HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Michael Mac Mahon, Pastor 883-4359 Rev. Vincent Bresowar, Associate Pastor 882-1132 Rev. Paul Choi, Administrator of the Korean Catholic Community 690-9951 Deacon Sam Dias 715-1190 Deacon Michael Sudnik 604-3374 Deacon Larry Sisterman 881-8938 Deacon Bob Becher 479-5361 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO Saturday/Sabado Sunday/Domingo 5:00 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 11:45 AM WEEKDAY/DIA EN SEMANA Mon., Tues, Wed, Thurs., Fri. @ 7:30 AM Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes Monday/Lunes 12:00 Noon Tuesday/Martes 12:00 Noon Wednesday/Miercoles 7:00 PM Thursday/Jueves 12:00 Noon Friday/Viernes 9:00 AM School Mass (call the office to verify) RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Office (256)881-4781 Fax (256) 881-5510 625 Airport Road SW Huntsville, Alabama 35802 E-mail: hschur ch@holyspir ithsv.com Website: http://www.holyspirithsv.com PARISH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF/OFICINA 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Monday/Lunes-Thursday/Jueves Friday/Viernes 8:00 AM-1:00 PM Administrative Assistant Mar y Walker ext. 0 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Adult Religious Ed. Tr acy Finke ext. 223 or 881-0345 Religious Education Tr acy Finke ext. 223 or 881-0345 Music Ministry Anne Vasile 881-4781 ext. 219 Lori Lai 882-6483 KOREAN MASS Thursday & Saturday at 9:30 AM, and Tuesday & Friday at 7:30 PM, at the Korean Rectory HISPANIC MINISTRY/MINISTERIO HISPANO The Hispanic Ministry Office is located in the Parish Life Center next to the Nursery. It is open Monday through Friday 10:30am to 3:00 pm. 256-881-2211 or [email protected]. Hispanic Community Mass Sundays 2:00 PM Children/Adult Catechism Sundays 10:15-11:30 AM Baptismal Preparation Classes First Sunday of the Month 4:00 PM Multipurpose Room Nuestra Comunidad Hispana celebra la Santa Misa todos los Domingos a las 2:00 pm. Ninos/Adultos Catecismo cada domingo a las 10:15 am y Clases Bautismo de preparacion son los primeros domingos del mes a las 4 de la tarde en el salon junto a la oficina. 4:00-4:45 PM Saturday & by appointment. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM , 12:00 Noon & 6:00 PM BULLETIN NOTICES Send Bulletin Notices to [email protected] (subject to approval) Deadline for notices Tuesday at Noon. HOLY SPIRIT REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Terrance Golden, Principal 881-4852 ext. 103 BOOKSTORE HOURS POPE JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Vince Aquila, Principal 430-1760 ext. 101 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon March 22, 2015 1 Rest in Peace! Lil Rodeen Mary Buckley WELCOME!... HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH... ...invites everyone to “...full, conscious, and active participation” in the sacred liturgy. We hope you will join us in lifting our hearts and voices to God! Mass Intentions THE VESTIBULE... ...is the place for meeting old friends and greeting visitors! Reverence and quiet are expected in the church! Please turn off cell phones and beepers. March 23 ~ March 29, 2015 Monday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Tuesday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Wednesday 7:30 AM 7:00 PM Thursday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:45 AM AT HOLY COMMUNION… … it is appropriate to make a sign of reverence, a bow or a genuflection, before you receive Communion. To maintain the flow of the Communion procession, please make the sign of reverence while the person in front of you receives Communion. If you choose to receive Holy Communion in your hand, please do not reach for the host, but present your palm, flat out and high enough to receive Communion. Intinction is not permitted. INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND CHILDREN… ...are welcome at Mass. Anytime they become restless you may take them to the nursery. Our infant and toddler nurseries are open during the 9:00 AM and 11:45 AM Masses for children 6 mos.