It’s not too late to focus on something positive this Lent — making your marriage everything God intended it to be. Retrouvaille can help you rediscover your spouse and move forward in a more positive and loving way. For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning April 24-26, 2015, call 206-706-2608 or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com. Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish, but might have eternal life. -Annunciation of the Lord, Solemnity March 25 God gave us His only Son that our sins would be forgiven. Come experience forgiveness and healing on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ May 29-31, 2015 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. RCIA: The next session is Wednesday, March 25th, at 7PM in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 206. The topic for this week is: Last Things. Please contact Father Haydock for additional information at: [email protected]). GOSPEL OF JOHN: Fr. Haydock’s class on the gospel of John meets again on March 26th from 9 to 10:30AM in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 206. Additional classes will be scheduled after Easter. If you wish to attend, bring a modern translation of the Bible. Pg. 4 FAITH IN ACTION Pg. 5 PRAYER SUPPORT...Please remember in your prayers the following who are ill: Doreen and Robert Crow, Cindy French, Raymond Jerrel, Theresa Kaufman, Victoria Cardenas, Keene Landry, Nancy Gilbertson, Richard Horan, The Owen Family, Riley Bench, Thomas Dye, Kim Menzer, Matt Buley, Roberta Buchter, Sarah Zech, Rochelle Pautzke, Wyatt Chin, Marty Spadafora, Frank and Valerie Rocco, Michael Thomas, Simone Fortin, Bridget English, Kevin Fraley, Beverly Mackey, Kristi Petosa, Josie Smith, Dieter Zajaczkowski, Edith Pederson, Edna Lemeshko, Elaine McNamara, Joseph Zampardo, Christle Brukner, Leo and Dora Romero, David Hollcraft, Angie Zamberlin, Leonard Soldo, Carol Parrott, Bob Ervin, Christy Heymann, Rick West, Ronald Haskins, Dick Crooks, Tom Grabicki, Claire Henderson, Bill Rees, Rita Ritchie, Father Petosa, Ethel Moons, John Hertel, Lourdes Rivera, John McAlerney, LaVonne Tyson, Christine Vezetinski, Margie Johnson, Connie Emry, John Kelly, Darnel Bowers, Gil Martelino, Ron Hammill, Chris Floeting, Jack Leary, Pat Marick, Diane Carney and Colleen Ford (sister of Connie Mizuha). Please keep them in your prayers and also, those who have passed away, especially Ky Nguyen, Anthony Joseph Espiritu, and Rosemary Clarke (mother of T.C. Thacker). In order to keep this list current we ask that you check in at least every couple of months. If we don’t hear from you, and have no current information, you may be dropped. We are always happy to reinstate you if the need is still present. Call Eileen Niven at 425-778-3122. If you wish to add someone to the list, please email or call Eileen at the Parish Office. Prayers of the Faithful If you add a name to the Prayers of the Faithful list spoken on the weekend, please fill in their name, etc. in the “blue weekend add on” binder in the sacristy. We need the information for follow-up. Thank you! Youth and Young Adult Ministry Our Youth and Young Adult Website is updated! Please refer to it for information regarding many ministry opportunities for 7th and 8th graders, high school students and young adults. Life Nights for High School Teens...on Sundays, 7-8:30PM. We meet each Sunday night except for certain holiday weekends. A full calendar is published online on our parish website. Open Gym time has changed to 8:30-9:30PM to make time for our Life Nights (7-8:30PM, with exceptions as noted on the website). High school teens are also encouraged to be members of our “Peer Team” a peer leader for our high school group or a “Core Team” member for our 7th and 8th grade group. This kind of leadership involvement is a real plus for college and job applications. World Youth Day is on!!! We’re going to Krakow, Poland in July 2016 for an amazing experience!!! A link to the Archdiocesan website including itinerary and cost is on our website. Contact me asap if you are interested and for more information. Thank-you and God Bless, Angus [email protected] 425-778-3122 x225 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Do we find it important enough in our daily lives to sign up to cover a specific weekly hour of Eucharistic Adoration? "Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces, and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them." - St. Peter