THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD MAY 16 - 17, 2015 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK “When He had said this, as they were looking on, He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him from their sight.” -Acts of the Apostles No doubt, for those of you that are attending Mass this weekend on Saturday at 5:00 P.M. or Sunday morning at 8:00 A.M., you might be wondering where the pastor might be? I am spending (at least part of) the weekend with my entire family (U.S. side) at my niece’s wedding near the Twin Cities. This is my first niece that is getting married in the Catholic Church. Since my brothers and sisters now reside in four states, it is something special when we can all be together in the same place, at least for a little while. The wedding is a joyful moment in the life of the van de Crommert family, but even more so when we can get a chance to all be together. I still can remember with such clarity the weekend I took off from college in February, in my senior year at St. John’s, to attend my brother’s wedding who will now be the fatherof-the-bride this weekend. As he and his bride ascended the steps to exchange their vows, rings and promises of a life-time of fidelity, it too was a new chapter in our family of origin. Since we had no other family in this country, it was an adjustment for family life, that now English had to be spoken 100% as the in-laws were here. For a long time it felt more like company had come and not family. With the next generation stepping forward to enter into marriage and family life, no doubt it will be a time again of reflection and contemplation as our family enters into another new chapter with new in-laws and new last names and more individuals who are strangers, but will become family and shirt-tale relation. This weekend we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. We celebrate Christ ascending into the clouds to be reunited with His heavenly Father. No doubt, as the disciples watched this miraculous encounter take place, they too realized that they had entered into a “new chapter” as members of the family of God and new fledgling Church of Christ. Just as in any marriage there can be expected the Paschal Mystery of both joys and sorrows, so too, in the spiritual life. For just as Christ is “wedded” once again to heaven, and the apostles are once again “wedded” to the work of building up the Church, so too, they faced many joys and equally many sorrows that included martyrdom and death. For many of us, we have ascended and descended the sanctuary steps to receive a vocational sacrament. For many, our next great spiritual ascension is from this life to the hope of life eternal. How important it is then for us to make sound spiritual use of the finite time that we have remaining on the earth to give our heart, our lives, our actions and our very selves to Christ, so that one day we might ascend beyond this earth as well to everlasting life. A Blessed Ascension to you all! Rev. Paul van de Crommert, Pastor Stewardship of Treasure Adult (149) Electronic Giving Junior Plate Catholic Communication Campaign Home Missions Appeal School Building Rent VBS Tuition Grand Total $ 8,606.00 4,396.25 44.19 355.00 17.50 10.00 950.00 90.00 $ 14,468.94 *(Our weekly budget is set at $12,750.00) STEWARDSHIP We made budget again this week and more than $6,000.00 higher in one week than a year ago! Wow! Thank you so much! Your generosity is amazing and will allow us to possibly take on some needed repair projects this summer in and around the church and school. I am so grateful to all of you that have taken on the “stewardship courage” to use the “electronic giving” as your primary means of stewardship. As you can see by the collection, it makes such a big difference for our weekly support. Again, if you plan to be gone a great deal this summer, electronic giving might be something that you would consider. Our bookkeeper, Jim Theuninck, would be more than happy to help you in this area. WELCOME VISITING MISSIONARY Each year, the Diocese of New Ulm welcomes missionaries to each parish to come and speak about the needs of the poorer regions of the Church in this country and around the world. We are pleased to welcome Fr. Anthony Muthu from the Heralds of Good News, out of Barbourville, Kentucky. We are grateful for Father’s message and