-4 years. † † † † † † † † † Anna Neupert Kelvin Wang Smitty Wilcox Thomas O’Connor Meryal Smith Agueda Damian Duenas Christiane Jenrath Joe Greco The Chapuran Family NO SCHOOL MASS Ann Francis Parishioners Angie Aurigemma Clifton Howard Hospital Care: If you or a member of your family ar e sick or in the hospital and need Deacon Mike Sudnik, please call him at 604-3374. If you need a Priest, you may call Fr. Mike at 883-4359 or Fr. Vincent Bresowar at 882-1132, day or night. INFORMATION… ...please take a bulletin as you leave church. In it you will find all the information you need to be an active Catholic at Holy Spirit Catholic Church… AGAIN WELCOME!... Sue Ellen Adams Willie Albanes Stephanie Anderson Pat Andreoni Christine Baker Nancy Bertrand Terri Bianca Zachary Brogdon Rebecca Brunty Shea Butler Doris Cassedy D. James Chambers Cathleen Chappell Lisa Citrano Sam Citrano Mabel Clemons Shirl Cola Brent Crow Pris Dance Bulletin available on the web at holyspirithsv.com PLEASE JOIN US! If you attend Holy Spirit Church on a regular basis and have not registered with the Parish, we invite you to do so. Complete the following information and drop it in the offertory basket and someone will contact you to help with the registration. If you have moved or changed phone numbers, please let us know! NAME_____________________________ Brenda David Lisa deVuyst Greg Denton Jean Duhon Maria Drejewski Elaine Ellingsen Leslie Enright Wil Etbauer DAYTIME PHONE__________________ LECTORS March 21-22 5:00 p P. Krakus (OT) — K. Lozen (NT) 7:30 a E. Phillips (OT) — O. Fadul (NT) 9:00 a E. Sanders (OT) — B. McCoy (NT) 11:45 a L. Wang (OT) — P. Anderson (NT) LECTORS March 28-29 Palm Sunday 5:00 p Bob Clopp (OT) — Bob Dineen (NT and “Voice”) 7:30 a Eileen Phillips (OT)—Chuck Higgins (NT & “Voice”) 9:00 a (OT) Carrie Turner — Eric Sanders (NT and “Voice”) 11:45 a (OT) Maia Kennedy — Vicki Pape (NT and “Voice”) Joyce Fontenot Monica Gan Martha Gould Amos Green Beverly Guest Joan Hart Isidro Hermosillo NoahHermosillo Alan Himbaugh Katie Hunt Beverly Hunter Billy Jenkins Stan Johns Holly (Rebman)Johnson Joanna Johnson Colleen Kleiber Moonyean Klueger Rita & Ken Knowles Milly Kuszynski Suzanne Lancaster Vince Lanzillo Carey Link Bill Lorson Mark Magnet Caitlyn Man Barbara Marfenski Patricia Morea Rebecca Morgan Kathryn Neill Estelle Owen Bernie Parr Elizabeth Restey Braelyn Richardson Patrick Riley Hazel Rogers Margaret Roth Katie Ofenloch Sanders Mark Schmidt Tonya Seabrooke Bob Seguin Nancy Seguin Rosemarie Smith Skip Songy Virginia Stitt Sr. Mary Lou Talmon J.D. Tillman Catherina Tjitra Rose Marie Tolley Kristin Etbauer Wiener Michael Wilks Ellie Yancey Vanessa Young March 28 —Altar Duty Michelle Vandergrift & Bett DeLong Purificator Laundering March 22 — Victoria Sutherland March 29 — Mary Ellen O’Halloran April 5 — Marlene & Lou Galipeau 2 Our Week In Review Monday March 23 Tuesday March 24 Wednesday March 25 Thursday March 26 Friday March 27 Saturday March 28 Palm Sun. March 29 2015 NOONTIME RECITAL SERIES AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS Concerts begin at 12:10 PM & end by 12:50 PM RCIA 6:15p PLC St. Vincent dePaul Mtg. 9:30a LIB March 26: Tr inity Methodist Cenacle Rosar y 9:00a LIB Lenten Soup Dinner 5:30p Kair os 5:30p PLC Queen R econciliation 6:30p St. Vincent de Paul Mtg. 7:00p MP K of C Fish Fry 5:00p Spanish Stations of the Cr oss 6:00p English Stations of the Cross 7:00p For sythe Baptism 6:15p No Charge! All are welcome! PARISH BREAKFAST! Sunday, March 29 8:30 am —11:00 am Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Hash-brown Casserole, Bacon, Sausage and Fruit Cocktail Tickets: $6 per person or $25 for the whole family Sponsored by the Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus Council 764. Masses: 7:00/9:00/11:45 AM KofC Br eakfast Rel. Ed. Classes Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Seminars Join Senior Helpers as we welcome nationally renowned dementia expert TEEAPA SNOW! Our Parish News From the Library……. In Poland before he became Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla wrote a play, later issued as a book, then as a movie. The Jeweller's (sic) Shop tells the story of two couples who meet tragedy, troubled marriage, and worries about the next generation. Their lives cross more than once. Ditto the strange jeweler from which they bought their rings -- he calls the rings symbols of love and lasting unity. The DVD version now in the Library is in English. It stars Ben Cross, Olivia Hussey, and in one of his last film appearances, Burt Lancaster as the jeweler. Session 1 Monday, April 6, 2015 From 6pm-8pm – Free of charge Teepa’s Topic–“Dementia 360Session 2 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 From 10am-1pm – Earn CEU’s for Nursing, Administrators and Social Workers Before 3/31/15 $40 for CEU Attendees/$30 for Non-CEU Attendees at the door on the day of the event. Lenten Fish Dinners The Knights of