of Alcantara If you would like to spend time with Jesus in front of the Blessed Sacrament, contact Mike Montgomery to schedule a weekly day and time: [email protected], phone: 206-795-9837 OUTREACH FAMILY LIFE Pg. 6 St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank: The need continues so this week the SVDP food bank needs instant rice, boxed mashed potatoes, liquid dish soap, toothbrushes, body lotion. Thank you for your support and donations. A Psychologist is available to treat concerns such as depression, anxiety, grief and loss, and family problems. This service is offered for adults and children of the community. If you need assistance, please call Dr. Jeff Baird at 425-977-4534 to leave a message (your call is confidential and will be returned within 24 hrs.) The Women's Assn. will meet this Friday, March 27th, for our April meeting. Our regular date falls on Good Friday this year. The meeting is open to all women of the parish. Please join us. Fish Fridays are Back! Join us for the last Fish Friday in Lent: March 27th, in the Pastoral Center from 5:307:30PM. RSVP to [email protected] by Friday morning (day of) with “Fish Friday” in the subject line, or call 425-778-3122, ext. 225. Meal cost is $8 (2 pc.) or $10 (3 pc.), with beverages sold separately. Proceeds benefit Holy Rosary Youth and Young Adult Ministry including World Youth Day. MISSION CARNIVAL NEEDS: Our annual Mission Carnival is on May 3rd. We need new or gently used stuffed animals and small prizes. If you can contribute, please bring items to the Pastoral Center labeled “Mission Carnival.” Thank you! LENTEN SOUP NIGHTS are on Wednesday evenings during Lent, in the School Hall, 6-7PM. All are welcome. You can also sign up those nights to help with bringing soups or bread. Holy Rosary CYO Track and Field registration is now open. Please see the flyer and registration form on the school and parish websites. The Track and Field registration deadline is Thursday, March 26th. Stay tuned for information regarding fall 2015 Holy Rosary CYO soccer and cross country for grades K-8. Registration for these CYO fall sports will begin this spring. Vacation Bible School 2015 June 29th-July 2nd 9AM-Noon Mark your calendars for this Summer’s VBS program. Watch for more info soon! The Italian Wine Dinner hosted by the Knights of Columbus is Saturday, May 16th, 2015. Tickets go on sale right after Easter, or you may contact Steve Terry at [email protected] to reserve your place! Thank you so much for your get well cards, masses and food you provided me during my illness. You are a generous and caring community, and very much appreciated. Blessings to everybody. Millie Caldart. The Easter Baskets have been assembled and are in the process of being delivered!! We will still be accepting your monetary donations after mass next weekend, March 28-29, to help with the cost of ordering supplies for next year. If you wish to donate cash you may also send it to the office or drop it in the collection basket. Be sure to mark it clearly for: EASTER BASKET PROJECT. This project couldn’t exist without you! Thank you, Holy Rosary Parishioners! Please remember to pray for our elect and candidates who will celebrate the Easter Sacraments. If you wish to write notes to welcome them, notes may be brought to the Parish office by April 3rd. SCHOOL NEWS School News March 21 and 22, 2015 • • Holy Rosary students raised $3,124.00 for the American Heart Association doing Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart which is honoring Father Petosa this year. The Visiting Accreditation Team is at Holy Rosary on March 25, 26, and 27. We will have a 9AM Mass on Friday, March 27th. Religious Ed. Service Project: The Religious Ed. students put together personal care kits for underprivileged families (many homeless) who come to the St. Francis House in Seattle. We are in need of toothbrushes, small toothpastes, small deodorants, small soaps, shampoos and lotions (unused only, please). Around the Archdiocese Film & Discussion Series, “How Am I Being Called to Be Non-Violent?”, Sun., Mar 29, 2015, 2-4PM. Facilitated by Deacon Denny Duffell, Leona Muller, CSJP-A, and Sue Nies, CSJP-A. To register or for more information contact Sue Nies, CSJP-A at 206-595-4431 or e-mail [email protected]. Offered at St. Mary-on-the-Lake Peace and Spirituality Center, 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004. Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. We encourage you to carpool. Simply Living - “Redefining Success”: Ignatian Spirituality for Men. Saturday, April 11, 2015, 9AM Gathering/Social, 9:30-noon Program, Don Manning and Denny Duffell, presenters. How do you define “success”? Does it depend on money? Your Job? Relationships? Faith? Or even trying to “save the world”? St. James Outreach Center, Seattle. Free will offering. RSVP to Andrea Fontana, at [email protected] or 206.329.4824. More information at ignatiancenter.org. Save the date for the 9th Annual Catholic African Connections Conference, Saturday, April 25th, 2015 at Holy Spirit Parish (Kent, WA). We’re lining up some great speakers and discussion topics. Join us for morning break-out sessions, an afternoon panel discussion and plenty of networking opportunities. This is a free event open to all who are interested in a partnership beyond our borders. If questions, please contact Teresa Jolly Holt, at [email protected]. HOW TO REACH US Pg. 7 PARISH STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3122 REV. KENNETH HAYDOCK - PASTOR [email protected] no ext. DEACON RAY BIERSBACH ext.263 [email protected] JOHN RUSSELL —PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FOR STEWARDSHIP & TECHNOLOGY. [email protected] ext. 258 CHRIS STRATTON - EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT [email protected] ext. 257 EILEEN NIVEN - OUTREACH [email protected] ext. 223 DR. JEFF BAIRD - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST no e-mail-you may leave a confidential voice mail ext. 226 PARISH NURSES [email protected] MARY HUPF - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION [email protected] ANGUS MCDONELL—YOUTH MINISTER [email protected] SUSAN OLMOS - MUSIC DIRECTOR [email protected] BETH HUDSON - BOOKKEEPER [email protected] ext. 249 ext. 225 ext. 281 ext. 227 COLLEEN LEMESHKO - PARISH SECRETARY [email protected] ext. 222 GARY MCCONAGHY - FACILITIES MANAGER [email protected] ext.245 PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM. THE ANSWERING SERVICE WILL RELAY MESSAGES WHEN THE OFFICE IS CLOSED. SCHOOL STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3197 SUE VENABLE - PRINCIPAL [email protected] ext. 230 MICHELLE CIMAROLI - SCHOOL SECRETARY [email protected] SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS 7:30AM TO 4PM MONDAY-FRIDAY ext. 231 Pg. 8 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION INFANT BAPTISM - Parents attend two sessions to prepare to celebrate this sacrament. We encourage parents to attend before the birth or adoption of their child. Baptisms are normally celebrated at a weekend liturgy on the first weekend of the month. Next preparation sessions are on Monday evenings, April 20th and 27th, 2015, 7-8:30PM in the Parish Office. The next baptisms are on April 5th (Easter) at 11AM (no baptisms during Lent), May 3rd at 11AM, June 6th at 5PM, July 5th at 11AM and August 1st at 5PM. Please call the Parish Office to register. MARRIAGE - Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage should contact the parish at least 6 months prior to the desired date. Preparation for celebrating and living the sacrament is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK - is celebrated any time there is a serious illness or health crisis. Contact the parish office to make arrangements. The sacrament is also celebrated periodically at a Sunday liturgy and on weekdays. FUNERALS - Please contact the parish after a death, and before making arrangements with a funeral home. CONFIRMATION - The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated yearly for those who are high school juniors or seniors. Attendance at preparation sessions is required. Adults who have not been confirmed may also celebrate the sacrament. Contact the Parish Office for information about preparation. FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST EUCHARIST - Children are prepared for these sacraments after completing a year of remote preparation in either the school or religious education program. Parents attend preparation sessions for each sacrament. ADULT INITIATION - Adults who wish to join the Catholic Faith participate in sessions of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Contact the parish for further information. WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED MEMBER OF HOLY ROSARY PARISH. CALL US FOR A REGISTRATION FORM OR CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR AN ON LINE FORM. PLEASE
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