ministry this weekend at Holy Rosary. If you wish to make a direct donation to the work of his community, you may send your check directly to the order at St. Gregory Catholic Church, 329 Sycamore Drive, Barbourville, KY 40906 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “Try to serve the Lord with all your heart and with all your will. He will always bless you more than you deserve.” -St. Padre Pio THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD PARISH AUCTION THANK YOU! What a wonderful and exciting evening we had last Wednesday evening. It felt like the “Antique Road Show”, with the great crowd and so many items. The only difference is that people were buying the items and taking them home for their use and enjoyment! I want to say a special word of thanks to Jim Theuninck who did so much organization and calling for the cause, as well as to Elaine, our parish secretary who did a superb job getting the word out to the parishes, advertising in the papers, getting out the posters, and helping with all of the last minute details. I also wish to thank all of the folks who helped last Saturday morning filling up the gym with items. It was backbreaking work and we are most grateful for their behind-the-scenes efforts. I also wish to thank the women who came to price all of the items for the garage sale, the CCW women who brought bars & cookies, Frank & Connie Weber for the meal, Craig Amundson for the beverages, as well as all who served at the auction/garage sale and helped with the clean-up. It was a fun evening and reminded me of the many fall festivals I worked and helped in organizing and executing. It was a great night of fellowship and fund-raising. God bless you all for being such good sports and helping a great cause! You are great! BAPTISMAL BLESSINGS Our prayers and best wishes go out to Jeremiah and Danielle Hess on the occasion of Baptism of their daughter, Freya Isabel, who will be baptized this Sunday here at Holy Rosary. May this sacrament of initiation be the beginning of a life-time relationship with Christ, His Church and the Holy Eucharist. God bless you all! SPRING COMMUNAL ANOINTING Holy Rosary Church is planning two spring communal anointing services for our seniors and those who are in a health situation that would benefit from the healing holy oil of the Sacrament of the Sick. The first communal anointing will be held on Thursday, June 4th, during the Mass at 10:15 A.M. at Pathstone care facility (the address of Pathstone is 718 Mound Ave, Mankato, MN 56001.) The second communal anointing will be held on Monday, June 8th, during Mass at 4:00 P.M. and followed by a potluck supper in the church basement at 5:00 P.M. Please plan to attend. The next communal anointing will be later this year in the late fall or early winter! MAY 16 - 17, 2015 JOB OPPORTUNITIES I.) Faith Formation Director: Holy Rosary Catholic Church is seeking a full-time Director of Faith Formation for the 2015-2016 academic year. The requirements for this position include (in part) a bachelor’s degree in education and/or theology, knowledge and/or experience in administration, computer skills/technology as well as a strong working knowledge of the Catholic faith. A competitive salary and benefits are being offered including paid vacation, insurance subsidy and retirement benefits. All written resumes must be submitted to the pastor, Rev. Paul van de Crommert, Church of the Holy Rosary, 525 Grant Avenue, North Mankato, MN. 56003, by U.S. mail or delivered to the parish office by no later than 12:00 P.M. Friday, May 29th, 2015. II.) Full-Time Youth Minister Position: The Greater Mankato Catholic Youth Ministry Board is seeking a full-time Joint Youth Minister to direct the planning, implementation and evaluation of a Youth Ministry program with 2 Catholic parishes in Mankato for youth in grades 6-12. St. John the Baptist and Holy Rosary Catholic Churches are proceeding with a search for a Youth Minister for our two parishes (with the hope of adding St. Joseph the Worker in the coming days). Please visit our Holy Rosary website for full job description details (found in the right-hand column on the home page). St. Aloysius, patron saint of youth, please pray for us! REBOOT! LIVE! SAVE THE DATE: Holy Rosary has, in conjunction with the other Parishes in the Mankato area, secured a world-class event: Reboot! Live!, for September 