Columbus Council 764 are hosting Fish Dinners on Fridays during Lent. Dinners are available for take-out or join your fellow parishioners and dine in at the Parish Life Center from 5 – 7 PM. Cost is $8 for adults and $5 for children, with a family maximum of $30. Proceeds support the Knights’ charitable activities. Enjoy a good meal and fellowship prior to visiting the Stations of the Cross. Both events at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in the Parish Life Center To register for this event E-mail: [email protected] or call 256-650-2982 New Parishioners FOOD PANTRY ITEMES NEEDED! Please help with the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Certain items are low or no longer available to give to our clients. Foods needed now: canned fruit, jelly, and hot or cold cereal. Michael & Christina Fields 400 Curtis Dr. 35803 Jefferson & Elizabeth Hinely Megan, Joseph, Emma, Mary 9001 Randall Rd. 35802 3 Parents Night Out (fundraiser for summer Youth Conference) Friday, April 10 6 to 10 pm $10 per child / $30 per family Pizza and snacks provided Children up to 5th grade are welcome Your continued support is greatly appreciated RSVP: (256)882-6483 or [email protected] Daily Reflections Sunday: “I shall accept whatever they will do to me, provided they save the child.” St. Gianna Molla. In 1962, St. Gianna, a doctor, died giving birth to her 4th child. St. Gianna, pray for us that we may imitate your selfless love. Monday: She and her whole household wer e baptized (Acts 16:19). Baptism shows that we are always called to give a “yes” to life. Lord, I welcome each and every person you have chosen to create. Tuesday: And the Wor d was made flesh and dwelled among us (Jn 1:14). Lord Jesus, you lived for nine months within the body of the Virgin Mary. Give success to the effort of all who believe in your incarnation to protect every life in the womb. Wednesday: Even if my father and my mother abandon me, the Lord will gather me up (Ps 27:10). Blessed Margaret of Castello (13th century) is the patron of the unwanted. When her parents saw she was badly deformed they refused to give her a name and abandoned her. Blessed Margaret, pray that we may speak up for the unwanted. Church Finance Report July thru Feb 2015 Weekly Collections $1,046,663 Program Revenue, Reimbursements & Int. 38,433 Income $1,085,096 Development Fund Donations Expenses $122,807 $1,178,175 One Voice Collection - YTD One Voice Expenses - YTD Thursday: I put to death and I br ing to life (Deut 32:39). There is no obligation to take every single treatment to prolong life, water and nourishment must always be given. Grant your peace, O Lord, to all who will die today. $4,160 $18,514 Perpetual Adoration Chapel The following hours are open: Monday: 12 noon Friday: I have come to call not the r ighteous, but sinners (Mk 2:17). Some abortion supporters seek “common ground” with Pro-Lifers. There can be no compromise about abortion, but there should always be room for discussion. Lord, teach us the wisdom of dialogue that does not compromise, and of respect that does not equate evil with good. For more information, to schedule an hour, or to obtain the keypad code for late night/early morning entry, contact one of the following Chapel Commitee members: Bob Dineen, 256-880-0221, Pete Robert, 256-882-0033, Malen Colberg, (Spanish) 256-650-5194 or Maritza Holland (Spanish) 808-551-2901. Saturday: Shout it aloud. Raise your voice like a trumpet. In order to give voice to the voiceless and to reach the number of people we need to reach, we must sometimes be in the spotlight. Lord, teach me that humility does not mean I am always hidden, but rather that I am always exactly where you need me to be. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults R C If you are interested in becoming Catholic I please contact the Office of Religious A Education and speak with Tracy Finke our Director 256-881-0345 or email [email protected] 4 Youth Activity Religious Education Lori Lai 256-882-6483 [email protected] Tracy Finke 881-0345 Confirmation Interviews: Confirmation Interviews will take place the week of April 13th through the 16th in the church offices. Please call Judy Rebman or Tracy Finke to schedule a 15 minute interview for your Confirmation Candidate. has been mailed. Please refer to the mailed schedule. Website: http://holyspirithsv.com/?page_id=2578 Middle School (6-8th grade): Sundays 4-5:30 PM Our Next Confirmation Session is Scheduled for April 22 Our next Confirmation Session is scheduled for Wednesday, April 22nd from 6:00 to 8:30 pm in the school auditorium. Please enter the doors under the veranda in the back parking lot of the school to the left of the gym. Parents, please have your Candidate arrive by 5:50 pm in order to get a drink and a snack and be ready to begin at 6pm. High School (9-12th grade): following the 11:45 am Mass from 1 pm to 3pm. Wednesday thru Friday, 3-6:00 PM Youth Room Open to 9th thru 12 graders. Come study or just hang out! Confirmation will take place on Fr iday, Apr il 24th at 7pm. Candidates and Sponsors need to arrive to the Parish Hall by 6pm. Confirmation Practice: Practice for Confirmation will take place Thursday, April 23rd at 5:30 pm. Candidates and Sponsors should arrive at the Parish Hall by 5:30 pm ready for practice. Please do not be late. Allow 2 hours for practice. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered after practice as all Candidates need to be in a State of Grace for Confirmation. If a sponsor can’t make it for practice, a parent should take the sponsor’s place. High School: April 25 - Group Swing Dance Night July 10-12 - Stuebenville Atlanta (Final Payment is due!!) Volunteer/Service Opportunities: March 31 thru April 4 Easter Surprise Preparations April 5 - Easter Surprise Volunteers needed April 10 - Parents Night Out Volunteers needed First Communion Retreat: The First Communion Retreat will take place on Friday, April 17th from 6:00 to 8:30 pm in the Parish Life Center. Please sign your child in leaving a phone number where you can be reached and help him or her pin on a nametag. Please turn in your child’s form entitled “I Know My Prayers” the night of the retreat verifying that your child does indeed know the required prayers for First Communion. First Communion Picture orders can be turned in the night of the retreat as well. Youth Mass Dates thru May 2015: Sunday 11:45 AM Masses: April 19 Teen Peer Leadership Group Meeting Monday, March 30th at 6pm All High School Youth interested in teen peer leadership are welcome to attend. Dinner provided. First Communion: First Communion will take place on Sunday, May 3rd at 4:30 pm. All children need to arrive to the Parish Hall by 4:00 pm. Individual pictures will be taken in the church by the Tabernacle starting at 3:00 pm. 5 Check out the Lighthouse Catholic Media in the back of church. We have great CD’s, Books and Booklets to offer you at a very lost cost. The CD’s are approximately one hour in length. I challenge you to listen to one CD. You will be love it and come running back for more! They are of excellent quality and you will learn a lot! Read the description of some of our CD’s below. Fr. Barron illuminates with conviction that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah and revelation of God become man. He shows how Jesus fulfills the four tasks of the Messiah according to the Old and New Testaments and how the living legacy of Christ is proclaimed by the Church. Have you ever felt disillusioned about your faith and filled with doubt? Matthew Kelly will take you on the adventure of a lifetime designed to help revitalize your spiritual life. Bold, practical, and inspiring, he will help you rediscover the true meaning of life as expressed in the seven pillars of authentic Catholic spirituality. This CD is sure to stir your soul and invigorate your spiritual life. In this vastly popular talk, Fr. Gaitley describes the "second greatest story ever told" - a story that encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of Blessed Pope John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian Consecration can play in your life. Fr. Michael Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. Dr. Scott Hahn explains through his legendary testimony how he was militantly anti-Catholic but self-driven to seek the truth. This ultimately led him into the Catholic Church. He soon became an ardent defender of the Faith and one of its most passionate promoters. 6 For those who aren't Catholic, it may not be apparent why one should embrace the Catholic Faith. In this inspiring presentation, bestselling author Patrick Madrid gives compelling biblical and historical reasons for why he embraces the faith as a lifelong Catholic. He shares valuable insights into the beauty of the Catholic Church and its claim to contain the fullness of the deposit of faith given by Christ. Jeff Cavins explores and responds to some of the reasons why so many people have left the Catholic Church for evangelical Christianity. As he presents the story of his return to Catholicism, Cavins also builds a case for why the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ. Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion to Catholicism and explains why he is convinced it is the Church founded by Christ over 2000 years ago. Inspiring speaker Fr. Larry Richards presents exciting and powerful insights into the history, spirituality, and biblical foundations of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. He opens the door for us to enter more profoundly into this most perfect prayer and unite our offering with that of the priest. This will change the way you experience this most sacred of all mysteries, the source and summit of our lives. Dr. Scott Hahn presents the historical and biblical origins of the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation). He provides an important guide for new Catholics, a source of renewal for "old hands", and a challenge to all of us to deepen our relationship with Christ through regular use of the Sacrament of Penance. We have much, much more to offer you! Fall in love with your Catholic Faith with Lighthouse Catholic Books, Booklets and CD’s! 7 All Eucharistic Ministers and Homebound Ministers of Communion are expected to attend Mass on Holy Thursday during which they will be re-commissioned for another year of service in the Lord. “Come Back to Me with All Your Heart” LENTEN SCHEDULE WEDNESDAYS OF LENT “Sacrificial Meal” @ 5:30 PM in the Parish Life Center Soup & Bread Provided. Please Bring a salad to share!!! Family Mass @ 7:00 PM MASS 7:00 PM, APRIL 2 FRIDAYS OF LENT Stations of the Cross School Children K-4 at 2:00 PM School Children 5-8 at 2:30 PM Stations of the Cross & Benediction 7:00 PM Mass 5:00 PM Saturday night Vigil Mass 7:00 AM Mass 9:00 AM Mass 11:45 AM HOLY WEEK Holy Thursday (no morning Mass) The Lord’s Supper Mass 7:00 PM Good Friday (no morning Mass) Stations of the Cross 3:00 PM Good Friday Service 7:00 PM Holy Saturday Reconciliation-10 AM-12 noon Easter Vigil Mass 8:00 PM (no 5:00 Vigil Mass) PENANCE SERVICES Our Lady, Queen of the Universe Church Thursday, March 26 6:30 PM St. John’s Church - Madison Monday, March 30 5:00-8:00 PM Holy Spirit Penance Service Tuesday, March 31 7:00 PM EASTER Sunrise Mass 6:30 AM (Church) Mass 9:00 AM Mass 11:45 AM Children’s Easter SURPRISE at 10:30 No Nursery SEDER MEAL 5:30 PM - Wednesday, April 1 Mass 7:00 PM (seating is limited to 275) Meat, chicken and dessert provided. Please bring the following to serve at least 8: A-F rice/pasta/potatoes G-Q salad R-Z vegetable Volunteers Needed! Please call Jackie Wilcox at 858-9952 For Reservations Please call 881-4781 ext. “0” Reservation deadline: Friday, March 27 Nursery Provided!!! MARCH W T S M T 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 S M T APRIL W T 1 5 EASTER 8 F F 2 Holy Thursday Good Friday S S 4 Saint John Paul II Catholic High School 256-430-1760 www.jp2falcons.org Contact Mrs. Kathleen Tetzlaff, Admissions Dir., to schedule a tour. www.jp2falcons.org/admissions Troop AL7361 AHG Mission “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country” Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School 256-881-4852 American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character development scouting program for girls ages 5 - 18. Our troop, AL7361, meets on Sunday afternoons twice a month. A National BLUE RIBBON School Winner 2013! For more information: [email protected] | http://www.ahg-al7361.org http://www.ahgonline.org “The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.” Interested in working with children? Giving back to the school? We are seeking Substitute Teachers! Please call Sondra at 256-881-4852. Cub Scout Pack 361 Cub Scouting is for boys in the 1st – 5th grades, or 7 to 10 years of age. Meets every 1st Tuesday evening at 6:30pm Holy Spirit School Auditorium http://hspack361.com/ POC Mar y Zur insky, Cubmaster (256)-698-5141 [email protected] Stephen Ministry Where will I find someone to call when I feel like my back is against the wall? Where will I find someone to share the brokenness my soul does bear? Where will I find someone who will understand, who will listen and maybe hold my hand? Where will I find someone to help me pray that I'll get through another day? Where will I find someone who will help me see, I'm not alone, it's not just me? someone I could even call a friend? Where will I find a Christian brother or sister, that would be my Stephen Minister? To