30th, 2015 from 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm. Reboot! Live! will be held at the Fitzgerald Campus in Mankato and will feature Chris Stefanick. The evening will center around a practical exploration and understanding of our faith, and all the ways it’s meant to impact our lives, including: prayer and spirituality, work, dating, marriage, parenting, health and more. JOIN OUR OUTREACH TEAM AND HELP MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS: You are invited to be part of this Mission! We need your gifts. We need your heart, hands and feet! Our first Outreach Team Meeting will be held Sunday May 17th, 2015 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church: Upper Room (4th Floor) of Xavier Hall. Contact Beverly Miller at 507-514-2425 or [email protected] for more information! Please visit to learn more about Chris and Reboot! Live! Events. THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD MAY 16 - 17, 2015 The Week Ahead Liturgical Roles May 23 - 24 Sunday, May 17: The Ascension of the Lord 7:30 am – Rosary 8:00 am – Mass - People of the Parish 9:30 am – Rosary 10:00 am – Mass - Leonard Mettler (87th Birthday) 11:30 am – Baptism 7:00 pm – Loyola Graduation (Fr. Paul attends) - Good Counsel Campus Gym Monday, May 18: Easter Weekday 8:05 am – Rosary 8:30 am – Mass - Monica Haack† 9:15 am – Bible Study (Conf. Rm. #1) 11:00 am – Mass at SSND (Fr. Paul) - Janice Person† 7:00 pm – Pastoral Council Meeting (Conf. Rm. 1) Tuesday, May 19: Easter Weekday 8:05 am – Rosary 8:30 am – Holy Communion Service 12 pm - 2 pm – Presbytery Day - Olivia (Fr. Paul attends) 7:00 pm – River of Life (Conf. Rm. 1) Wednesday, May 20: Easter Weekday 8:15 am – Mass at Fitzgerald Middle School (Fr. Paul) - Stanley Lyons† 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm – Sewing Group - Parish Center 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm – Holy Rosary Choir Practice Lectors 5:00 pm: 8:00 am: 10:00 am: Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 pm: 8:00 am: 10:00 am: 5:00 pm: 8:00 am: 10:00 am: 5:00 pm: Les Calsbeek Family 8:00 am: Gordy & Terri Compton 10:00 am: Jack & Diann McGowan Ushers 5:00 pm: 8:00 am: Friday, May 22: Easter Weekday 10:00 am: 10:15 am – Mass at Monarch Meadows (Fr. Paul) - Shawn Reynolds† Readings for the Week Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun: Acts 19:1-8/ Jn 16:29-33 Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:1625/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 Larry Bennett, Tom Rheaume, Gary Wintheiser, Steve Enderle Doug & Jake Homan, Gary Zellmer, Bill Fasnacht Jim Barker, Glenn Verschelde, Steve Fink, Steve Kaiser Music Ministry 5:00 pm: 8:00 am: 10:00 am: Julie Gruber/Jeanne Makela Lori Christiansen/Vicki Galli Holy Rosary Choir/Elaine Wolf /Sr. M. Adelyn Vokal Rosary Leaders Sunday, May 24: Pentecost Sunday 7:30 am – Rosary 8:00 am – Mass - John Klaseus† 9:30 am – Rosary 10:00 am – Baccalaureate Mass - People of the Parish 11:15 am – Graduate Reception (Lower Social Hall) Larkin Hansen, Jonathan Hull, Anna Voracek Grace & Ben Ellingworth, Carson Fischer Robbie & Elizabeth Meidl, Matthew Helget Presentation of Gifts 10:15 am – Mass at Pathstone (Fr. Paul) - Mary Cline† 7:30 pm – Worship Committee - Easter Take Down 4:30 pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:30 pm – Rosary 5:00 pm – Mass - Thanksgiving to St. Jude† Karen Etzell, Nicole Hull, Daniel Gowanlock, Patrick & Wanda Hull, *Steve Caron Gene Brandt, Gerry Hiniker, Mary Homan, Michelle Ellingworth, Cathy Neve, *Sharon Lenz Darlene Schorn, Jackie Cesario, Marsha Murphy, Dawn Matz, Kathy Ulman, *Margo Wheeler Altar Servers Thursday, May 21: Easter Weekday Saturday, May 23: Easter Weekday Maggie Bennett John Holden Jim Schorn 5:00 pm: 8:00 am: 10:00 am: Paul Stevens Margaret Ayers Curt & Donna Stanke Money Counters - April, May & June 2015: Mary Haley, Lee Sontag Kopp, Les Kopp, Arlyce Anderson Bulletin Folders for May 2015: Mary Bliss, Barb Wegscheid, Marge Grausam, Rita Townsend PLANT SALE THANK YOU The annual plant sale was a success. Congratulations to Leola Sontag who won the plant drawing. We appreciated all the help we received from the KCs, who put up the tent, and the volunteers, who unloaded, reloaded, and assisted with the plant sales. Deb Brunick and Linda Olson THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD MAY 