request a Stephen Minister, please call Lee or Kathy Heckman @ 489-7389 or Carolyn Brunty @ 256-683-7015. You will be paired with a Stephen Minister of the same gender who will meet with you to provide a listening ear and to offer prayer support during this difficult time of your life. All information will be kept confidential. Please call today with any questions or concerns. Fr. Michael Adams & Fr. Jim Hedderman Birthday: March 16 Fr. Doug Vu Bir thday: Mar ch 19 9 Holy Family Regional School, 4k-8th grade A dynamic, Christ-centered leader is needed to serve as principal at Holy Family Regional School in Huntsville, AL. The ideal candidate will be skilled in curriculum/instruction, sound leadership, management, and finance. A Master's degree in Education (or related field, Alabama Administrator Certification, teaching experience, administrative experience, and demonstrated leadership ability are preferred. The new principal is expected to bring energy and enthusiasm to growing enrollment and create a welcoming atmosphere for our current and prospective families. Candidate must be a practicing Roman Catholic. Fluency in Spanish is a plus. Interested and qualified candidates should submit (1) letter of introduction, addressing the requirements/skills listed above; (2) resume; (3) names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of four professional references; and (4) statement addressing Catholic Educational Leadership Philosophy to: The Rev. Joseph P. Lubrano, S.D.S Canonical Pastor of Holy Family Regional School Attn: Principal Search Committee 2300 Beasley Avenue Huntsville, AL 35816 [email protected] COMMUNITY NEWS Mar. 28 (Sat.) The Father Jeremiah F. Trecy Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians is hosting a St. Patrick’s Social for Potential Members and their Families in North Alabama parishes at 6PM at the Maggie McGuinness Pub and includes live Irish music by Bourbon & Shamrocks and a variety of Irish food and drinks. The Hibernians are the most prominent Irish Catholic charitable and fraternal organization in the country with membership throughout the U.S. The Hibernians motto and primary mission is to promote "Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity." Membership is available to males age 16 and over, who are Roman Catholic and Irish by descent or birth. We hold monthly meetings. Please contact Michael Bollinger to RSVP and for address at [email protected] or (256) 5292173. For more information: http:// www.huntsvilleaoh.com. April 18 (Sat.) Magnificat Prayer Luncheon At Prince of Peace Deasy Hall, 4600 Preserve Pkwy, Hoover, from 11:30-2:30. Tickets are $10 and are available by calling #205-680-6007. Ticket sales end on Wednesday, April 15. NO tickets sold at door. Catholic Cruise to Alaska Come and sail away on a 7-night Catholic Alaska Cruise with Fr. John Soltis, September 12-19th on Holland America Westerdam out of Seattle, WA. Ports of Call: Juneau; Glacier Bay; Sitka; Ketchikan; Victoria, British Columbia; Seattle, WA. Prices begin at $2316 for two passengers which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350/person will reserve your cabin. For further info or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860 -399-1785 [email protected] Catholic Family Services is Available to You! Catholic Family Services provides Individual, Family, and Marriage Counseling, as well as, Adoption Services and Infant Foster Care in a Christian setting. All ages and religions served. No insurance filing and fees are sliding-scale. Pregnancy Counseling and Post Abortion Counseling are always free. Offices are located at: 1010 Church Street, Huntsville, AL 35801. For more information call Michele Rivard, LCSW, PIP Regional Director, at (256) 536-0073. Did you find the needle? March 15 - pg. 3, in the graphic on the bottom of the page, beneath the 2nd snowman Somewhere in this Bulletin a needle is hiding. See if you can find it! 10 Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time. from Da Vinci to Fra Angelico to Jan van Eyck and others, all trying to capture what it means to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit: the meeting of God and the ordinary human person. The paintings show a range of emotions in Mary, what any of us would feel when God asks something of us: fear, uncertainty, humble acceptance. With or without angels, God is daily entrusting the mission of Christ to your hands. How do you usually respond? What about today? TODAY’S