16 - 17, 2015 LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYERS… PRAYERS AND SUPPORT FOR ALL OF OUR SICK AND INJURED OF HOLY ROSARY PARISH Our prayers go out to all of the sick and injured in our parish who are at home, in the hospital, nursing homes or assisted-living residences. May God bless them and keep them under His guidance and protection! FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL Ruth Baker, Ruth Fitterer, Bruce Grausam, Kris Bachmann, Jane Keltgen, Isaac Kolstad, Rachel Tobin, Mary Jane Ledwein, Tom Grausam, Don Haley, Doris Lorentz, Bill Goettlicher, Lenore Sweers, Krystal Portz, Jan Brumm, Steve Fitterer, Nancy Marquardt, Gabriel Speckel, Shannon Murphy, Harriet Senesac, Lisa LaPoint Leland, David Bruender, Marilyn Bastian, Susan Zenk FOR OUR FAMILIES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Beverly Delyea No Mass Robert & Terri Taylor Billie Jo DeBill Reed & Megan White Jose & Jennifer Pena Joy Baumberger Timothy Eick Matt McGraw Christopher Schmidt Jonathan Heintz William Backes Alex Ek Ben Barsness Sean O’Dea Daniel Fitterer Anna Drummer PRAYER CHAIN If you, or someone you know, would like to be included in our prayer chain, please call Karen Etzell, 387-7877. SINCERE SYMPATHY To the families of Jerry Gagnier† ANNUAL BLESSING OF THE BIKES – SATURDAY MAY 30TH! When we have arrived in May we have not only arrived in the spring of the year, but it is also a time to spring on top of your bike. “It is easy as riding a bike” is not always a true statement. Following the 5:00 P.M. Mass, May 30th, I will offer a prayer and bless all the bikes of young and old around 6:00 P.M. More than 700 people are killed annually in bicycle accidents in the United States alone. This averages to about two Americans dying every day from bicycle accidents! We need to have a blessing (and to wear our helmet) to insure that we will be able to ride our bike for many years to come. Please plan to park your bikes on the north lawn of the church. Treats will be provided for all who participate! We hope to see you there!!! K of C Council #5551 News FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY Nick Blace Jared Hiniker Ann Winkler Dana Schiller Mark Hansen UPCOMING PARISH MEETINGS *Pastoral Council – May 18th, 6:30 P.M. MONDAY! Finance Council – June 1st, 6:30 P.M. *This meeting will be the final meeting until next September. Mark Fallenstein† -May they rest in peace. MARRIAGE ENOUNTER Give each other the most excellent gift possible for your marriage! Register for the June 13th-14th Marriage Encounter at Weekends are held at Mt Olivet Conference and Retreat Center in Farmington. Visit for additional information or call 651.454.3238. May 27 - Blood Drive May 28 - General Meeting June 5, 6, & 7 - Brat Stand at Cub Foods June 11 - Planning Meeting The Knights of Columbus has party tents for rent. Size 20' by 40'. Call 507-317-0723. RETIREMENT RECOGNITION – JUNE 14TH The date for the retirement recognition has been changed (due to the honoree’s schedules) to Sunday, June 14th, following the 10:00 A.M. We will honor those who are retiring and stepping down from their positions: Maggie Bennett, Sue Cashman, Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer and our two part-time youth ministers Kevin Mettler and Paul Ahearn. We hope you can prioritize the day and come down, thank these folks and to share some food and fellowship. CATHOLIC COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN Today, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please be generous in this week’s collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in our diocese to support local communication needs. The CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship, and witness. THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD MAY 16 - 17, 2015 STEWARDSHIP CORNER Last week Loyola hosted our External Accreditation Review. Evaluators came to us from the Northeast Regional office of AdvancEd in PA, Benilde-Saint Margaret’s in St. Louis Park MN, Holy Family Catholic School in Victoria MN, and the AdvancEd Office in St. Paul MN. SSND provided housing for the three day visit, Loyola Food Service and our Board of Trustees provided meals and snacks. The Team met with Trustees, administrators, parents, teachers, staff and students. Accreditation, an ongoing self-study process with a visit every five years, is