READINGS: Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10; Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38 (545). “How can this be?” THURSDAY, M ARCH 26 LENTEN WEEKDAY What’s beyond the rainbow? The books of the Old Testament present a number of covenants between God and the patriarchs—Abraham, Moses, and David all have their moment. But perhaps most interesting is the first covenant God makes, in the story of the flood, because that one is with every living creature, a covenant, says God, “between me and the earth.” The rainbow covenant promised protection against destruction by flood. Have we made a similar covenant with the earth, promising not to destroy through polluting, deforesting, and overdeveloping? We survived the flood thanks to God’s covenant. The next covenant depends on us. TODAY’S READINGS: Genesis 17:3-9; John 8:51-59 (254). “Whoever keeps my word will never see death.” FRIDAY, M ARCH 27 LENTEN WEEKDAY; DAY OF ABSTINENCE It’s not too late So maybe this has been the richest, most faithful, most spiritually rewarding Lent of your life. Or maybe your early resolutions to pray more, eat less, be kind all fell apart like a house of cards the day after Ash Wednesday. Be not afraid: There’s still time to get your spiritual act together and make this a Lent to remember. Spiritual renewal is not about attaining perfection, but about putting yourself in the hands of grace. Confession is a place to begin. Ask for what you need in prayer. Trust in God, not yourself. God is a much better bet! TODAY’S READINGS: Jeremiah 20:10-13; John 10:31-42 (255). “The Lord is with me, like a mighty champion.” SATURDAY, M ARCH 28 LENTEN WEEKDAY “They’re into the final turn” Take a deep breath—with Palm Sunday on the way and Holy Week ahead, you’re in the home stretch to Easter. Maybe your life this Lent resembled a road race, complete with bumps and dents and a few hairpin turns. That’s all behind you now. Take a deep breath today, let it all go, and look toward the horizon of hope. That is what Easter is all about. It pulls us forward toward what we think is the finish line, only to discover when the checkered flag comes down that we were winners all along! TODAY’S READINGS: Ezekiel 37:21-28; John 11:4556 (256). “Now the Passover of the Jews was near.” ©2015 by TrueQuest Communications. SUNDAY, M ARCH 22, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT; THIRD SCRUTINY OF THE ELECT The voice of the Lord is our escape Each time we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we ask God to “Deliver us from evil.” Although we don’t think about it, this is technically an exorcism: an invocation against the spirit of evil in the world. The three Scrutinies of the Elect are not simply opportunities for a long, searching examination of the heart in preparation for Easter. The Scrutinies are also meant to strengthen those who are new in faith against the lure of sin, described as “a horror” and “a shackle.” Like Lazarus, we all need to “come out!” of that darkness and into saving grace. TODAY’S READINGS: Year A: Ezekiel 37:12-14; Romans 8:8-11; John 11:1-45 (34). “So Jesus said to them, ‘Untie him and let him go.’ ” MONDAY, M ARCH 23 FEAST OF TURIBIUS OF MOGROVEJO, BISHOP Let’s get a move on! “Turibius the Tireless” could be the nickname of today’s saint. As a Spanish missioner and later bishop in 16thcentury colonial Peru, he traversed a 176,000-squaremile diocese—three times—to attend to those in his charge. His favorite saying is one we do well to keep in mind: “Time is not our own, and we must give a strict account of it.” Keep a simple time log for a week, and you’ll learn something about your priorities. You might be surprised by how much time is frittered away. Not that downtime is all bad, mind you—relaxing and recreating are also part of God’s plan. But keep in mind that time is a nonrenewable resource. How will you spend your precious allotment? TODAY’S READINGS: Deuteronomy 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; John 8:1-11 (251). “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” TUESDAY, M ARCH 24 LENTEN WEEKDAY Spoken for “Each one of you has to be God’s microphone. Each one of you has to be a messenger, a prophet.” These fateful words of Archbishop Oscar Romero, martyred this day in 1980, speak of what it means to be a person of faith. Faith must be lived out. Romero advocated for the rights and dignity of those who were materially poor. He preached the gospel by how he lived. His life broadcast the Good News, calling others to lives of holiness and