not only a verification of what we do well, but a commitment to continuous improvement. Loyola second graders celebrated in thanksgiving for the gift of their First Holy Communion at our school Mass last week. Baccalaureate Mass for our seniors was on Wednesday evening. Third graders will be honored at Mass on May 20th as they transition to grade 4 and a new campus. At 9:30 am Mass on May 29th at SSPP church, Loyola eighth graders will be recognized for their leadership and service. All are welcome. This week is Literacy Week at Loyola Primary and Intermediate. Celebrating the gift of reading, the week features themed activities and snacks based on a different genre each day. The celebration culminates with the Star Reader Award ceremonies on Friday, recognizing students who have met their Accelerated Reader goals throughout the year. Graduation will be May 17th at 7:00 pm in the Good Counsel campus gym. All are welcome. THE COOLEST WEEK OF THE SUMMER! Join us for Vacation Bible School, June 8-12. Cost is $30/student (4 & 5 Year Olds-Grade 5). *New friends *Amazing experiments *Glacier Games *Lip-smacking snacks *Surprising adventures & *Incredible music. Registration forms in Parish Office or contact Sue at 345-6765. JOYFUL NOISE CONCERT AT THE ABBEY OF THE HILLS Bring your lawn chair and come enjoy the music of three groups of musicians! A blend of popular and Christian music. Saturday, May 23rd, 1-5pm At the Abbey of the Hills Inn & Retreat Center 46561 147th Street, Marvin, SD 57251 Food and drink available. Free will donation. Help Support the Abbey! 1. Diocesan United Fund (D.U.F.) Diocesan Priest Pension Fund/ Medical, Care Comp Ins, Priest Care Fund, and Diocesan Audit: DUE: $ 78,103.92 Pd. to Date $ 78,103.92 2. Annual Diocesan Ministries Appeal (D.M.A.) DUE: $ 27,708.85 Rec’d. to Date: $ 44,021.00 (*We are at 159 % our goal!) 3. Loyola Catholic School Assessment: DUE: $ 238,000.00 Pd. this week: $ 10,000.00 Pd. to Date: $ 165,658.68 Total Assessments 2014-2015: $ 343,812.77 Total Paid to Date 2014-2015: $ 287,783.01 Total Assessments Due 2014-2015: $ 56,029.76 (* Total includes D.M.A. overrun) We made a great step forward this week in covering our stewardship goal for Loyola. Because of your great response and great generosity towards our auction, we ended our week in the office by sending over a check in the amount of $10,000! This is tremendous! We are so blessed to have so many wonderful faithful at Holy Rosary that are showing their faith not just in “words” but more importantly through their “actions”! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! God bless your great generosity! FR. ED ARDOLF ENDOWMENT FUND This fund is now at $131,652.00. 85% of the earnings of this fund go to pay tuition at Loyola Catholic School for Holy Rosary families. Contributions to this fund may be dropped off at the parish office or sent to Amy at Loyola. FROM THE MANKATO SERRA CLUB CHRIST SPOKE OF THE TALENTS each one of us has, talents which must not buried. Our calling is to take those talents, develop them fully, and then use them in establishing His kingdom on earth. Are you using your talents to fulfill your vocation to service? Are you an active Christian in the parish, at your workplace, and in the home? Take some time today to reflect on how you might use your special talents in the service of the Kingdom. Pray for Vocations to the priesthood and all religious life. The number of men to be ordained to the priesthood in the United States this year could exceed the number from the previous year by more than 100. If all the men preparing for ordination do in fact receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders this year, the total would be 595. That's a 25% increase over the 477 that were ordained in 2014. Presented by The Mankato Serra Club for priestly and religious vocations for more information call 507.696.8119. THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD RICE BOWL THANK YOU Dear Holy Rosary Parishioners, Thank you for your generous gift to Catholic Relief Services. Your recent donation of $986.01 received on April 22, 2015 provides vital support to CRS. Your contribution is essential to our efforts to alleviate human suffering and ease the burdens of overwhelming poverty overseas. It is clear to me that you are as compassionate as the Good Samaritan in