humility. Your life can speak volumes, too; it’s simply a matter of letting God make of you a microphone. TODAY’S READINGS: Numbers 21:4-9; John 8:2130 (252). “The one who sent me is with me.” WEDNESDAY, M ARCH 25 SOLEMNITY OF THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD That’s the spirit “Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” Those familiar and beloved words are the core of today’s celebration. The Annunciation is a favorite subject of artists 11 MARRIAGE Arrangements for weddings must be made six months in advance with our priests. A Marriage Preparation Class is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you are ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick and/or the Eucharist please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Contact parish office prior to hospitalization, surgery or during illness. Baptism Preparation Class For parents and godparents, April 8 —7:00 PM in the Multi Purpose Room of the Parish Life Center. Please call the parish office to make a reservation so we can plan for you! 256-881-4781 “0” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #764 Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Brian Lagasse Tim Karigan 650-5515 883-4325 Parish Ministries & Contact Persons ADMINISTRATIVE Adopt-A-Plot Communications Data Entry Money Counters Pastoral Council Print Shop & Mailing Wedding Coordinator Ava Joly Michael Rafferty Joe Hodges Pat Carrigan Jon Hollihan Hugo Jenrath 883-0016 539-2165 880-0211 882-1911 882-2666 881-4781 Beginning Experience Voice Mail 837-8375 Catholic Family Services 1010 Church Street 536-0073 Catholic Women of the Diocese of Birmingham Carol Chapuran 882-0655 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Christina Spradlin 698-8679 Cursillo in Christianity Bob McCoy 532-1991 Interfaith Mission Service Ken Knowles 533-5913 KAIROS Prison Ministry Deacon Sam Dias 715-1190 Knights of Columbus #764 http:/www.kofc764.com Ladies’ Auxiliary #764 Cindy Adams 682-7508 Meals on Wheels Jonathan Duerr 489-9469 Our Lady’s Prayer Group Debbie Cvitan 881-3874 Pro-Life Gisela Dyer 885-1786 Adult Education & Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—RCIA Tracy Finke 881-0345 Faith Formation - Ages 3 thru grade 12 Tracy Finke 881-0345 Focus Kyle Becher ext. 220 881-4781 Vacation Bible School Tracy Finke 881-0345 Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Maria Jose Bonilla 881-4781 ext. 225 Secretary Martha Barragan 881-2211 SOCIAL JUSTICE Haiti Parish Twinning Program Bob McCoy Habitat for Humanity Marianne Higgins MUSIC Anne Vasile ext. 219 881-4781 Dr. Rebecca Whited 1-256-620-7925 [email protected] Joni Boulet 519-2993 Anne Vasile ext. 219 881-4781 Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Linens Sacristans 468-2754 828-2548 881-0345 882-0888 883-0835 882-3414 880-9765 YOUTH Boy Scouts Cub Scouts American Heritage Girls Youth Ministry HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Fr. Michael Mac Mahon Fr. Vincent Bresowar Anne Vasile Tracy Finke Religious Ed (School) 216 217 219 223 249 532-1991 653-1843 Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Michael Sudnik 604-3374 [email protected] Society of St.Vincent DePaul Jason Poyer 881-1526 Stephen Ministry Lee or Kathy Heckman 489-7389 Carolyn Brunty 683-7015 LITURGY Heather Dixson Michelle Vandergrift Tracy Finke Lynne Greco Vicki Pape Connie Beveridge Pat Osborn 881-4781 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HISPANIC OFFICE Altar Guild ext. 0 Bookstore Jeanne King 881-1385 Holy Spirit Travel Club Sandy Wells ext. 3661 880-9140 Hospitality Committee Debra Kibler 714-3468 Nursery Beth Jerman 270-4645 Parish Life Center Library Dexter Nilsson 881-6366 Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist Bob Dineen 880-0221 Pete Robert 882-0033 Malen Colberg (Spanish) 650-5194 Maritza Holland(Spanish) 808-551-2901 Jason Poyer 881-1526 Widowed Group Hugo Jenrath 682-1694 Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Ann Digesu 881-0863 Pat Scroggins 881-9228 COMMUNITY Adult Choirs St. Cecilia Choir and St. Gregory Youth Choir St. Nicholas Choir Youth Mass Ensemble Mary Walker PARISH LIFE Deacon Mike Sudnik Kyle Becher Judy Rebman Hugo Jenrath Disaster Relief 12 212 220 224 211 232 Pat Tobbe Mary Zurinsky Anella Brolliar Lori Lai 883-9045 698-5141 [email protected] 882-6483 881-4781 + extension Nursery Bookstore Martha Barragan Maria Jose Bonilla Julie Kellogg 235 215 251 225 234
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