the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Rest assured your good deed is a godsend to our most vulnerable brothers and sisters around the world. We are blessed to have you as a member of the CRS family. I am inspired that you have chosen to reach far beyond the bounds of your own community to care for perfect strangers in such great need. On behalf of all those touched by your compassion, I offer my deepest gratitude and wish you an abundance of blessings and joys. May blessings overflow, Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo, President & CEO WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS Don’t take a summer vacation from caring for your marriage. God wants to be part of your marriage all summer long. Bring a breath of fresh air to your relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are July 17-19 in Buffalo, MN; September 11-13 in Irene, SD & International Falls, MN; October 9-11 in Buffalo, MN & November 20-22 in Medora, ND & Prior Lake, MN. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact John & Mary Beth at [email protected] or 507-838-8178. SUMMER SPLASH SUMMER SPLASH with the School Sisters of Notre Dame: a weekend for girls who are completing 6th, 7th or 8th grade and their moms (or significant female adults). Mom and daughter alumnae from any previous Summer Splash are also welcome. Held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Campus (170 Good Counsel Drive, Mankato, MN 56001), beginning at 1:00 pm Friday, June 26th until 6:00 pm Saturday, June 27th. Cost is $75 per mother/daughter pair. Includes a blend of activities designed to strengthen the mother-daughter connection while providing an inside look at the Sisters’ lives. See for more information and to register. Questions? Contact Sister Dorothy Zeller, SSND 507-514-2296. MAY 16 - 17, 2015 FOR GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS Students, stay Connected with your Catholic Faith when you go off to college. The NEWMAN CONNECTION High School Outreach Program helps you connect with your local Catholic College Campus Ministry. When students are entered into the NEWMAN CONNECTION database, their information will automatically be sent to the local Catholic Campus Ministry (Newman Center or local Catholic Parish’s college youth group when there is not a Newman Center on Campus). The Campus Minister can then reach out and contact the student to invite them to their activities on Campus. This effort has met with great success. Let’s keep our students connected to their Catholic Faith during their College years. If you have a graduating High School Student this year, please get them connected with their Catholic campus ministry by contacting Cathy Ahern, [email protected], or Dolores Portz, [email protected], with your student’s name and choice of College/University (with location) that they will be attending this fall. Sponsored by the Mankato Serra Club. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The mission of the American Cancer Society is to help people stay well, help people get well, find cures and help individuals fight back against cancer. The Road To Recovery program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients in our community to and from their treatments. Volunteer’s need to have a safe, reliable vehicle, a current driver’s license, proof of automobile insurance, a good driving record, availability during the day and a desire to help someone in need. If you are interested, please call 1-800-227-2345 and become a volunteer driver. MISCONDUCT NOTICE Anyone who has suffered sexual abuse or exploitation by a cleric of the Diocese of New Ulm should immediately report such misconduct to local law enforcement. They are encouraged to contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator or the Bishop’s Delegate in Matters Pertaining to Sexual Misconduct, 1421 6th Street North, New Ulm, MN 56073, phone: 507-233-5313, for counseling or assistance, if that is desired. LIVING EVERY DAY WITH PASSION AND PURPOSE WITH MATHEW KELLY Internationally acclaimed speaker and author, Matthew Kelly, will be at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 503 W Lyon St., Marshall, MN 56258 on Sunday, June 7th, 2015 from 4 pm to 8 pm. Tickets are just $39! To order tickets or for more information about this event go to or call 859-980-7900.
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